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    • ATM

      • Finding Damaged Boxes for ATM Replenishment

        Referring to the telegram of the Undersecretary of the Emirate of Riyadh Province No. 113337 dated 08/10/1437 H, which includes the reports of the security patrols regarding the sighting of special boxes feeding ATMs in front of the ATMs of some banks. And that after removing the boxes, it was found that they were damaged and deliberately thrown away by the feeding team, which causes an increase in security measures and costs time and effort for the security authorities to search and find out the reasons that led to this.

         Accordingly, please adhere to the procedures issued in SAMA Circular No. 361000064350 dated 03/05/1436 H regarding the importance of banks taking all precautionary measures while feeding ATMs, including the obligation to fill feeding boxes and keep them under double supervision within cash centers, with an emphasis on following up the performance of companies contracting to transfer funds and feed ATMs, by doubling supervision and control.

        • Targeted Operating Ratios for Bank ATMs

          Referring to SAMA Circular No. 341000110148 dated 10/9/1434H regarding the issuance of the Service Level Agreement for Automated Teller Machines (ATM SLA), the contents of which were implemented as of the beginning of 2014. SAMA commends the role played by banks during the previous period, which included strategic and operational changes that contributed to raising the level of service and overcoming challenges to achieve the operational ratios targeted in the agreement.

          We would also like to inform you that SAMA has studied the current market situation - and the changes and data that have occurred on it - and redetermined the target operating ratios, as it was decided that the operating ratio for the period from the fourth quarter of 2014 until the end of the first half of 2016 will be as follows:






          Fourth Quarter

          First Quarter

          Second Quarter

          Third Quarter

          Fourth Quarter

          First Quarter

          Second Quarter

          Target Ratio 






          Accordingly, SAMA will update the document according to the ratios set above and recalculate the operating ratios for banks and the banking sector and implement them, starting from the fourth quarter of 2014.

          • High ATM Footfall During Seasons and Fast Cash Depletion

            You know the great demand in all regions and cities of the Kingdom to use ATMs during seasons and holidays, which may cause r cash to run out quickly or malfunction of some devices, and due to the need of citizens and pilgrims to shop and obtain cash from ATMs during the Hajj season and Eid days, which requires supporting and strengthening the bank's ATMs network and points of sale, especially in the holy sites in both Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al Madinah Al-Munawarah to achieve a high operating rate that keeps pace with the expected increase and avoid machine breakdown or running out of cash.

            Therefore, we hope to take the necessary measures to achieve the following:

            First: Supporting the bank's ATM network and technical equipment in terms of the capacity to handle transactions and the speed of processing, especially during peak times.
            Second:Providing qualified and necessary human support to ensure the proper functioning of systems around the clock and providing the operating team at SAMA with their names, working hours and phone numbers.
            Third:Analysis of the results of operations by specialists in the bank in real time in order to detect any failure that may occur and address it immediately.
            Fourth: The need for sufficient cash in ATMs and the speed of feeding them with cash, especially during the Eid holiday period, to meet the needs of citizens and residents during the period of closing bank branches.


            • Extending the Time Frame for Maintaining Bank's ATMs Security Camera Recordings

              This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
              • Compliance with the Circulars Issued by SAMA

                Recently, it has been noted the recurrence of the problem of cash retracted, where this case occurs when cash is not withdrawn from the ATM after it has been withdrawn, and a circular was previously issued recommending not sending an automatic reversal of operations in this case and doing them manually after ensuring that the customer did not receive the cash or part of it, and stressing the importance of processing these operations manually to protect the rights of customers, and based on SAMA's keenness to continue the conduct of operations in the Saudi network in the best possible way and to preserve the rights of customers and banks alike, so we would like to note that all banks linked to the network must abide by all agreements and circulars issued by SAMA in previous periods and apply them to any updates in the banking systems in order to avoid any problems resulting from non-compliance with the application of these circulars when moving to the new system (SPAN2), so we hope that everyone will adhere to the above and in case of any inquiries you can contact the banking technology department.

                • Retention of CCTV Footage from ATMs

                  This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
                • Reducing the Rate of Declined Card Transactions

                         In reference to SAMA's circular No. BCB/813 dated 01/12/1420H regarding declined bank card transactions at ATMs and the continuous follow-up by SAMA of the performance of bank customers on the ATMs of other banks.

                          I inform you that after studying and analyzing the rejected transactions on banks' ATMs for the past years and with the aim of providing distinguished services to citizens that reflect the reality of the banking system in the Kingdom and its development, SAMA will reduce the acceptable rate of rejection as of 01/06/2012. SAMA hopes that banks will work to improve performance and reduce the rate of declined transactions of the bank's cards on their devices as well as on other banks' devices, in accordance with the instructions of SAMA in this regard.

                • ATM Feeding

                  This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
                • ATM Fraud

                  Recently, SAMA has noticed instances of ATM fraud in some neighboring countries. This involves downloading certain programs and files to instruct the cash dispensing unit of the machine to dispense cash from the feeding boxes, without affecting customer accounts.

                  SAMA urges all banks operating in the Kingdom to exercise caution regarding these operations and to implement necessary precautionary measures to monitor any unauthorized access or use of ATM machines. It is essential to activate all appropriate procedures for protecting the machines, ensure the functionality of security systems and surveillance cameras, mitigate the damages and risks associated with electronic hacking, and take necessary actions to communicate with equipment suppliers while training staff responsible for monitoring ATMs.

                  We hope that you will adhere to these guidelines and inform SAMA immediately if any similar incidents occur, God forbid, as well as to report on the measures to be applies to limit hacking operations on ATMs urgently within a week from its date.

                • Place Advertising Stickers on ATMs that Offer Early Repayment of Borrowers' Debts - 2014

                  Referring to SAMA’s Circular No. 27780/MAT/13135 dated 27/5/1431H, which refers to SAMA’s Circular No. 51224/MAT/995 dated 30/10/1430H regarding the phenomenon of individuals and offices placing promotional stickers on ATMs offering early settlement of borrowers’ debts with banks, assisting them in obtaining new loans, and advertising installment sales. Such practices constitute a violation of Article 2 of the Banking Control Law issued under Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/6/1386H. Banks are required to implement procedures to prevent the placement of promotional stickers on ATMs, raise awareness among customers regarding the violations and risks of this phenomenon, and instruct branch managers, staff, and relevant department employees not to cooperate with any individual or office in any way or assist anyone engaging in these practices. They must report any individual or entity involved in such activities to SAMA. It is emphasized that any violation or concealment by any official or employee will result in penalties in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law and the Anti-Money Laundering Law.

                  In light of the continued occurrence of this phenomenon, we stress the necessity for banks to implement measures to prevent the placement of promotional stickers on ATMs, raise awareness among employees about the violations and risks associated with this phenomenon, intensify awareness campaigns for customers about the dangers of dealing with individuals engaging in these activities, and emphasize that these practices violate the Banking Control Law and the Anti-Money Laundering Law. Violators will be penalized in accordance with the provisions of these laws.

                  Please act accordingly and provide feedback on the actions taken within two weeks from the date of this notice.

                • The Formation of a Committee to Study the Implementation of an Appropriate Mechanism That Would Limit the Theft of ATMs

                  Referring to the letter from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Interior No. 22380 dated 30/3/1433 H, which refers to His Royal Highness's letter No. 2290/2/5/1 dated 12/1/1432 H, regarding the approval to form a committee comprising Public Security, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, and the Central Bank to study the appropriate mechanism to limit the recurrence of ATM uprooting and theft and the preventive security measures that ensure the detection of any attempt before the theft occurs. The committee has reached a number of security measures to limit the recurrence of this phenomenon, and His Royal Highness has expressed a desire to implement the following recommendations:

                  Take into account the geographical characteristics of the ATM location to ensure easy access to the device without hindering rapid intervention in emergencies. Avoid areas prone to heavy fog or sandstorms. If the ATM is located in a fuel station, the station’s total area must be no less than 3,000 m² for stations within cities and 4,000 m² for stations outside cities, including all associated facilities.

                  Ensure the provision of a digital CCTV system for monitoring and recording at all ATMs with a minimum recording resolution of 4 frames per second. The recordings must be retained for a period of one year. The system should include (external camera to monitor activity in front of the ATM, covering the area around the user and their vehicle, internal camera to clearly capture the features of the ATM user, camera for the ATM feeding room to monitor activities within the area used for feeding the ATM). Each ATM must be equipped with an independent recording unit. Additionally, a cooling and ventilation system should be provided to ensure the efficiency and continuity of the recording process. There should be also a mechanism for remote monitoring of all external ATM recording systems, operating 24/7, with the capability to download recordings remotely.

                  Installing a satellite tracking chip inside the device's safe that enables it to locate the device if it is uprooted.

                  Provide a theft and fire detection and alarm system to detect tampering attempts, which includes a vibration and frequency detector and an infrared sensor connected to the theft detection and alarm system for back-fed devices.

                  Provide the following structural requirements:

                  a) Make a reinforced concrete base buried in the ground with a depth of at least (50) cm and dimensions that exceed the dimensions of the ATM by at least (25) cm on all sides to install the ATM.

                  b) The device is fixed to the concrete base by four nails with a thickness of (25) mm and a depth of at least (30) cm inside the concrete base, taking into account that the nail has a hooked end that is fixed to the rebar of the concrete base to make it difficult to remove it.

                  c) Construct two reinforced concrete columns adjacent to the ATM from the right and left with a thickness of at least five inches. These columns are laminated with steel on the outside and buried in the concrete base at a depth of not less than (30 cm) cm and fixed with base reinforcement, and a third steel belt is placed transversely above the outer surface of the ATM. This belt is made of steel skewers with a thickness of at least three inches, welded and anchored to the rebar of the concrete base at a depth of at least (30) centimeters.

                  d) For ATMs that are located in their own independent rooms (Lobby ATM), only the upper part that the customer needs (screen - card insertion slot - keyboard - cash output slot) should be visible, and it is sufficient to install the device with four nails with a thickness of (16) mm and a depth of not less than (10) cm, and that room is independent and sealed with a tight door that opens with secret numbers, and the door should not be from the back or side of the building, but rather next to the ATM, and the ATM is fed from the back inside the independent room, which must be sealed with a secure door that opens with secret numbers. The door is not from the back or side of the building, but rather next to the ATM, and the ATM is fed from the back from inside the independent room, all sides of which must be made of cement bricks and no gypsum board or wood is used, and all security precautions are available, including surveillance cameras, a burglar alarm, a backup generator, and concealment of all electrical wiring. These rooms become an alternative to the rooms in which the ATM is fully visible, with the exception of ATMs in the central area of the Two Holy Mosques and airport lounges.

                  e) For ATMs located in closed shopping malls, it is sufficient to place them in a safe place under the eyes of the security guards of the complex and fix them with four nails with a thickness of (16) mm and a depth of at least (10) centimeters.

                  f) Hide all connections and cables inside metal conduits.

                  g) Providing all ATMs with sufficient lighting around the clock.

                  h) Linking ATMs to banks' operations rooms to receive any alarms that may arise.

                  i) When feeding and maintaining ATMs, the following should be followed:

                  • Feeding and maintenance shall be during official working hours and on holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Feeding and maintenance shall not be at fixed and known times.
                  • The bank's security guards must be present at the time of feeding or maintenance.
                  • Notify the Ministry of Interior's security operations room.

                  For your information and take the necessary measures to comply with the above and inform us.


                • Post Advertisements on ATMs for Services Offered by Individuals and Offices for Early Repayment of Borrowers' Debts - 2010

                  This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
                • Post Advertisements on ATMs for Services Offered by Individuals and Offices for Early Repayment of Borrowers' Debts - 2009


                  Recently, there has been an observed increase in the practice of attaching promotional brochures to ATMs by individuals and offices. These brochures advertise services such as early repayment of borrowers' debts, assistance in obtaining new loans, and installment plans for goods and prepaid communication cards with varying interest rates. 

                  These practices are in violation of Article 2 of the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/6/1386H, which states: "No person, natural or juristic, unlicensed in accordance with the provisions of this Law, shall carry on basically any of the banking business." The Implementation Rules for Banking Control Law further clarify these activities and specify penalties for violations under paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the same law, which states: "Imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years and to a fine not exceeding SAR 5,000 for every day the offense continues or to either of these penalties for any person who contravenes the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 2 ."

                  Since the Banking Control Law provides the regulatory framework under which banks operate and are subject to supervision and oversight, the activities conducted by individuals and office owners are in violation of this law. These activities have negative implications for national security and the economy, directly affecting public interest, conflicting with the operations of banks, and impacting their interests. Additionally, their practices may involve money laundering activities, especially since they are unlicensed and not subject to any supervision, oversight, or regulation. Their actions may also lead to breaches of banking confidentiality.

                  Therefore, we request the implementation of the following measures:

                  1. Implement measures to ensure that promotional stickers are not placed on ATMs.
                  2. Educate customers about the illegality and risks associated with this practice.
                  3. Direct branch managers, staff, and employees in relevant departments to refrain from cooperating with individuals or office owners in any way or assisting anyone in carrying out these activities. They must report any individuals or entities engaging in such practices to the Central Bank. Additionally, emphasize that any violation, assistance, or concealment by any official or employee will result in penalties in accordance with the Banking Control Law and the Anti-Money Laundering Law.

                  We request a report on the actions taken within two weeks from the date of this circular.


                • Follow Up on ATM Maintenance Specifically During Holidays and Paydays

                  This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
                • Provision of Standard Banking Services Through Tellers

                  Due to the increasing number of complaints received by SAMA from customers with banks represented in the refusal to provide banking services available at ATMs through the tellers' windows, including the non-acceptance of the implementation of withdrawals and cash deposits in small amounts or the payment of utility bills. 

                  SAMA would like to reiterate to all banks the need to fully comply with the instructions of SAMA issued regarding the acceptance of the implementation of cash withdrawals and deposits, regardless of their amounts, and the acceptance of payment of public utility bills through the teller windows in all branches of the bank, while continuing the bank's policy towards encouraging and educating customers on the use of banking technologies, including ATMs, to carry out the banking operations referred to above, noting the importance of banks following up on the performance of the work of ATMs and their maintenance. Continuously.

                  SAMA will ensure the compliance of the branches with these instructions and apply the fines stipulated in the Banking Control Law against the violating branches.

                • Requests to Reserve Television Filming of ATMs

                  This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
                • Distribution of Cash Denominations at Local Bank ATMs


                  In the Central Bank's effort to enhance the efficiency of cash usage, meet the local market’s needs for different denominations of banknotes, and ensure a balanced distribution of these denominations to facilitate commercial transactions based on ATM locations, withdrawal rates, and feeding periods, and based on the significant role played by local banks in providing cash through ATMs. And since the Central Bank has observed a rising demand for the 50 Riyal denomination based on direct withdrawals from its branches, indicating public need. Consequently, it is crucial for banks to ensure the availability of various denominations according to the preferences of citizens and residents.

                  Therefore, the Central Bank urges banks to study ATM withdrawal patterns and adjust denominations to align with those patterns, especially by adding the 50 Riyal denomination in ATMs with lower withdrawal rates. Banks are also requested to provide these denominations to customers at their branches and to cooperate in this regard within their available resources. Distribution models (1, 2) attached may serve as guidance. Additionally, banks are requested to inform the Treasury and Issuance Department at the Central Bank of any changes made, as deemed necessary to meet beneficiaries' needs. This will allow us to collectively monitor how effectively we respond to the preferences of ATM service users.

                • Distribution of Banknotes in Local Bank ATMs

                  In line with the role played by local banks in providing cash through ATMs, and in SAMA's commitment to enhancing the efficiency of cash utilization and meeting the local market's demand for various denominations of banknotes, as well as ensuring a balanced distribution of these denominations to facilitate commercial transactions based on the locations of ATMs, their actual withdrawal rates, and their replenishment schedules, SAMA has conducted a study to redistribute banknote denominations for ATM withdrawals in a manner that meets the needs of both beneficiaries and banks.

                  The study concluded that the distribution of banknote denominations should be as follows:

                  First: Banknote denominations for withdrawal transactions should be distributed according to the attached distribution table (Type A) for no less than 10% of the bank's total ATMs. This is intended to cover ATMs with withdrawal rates of less than SAR 2,500 per transaction on a monthly basis.

                  Second: According to the (Type A) distribution, withdrawals should be in multiples of SAR 50, with a maximum withdrawal limit of SAR 2,500 per transaction, as indicated by the ATM's operational metrics.

                  Third: Cash denominations should be distributed according to distribution table (Type B) in the rest of the ATMs according to the bank's assessment, provided that withdrawals should be in multiples of 100 riyals and that the maximum limit for each withdrawal should not exceed 5,000 riyals according to the ATM's operational metrics.
                  Fourth: Banks issuing Saudi Network cards should consider amending the ATM rules to comply with the distribution of (Type A) categories while granting authorization to the host bank for the disbursement process.
                  Fifth: Banks shall take into account, in the manner they deem appropriate, the selection of what distinguishes (Type A) devices from (Type B) devices.

                  Therefore, SAMA hopes that all banks, before adopting the above proposal, will provide us with their views by having a representative of the bank attend the meeting of SAMA's Treasury and Issuance Department, which will be held on Sunday 27/06/1424H corresponding to 24/08/2003G at SAMA's head office building.


                  Type A





                  Number of Notes Per Transaction
































































































































































































































































                  Max Number of Notes


                  Average Number of Notes




                  Type B





                  Number of Notes Per



































































































































































































































































                  Max Number of Notes


                  Average Number of Notes










                  Number of Notes Per Transaction






























































































































































































































































                  Max Number of Notes


                  Average Number of Notes



                • Debit Cards, Phone and Online Banking Fraud Prevention

                  Referring to previous Central Bank directives, the latest of which is Circular No. (19109/BCT/166 dated 21/10/1422H), regarding The Need to Limit Fraud and Manipulation with ATM Cards, Phone Banking, and Online Banking Services, and to ensure banks fulfill their responsibilities in providing these services. Banks are required to educate their customers about the associated risks and have robust monitoring systems and policies to prevent such incidents.

                  Given the Central Bank's observation of an increasing use of these services by bank customers, the following instructions are issued to banks providing such services and similar ones:

                  First: A specific annual budget should be allocated for a comprehensive and continuous program aimed at raising awareness among the bank’s customers (especially senior citizens). This program should include information related to the following:

                  1. Emphasize the importance of protecting the card and PIN, avoiding writing it on the card or keeping it in the wallet, and stressing the customer's responsibility in this regard.
                  2. Enable the customer to choose their own PIN and raise their awareness to avoid selecting easy numbers or numbers related to birth dates, phone numbers, or national ID cards.
                  3. Provide clear steps for the customer to follow in case of card loss, theft, or damage.

                  These details can be communicated to the customer through various methods chosen by the bank, including:

                  • General instructions on how to use the card and the importance of safeguarding it and the PIN, sent with the card to new customers.
                  • Displaying brief messages and tips to customers when using ATMs.
                  • Distributing brochures and leaflets to customers or through various media channels.
                  • Through monthly account statements or direct communication, whether by phone or through branch employees.

                  Second: Regularly review and update monitoring systems and procedures as needed. These procedures must include advising bank customers to choose a different PIN for telephone banking services than the one used for ATMs, point-of-sale devices, and internet banking. Customers should also be reminded not to disclose their PIN.

                  Third: Implement the necessary technical measures to ensure that the full account number (or ATM card number) does not appear on ATM receipts provided to customers when conducting transactions.

                  Fourth: In general, the bank’s management is responsible for reviewing fraud cases, whether they result in financial losses or other non-financial damages, and reporting them to the Central Bank. These cases may indicate larger-scale fraudulent activities.

                  It is worth noting that the Central Bank issues such directives to protect the bank and its customers. The bank must make every effort to resolve all disputes with its customers without delay. Failure to comply with any of the Central Bank’s instructions or similar directives will result in the bank being held accountable.

                  We request the implementation of all these measures and adherence to them. Please confirm receipt of this circular.

                • Providing the Agency with the Required Statistics of Financial Transactions Conducted Via Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

                  As you well know, since the operation of SPAN on 20-5-1990, SPAN has been witnessing steady development, in terms of daily operations, ATM expansion and card holders, which clearly indicates the success and importance of these services.

                  In our desire to see all the banks respond adequately to this expansion, we hope you provide us continuously at the end of each month with the necessary statistics in accordance with our circular No. BC/223 dated 16-5-1409 (26-12-1988), showing a general picture of the financial operations executed by ATMs.

                  We also hope that you make sure the bank ATM network is compatible with SPAN specifications for the purpose of expanding the client services and realize the benefit of all parties concerned.

                • Reaffirming to Banks that All their ATMs Must Be Fully Stocked with Cash at All Times, Including on Thursdays and Fridays

                  As you well know, the banks have established ATM to serve the clients and avail them with the opportunity of withdrawing from their accounts at any time and place. This was supported by the creation of SPAN jointly by SAMA and the banks, which enabled all clients to use any ATM belonging to a bank member of SPAN anywhere in the Kingdom. This is certainly a good step in serving the clients which fulfills their need for cash at any time and place, specially when the banks are closed. It also plays an effective role in reducing the rush on banks.

                  In view of the importance of keeping the clients assured that cash is always available at ATMs, and since it was noticed by SAMA that this is not always the case, and to avoid unpleasant consequences, we call on all banks to double their efforts to keep the machines adequately supplied with cash at all times, including Thursdays and Fridays, and always operative. The present situation may require the banks to continuously check on these machines and feed them with cash.

                  Please be informed and act accordingly.

                • ATMs

                  Reference the authorization by SAMA of some banks to use in branch and off-site ATMs, we hope you observe the following:

                  1. ATMs should be operative for 24 hours daily.
                  2. Daily withdrawal should not exceed SR 5,000 in cash and 10,000 in traveler checks or the equivalent of SR 10,000 in foreign currencies at ATMs in sea and airports.
                  3. Daily withdrawal in cash and traveler checks should not exceed SR 10,000 per person in 24 hours
                  4. Only checks, not cash, can be deposited at ATMs by the card holder.
                  5. Total cash withdrawal, in the event of multiple credit cards, should not exceed SR 5,000 from one single account.
                  6. ATMs should not be used to transfer funds from one account to the other unless both are for one person.
                  7. The installation of off-site ATMs requires the prior approval of Saudi Central Bank.
                  8. Banks must provide Banking Control with monthly statistics as per attached form.



                  Bank Name : _______________________________________________________________________________________________

                  Department Concerned ___________________________________________________________________________________

                  ATM Yearly Statistics

                  Report date : _______________________________________________________________________________________________

                  I. A C C O U N T S

                  I.1 ANNUAL FORECAST :

                  (To be submitted annually for the next five (5) years)







                  TOTAL ACCOUNTS


                  TOATAL ATM



                  TOTAL ATMs


                  TOTAL TRANSACTIONS


                  Bank Name :  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                  Department Concerned     ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                  ATM Monthly Statistics

                  for the (Gregorian) month of     _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                  Report date :      _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                  I.2 CUSTOMERS STATISTICS

                  TOTAL ACCOUNTS

                  TOTAL ATM



                  TOTAL ACTIVE


                  PERCENT OF

                  TOTAL CARDS







                  II. A T M ' s


                  ITEM NO.


                  ATM IDENTIFIER


                  TYPE (*)

                  ATM MODEL



                  INST'N DATE

                  TRANS PER MONTH

                  Note: * ATM TYPEs are  
                  1. In branch, thru the wall
                  2. In branch, special lobby
                  3. In branch, standalone
                  4. off-site thru the wall
                  5. off-site special lobby
                  6. drive-up



                  III. TRANSACTIONS



                  THIS MONTH

                  PREVIOUS MONTH

                  ANNUAL FORECAST





                  BALANCE ENQ.




                  III. 2 PERFORMANCE DATA

                  1. Last month's average transactions:
                    1. per ATM _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                    2. per CARD ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                  2. Maximum transactions at an ATM last month _____________________________________________________________________________________
                  3. Average Cost per ATM last month _________________________________________________________________________________________________
                  4. Average Cost per transaction last month __________________________________________________________________________________________
                  5. Average total transaction time (from card insertion till completion) last month __________________________________________________
                  6. Average system response time last month ________________________________________________________________________________________
                  7. Average amount in withdrawal transactions last month __________________________________________________________________________
                  8. Absolute average uptime last month _____________________________________________________________________________________________
                  9. Total number of problems acted upon at network control last month ___________________________________________________________
                  10. Peak time : from _______________ HRS to ___________________________ HRS.
                • Replenish ATMs by Licensed Security Companies for Money Transportation

                  Based on the keenness and interest of SAMA to encourage everything that would develop the banking sector and the services it provides, and given the possibility of providing the service of feeding ATMs by licensed local security companies, and the desire of local banks to enter and participate in this service by filling cash containers and assigning security companies to transport these containers from the bank and enter them into ATMs at the bank's responsibility regarding the cash they contain, as well as the contents of ATMs From inks, customer receipt papers, ATM tape paper and cards held inside the machine, SAMA does not mind that, provided that the bank follows up and provides its service providers with them and verifies the application of the instructions of SAMA, and considers the bank the first and last responsible towards SAMA in the application and implementation of those instructions to reach the greatest degree of security, and in a way that preserves the rights of the bank with the providers of this service and provides the best services to customers benefiting from banking services, in accordance with the standards and controls The following procedural, regulatory and technical procedures:

                  First: - Approval of SAMA

                   Banks are obliged to submit to SAMA draft agreements for the implementation of this service with the concerned companies and attach them the detailed procedures for feeding ATMs, before starting to contract with service providers for study and approval by SAMA. 

                  Second: Regulatory Procedural Standards and Controls: 

                  1. Implementing the provisions of SAMA Circular No. 8187/MT/336 dated 7/6/1419 H, which includes circulars on the controls of money transfer, and No. 17989/MT/778 dated 17/11/1420 H, to which the executive regulations governing the practice of the activity of transferring funds and precious metals are attached. 
                  2. The transport of cash containers shall be carried out by armored vehicles in accordance with the technical specifications set forth in the Security Safety Manual issued pursuant to SAMA Circular No. 485/MA/36 dated 7/1/1416H (the part on the procedures for transporting cash for commercial banks and transport companies).
                  3.  Implementing the instructions of SAMA notified pursuant to Circular No. 6898/MT/287 dated 4/5/1420 H on the procedures and controls to be followed when carrying out the maintenance of ATMs.
                  4.  Comply with the provisions of SAMA Circular No. 12327/MT/550 dated 26/8/1419 H, which stipulates the need to coordinate and inform the security authorities when transferring funds.
                  5.  Banks must ensure that the cash containers are sealed before handing them over to the company, exclusively for legal liability, so that a metal or plastic strip is placed with a special number that is closed by those responsible for packing cash containers and is opened only by those responsible for cash containers in banks, after making sure that the metal or plastic strip number matches and then opened by them. 

                  Third: Technical Standards and Controls: 

                  1. Banks must ensure that the concerned companies pay attention to the level of service provided through ATMs, and provide the necessary training to those in charge of feeding and maintaining ATMs, whether through banks or ATM suppliers.
                  2.  Banks should oblige these companies to quickly deliver packed and also used cash containers, strips of inventoried machines and retained cards to banks, in order to speed up the matching process, pay the existing increases, and speed up the return of the issued retained cards according to the procedures regulating this in the Saudi Payment Network Guides. 
                  3. The banks shall be responsible for the application by the concerned companies of the controls and procedures for feeding the ATMs notified to all banks under the following SAMA circulars No. 19886/MT/214 dated 01/08/1414 H, No. 2193/MT/102 dated 13/02/1419 H, and No. 11843/MT/588 dated 24/9/1415 H, provided that banks are responsible for informing companies of any developments received from SAMA on these controls and procedures.
                  4.  The bank shall monitor the performance of its ATMs and the principal to fill them with cash containers for these companies and ensure the availability of cash and all the contents of ATMs such as inks, customer receipt papers and ATM tape paper.
                  5.  Banks should be responsible for managing cash in ATMs and determining the amounts required for each ATM by analyzing the number and amounts of transactions in each ATM. 
                  6. Obliging banks to place the new denominations of banknotes in implementation of SAMA's circular No. 18765 / QA / 817 dated 02/12/1420 H to provide the denomination of two hundred riyals in all ATMs of all local banks. 
                  7. The money transfer company has the right, in the narrowest limits, to keep a number of cash containers in the event that they cannot be replaced within the specified time, provided that the conditions for retention and the number of containers are included in the draft agreements submitted to SAMA.
                • The Need to Limit Fraud and Manipulation with ATM Cards, Phone Banking, and Online Banking Services

                  SAMA has recently received some fraud cases related to ATM cards issued by banks operating in the Kingdom, and after considering these cases, it was noted that most banks do not focus on some security aspects related to the information of these cards and ATMs, which facilitated the occurrence of these fraudulent operations. Therefore, SAMA stresses the need to adhere to the security aspects of operations and cards, as well as the ATMs recorded in the Saudi Payment Network guides, and out of SAMA's keenness not to spread the phenomenon of fraud in bank cards in order to preserve the rights of customers and banks alike, it is necessary to adhere to the following:

                  First: Not allowing ATM cardholders to exceed the maximum daily withdrawal limit (5000 riyals), whether through ATMs or other banks' devices, correcting the status of any card that allows withdrawals to exceed this limit, and not submitting requests to SAMA to exceed this limit for any category of customers, whatever the reasons.

                  Second: Follow the security safety means related to concealing the electrical current wires of the ATMs in a tight manner to prevent users from accessing and seeing them, and making the necessary technical procedures in the bank's ATM system to prevent the reversal of the operations carried out by the ATMs after the power outage of the ATM used. 

                  Third: In the event that two or more devices are installed in close proximity, users cannot see others while entering passwords when performing operations on these devices, and security and control tools such as cameras are provided at ATM sites. 

                  Fourth: Ensure that the inventory of the contents of the ATMs is carried out in the presence of at least two people, and the bank must follow up the team in charge of this through inventory forms and ATM reports and make the necessary adjustments resulting from the inventory, whether on the accounts of the bank's customers or customers of other banks directly. 

                  Fifth: Making the necessary technical measures to prevent the full number of the exchange card from appearing in the receipt given to the cardholder after conducting automated teller operations to avoid the use of customer card numbers by other people.

                   Sixth: Working to raise awareness among the bank's customers of the importance of maintaining the ATM card password and not writing it. 

                  For your information, adopt and abide by it.

                • ATM Instructions

                  No: 46010824 Date(g): 23/8/2024 | Date(h): 18/2/1446Status: In-Force

                  Translated Document

                  Based on the powers granted to SAMA under its Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H, and the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/5) dated 22/02/1386H, and in line with SAMA's efforts to establish a regulatory and supervisory framework for ATM licensing.

                  Attached are the ATM Instructions, which aim to encourage the geographical distribution of the ATM network to ensure coverage in all areas, in addition to establishing a supervisory framework for the licensing and license cancellation of ATMs.

                  For your information and action accordingly as of this date. Please note that these instructions replace SAMA's previous instructions regarding the licensing and license cancellation of ATMs as outlined in earlier circulars.

                  • 2. Scope of Application

                    These instructions apply to all local banks, and branches of foreign banks licensed within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the exception of ATMs associated with branch licenses.

                  • 3. Definitions

                    The following terms and phrases, whenever they occur in these instructions, shall have the meanings assigned thereto unless the context requires otherwise:

                    SAMA Saudi Central Bank.
                    Instructions Instructions for ATMs Located Outside Bank Branches.
                    BankThe bank licensed to conduct banking activities in the Kingdom in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law
                    BranchesComprehensive branches that provide a full range of banking services, as well as other branch models that offer basic banking services, including account openings, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, money transfers, and others.
                    ATMs associated with branch licensesATMs located within the bank branch premises, subject to its license, providing cash withdrawals and/or cash deposits, as well as other services such as balance inquiries, mini-statements, bill payments, money transfers, and others.
                    ATMsATMs located outside the bank branch premises, operating under separate licenses independent of the branch licenses, providing cash withdrawals, as well as other services such as balance inquiries, mini-statements, bill payments, money transfers, and others.
                    Cash Acceptance MachinesCash Acceptance Machines located outside the bank branch premises, operating under separate licenses independent of the branch licenses, and providing cash deposit services exclusively for certain corporate bank customers.
                    Drive-Thru ATMATMs located outside the bank branch premises, operating under separate licenses independent of the branch licenses, and providing cash withdrawal services as well as other banking services through vehicle-mounted ATMs.
                    ShumulA Geographic Information System managed by SAMA, allowing member banks to input the locations of their ATMs along with their full data.
                  • 4. ATM Licensing

                    It is required to meet the following conditions for granting a license for new ATMs:

                    4.1The bank must submit all its applications for ATM licenses through SAMANet.
                    4.2The bank applying for a new ATM license must attach the following documents with its application:
                     4.2.1The location coordinates in decimal degree format as follows: (Longitude 46.454109, Latitude 25.353898).
                     4.2.2A copy of the signed contract between the bank and the property owner/tenant.
                     4.2.3Clear photographs of the site from all directions (at least four photographs), with the following considerations:
             necessity of photographing from all angles of the site.
             a photograph of the entire site.
                    4.3Any other documents requested by SAMA.
                    4.4In case of applying for a license for a drive-thru ATM, the bank must attach a copy of the building permit or the approved architectural plans from the municipality or the local authority within whose jurisdiction the device is located.
                    4.5The bank's application, once submitted, is subject to review by SAMA for approval.
                    4.6The license is valid for a period of nine months, starting from the issuance of SAMA's approval, and can be extended for an additional three months with the approval of SAMA, upon a request submitted by the bank through SamaNet, outlining the reasons for the extension.
                    4.7After obtaining the approval, the bank must add the ATM location and all of its details to the "Shumul" system.
                    4.8The bank must notify SAMA through SAMANet of the activation of the ATM, within five business days of its activation.
                    4.9The bank must comply with the Financial Sector Security and Safety Guide for the Kingdom, issued in 1441H, and any updates thereto, for all existing and new ATM locations.
                    4.10The bank must provide SAMA with the annual plans for the installation and deactivation of ATMs in October of each year. The plans should include the strategy for presence in the holy sites during the Hajj and Umrah seasons, whether for permanent or temporary locations.
                  • 5. ATM Cancellation

                    • 5.1 Request for ATM Cancellation

                      5.1.1The bank must submit requests for the cancellation of ATM licenses by completing the ATM Cancellation Request Form (Appendix 1) and sending it to SAMA.
                      5.1.2The bank must provide the following in the cancellation request:
              current site details, including a copy of the license showing its number and date.
              the justification for the cancellation request.
              of the site where the device is to be canceled.
              the area where the device to be canceled is located (Appendix 1).
                    • 5.2 Review of Cancellation Request

                      The request will be reviewed based on the specified cancellation requirements, which include:

                      5.2.1 The accessibility of ATMs in the area mentioned in the request.
                      5.2.2The ratio of the bank's current ATMs to its customers.
                      5.2.3The reason for the cancellation.
                      5.2.4The distance between the ATM to be cancelled and other ATMs of the bank.
                      5.2.5ATM usage rate.

                      If the ATM mentioned in the request meets the specified requirements for cancellation, SAMA will provide its non-objection to the bank for deactivating the ATM. Based on SAMA's non-objection to the cancellation request, the bank must remove all the ATM data, including the license number, date, and site coordinates, from the "Shumul" system within three working days. The bank must also remove the cancelled ATM from the site and disconnect all associated devices.

                  • 6. Replacement of ATM

                    To obtain the approval of SAMA for the cancellation of an ATM that does not meet the cancellation requirements, the bank must provide a replacement ATM in the same area within a specified distance, in accordance with the following requirements for ATM replacement:

                    6.1The bank's commitment to installing a replacement ATM in the same governorate and within a specified distance (Appendix 2).
                    6.2The bank must notify SAMA upon the installation and activation of the replacement ATM within the specified time frame.
                    6.3If the bank is unable to adhere to the specified timeframes, SAMA will not accept any further cancellation requests until the bank fulfills its obligation to install a replacement ATM.
                  • 7. Communication with Customers

                    The bank must adhere to the following:

                    7.1Update the details of ATM locations on their websites (internet and mobile devices).
                    7.2Place an identification card on the ATM that includes the ATM number and contact information in both Arabic and English for customers.
                    7.3Each ATM must clearly display all types of accepted cards.
                  • 8. Reporting Requirements

                    The bank must submit the following data to SAMA, using the required forms (Appendix 3).

                    8.1The data on the "Shumul" system must reflect the actual status of the ATMs at all times.
                    8.2Submitting monthly reports on newly installed, cancelled, and replaced ATMs (within five days after the end of each month).
                  • 9. Implementation of the Instructions

                    These instructions shall be effective from the date of their issuance.

                  • 10. Appendices

                    • 10.1 Appendix 1: ATM Cancellation Request Form

                    • 10.2 Appendix 2:

                      10.2.1 Criteria for the Defined Distance for Replacing ATMs*

                      AreaDistance Criteria
                      Area 1Within a 5 km radius
                      Area 2
                      Area 3Within a 10 km radius
                      Area 4
                      Area 5Within a 15 km radius


                      2.2.10 Area Classification

                      AreaPopulation range
                      Area 1A population of more than one million
                      Area 2More than half a million to one million population
                      Area 3More than 100,000 to half a million population
                      Area 4From 20,000 to 100,000 population
                      Area 5Less than 20,000 population

                      * It is subject to the exceptional approval of SAMA.

                    • 10.3 Appendix (3): Reporting Requirements


    • Cash Transfer

      • Cash Transfer between Local Banks and Licensed Money Exchangers

        Based on the letters of His Excellency the Minister of Finance No. 1/S/9687 and No. 1/S/9690 dated 1/11/1427 H based on the circular of His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior No. 19/46391/SH2 dated 14/8/1426 H regarding the Customs Authority taking the necessary steps to start applying the provisions of the manual Procedures for the disclosure of cash and precious metals on departure and arrival to and from the Kingdom to implement the provisions of Article 14 of the Implementing Regulations of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/39) dated 25/6/1424 H. SAMA is directed to take measures to regulate the entry and exit of cash into and out of the Kingdom in general, which is carried out by banks and licensed money changers through border crossings in particular, in accordance with the articles of the Anti-Money Laundering Law and its Implementing Regulations and the requirements of the recommendations issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), especially the Special Recommendation IX.

        In order to achieve this, SAMA wishes to take the following regulatory steps:

        1. Local banks operating in the Kingdom and licensed exchange shops have the right to import and export cash and convertible financial instruments in Saudi currency or other foreign currencies through border crossings.
        2. Banks and exchange shops are obligated to notify customs officials at border crossings of the amounts of cash and convertible financial instruments that they carry and wish to enter or exit the Kingdom to apply the principle of disclosure, as well as for representatives of SAMA to conduct inspection and ensure the safety of cash from counterfeiting.
        3. This regulation applies to all parties involved in the transportation process, including banks, licensed money changers and their direct and indirect employees, shipping companies, parcel and cargo transportation companies, companies specialized in transporting cash (private security companies), postal transportation, etc.
        4. Negotiable and transferable means of payment that are similar in their characteristics to money, such as checks, including Travelers Cheques, Draft Cheques, etc. are considered as part of the funds subject to the application of the law.
        5. SAMA's branches and representatives at border points, as well as banks and exchange houses, must record and maintain data and information (information center) related to the movement of cash and transferable financial instruments across borders. This data should be utilized as much as possible for monitoring and conducting studies.
        6. Banks and exchange houses must establish regulatory procedures for the transportation of cash and transferable financial instruments both incoming to and outgoing from their premises. These procedures must include the following:

        (A) Complete the procedures for buying or selling cash currencies and transferable financial instruments through standard banking practices before initiating the transportation process.

        (B) Agree in advance on purchase or sale prices and identify the counterpart involved in the banking transaction (cash purchase or sale) on the other side to finalize the transaction. Avoid engaging in bargaining or bidding for cash in the markets.

        (C) Agree on how to arrange and prepare the funds in a manner suitable for both parties, facilitating their transportation, counting, and verification of authenticity.

        (D) Ensure strict adherence to security procedures for transporting cash and transferable financial instruments, applying the instructions outlined in the Security Safety Manual as a minimum standard, and utilizing modern and appropriate transportation methods.

        (E) Identify the entities involved in buying or selling and verify the legitimacy of their operations, ensuring they possess the required licenses for conducting banking activities.

        (F) Restrict the process of sending, receiving, and transporting funds within the Kingdom to Saudi employees only.

        (G) Local banks and exchange houses are responsible for verifying the authenticity of the cash and transferable financial instruments they sell or purchase, ensuring the legitimacy of their sources and uses. Furthermore, external entities involved in transactions must share in this responsibility.


      • Dealing with SAMA Branches

        Further to SAMA Circular No. 50481/MT/23865 dated 22/10/1432 H, regarding the reluctance of some branches of banks and cash centers in some cities of the Kingdom to deal with the branches of SAMA near them in the operations of cash deposits and withdrawals, and to deal directly with cash centers affiliated to the Bank in other regions, and in view of the consequent increase in the cost and risks associated with the process of transferring cash to other regions, and to the shortage or increase in the different denominations of cash in regions in the Kingdom without another. 

        Accordingly, SAMA reaffirms the importance of adhering to the instructions issued in this regard, and that each bank reviews its cash management controls, takes all necessary measures to ensure that cash is not transferred from one region to another, and commits to conducting cash deposits and withdrawals through the nearest branch of SAMA.

      • Dealing With SAMA Branches

                  Reference to SAMA's circular No. BCI/15864 dated 10/07/1432 H and No. BCI/15865 dated 10/07/1432 H and other instructions issued regarding the controls and procedures for dealing with cash in its various categories, and in view of the reluctance of some bank branches and cash centers in some cities of the Kingdom to deal with the branches of SAMA near them in deposits and withdrawals and to deal directly with cash centers belonging to the bank in other areas far from it, which led to a shortage or increase in the various denominations of cash in some areas of the Kingdom but not others.

               In view of the consequent increase in the cost and risks associated with the process of transferring cash to branches far from SAMA branch near the bank's branch, SAMA stresses the importance of adhering to the instructions issued in this regard and that each bank (exchanger) reviews its cash management controls and makes appropriate amendments to them in order to limit the transfer of cash and the commitment to conduct deposits and withdrawals through the nearest branch of SAMA and ensure the provision of automated equipment and adequate human resources for counting and examination. Cash sorting in all cash centers and bank branches. 

        We hope to instruct the competent department to verify this and inform us of the implementation within a month from its date.

      • Penalties Re. the violation of the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Negotiable Instruments

        No: 381000063640 Date(g): 12/3/2017 | Date(h): 14/6/1438

        Translated Document

        Referring to the letter from the Assistant Director of Public Security for Security Affairs No. 3/3472/3 dated 10/5/1438H, which references the recommendations in the report of the committee formed by Public Security and SAMA regarding addressing violations related to the transportation of cash, precious metals, and valuable documents. The report also outlines a mechanism for handling violations by banks against cash transportation companies by reporting such violations to the operations rooms to enable field enforcement units to address them.

        Accordingly, please inform the Operations Rooms of the Security Patrols about any violations committed by cash transportation companies or institutions within the bank. Upon the patrol's arrival to address the report, an original and two copies of the notification (report) should be handed over, specifying the time of the report and the time the patrol addressed the situation. This will enable the Security Patrols to document the case and initiate legal and regulatory procedures in accordance with the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Valuable Documents, using the attached form.

      • Cash Collection Service for Bank Customers

        Pursuant to SAMA Circular No. 5922/MAT/62 dated 8/4/1421H regarding the Replenishment of ATMs by Licensed Security Companies for Money Transportation, and given SAMA’s observation that this service has positively contributed to enhancing the performance of the banking sector and enabling it to focus on its core responsibilities, SAMA encourages initiatives that aim to develop and improve this sector and its services to customers. SAMA has sensed that there is a new service that can be offered in the Saudi banking sector, which is for banks to collect cash and transport it from their customers' premises on their behalf to deposit it in their accounts by commissioning licensed security companies.

        SAMA has no objection to providing this service because of its role in increasing services in the banking sector and preserving the processes of transferring cash from the customer to the branch, provided that the requirements that will provide this service in a good and safe manner are applied:

        - The transfer must be carried out by licensed security companies.

        - Coordination with the customer so that the cash is transferred from his premises carefully, taking precautions during the transfer process.

        - Cash must be transported in armored cars in accordance with the technical specifications outlined in the Security Safety Manual issued by SAMA Circular No. 485/MA/36 dated 7/1/1416H.

        - Adherence to SAMA Circular No. 12337/CT/550 dated 26/8/1419 H, which stipulates the need to coordinate and inform the security authorities when transferring money.

        - The transfer process must take place from the beginning of work until ten o'clock at night.

        - The cash counting process must take place at the bank's headquarters under bilateral supervision with the necessary means of protection or monitoring through closed-circuit television (CCTV).



    • Banknotes

      • The New Method of Counting and Sorting of Print Banknote Allows the PBS to Destroy the Defect Banknotes During the Counting and Sorting Process Causing a Loss of One Pack 100 Banknotes

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
      • Acceptance of all Cash Deposits Through Branches

        SAMA noted frequent complaints from the public about the refusal of tellers inside the branches to accept cash deposits from customers, setting a minimum limit for accepting them, and directing them to deposit cash through cash deposit machines. 

        Accordingly, SAMA stresses the commitment of all branches of the bank to accept cash deposits regardless of their amounts directly through the branches and to grant customers the freedom to choose the appropriate deposit method for them.

      • Instructions for Handling Banknotes of Different Denominations

        Due to instances where some banks deposit banknotes to SAMA that are composed of two parts from different notes of the same denomination, each part bearing a different serial number and glued together to create the impression of a single valid banknote for compensation purposes,

        SAMA emphasizes the importance for banks to thoroughly audit their daily deposits and ensure their validity. In the event of discovering a banknote composed of parts from two different notes, the following actions must be taken:

        1. Stamp it with a "Not Eligible for Compensation" mark.
        2. Send it to SAMA, as it is not eligible for compensation.

        If a banknote with two different serial numbers is deposited with the Central Bank branches, it will be confiscated by the Central Bank, and the necessary regulatory actions will be taken.





      • Safety of Cash in Circulation

        Referring to SAMA's Circular No. 42406/MAT/547 dated 07/09/1429H, and Circular No. 42/N/Th dated 20/01/1412H, regarding the emphasis on the necessity of maintaining the integrity of circulating banknotes and the importance of inspecting and sorting banknotes before disbursing them to customers or when feeding ATMs, we inform you that SAMA has observed that some banks are disbursing banknotes to customers and feeding ATMs with torn or damaged banknotes.

        Therefore, we emphasize the need to give sufficient attention to the integrity of the circulating banknotes in branches, cash centers, and ATMs affiliated with the bank. Supervisors and bank officials are required to oversee, monitor, and follow up on the process of feeding ATM cassettes in collaboration with cash-in-transit companies, ensuring that this responsibility is not solely entrusted to these companies. Banks and financial institutions must also ensure the use of modern machines capable of sorting sound banknotes from others. Banknotes should be in an acceptable condition in general appearance, not worn out or dilapidated, and their general appearance should be clean. The main colors of the banknotes should be clearly visible, free from adhesive tapes, with all edges and parts intact, and should not be torn or have holes. Additionally, the banknotes should be free from defacing writings or stamps.

        SAMA will verify the extent of compliance by banks and financial institutions with these instructions, regulations, and procedures, and appropriate penalties will be imposed on any non-compliant entity

      • Compliance with Instructions for Handling and Delivering Cash

        Referring to SAMA's Circular No. 381000092716 dated 03/09/1438H regarding adherence to the guidelines in the Security and Safety Manual when cash-in-transit teams carry out transportation operations from customer locations and bank branches to cash centers, and in light of certain inquiries regarding the responsibilities of the cash counting team at customer premises.

        We would like to clarify that there is no objection to having an independent team of Saudi nationals handle the counting and preparation of cash at the customer’s premises, followed by a separate independent team conducting the cash transportation. There must be a clear separation of duties and responsibilities between the cash counting team and the cash transportation team. Additionally, the cash amounts must be received in special containers equipped with automated tracking and self-destruction ink systems to minimize the risk of robbery or theft.

      • Applying the Maximum Financial Penalty for Each Counterfeit Banknote Received from Banks to SAMA

        Referring to SAMA’s Circular No. 2887/MAT/101 dated 21/2/1420H, which supplements previous circulars urging banks to exercise due diligence and care when receiving banknotes from their customers to detect counterfeit notes before depositing them in their vaults and subsequently delivering them to SAMA. The circular included SAMA’s decision to impose a financial penalty on banks delivering counterfeit banknotes to SAMA, amounting to ten times the value of the counterfeit note, in addition to its confiscation.

        In continuation of the financial penalties imposed under SAMA’s punitive decisions in this regard, SAMA reaffirms the enforcement of the maximum financial penalty stipulated in Paragraph 5 of Article 23 of the Banking Control Law, amounting to SAR 5,000 for each counterfeit banknote delivered to SAMA, regardless of the denomination. SAMA urges all banks to exert greater care and attention in examining banknotes and ensuring their authenticity before delivering them to SAMA.

      • Replacement Mutilated Banknotes

        Referring to SAMA’s observation of some circulating banknotes being tampered with, whereby certain security features are deliberately removed and then presented to banks for replacement with new banknotes, this practice contributes significantly to the waste of economic resources and shows a lack of respect for the national currency, which represents a symbol of the state.

        Therefore, please direct anyone requesting the replacement of banknotes that have been defaced or tampered with regarding their security features to SAMA branches located across the Kingdom. Additionally, ensure that all staff members involved in receiving banknotes are well-trained and familiar with the main security features of Saudi currency, such as the 3D security thread, the 3D special ink feature, the shiny silver stripe, and other security features highlighted in the publications issued by SAMA when launching its banknote editions or available on SAMA’s website through the following links:

        Security Features of the Fifth Edition
        Security Features of the Sixth Edition

      • Acceptance and Exchange of Banknotes and Coins

        Referring to SAMA Circular No. 34736/BCI/15864, dated 1432 H and Circular No. 34734/BCI/15865 dated 10/071432 H, which includes reference to previous circulars issued by SAMA regarding banknotes and coins, and the receipt of damaged ones.


         Circular Number Date Circular Number Date
        1)M/A/15523/08/1400H5)406/M A/29021/07/1412H
        2)10023/M/A/19213/07/1405H6)400/M A/24121/10/1413H
        3)1419/M/A/40 04/02/1407H7) 23782/M A/25114/09/1414H
        4) 42/N/Z20/01/1412H 8) 1941/BCI/9505/02/1418H


        Due to the commencement of the "Take the Change" campaign launched by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in coordination with SAMA to provide coins to customers, and to indicate that fines will be imposed on violating stores starting from 10/10/1434H, and in order to continue the coordination and cooperation between SAMA and the banks in this matter, we would like to emphasize the responsibility of banks to comply with the instructions given in previous circulars. We would also like to assure that small denominations of banknotes and coins are available in sufficient quantities at SAMA branches, and there is no reason for banks not to provide them to customers.

        For your information and action accordingly as of this date. SAMA will conduct field visits to cash centers, bank branches, and money exchangers to ensure the availability of various denominations of banknotes and coins for individual and corporate customers. Penalties will be imposed on violators.

      • Acceptance and Exchange of Small Denominations of Saudi Banknotes from the Public

        Referring to SAMA circulars regarding the acceptance and exchange of small denominations (specifically the one riyal and five riyals denominations), including:


         Circular Number   Date
        1)1419/ M A /40   04/02/1407 H
        2)406/ M A /290   21/07/1412 H
        3)1941/ M A T /95   05/02/1418 H


        In view of the fact that some banks do not abide by the content of these circulars and are reluctant to accept and replace small denominations, SAMA wishes to emphasize the importance of full compliance with the contents of the circulars referred to above.  

        We hope to assign the competent department to verify the commitment of the branches to accept and replace all cash denominations, and to meet the public's need for those denominations.

      • Exchanging of Damaged Saudi Banknotes

        In reference to the circulars issued by SAMA regarding the assignment of banks to receive and replace damaged banknotes (torn, burned, eroded, incomplete edges or parts, or missing any of their main features due to dirt or due to adhesives or inappropriate phrases and words written on them....), including:


        Circular Number



        1) BC/155  23/08/1400 H
        2) 10023/BC/192  13/07/1405 H
        3) 42/N 20/01/1412 H
        4) 400/BC/241  21/10/1413 H
        5) 23782/BC/251  14/09/1414 H


        In view of the observation that some banks do not comply with the content of these circulars and their reluctance to receive requests from citizens and residents regarding the replacement of unacceptable banknotes, and based on SAMA's keenness to provide intact and valid banknotes for circulation, we would like to emphasize what was stated in the circulars referred to above, and to accept and replace the various denominations of currency after ensuring their safety from counterfeiting, with the adoption of the following new mechanism for accepting and compensating damaged cash submitted by the public.

        1. The replaced banknote must be clearly defined and its area should not be less than 60% of the size of the original banknote.
        2. The full signatures (Minister of Finance and Governor of SAMA) or all the serial numbers should not be missing.
        3. In the event that the features of the banknote are not clear as a result of exposure to fire or other natural factors such as corrosion, the holder shall present it to one of the branches of SAMA.

        We hope to adhere to this and emphasize on all your branches and cash centers to handle intact cash and withdraw damaged and invalid cash from circulation, noting that SAMA and its branches are fully prepared to provide training courses to stakeholders in order to inform them of the best practices in the field of cash circulation.

      • The Process of Counting and Sorting Bank Deposits of Damaged One Riyal Denomination

        In an effort to find an appropriate mechanism to address cases of surpluses and shortages that may occur in bank deposits and the resulting approved fines during the counting and inspection at SAMA branches , and based on Circular No. 21453/TD dated 08/10/1424 H. Regarding the organization mechanism for counting and sorting bank imports of currency in one-riyal denominations. Therefore, we hope that the following will be considered:

        First: Emphasis on banks adhering to the screening standards acceptable to SAMA, with the importance of communication between employees handling the cash sorting at the banks’ cash centers and the officials at SAMA branches.

        Second: banknotes of the one Riyal denomination are counted, sorted, and inspected 100%.

        Third: In the event of an increase in the quantity of one-riyal denomination unsuitable for circulation imported by banks, and if counting and inspecting them by SAMA branch in a timely manner is not possible, then they will be entirely counted with the inspection and sorting of only 30%. If any inappropriate banknotes are found among them (such as intact notes with missing parts or intact notes glued from different parts), a fine amounting to three times the value of the inappropriate banknote will be imposed.

        Fourth: The increase and decrease restriction, as well as fines, rely on counterfeit currency and non-conforming currency of the one-riyal denomination in bank imports automatically.

      • Rollout of "One Riyal" Denomination of the Fifth Edition

        We inform you that the fifth edition of one-riyal denomination will be issued starting from Monday 21/12/1428 H corresponding to 31/12/2007 G, and these denominations will be circulated along with the banknotes currently in circulation in all their denominations as official currency. Note that the denomination of one riyal of the fifth issue includes the following security features and currencies: 

        First: The main features of the one-riyal banknote: 

        The face of the banknote shows the picture of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (may God protect him) and a picture of the face of the first Islamic dinar, and on the back is a view of the headquarters building of SAMA.

         (Main Paper Color: Light Green/ Size: 133× 63 mm) 

        Second: Security signs in the category of one riyal denomination:

         The one-riyal banknotes include the following security signs:

        1- Tactile Intaglio Printings

        2- Watermark

        3- Security Thread 

        4- See-Through Features

        5- Luminescent Inks

        6- Screened Intaglio Micro Engraved Lettering

        7- Black Mag. M.R Serial Number

        8- Red Fluorescent Serial Number

        For more information on this denomination, you can view the attached brochure, or refer to SAMA's website ( as of the date specified above.

      • Adherence to Procedures for Seizing Counterfeit Banknotes as Stated in SAMA Circular No. 18578/AKH Dated 22/08/1423H

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
      • Rollout of "Five Hundred" Riyal Denomination of the Fifth Edition

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
      • The Rollout of the "Ten" and "Five" Riyal Denominations of the Fifth Edition

        We inform you that the ten riyals and five riyals denominations of the fifth edition will be issued as of Monday 2/7/1428 H corresponding to 16/7/2007 G, to be followed by the rest of the denominations, which will be gradually issued according to a specific schedule, which will be communicated to you at the time, and these denominations will be circulated along with the currently circulating paper currencies of all their denominations as official currency. Note that the ten riyals and five riyals denominations of the fifth edition include the following security features and signs: - 

        First: The main features of the ten-riyal banknote: 

        The face of the banknote shows the image of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (may God protect him) and a view of King Abdulaziz Palace (may God have mercy on him) in the square, and on the back a view of part of the buildings of the King Abdulaziz Historical Center in Riyadh.

         (Paper Color Chair: Brown / Sheet Size: 150 × 68mm)

         Second: The main features of the five-riyal banknote:

         On the face of the banknote is a picture of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (may God protect him), a view of the Ras Tanura refinery, and a view of the port of Jubail in the Eastern Province on the back.

         (Paper Color Chair: Purple / Paper Size: 145 × 66 mm) 

        Third: Security signs in the ten and five riyals denominations:

         Ten and five riyal banknotes include the following security signs:

        1. Tactile Intaglio Printings
        2.  Watermark 
        3. Security thread 
        4. See-Through Features tags
        5.  Luminescent Inks 
        6. Screened Intaglio Micro Engraved Lettering 
        7. Black Mag. M.R. Serial Number
        8.  Red Fluorescent Serial Number 

        For more information about these two denominations, you can view the attached brochures, or refer to SAMA website as of the date specified above.

      • Withdrawal of the Old Edition of the SAR 500 and SAR 100 Banknotes from Circulation

        SAMA would like to report its intention to withdraw the old version of the five hundred and one hundred denominations from circulation, and this will be announced through a statement to the Saudi Press Agency that will be broadcast on Monday, 15/4/1426 H to urge the public to replace the old version at all branches of SAMA and local banks, and that this requires the readiness of local banks and their branches to receive requests from the public to replace these two categories, and that the bank can request any quantity expected to be needed from these two denominations from SAMA branches.

        We would like to emphasize that ATMs should not be fed with old versions of these two denominations absolutely, and the bank must fully comply with the instructions communicated in SAMA Circular No. 400/BC/241 dated 21/10/1413 H and No. 23782/MA/251 dated 14/9/1414 H regulating cash circulation and ensuring its safety before re-introducing it for circulation and dispensing it to customers, to comply with it, with your support for receiving this circular urgently for importance.

      • Guidelines and Procedures to Follow When Handling Counterfeit Banknotes

        Referring to SAMA Circular No. MAT/313 dated 28/11/1424 H supplementary to SAMA Circular No. 18578 /A K dated 23/08/1423 H referring to the circular of His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior No. 16/36751/2 Sh dated 01/08/1423 H on the controls and procedures to be followed when seizing counterfeit banknotes, which included the obligation to provide SAMA with a semi-annual report on the cases on which controls and procedures have been applied and their feasibility in combating counterfeiting.

        Therefore, the bank/money changers must provide SAMA with this report to date, as well as provide us with your observations and assessment of these procedures based on your dealings with those with whom counterfeit banknotes are seized, and this should be of urgent importance.

      • Follow-up Circular Regarding Educating Bank Customers when Dealing With Cash

        Further to our circular No. 3293/MAT/27 dated 14/2/1422 H on educating bank customers about handling cash, we would like to inform you that SAMA still receiving reports from the police departments in the Kingdom about the exposure of some bank customers being robbed while leaving the branch as a result of carrying cash, as well as fraud against elderly retirees when withdrawing their salaries from ATMs.

        Given the danger that such acts entail for bank's customers themselves and for the bank itself, harming its reputation and confusing the security authorities, the bank must activate the aforementioned SAMA circular, as well as educate the bank's customers in general and the elderly in particular on how to use ATMs, maintain the ATM card and its PIN, not disclose it, and not be deceived behind those who offer to provide its services, which may involve offending them. It is for its customers to assign one of its employees to help this category of customers and train them to use ATMs and secure the presence of civil guards during salary disbursement periods to miss the opportunity for anyone who tries to defraud these customers, with our emphasis on full compliance with SAMA's repeated circulars regarding securing cameras for ATMs and maintaining recording tapes for the longest period of time that technology can provide in this field.

      • The Process for Counting and Sorting Bank Deposits of "One Riyal" Banknotes

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
      • Standardizing the External Card Shapes and Colors for Linking Banknotes with Banks

        Due to the observed contrast in the colors of the external linking cards of the banknotes received from banks, which causes some confusion for treasury officials and a desire to facilitate work procedures between the branches of SAMA and banks.

        Therefore, we hope to unify the shape of the external card for the banknote categories by placing the name or logo of the bank on the back of the card with cutting one of its corners and writing the phrase "one thousand banknote sheets of the same category and a date box in white font", provided that the comprehensive color of the external card for each category is as follows:

        Five Hundred Riyals Denomination



        Twenty Riyals Denomination

        Blue Sky

        Two Hundred Riyals Denomination



        Ten Riyals Denomination


        One Hundred Riyals Denomination



        Five Riyals Denomination


        Fifty Riyals Denomination



        One Riyals Denomination



      • Accepting Customer Deposits in Currency Notes and Coins


        With reference to the above-mentioned subject, and given the complaints received by the central bank against some banks for not accepting customers' deposits of coins and banknotes (especially small denominations), despite the repeated instructions regulating this process, the most recent of which was Circular No. 16101/CK on 10/20/1420 H. in an effort to streamline the procedures by which bank customers make deposits, and to attract all deposits of coins and banknotes for the service of these customers, encouraging their acceptance of all Saudi currencies, and to prevent the risks that may arise from the presence of these amounts in unsecured locations, which may expose them to theft or misuse, and in confirmation of previous instructions in this field, the central bank hopes that all banks will work on installing the machines and safes mentioned below in the main branches of the bank and the branches located in commercial markets:

        First: Automatic coin sorting and counting machines available in the local market should sort and count all denominations of coins (100, 50, 25, 10, 5) Halala and directly credit the full value to the customer's account. The customer will operate the machine using a personal identification number (PIN), place their coins into the machine, and enter their account number so that the amount can be credited to their account accordingly.

        Second: cash deposit safes outside of banking hours (night deposit) that are accessed and managed using a special code assigned to the bank's customers under an agreement between the bank and its customers. The customer places the cash into a sealed envelope, detailing the amounts deposited inside. These deposits are received under the custody of two bank employees, and internal control procedures are applied to the processes of counting, sorting, and depositing into customers' accounts according to the bank's customary procedures.

        For your information, compliance, and to inform us of the required time frame within which the bank can execute this, as well as the branch locations where coin sorting machines and night deposit safes will be installed. Coordination can be done with the central bank regarding the machines that can be used for coin sorting to understand their sources and how to provide them.

      • Providing Replacement Funds for Small Category Banknotes and Coins

        Re previous SAMA circulars indicating that banks and money exchangers must supply the public with banknotes of small categories and coins, and in view of the steady and increasing demand by the public for such currencies, banks and money exchangers have to maintain sufficient amounts of these currencies to meet the public demand therefor.

        SAMA, through its examiners, shall follow-up this matter with banks and money exchangers to make sure they are acting accordingly. SAMA hopes you comply with this circular and notify your branches to do the same.


      • Acceptance of Deposits of Small Categories of Local Currency

        SAMA has received some complaints regarding the refusal of some bank branches to accept deposits in small categories on grounds that this process requires big effort in counting, separating and keeping.

        SAMA would like to stress again that banks have to perform their legal responsibility in this respect according to the provisions of several previous circulars issued by SAMA to the effect that all banks have to accept the deposit of such currencies, regardless of amount.

        We hope you comply with this in the interest of the public and the reputation of the banks and notify your branches to do so. SAMA, through its examiners, shall inspect the compliance of banks with such instructions and shall impose adequate penalties on violating banks.

      • The Requirement to Only Dispense to the Public or Replenish ATMs with Clean and Usable Banknotes

        Re our circulars No. 422/M/T dated 8/11/1413H and No. 400/BC/241 dated 21 Shawal, 1413H, regarding the distortion of banknote by some people and the feeding of ATM machines with torn up or damaged bank notes by some banks we wish to inform you that, according to some SAMA branches some banks are not observing instructions in this regard. It was also noted that some banks do not separate banknotes suitable for circulation from those not suitable for circulation when they deposit cash with SAMA branches.

        In view of the importance of this matter, SAMA calls on you to supply the public and feed the ATM machines only with clean and usable banknotes. We also call on you to separate banknotes that are suitable for circulation from those that are not suitable when you make cash deposits with SAMA branches. Please collect the non suitable banknotes and have them replaced by SAMA, rather than supplying them to the public.

        Please be informed and act accordingly. SAMA shall conduct inspection visits at a later date and we hope you will cooperate with the examiners in the interest of the public.

      • Replacing all Torn and Damaged Saudi Banknotes Accumulated by the Bank and Ensuring They are not Dispensed to Customers or the Public

        SAMA has received the letter of HE the Minister of Finance & National Economy, No. 3/6132 dated 14-9-1413H stating that some banks are sometimes supplying the public with torn banknotes noticed by drawee only after receipt. HE requested us to notify banks to have such banknotes replaced by SAMA rather than cashing them to the public, since this displeases the clients, causes their complaints and facilitates counterfeiting.

        Please be informed and urge your people in charge to have all torn Saudi bank notes replaced by SAMA, rather than supplying the public therewith. Please observe prior coordination with the SAMA branch through which the replacement of large quantities is to be made.

      • Saudi Banknotes

        SAMA has noticed that some of its branches and banks fail to comply with previous instructions which call on them to separate the banknotes into categories and set aside banknotes that are suitable for circulation. Pursuant to the provisions of the Saudi Currency Law promulgated by Royal Decree (6) dated 1-7-1379H and in line with applicable rules, it has been decided as follows:

        1- SAMA Branches must, upon receiving cash deposits, separate banknotes into suitable and unsuitable for circulation after making sure they are intact.

        2- Local banks must use the machines for automatic separation of recent banknotes which enable them to separate the intact banknotes from others. In case such machines are not presently available, banks and their branches have to do the separation by hand according to the following rules.

        a) The banknote must be in a generally acceptable form, not worn-out or totally damaged.

        b) The general appearance of the banknote must be clean and its main colors must be clear.

        c) The banknote must be free of stickers.

        d) The banknote must be complete in all its parts and edges.

        f) It should not be torn up or perforated.

        g) It should be free of ink, oil or chemical materials.

        i) It should be free of writings or stamps.

        3 - Banknotes shall be delivered to SAMA separated into suitable and un-suitable for circulation and the delivering bank or branch shall be responsible for the banknotes delivered thereby. The receiving SAMA branch has the right to reject non-separated banknotes. SAMA branches must not deliver to SAMA's head office banknotes unless they are separated, with a statement indicating the banknotes that are not suitable for circulation. SAMA branches should not deliver to other branches banknotes that are not separated and suitable for circulation.

      • Acceptance and Receipt of all Denominations of Saudi Banknotes to Banks from Customers

        SAMA and its branches have received complaints from the operations of automatic sales machines to the effect that some banks refuse to accept the deposit of banknotes in one SR category. Some of SAMA branches were obliged, as a temporary solution to this problem, to replace the revenue of such operations on a daily basis.

        SAMA regrets this behavior by some banks and stresses on all banks to accept all Saudi currency categories for deposit or replacement and to notify all their branches to act accordingly.

      • Buying and Selling of Banknotes from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

        Pursuant to arrangements agreed on by the currency authorities in the GCC countries, and reference to our circular BC/34 dated 2-2-1411H, re the trading of GCC banknotes (Oman, UAE. Bahrain and Qatar) al the official rates with a margin not exceeding 0.5% according to daily cross rates for these currencies, we wish to inform you of the following:

        1. The following rates must be adopted:


        Reference (quoted) rate equivalent to official rate

        Lowest buying price

        Highest selling price

        One Bahrain DinarSR 9.9469SR 9.8972SR 9,9966
        One Omani RiyalSR 9,7403SR 9,6916SR 9,7890
        One Qatari RiyalSR 1,0298SR 1,0247SR 1,0349
        One UAE DirhamSR 1,0210SR 1,0159SR 1.0261


        1. The price fixed by the bank or money exchanger should be between the lowest and highest prices and trading prices are assumed to be closer to the reference price which is equivalent to the official price.
        2. We suggest that the collected amount of each currency be exchanged first among correspondent commercial banks or money exchangers among themselves. The margins were fixed in such a way as to cover the expenses of exchanging and transferring these currencies in order to allow trading banks and money exchangers in the GCC countries to trade among themselves with a profit. If this is not possible for any reason, SAMA will buy the GCC currencies from Saudi Commercial Banks against SR at the reference rate less 0.25% as a margin as follows:

        One Bahrain Dinar=SR 9,9220

        One Omani Riyal=SR 9,7150

        One Qatari Riyal=SR1,0272

        One UAE Dirham=SR 1,0184

        1. Licensed money exchangers may deal with Saudi Commercial Banks or with banks and money exchangers in other gulf countries to buy or sell their stock of GCC currencies, provided they abide by the price limits referred- to above in their dealing with the public.

        For compliance and notification of your branches to act accordingly

      • Keep an Adequate Supply of Small banknotes and Coins

        SAMA has been informed that some banks are refusing to accept small category banknotes from commercial firms and companies and are asking such depositors to deposit these banknotes in their accounts with SAMA.

        Since the printing of such categories was meant to put them in circulation to be available for the public in daily operations, such attitude by the banks is in conflict with this purpose.

        SAMA, therefore, would like to call on banks to keep an adequate supply of small category banknotes, specially the one and five SR categories and sufficient supply of coins to perform replacement operations for the public and the clients. Saudi Central Bank has issued the following rules to be followed by the banks.

        1. The bank must accept from its clients any amount of small category banknotes.
        2. The bank must count these banknotes by category and separate these suitable from those unsuitable for circulation.
        3. Unsuitable for circulation banknotes shall be sent to the concerned SAMA branch which will count and receive them.
        4. The bank must deliver to SAMA only banknotes in excess of its need or damaged banknotes.


      • Deliver the Banknotes which Carry Unethical Terms or Word to SAMA

        We refer to several SAMA circulars regarding banknotes which carry unethical terms or words.

        SAMA calls on banks to strongly instruct their employees who deal with cash to reject any such banknotes and to deliver them to the closest SAMA branch to take necessary action. SAMA also hopes that necessary measures will be taken to stop this phenomenon if possible.

      • The Phenomenon of Shortages in Cash Disbursed by Banks

        SAMA has noticed lately increased complaints about shortages in banknotes disbursed by the banks, and the damages that such a phenomenon causes to the reputation of the banks and to the interests of the clients.

        SAMA, therefore, requests the banks to observe the following:

        1. Banks must post signs at a conspicuous place in all their branches urging the client to count his money before leaving the cash window.
        2. Banks should assign in their large branches special windows for cashing large amounts and windows for cashing small amounts to facilitate the cashing process and to enable the client to count his money and check with the cashier in case of discrepancy before leaving the window.
        3. Banks should place money-counting machines near the windows for cashing large amounts and have them available for the client, under the supervision of a special employee, to enable him to count his money and verify its accuracy before leaving the cash window.

        We hope these procedures are implemented and your branches are notified to act accordingly.

      • Providing Coins- 1420

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
      • Implementing Enhanced Measures to Protect the Saudi Riyal from Sharp Fluctuations in the Value of the Dollar/Special Drawing Rights (SDR).

        Pursuant to its policy to enhance development in all economic sectors and build a diversified production base, the government has always strived to maintain a stable exchange rate of the SR which was fixed at 0.207510 of one gram of gold as of 13 Rajab, 1393H (1st August 1973A.D). While keeping this exchange rate between SR and gold unchanged, the government announced on the 2nd of Rabi I, 1395H (14th March, 1975A.D) the linking of the SR to the Special Drawing Notes, in order to realize better stability for the SR against major world currencies, with a margin of 2.25% at both ends of the exchange rate between the SR and the Special Drawing Notes to limit undesirable fluctuations.

        Accordingly, SAMA has resorted, since 3 Rabi I, 1395H, to fixing the exchange rate of SR against the $ daily on the basis of the daily value of the $ value against the Special Drawing Notes. But in view of recent notice able fluctuations in the exchange rate of the $ against the Special Drawing Notes, the government has advised the IMF that starting 4/9/1395H (9th September, 1975A.D) it shall use a larger margin not to exceed 7.25% on both ends of the exchange rate between the $ and the Special Drawing Notes.

        It is expected that this larger margin will be the best measure to protect the SR against sharp fluctuations in the $/Special Drawing Notes value and will ultimately realize more stability for the SR against major world currencies.

        Please be informed.

    • Ensuring Continuous Fulfilment of the Professional Certification Requirement

      Further to SAMA Circular No. (41025433) dated 12/04/1441 H regarding professional certificates of financial institutions employees, and Circular No. (43007566) dated 24/01/1443 H regarding the update of the target category for the Credit Advisor Certificate.

      SAMA emphasizes the importance for banks, their associated remittance centers, finance companies, and exchange centers to meet the requirement of obtaining professional certifications, in accordance with the following details:

      • Employees required to obtain the professional certification for the fundamentals of retail banking.

      Frontline employees in banks who interact directly with customers (Customer Care Department employees, Call Center employees, branch employees, and their managers), including individuals contracted through a third party.

      • Employees required to obtain the professional certification for credit advisors:

      Employees of banks, and finance companies - including those contracted through a third party - directly involved in granting credit to individuals, as well as branch managers, with the exception of financial lease registration companies, the Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company, and support activities companies.

      • The employees required to obtain a professional certification in banking and money exchange:

      The frontline employees at bank remittance centers and exchange centers, including those contracted through a third party.

      For review and implementation as of this date, with the requirement to obtain the certificate within one year from the date of employment, and with a compliance rate of no less than 90% for the employees concerned with the certificate.

      • Forms and Templates

        • License Application for Banking Business In The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

          To download the Word version of the form, please click here.
        • Application Form For Payment Services Provider in Saudi Arabia

          To download the Excel version of the form, please click here.
      • Amendments

        • Amending the Requirements in Rule (300-1-5-9) in Regard to Accounts for Public Companies and Public Sector Institutions

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Amendment of Rules (300-1-3) and (300-1-3-1) of Account Opening Rules

          In reference to Rule (300-1-3) concerning resident companies and Rule (300-1-3-1) concerning joint-stock companies, both of which are part of the Account Opening Rules communicated under SAMA Circular No. (67/65681) dated 01/11/1440H, as well as to the Companies Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/123) dated 01/12/1443H.

          We inform you of the amendment of the two rules mentioned above as outlined in the attached document

          For your information and action accordingly as of this date.

          Amendments to the requirements for opening and managing bank accounts for resident companies as outlined in Rule (300-1-3), and joint-stock companies as outlined in Rule (300-1-3-1)

          First: Amendment of paragraph (2) of Rule (300-1-3) related to resident companies to state as follows: "2. Obtaining a copy of the memorandum of association or the articles of association and their annexes".

          Second: Amendment of Rule (300-1-3-1) related to joint-stock companies as follows:

          • Amend the title of the rule to state as follows: "Joint-Stock and Simplified Joint-Stock Companies".
          • Amend the (first article) of the rule to state as follows:

          The bank accounts for depositing and retaining the capital of these companies under formation shall be opened as follows:

          1.A letter from the founders, including at a minimum: a request to open the account stating its purpose as "Depositing the capital of the company (…name of the company) Under Formation," the names of the founders, and the ownership percentage of each founder in the company's capital.
          2.The name of the account shall be as follows :"Founders Account of the Company (name of the company) "
          3.Verifying the identity of the company's founders.
          4.Payment from the account shall only be allowed by the company's board of directors after its registration in the commercial register and the bank's completion of the required documents in accordance with the requirements of Rule (300-1-3) related to resident companies. In the event the company's formation is not completed, the bank must return the amounts to each founder according to their share of the capital.
          • Amend the title of the (second article) of the rule to state as follows: "Licensed Companies".
        • Amendment of Rule (300-1-4) of Account Opening Rules

          In reference to Rule (300-1-4) concerning Residents Investing Under Foreign Investment Law, as outlined in the Account Opening Rules communicated pursuant to SAMA Circular No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440H.

          I inform you of the amendment to the rule mentioned above according to the attached version. Please note that the main amendments are as follows:

          1. Eliminating the requirement to obtain the foundational documents of the foreign or national entity partner in the foreign company licensed in Saudi Arabia (such as the commercial register and the memorandum of association), and replacing it with a requirement to understand the ownership structure and identify the partners whose names are mentioned in the memorandum of association or the articles of association, and verifying them using documents, data, or information from a reliable and independent source, with the possibility of completing the verification process later after account opening, according to specific regulations.
          2. Eliminating the requirement to obtain a power of attorney – in all cases – for managing and operating the account, with an explanation of the mechanism for verifying the validity of the authorization.

          For your information and action accordingly as of this date.

          Amendment to Rule (300-1-4) concerning Residents Investing Under Foreign Investment Law, as outlined in the Account Opening Rules 

          300.1.4 Residents Investing Under Foreign Investment Law

          The bank may open accounts for entities wholly owned by a foreign investor or jointly owned by a foreign investor and a Saudi investor upon receiving the following:

          300.1.4.1 Joint-Venture Entities Owned by a Saudi Investor and a Foreign Investor:

          • Joint-venture entity owned by a foreign investor (natural or juristic) and a Saudi investor (natural or juristic):
          1.A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Investment.
          2.A copy of the commercial register without the need to acquire the business license, or a copy of the professional license of the entity if the entity is a service provider.
          3.A copy of the memorandum of association or the articles of association and its annexes.
          4.A copy of the ID of the manager in charge in the entity. A copy of the passport can be sufficient, provided that a copy of the Iqama is submitted (90) days after opening the account.
          5.Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to operate and manage the account, and verification of their authorization by identifying them in the memorandum of association, the articles of association, or a decision from the board of directors or partners – or their equivalent. If the authorized person for the account is an agent acting on behalf of the principal, a copy of the power of attorney issued by a notary public or a notary in Saudi Arabia must be provided, or the power of attorney must be authenticated by the Saudi embassy or with an Apostille Authentication if issued outside Saudi Arabia.
          6.Understanding the ownership structure and identifying the partners whose names are mentioned in the memorandum of association or the articles of association, and verifying them using documents, data, or information from a reliable and independent source. -In cases where money laundering risks are lower-, the verification process can be completed later, after the account is opened, provided that it is done as quickly as possible. Any delay in identity verification must be necessary to avoid disrupting normal business procedures, and appropriate and effective measures should be applied to control money laundering risks.

          300.1.4.2 Entities Wholly Owned by a Foreign Investor:

          • Branches of foreign corporations or companies:

          1.A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Investment.
          2.A copy of the commercial register without the need to acquire the business license, or a copy of the professional license of the entity if the entity is a service provider.
          3.A copy of the ID of the manager in charge in the entity. A copy of the passport can be sufficient, provided that the Iqama is submitted (90) days after opening the account.
          4.A copy of the commercial register or professional license, as well as the memorandum of association or the articles of association of the entity in the home country, certified by the Saudi embassy or with an Apostille Authentication.
          5.Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to operate and manage the account, along with verification of their authorization by identifying them in a mandate from the main office of the company or corporation in the home country. The authorization must name the persons authorized to sign on behalf of the company in Saudi Arabia regarding the bank accounts.
          6.Understanding the ownership structure and identifying the partners of the entity in the home country, whose names are mentioned in the memorandum of association or the articles of association, and verifying them using documents, data, or information from a reliable and independent source. -In cases where money laundering risks are lower-, the verification process can be completed later, after the account is opened, provided that it is done as quickly as possible. Any delay in identity verification must be necessary to avoid disrupting normal business procedures, and appropriate and effective measures should be applied to control money laundering risks.

          • An entity owned by a foreign investor or jointly owned by more than one foreign investor:

          1.A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Investment.
          2.A copy of the commercial register without the need to acquire the business license, or a copy of the professional license of the entity if the entity is a service provider.
          3.A copy of the memorandum of association or the articles of association and its annexes.
          4.A copy of the ID of the manager in charge in the entity. A copy of the passport can be sufficient, provided that the Iqama is submitted (90) days after opening the account.
          5.Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to operate and manage the account, and verification of their authorization by identifying them in the memorandum of association, the articles of association, or a decision from the board of directors or partners – or their equivalent. If the authorized person for the account is an agent acting on behalf of the principal, a copy of the power of attorney issued by a notary public or a notary in Saudi Arabia must be provided, or the power of attorney must be authenticated by the Saudi embassy or with an Apostille Authentication if issued outside outside Saudi Arabia.
          6.Understanding the ownership structure and identifying the partners whose names are mentioned in the memorandum of association or the articles of association, and verifying them using documents, data, or information from a reliable and independent source. -In cases where money laundering risks are lower-, the verification process can be completed later, after the account is opened, provided that it is done as quickly as possible. Any delay in identity verification must be necessary to avoid disrupting normal business procedures, and appropriate and effective measures should be applied to control money laundering risks.

          • Foreign individual investor (Sole proprietorships):

          1.A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Investment.
          2.A copy of the commercial register without the need to acquire the business license.
          3.A copy of the Iqama for the manager in charge and the investor, owner of the entity. A copy of the passport can be sufficient, provided that the Iqama is submitted (90) days after opening the account.
          4.The full address of the investor in his/her home country.
          5.Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to operate and manage the account, as identified in a power of attorney certified by a notary public or a notary if issued inside Saudi Arabia and by the Saudi embassy or Apostille Authentication if issued outside Saudi Arabia, in the case of an agent or authorized person other than the owner of the entity.
        • Amendment of Rule No. (5) of the Account Opening Rules

          In reference to The rule No. (5) stated within Chapter II of the Account Opening Rules notified under SAMA Circular No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440 H related to Inoperative Accounts.

          We inform you of the amendment to the mentioned rule as outlined below:

          First: Amendment of the introduction to the definition of Inoperative Accounts to read as follows: "Accounts, relationships and transactions shall be considered non-moving after two calendar years from the date of the last financial transaction carried out by the customer, his/her authorized representative, or his/her heirs. Inoperative accounts are divided into three types as described in this Rule. The purpose of this Rule is to keep accounts active, save the customer assets (money) that have not been used for a financial transaction (withdrawal or deposit – depending on the nature of the relationship), recorded debit transactions, or documented correspondences during the period specified in Article (5.2) ..."

          Second: Amendment of Clause (First) of Paragraph No. (5-1) Including transactions to which the rule applies to be as follows: "Inoperative current and saving accounts on which no financial transaction (withdrawal or deposit) has been carried out by the customer, his/her authorized representative, or his/her heirs".

          Third: Amendment of Paragraph No. (5-2-1) including the provisions of active accounts to be as follows: "Accounts shall be considered active if no more than (24) calendar months have passed since the last recorded financial transaction (withdrawal or deposit, depending on the nature of the relationship) carried out by the customer, his/her authorized representative, or his/her heirs, or since the last reliable and documented correspondence".

          Fourth: Amendment of Paragraph No. (5-2-2) including the provisions regarding dormant accounts to be as follows: "Accounts shall be considered dormant after completing (24) calendar months from the date of the last recorded financial transaction (withdrawal or deposit, depending on the nature of the relationship) carried out by the customer, his/her authorized representative, or his/her heirs, or the last reliable and documented correspondence".

          Fifth: Amendment of Paragraph No. (5-2-3) Including the provisions for unclaimed accounts to be as follows: "Accounts shall be considered unclaimed after completing five years (60 months), including the dormant phase, from the date of the last recorded financial transaction (withdrawal or deposit, depending on the nature of the relationship) carried out by the customer, his/her authorized representative, or his/her heirs, or the last reliable and documented correspondence, and the bank becoming unable to reach the customer after using all methods of contact."

        • Amendment of Rule 300.1.5.3 of the Account Opening Rules

          Referring to Rule No. (300-1-5-3) regarding Family funds included within the Account Opening Rules, communicated by SAMA Circular No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440H.

          We would like to inform you about the amendment of the base requirements mentioned above by excluding the requirement to obtain copies of the identification cards of the founder(s) when opening bank accounts for family funds, according to the attached format.

          Amendment of the requirements for Rule No. (300-1-5-3) concerning family funds.

          • Family Funds:

          The bank may open accounts only in Saudi riyal for family funds. The requirements are as follows:

          1. A letter from the chairman of the trustee board of the family fund (or their authorized representative) to the bank in which the account is to be opened clearly indicating the purpose of opening the account.
          2. A copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
          3. A copy of the fund's bylaws.
          4. A copy of the trustee board formation decision and copies of board members’ IDs.
          5. The bank account shall be managed by a joint signature of at least two persons: one shall be the chairman or the vice-chairman of the trustee board, and the other shall be the financial officer (principal signature). The trustee board may authorize two of its members or two senior Saudi managers of its executive management to manage the bank account, subject to the approval of the Minister or their authorized representative.
          6. Disbursement from the fund shall be in accordance with the methods and conditions stipulated in the fund's bylaws.
          7. The family fund may accept funds, gifts, bequests, Zakat and subscriptions (if any) from its founders and family members only, provided that the bank obtains a pledge from the chairman of the fund’s trustee board to comply with this requirement.
          8. The family fund is allowed to invest its money according to the provisions stipulated in the fund’s bylaws.
          9. The family funds are not allowed to make any transfers or issue bank or personal checks to parties outside Saudi Arabia.
          10. Approval of the director of the compliance department for opening the account.

          For your information and action accordingly as of this date.

        • Amending Article No. (1) and Article No. (14-6) of the Updated Consumer Finance Regulations

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Introduction of a Rule Entitled, “Collection Accounts for Managing the Finance Value of Debt-Based Crowdfunding Companies"

          Referring to the rule (300) including the rules for opening bank accounts for Juristic Persons, included in the Account Opening Rules, and notified pursuant to SAMA Circular No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440H.

           I inform you that the following has been decided:

          1. Introduction of a rule Below the rule mentioned above, numbered (300-1-3-8), titled: Collection Accounts for Managing the Finance Value of Debt-Based Crowdfunding Companies, in accordance with the attached wording.
          2. Add a definition of a debt crowdfunding facility within Chapter (I) on definitions, as follows: a joint stock company licensed to practice debt crowdfunding activity through a digital platform, or an entity that practices debt crowdfunding activity within the experimental environment at SAMA.
          3. Add a definition of the value of financing under Chapter (I) on definitions, as follows: Funds provided by participants to the beneficiary enterprise through the debt crowdfunding platform.

           New Rule (300-1-3-8) under Rule (300), which outlines the Rules for Opening Bank Accounts for Juristic Persons.

          The collection accounts for collecting funds from participants in order to extend credit to beneficiaries shall be opened and managed in accordance with the following requirements:

          1.  A letter from the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the company or their authorized representative to the bank, stating the purpose of opening the account under the name “Management of the Finance Value of (name of debt-based crowdfunding company)”, and identifying the persons authorized to manage the account.
          2. Copies of all the company’s incorporation documents, including the memorandum of association, articles of association and Board formation decision.
          3.  Copies of the IDs of persons authorized to manage the account.
          4.  The name of the account shall be “Management of the Finance Value of (name of debt-based crowdfunding company).”
          5.  The account shall be separate and independent from the accounts opened for managing the company’s business, including the fees and commissions collected by the company. The account shall not be used for any financial obligations or rights of the company.
          6.  Transfer of money to other accounts without the approval of the participants shall only be made after submitting SAMA’s non-objection for such transaction.
          7. Cash deposits to or withdrawals from the account shall not be allowed.
        • Amendment of Rule No. (300-1-6-6) of the Account Opening Rules

          In Reference to Rule (300-1-6-6) concerning the Bank Accounts of Relief Committees and Campaigns, as stated in the Account Opening Rules, communicated through SAMA Circular No. (65681/67), dated 01/11/1440H.

          I would like to inform you of the modification of the requirements of the above-mentioned rule to align with the attached wording, so that its scope includes the accounts of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center for the purpose of managing its humanitarian campaigns.

          300.1.6.6 Bank Accounts of Relief Committees and Campaigns:

          Bank accounts shall be opened for designated relief campaigns and committees, as well as for the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center "the Center", for the purposes of managing its operations and humanitarian relief campaigns abroad as follows:
          1.A copy of the approval from His Majesty the King for the establishment of the designated fundraising committee/campaign, and the approval of SAMA to open one main account under the name of the committee or campaign, after determining the persons authorized for the account (joint signatures) and providing copies of their IDs and specimen signatures. If the account is to be opened for the Center, a letter must be obtained from the General Supervisor of the Center addressed to the bank, determining the persons authorized to manage the account (at least two persons) with joint signatures, and providing copies of their IDs and specimen signatures. The request must specify that the sources of the account’s funds do not include amounts from the state budget or the Center’s budget.
          2.Authorized persons in the center, or in the relief committees and campaigns are permitted to open sub-accounts linked to the main account for the purposes of collecting donations and conducting relief activities.
          3.The bank accounts of the center for the purposes of employee salaries, operational expenses, or its humanitarian activities, which are funded by the state’s general budget or the center’s budget, shall be separated from the accounts of the center that are funded from sources other than the state’s budget or the center’s budget. The instructions outlined in Rule (500-1-1) regarding the opening and management of government entity accounts shall be applied to the center's accounts that are funded by the state’s budget or the center’s budget.
          4.Deposits into such accounts may be accepted through all means, including cash, checks, or local transfers. The center is also permitted to accept electronic donations through electronic payment gateways via different methods, including credit cards (both domestically and internationally).
          5.ATM or credit cards shall not be issued for such accounts.
          6.Money transfer to accounts outside Saudi Arabia or receiving transfers from there shall not be accepted after obtaining approval from SAMA, except for the Center's accounts, to which this paragraph does not apply.
        • Amendments of Rules 300.1.1 and 300.1.3 of the Account Opening Rules


          In reference to Rule No. 300-1-1 for Licensed Businesses and Shops, and Rule No. 300-1-3 for Resident Companies, contained in Account Opening Rules, communicated by SAMA Circular No. 65681/67 dated 1/11/1440 H.

          Please be informed of the amendment of the two aforementioned rules to align with the attached formulations, aimed at clarifying the requirements to be met when opening bank accounts for institutions or companies, particularly when the owner of the institution or one/all of the partners are associations or non-profit organizations.

          For your information and consideration, please take this into account for similar accounts classified for the purposes mentioned above, such as sub-accounts under the main account of the association or non-profit organization.

          Amendment of Requirements for Rule No. (300-1-1) related to Licensed Businesses and Shops, and Rule No. (300-1-3) related to Resident Companies.

          300-1-1 / Licensed Businesses and Shops:

          Bank accounts for these entities may be opened after obtaining the required documents from each, as follows:

          1. A copy of the commercial registration for the institution or shop, or a copy of the activity license if it alone suffices for the establishment’s activity without needing a commercial registration.
          2. Identifying and verifying the identity of the establishment owners based on the name listed in the commercial registration or license, and ensuring the validity of their identity information.
          3. Copies of the individuals' identities authorized to manage and operate the accounts.
          • If the owner of the institution or shop is a Waqf (endowment), non-profit associations/institutions, or cooperative societies, the bank must fulfill the following in addition to the above requirements:
          1. A copy of the valid endowment registration certificate issued by the General Authority for Awqaf, which should minimally include the following: name of the Waqf, endowment deed number and date, names of supervisors and their ID numbers (for endowments), or a copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the decision of the association’s or institution’s board of directors (meeting minutes) approving the establishment of the institution or shop and designating authorized signatories for bank accounts (for non-profit associations/institutions or cooperative societies).
          2. Copies of the IDs of the supervisors named in the registration certificate (for endowments).
          3. The accounts shall be classified as high-risk accounts.

          300-1-3 / Resident Companies:

          Bank accounts for resident companies in the Kingdom may be opened upon obtaining the following documents:

          1. A copy of the commercial registration.
          2. A copy of the articles of incorporation or bylaws and their appendices.
          3. A copy of the identity of the responsible manager.
          4. Identifying and verifying the identities of the board members.
          5. A power of attorney issued by a notary public or certified notary, or an authorization prepared within the bank by the individual(s) authorized under the articles of incorporation, partner resolution, or board resolution to grant signing authority for bank accounts and to operate them.
          6. Copies of the IDs of the individuals authorized to sign and operate the accounts.
          7. Identifying and verifying the identities of the company owners listed in the articles of incorporation per its latest amendments, except for publicly listed companies.
          • If all or any of the company owners are endowments, non-profit associations/institutions, or cooperative societies, as indicated in the articles of incorporation, the bank must fulfill the following requirements in addition to the above:
          1. A valid copy of the endowment registration certificate issued by the General Authority for Awqaf, which should include at least the following: name of the Waqf, endowment deed number and date, names of supervisors and their ID numbers (for endowments), or a copy of the license issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the board of directors' decision (meeting minutes) approving the establishment of the company (for non-profit associations/institutions or cooperative societies).
          2. Copies of the IDs of the supervisors listed in each endowment’s registration certificate (for endowments).
          3. The accounts shall be classified as high-risk accounts if the ownership of endowments, non-profit associations/institutions, or cooperative societies exceeds 50% of the company’s capital.


        • Amendment of Rules 4.1 and 4.2 Contained in Chapter II of the Account Opening Rules

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Updating paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of Rule No. (100)

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Amending the Requirements of Rule No. (300-1-5-7) for Owners’ Associations Licensed by the Ministry of Housing

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Amendment to Some Bank Account Rules to Enable Various Endowment Entities to Benefit from Banking Services

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Introducing Two Rules Within the Account Opening Rules for Associations and Professional Bodies

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Amendments of Requirements for Bank Accounts for Prison Inmates’ Deposits as per Rule No. (200-1-1)

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Updating Financial Institution KPIs

          This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Amendment of the Requirements for Appointments to senior positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA

          No: 42080755 Date(g): 28/6/2021 | Date(h): 19/11/1442Status: In-Force
          This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Introduction of a New Paragraph within the Rule No. (300-1-5-3) of the Account Opening Rules

          No: 450651330000 Date(g): 22/4/2024 | Date(h): 14/10/1445Status: In-Force

          Translated Document

          In Reference to rule No. (300.1.5.3) included in the Account Opening Rules, and notified by SAMA Circular No. (65681/67) dated 01/11/1440H, which includes the requirements for opening and managing bank accounts for Private Foundations.

          I inform you of the amendment to the rule mentioned above by introducing a sub-rule that regulates the opening and management of bank accounts for civil society organizations established pursuant to royal orders, as per the attached format wording.

          For your information and action accordingly as of this date. SAMA also emphasizes the importance of adhering to the instructions communicated according to Circular No. (45034076) dated 26/05/1445H regarding The Requirement for Obtaining the Approval of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to Open Bank Accounts, Transfer or Issue Checks Outside the Kingdom Shall not Apply to the King Faisal Foundation.

          • New Rule within Rule No. (300.1.5.3) Concerning the Requirements for Opening and Managing Bank Accounts for Private Foundations

            • Civil Society Organizations established pursuant to royal orders:
            Bank accounts may be opened for Civil Society Organizations established pursuant to royal orders as follows:
            1.A copy of the approval from His Majesty the King for the establishment of the civil society organization.
            2.A copy of the articles of association of the organization.
            3.A copy of the decision of forming the members of trustee board and verifying the identity of the members.
            4.Copies of the IDs of individuals authorized to manage and operate the bank account, with verification of their authorization by identifying them in a decision by the Board of Trustees. The signature should be joint for two officials, unless the organization's articles of association state otherwise. 
            5.Any transactions (e.g. remittance, collection of checks, etc.) outside Saudi Arabia may be made after verifying that these transactions align with the activity or main purpose for which the organization was established, as per its articles of association. 
            6.No transactions (e.g. remittance, collection of checks, etc.) outside Saudi Arabia shall be made for an organization if it is evident that the transaction does not align with its activity or main purpose under its articles of association, except for transferring money for the purpose of managing the organization’s activities. For example, remittance for paying fees of consulting services or of participation in external symposiums, conferences and the like may be made after obtaining approval from the National Center for Non-Profit Sector.
        • Amendment of the Finance Companies Control Law

          In reference to the Royal Decree No. (M/51) dated 13/8/1433 H, which includes the promulgation of the Finance Companies Control Law. We inform you of the issuance of the Royal Decree No. (M/272) dated 4/12/1445 H approving the amendment of a number of articles of the Finance Companies Control Law, as follows:

          1- Amending the definition of “Finance Company” in Article (1) of the Law, to read as follows: “Finance company: A company licensed to engage in finance activities.”

          2- Adding a clause numbered (5) to Item (first) of Article (5) of the Law, stating the following: “The company shall take the form of a joint stock company. The Bank may authorize other than the form of joint stock companies if it deems that the proposed business model or the nature of the activity requires it, provided that this does not prejudice the safety of the financial system and the fairness of the transactions.” The current clause (5) should be renumbered as clause (6).

          3- Amendment to clauses (1) and (2) of Article (11) of the Law to read as follows:
              “1- Engage in any activity other than finance activities, unless approval is obtained from the bank.
              2- Acquire, directly or indirectly, other entities engaging in activities other than finance activities, unless approval is obtained from the bank.”

          4- Amendment to subparagraph (d) of clause (1) of Article 12 of the Law to read as follows “finance or offer facilities to persons or entities if one of the members of the board of directors of the finance company, one of its managers, members of its board of managers, or the like, as the case may be, or its external auditor is a guarantor for receiving such finance or facilities.”

          5- Amendment to clause (2) of Article Twelve of the Law to read as follows “Without prejudice to public and private rights prescribed by law, any board member of a finance company, any director of the finance company, any member of the board of managers of the finance company, or the like - as the case may be - and any external auditor of the finance company, who receives finance in breach of sub-clause 1(b), 1(c) or 1(d) of this Article shall be deemed dismissed as specified under the provisions of the Regulations.”

          6- Amendment to Article (16) of the Law and its Clauses (1) and (2) to read as follows: "A finance company board member, or its managers or the member of its board of managers, or the like,- as the case may be- requires the following:

          1. be a board member in another finance company engaged in the same activity, nor one of its managers, member of its board of managers, or the like, as the case may be.
          2. combine the duty of monitoring finance companies or auditing their accounts with membership in board of directors in the same finance company, nor as one of its managers, members of its board of managers, or the like, as the case may be."

          7- Amendment to Article (17) of the Law to read as follows: "Members of the board of directors of the company, its managers ,and the members of its board of managers, or the like,- as the case may be- as well as its general manager, senior executive directors and branch managers, each within their powers, shall be liable for the company’s breach of the provisions of this Law and its Regulations."

          8- Amendment to Article (18) of the Law to read as follows: "Without prejudice to Article 12(1) (a) of this Law, members of the board of directors of a finance company, its managers ,and the members of its board of managers, or the like,- as the case may be- shall be jointly and severally liable for guaranteeing the company’s rights against losses resulting from granting finance without collateral."

          9- Amendment to Article (19) of the Law to read as follows: "An audit committee shall be formed in each joint-stock finance company from non-executive board members. Committee duties, selection of its members, term of membership and work procedures shall be determined pursuant to a resolution by the general assembly of the finance company upon a proposal by the board of directors."

          10- Amendment to Article (20) of the Law to read as follows: "Upon concluding any finance contract falling within their powers, the chairman, board members, its managers ,and the members of its board of managers or the like— as the case may be— and employees of the finance company shall disclose in writing the following:

          1. Any relation with respect to the contract.
          2. Any relation to the contract of any relative up to the second degree.
          3. Any financial interest they have with any contract party.

          In case of non-disclosure, an aggrieved party may file a lawsuit before the competent court to invalidate the contract."

          11- Amendment to the Title of Chapter (5) of the Law from "Supervising Finance Companies" to "Supervision".

          12- Amendment of Article (21) of the Law to read as follows: "Subject to paragraph (2) of Article (Ten) of the Law, the bank supervises the activities of finance companies, entities engaged in activities supporting finance activity, and companies licensed to register contracts under the provisions of the Finance Lease Law, and exercise its powers pursuant to the provisions of this Law and its Regulation."

          13- Amendment to Article (29) of the Law to read as follows: "If a finance company, entities engaged in activities supporting finance activity, or a contract registration company commits violations relating to any professional irregularities or transactions exposing its shareholders or creditors to risk, or if its debts exceed its assets, SAMA shall, by written decision and in proportion to the violation, take one or more of the following measures:

          1. Serve a warning.
          2. Require the finance company to submit an appropriate corrective action plan.
          3. Order the suspension of some of its operations or prevent distribution of dividends.
          4.     Impose the fine set out in Article (34) of the Law, as the case may be.
          5. Order the temporary suspension or dismissal of the violator -if not a board member, managers, or a members of its board of managers or the like as the case may be- according to the gravity of the violation.
          6. Temporarily suspend the chairman, any board member, managers, or a members of its board of managers or the like as the case may be.
          7. Appoint one or more consultants at the expense of the finance company to provide advice on its conduct of business.
          8. Suspend the board of directors, its managers ,and the members of its board of managers or the like— as the case may be and appoint a manager at the expense of the finance company to run the company until the causes for suspension, as determined by SAMA, cease to exist. And if SAMA deems that the violation calls for cancellation of the license or liquidation of the finance company, SAMA may initiate a suit before the competent court. SAMA, at its own discretion, may suspend the license until the suit is decided.

          14- Addition of a New Article (36- Bis) to the Law, to read as follows: "The bank may exempt one or more finance companies from the scope of application of certain provisions of Chapters (3), (4), and (5) of the Law, taking into account equity of transactions and the integrity of the financial system."

          For your information.

        • Update of the Key Principles of Governance in Financial Institutions

          Based on the powers granted to SAMA under its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H, and other relevant laws, and further to the Key Principles of Governance in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA, as issued in Circular No. (42081293) dated 21/11/1442H.

          We would like to inform you of the update to the principles mentioned above, in accordance with the version published on SAMA's website, in line with the Companies Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/132) dated 01/12/1443H and its Implementing Regulations.

          For your information and action accordingly, the principles shall be mandatory for the financial institutions to which they apply, effective from this date. Please note that the attached amendments revoke any provisions that are in conflict with them from the relevant instructions of SAMA.

          The updated provisions of the Key Principles of Governance in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA.

          First: Updating the definition of the term (financial institution) to be as follows: "An entity subject to the control and supervision of the Central Bank."

          Second: Deleting paragraph (B) of the factors affecting independence included in the definition of the term (independent member), which stated that: "if he is a representative of a legal person that holds 5% or more of the shares of the financial institution or any company within its group;".

          Third: Updating paragraph (E) of the factors affecting independence included in the definition of the term (independent member) to be as follows:" if he works or used to work, within the preceding two years, for the financial institution, for any company within its group, for it's Substantial Shareholders, or for main suppliers and external auditors, or he held controlling interests in the financial institution, any company within its group, Substantial Shareholders, or any party dealing therewith like external auditors or main suppliers within the preceding two years."

          Fourth: Updating paragraph (17) under (2nd Principle/ Formation, Appointment and Board Affairs) to be as follows: "Each member shall immediately inform the Board of any -direct or indirect- interest he has in the businesses and contracts executed for the financial institution’s account, and shall not participate in voting on the decision to be taken in this regard."

          Fifth: Updating paragraph (A) of item (43) under (3rd Principle/ Responsibilities of the Board) to be as follows: "Emphasize that members, senior executives and other employees of the financial institution avoid situations that may lead to a conflict of their interests with those of the financial institution, and deal with such cases as per the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations."

          Sixth: Deleting item (79) under (5th Principle/ Committees Formed by the Board / The Audit Committee), which stated: "The committee shall be formed by a decision of the Ordinary General Assembly".

          Seventh: Deleting item (80) under (5th Principle/ Committees Formed by the Board / The Audit Committee), which stated: " The committee chairman and members shall be appointed for a period of three years, renewable for a maximum of two additional terms".

          Eighth: Updating the footnote of item (78) to be as follows: " As for banks, all committee members shall be independent".

          Ninth: Updating paragraph (T) of item (102) under (7th Principle/ Disclosure and Transparency) to be as follows:" Information related to any businesses or contracts to which the financial institution is a party, or in which any related party has an interest. This shall include the names of persons engaged in these businesses or contracts, and the nature, terms, duration, and amount of same. If no such businesses or contracts exist, the financial institution shall submit a statement of same".

      • “Tamweel” E-portal Approved by Monsha’at

        Further to SAMA Circular No. (41051780) dated 08/08/1441H regarding the "Tamweel" electronic portal approved by the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises "Monsha'at", which encourages financing entities to provide services to entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through the portal, SAMA remains committed to enabling the financial sector to support the growth of the private sector and its strategy to enhance the use of electronic channels to improve the level of service quality to achieve the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030.

        Accordingly, SAMA reiterates the encouragement to provide services to entrepreneurs and MSME owners through the "Tamweel" electronic portal approved by "Monsha'at," to benefit from the services provided through it. Financing entities are also urged to process applications submitted through the portal within specified timelines, include information about rejected financing requests along with the reasons for rejection, and forward them to the portal.

        • Confirmative Circulars

          • Compliance with the Regional Clearing System Procedures Implemented Since 23-3-1416H

            This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Emphasis on Compliance with Regulations for Advertising Products and Services Offered by Financial Institutions

          In line with SAMA's role in protecting customers of financial institutions as per relevant regulations, and with reference to SAMA Circular No. 44064343 dated 13/08/1444H, which includes the Rules for Advertising Products and Services Provided by Financial Institutions, and in light of the complaints observed recently regarding marketing calls made by some banks to promote their products and services:

          SAMA reiterates the importance of full compliance by all banks with its relevant instructions and the need to operate with a high level of professionalism to ensure the best interest of customers throughout their relationship with the bank. Specifically, banks must adhere to Article 11 of the Rules for Advertising Products and Services Provided by Financial Institutions, which states:

          "Financial institutions must obtain the customer’s written or electronic consent regarding his desire to receive advertisements according to the channels preferred by the customer. They must grant the customer the right to permanently refuse to receive these advertisements easily and in clear and specific ways."

          Banks are required to review their current procedures, whether these services are provided directly by the bank or through a third party and update related policies to align with SAMA's instructions.

        • Allow the Banks Operating in the Kingdom to Deal with Western Union for the Purpose of External Transfers After Obtaining SAMA Approval

          Refering to SAMA circular No. M A T/913 dated 5/10/1430 H which includes a prohibition on performing any money transfers or issuing checks, whether by individuals, companies, or other entities, through or in favor of the company (Western Union) either within or outside the Kingdom, directly or indirectly.

          We would like to inform you that it is now possible to engage with Western Union, while ensuring compliance with SAMA Circular No. M A T/464 dated 15/05/1430 H. This circular emphasizes the necessity of obtaining prior approval from SAMA before contracting with any company specialized in money transfer operations. Additionally, adherence to related regulations and instructions is required, including but not limited to: the Know Your Customer (KYC) principle, and anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations.

        • Allowing Premium Residency Holders to Own Real Estate

          SAMA has received a letter from the Premium Residency Center referencing the Privileged Residency Permit Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/106) dated 10/9/1440H. Article (2) of the law states:

          "1- Holders of the Premium Residency shall enjoy the following rights and benefits and shall comply with the obligations arising therefrom, ... (d) Ownership of real estate for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes, except in the cities of Mecca and Medina, and border areas as determined by the regulations..." The Center clarified that the ownership of real estate for the aforementioned purposes by holders of the Premium Residency is a right guaranteed under the Privileged Residency Law and its Executive Regulations, and exercising this right does not require any additional procedures from government entities.

          Accordingly, please review and take note of the above. For further details, please refer to the Privileged Residency Law and its Executive Regulations.

        • Emergency Evacuation for People with Disabilities

          Further to SAMA's instructions issued under No. (41039051) dated 03/06/1441H regarding the services provided for persons with disabilities in financial institutions, and referring to the letter from the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority for the Care of people with Disabilities, No. (138474) dated 19/07/1443H, which includes the emergency evacuation guide for persons with disabilities.

          In order to enhance safety and security procedures for financial institutions, contributing to providing safe evacuation routes for people with disabilities in the event of accidents, God forbid.

          SAMA confirms that all financial institutions must adhere to and comply with the emergency evacuation standards for people with disabilities according to the accompanying guide.

        • Charging Fees on Mada Claims

          Based on the powers vested in SAMA pursuant to Its law issued by Royal Decree No. 23 dated 23/05/1377 H, and The Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/2/1386 H, and Minister Council Decision No. (226) dated 2/5/1440 H, emphasizing that SAMA is the competent authority by regulation for operating payment and financial settlement systems and their services in the Kingdom, monitoring them, and supervising them. It has the authority to issue rules, instructions, and licenses according to the standards applied by SAMA in this regard, and referring to the regulatory controls on the operations of ATMs and points of sale and the related procedures communicated by Circular No. 2193/MAT/102 dated 13/2/1419 H, in order to strengthening confidence in the banking sector in general and the Mada service in particular, and seeking to reduce customer claims on card-issuing banks while encouraging banks to maintain their devices and provide the best supporting tools to fully and accurately complete banking transactions, the following has been decided:

          First: The banks are committed to refunding the financial amounts to their customers for incorrect and incomplete transactions correctly across all services "ATM, point of sale, e-commerce transactions" within two working days from the date of the transaction.

          Second: Imposing financial fees on banks that did not comply with returning amounts to their clients during the period specified above according to the following table:

          Settlement fee per claim

          The number of claims

          5 riyals

          From 1 to 200

          10 Riyals

          From 201 to 400

          15 Riyals

          From 401 to 600

          20 Riyals

          From 601 to 800

          25 Riyals

          From 800 or more


                            For your information and action effective from the date 1/7/2020 G.

        • Compliance with the Updated Personal Data Protection Law and its Implementing Regulations

          Further to the instructions of SAMA communicated through Circular No. (43045328) dated 19/05/1443 H regarding Adherence to the Personal Data Protection Law and Data Governance Policies, Regulations and Rules , and in reference to the Royal Decree No. (M/148) dated 05/09/1444 H which includes the approval of amendments to the Personal Data Protection Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 09/02/1443 H, and to its implementing regulations issued by the competent authority.

          Based on the aforementioned circumstances and given that the provisions of the aforementioned law and its implementing regulations have come into force on 29/02/1445 H corresponding to 14/09/2023 G, SAMA emphasizes that financial institutions must adhere to the following:

          First:  Implement the updated Personal Data Protection Law in accordance with Royal Decree No. (M/148) dated 05/09/1444 H, and its implementing regulations issued by the relevant authority. Review related internal policies and procedures to ensure they are amended to comply with the law and its implementing regulations within a period of one year from the effective date mentioned above.

          Second:  Provide SAMA with a compliance status using the evaluation form that will be shared via email before the date 28/09/2023 G, and submitted semi-annually in mid-January and mid-July of each year, starting from 2024 G, via the following email

          Third: SAMA will serve as the communication channel for financial institutions regarding the implementation of the aforementioned law and its implementing regulations, using the email mentioned above. 

          For your information and to act accordingly from this date. Please note that SAMA, as part of its supervisory and regulatory role, will conduct inspection visits to financial institutions to ensure the implementation of the aforementioned law and its implementing regulations.

        • Passing Reports to Security Authorities via Hotline Numbers of Police Operations Rooms in Provinces


          In reference to the telegram from His Royal Highness, the Minister of Interior, No. (42188) dated 16/02/1443 H, regarding the approval of the recommendations of the committee formed to study the possibility of providing a unified direct line for all regions of the Kingdom to receive reports from financial sector entities in the event of security incidents. Additionally, in reference to the telegram from His Excellency, the Assistant Minister of Interior for Operations Affairs and Supervisor of Public Security, No. (1/4300630140/S) dated 13/03/1443 H, which includes a statement of the direct numbers for the operations rooms in the region's police departments.

          Accordingly, attached are the direct contact numbers for operation rooms in areas not covered by the unified security operations centers (911). The central bank emphasizes the need to communicate with these numbers when there is a need to relay reports to the security agencies. The central bank also requests to be provided with a plan to activate the use of these numbers within a week from this date, via email: 


          The Direct Numbers for the Operations Rooms in the Police Districts

          The region

           The direction

          The direct number


          Operating Room.


          Makkah al-Mukarramah 

          Operating Room


          Al Bahah 

          The Operations Room


          The Eastern Province



          Ras Tanura


          Al Jubail




          Hafar al-Batin


          Qaryat Al Ulya


          The airport






          Al Khafji



          The Duty Supervisor


          Police operations


          Security Patrol Operations


          Emergency phones



          AL- Medina AL- Munawara

           Operating Room


          The Security Patrols


          The contact officer with the central bank



          The Operations Room




          The Operations Room


          Al Jouf





          Dumat Al-Jandal





           Operating Room




          The Northern Borders

          Operations Room



          The Operations Room



          Operations room


          Security patrols


        • Consumer Financing Buyout

          With reference to SAMA Circular No. 351000116619 dated 10/9/1435 H, which includes the first update of the Regulations for Consumer Financing and its Article 12.1, which states: " Creditors must quickly facilitate the transfer of balance(s) to other Creditors in the Consumer Financing accounts of their Borrowers. Creditors must not unreasonably withhold their consent to a balance transfer request they receive. Additionally, Article (12-2) states: "Creditors may not unreasonably withhold the issuance of a balance statement or certificate of outstanding liabilities requested by the Borrower; these must be issued within 7 Business Days from the date of request.

          In view of the importance of regulating the processes of purchasing individual customers' consumer financing debts between banks (Consumer Financing Buyout) and in order to safeguard the rights of customers and banks, it is necessary for banks to comply with consumer financing regulations and adhere to the following instructions:

          First: The bank purchasing the debt must prepare a specific form for the debt purchase request, ensuring it includes all necessary customer information, the date of the request, and all related documents, including (a letter of debt confirmation, a beneficiary acknowledgment letter, and the selling bank's approval of the debt transfer request). The form should clearly outline the obligations of both the customer and the bank.

          Second: The Saudi system for rapid financial transfers, "SARIE," should be used for purchasing individual customers' debts instead of bank checks. The amounts for debt purchases should be directed through interbank payments with a special code, facilitating the completion of the purchase of existing debts.

          Third: The bank payment issued by the purchasing bank for the debt must include the following details:

          Customer's name.

          National ID/Residence ID number.

          Debt amount.

          Purpose of the transfer.

          Debt reference number.

          Fourth: The bank purchasing the debt must provide the customer with the payment reference number (UTI) to facilitate the completion of procedures with the bank selling the debt. The selling bank must finalize the procedures, notify the customer and the purchasing bank of the customer's debt settlement, and issue a clearance letter to the customer within seven business days from the date of receiving the repayment amount for the existing financing. This must also be recorded in the customer’s credit report with the Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH).

          Fifth: The purchasing bank is not permitted to allow the customer to use the remaining amount of financing until all necessary conditions have been met, the clearance letter from the selling bank has been received, and sufficient guarantees for the financing have been obtained (such as a salary assignment letter from the customer’s employer). The purchasing bank must explain this step to the customer before conducting the debt purchase process.

          Sixth: Adhere to the early repayment standards outlined in the updated consumer financing regulations for contracts subject to these regulations.


        • Dealing with the Licensed Real Estate Brokers in Accordance with the Relevant Laws and Regulations

          Based on the responsibilities and objectives assigned to SAMA, pursuant to its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442 H and the relevant regulations, including supporting the stability of the financial sector and enhancing trust in it. Referring to the Real Estate Brokerage Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/130) on 30/11/1443 H, Paragraph (1) of Article Four states: "Engaging in real estate brokerage or providing real estate services shall not be permissible without obtaining a license from REGA.

          Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes to the financial institutions under its supervision the importance of adhering to the provisions stipulated in the Real Estate Brokerage Law and refraining from dealing or contracting with any real estate broker who is not licensed by the General Authority for Real Estate in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Licensed brokers can be verified and inquired about through the official website of the General Authority for Real Estate


        • Designation of a special email to receive SAMA decisions

          This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Differences Between the English and Arabic Name in Iqamas

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Implementing Regulation to the CTF Law IRs CTF

          No: 391000026744 Date(g): 22/11/2017 | Date(h): 4/3/1439
          This regulation is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Responding to the Requests of the General Secretariat of the Committees for Resolution of Banking and Financial Disputes and Violations

          No: 42048729 Date(g): 24/2/2021 | Date(h): 13/7/1442Status: In-Force

          Translated Document

          Further to the instructions issued by the Saudi Central Bank's Circular No. (41/2307) dated 09/09/1439 H Including the affirmation of the importance of promptly responding to judicial authorities in cases filed before them and the commitment to replying to their requests within the specified statutory periods, as well as the commitment to receiving judicial judgments and decisions and working on their implementation as quickly as possible. Based on the tasks entrusted to the General Secretariat of the Committees for Banking and Financial Disputes and Violations according to the Rules of Procedure of the Banking Disputes Committee, the Appeal Committee for Banking Disputes and Violations, and the Rules of Procedure of the Committee for the Resolution of Financing Disputes and Violations, and the Appeal Committee for the Resolution of Financing Disputes and Violations, issued by Royal Order No. (713) dated 04/01/1438 H, which included the duty of the General Secretariat to prepare the cases.

          And as the preparation of lawsuits aims to ensure that the parties of the case have submitted their defenses and reply memorandums, including supporting documents for their defense, before the first session is held. This allows the court to study them and form its conviction, positively impacting the consideration of cases and contributing to reducing the duration of litigation by enabling judicial panels to issue their decisions in a short period of time.

          Accordingly, the Central Bank emphasizes to all banks and financing companies operating in the Kingdom the necessity to respond to requests from the General Secretariat for the preparation of claims and to adhere to the timeframes mentioned in the attached schedule. In the event of being unable to comply with the specified timeframes, an immediate response to the Secretariat is required to clarify the reason for the inability to meet the deadline, in addition to specifying the period within which the required information will be provided, which should not exceed 30 days from the date of the General Secretariat's request.

          For your information and action effective immediately. Please be aware that the central bank will take the necessary regulatory measures in case of non-compliance.

          • Annex

            The Type of Document Required

            The Specified Time

            Contracts and Agreements

            Ten business days from the date of the request

             which proves the tenant's trespass and negligence

            Ten working days from the date of the request

            Account Statements

            Ten working days from the date of the request.

            The evidence that demonstrates the tenant's benefit from the rented property

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The document/proof that confirms the total loss of the rented vehicle

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The records of increase for trust funds

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The Authorized Signature Document for the Client

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            Call recording

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            visual representation

            Ten business days from the date of the request.

            Inventory Report

            Ten working days from the date of the request

            Journal Strip

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            Remittance documents

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            SWIFT messages

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The documents verifying point of sale transactions

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            Cardholders' objections to transactions made on their credit cards

            Ten working days from the date of the request.

            Response from Credit Card Companies (Visa/Mastercard)

            Ten working days from the date of the request

            Proof of payment amounts to credit card companies

            Ten business days from the date of the request.

            What proves the customer's receipt of (the credit card / account statements / checkbook, etc.)

            Ten business days from the date of the request.

             Authorization Documents for Accounts

            Ten working days from the date of the request

            The document proving the representative's authority over the account

            Seven business days from the date of the order.

            A copy of the permanent order

            Ten working days from the date of the request


            Seven working days from the date of the request

            A copy of the check

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            Objection Form

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            A verdict issued in a previous lawsuit related to the subject of the current lawsuit

            Seven business days from the date of the request.


            Seven business days from the date of the request

            The customer's acknowledgment on any subject

            Seven business days from the date of the request.

            What proves the request of the beneficiary parties to extend/confiscate the letters of guarantee

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            Approval of documents related to the letter of credit

            Seven business days from the date of the order

            The document that proves the payment of the Letter of Credit amounts to the beneficiary

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            The promissory note issued by the client

            Seven working days from the date of the request

            Sponsorship Documents

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            Mortgage documents

            Seven business days from the date of the request.

            Contact details for the customer's communication with the bank

             Five business days from the date of the request

            Identifying the disputed operations

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The orders of seizure issued by the Saudi Central Bank

            Seven business days from the date of the request

            An agency contract authorizing the agent to plead

            Three business days from the date of the request.

            What proves the account status

            Seven working days from the date of the request.

            What proves the request to cancel the transfer (time and date)

            Seven business days from the date of the request.

            The Medical Questionnaire

            Seven working days from the date of the request

            The proof of the client concealing their health condition at the time of contracting

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            Different extracts from the bank systems

            Ten business days from the date of the request

            The assets challenged for forgery

            Fifteen working days from the date of the request

        • POS Payment Service of GCC Net

          Further to the instructions issued by SAMA under circular No. (41/46206) dated 20/10/1439H, and Circular No. (371000100598) dated 14/09/1437H, regarding the GCC POS Pricing Policy (GCC-NET) and its specific tariff, and in continuation of the ongoing efforts between banks and central banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries aimed at integrating payment systems among the council countries, and referring to what was agreed upon in the periodic meetings of the governors of banks and central banks in the council countries to link the point-of-sale networks of the council countries with the GCC payment network. As this is an important aspect in the integration of payment systems among the council countries, it enhances and supports the joint cooperation between the GCC countries.

          I inform you that it has been decided to activate the Point of Sale (POS) service for the Gulf Payments Network in the State of Qatar to accept POS transactions starting from 01/08/2022. Accordingly, banks are required to adhere to the following:

          First: Take the necessary technical and operational measures to accept and process transactions on their systems and on their point-of-sale (POS) devices in order to complete purchase transactions via POS between the Kingdom and the State of Qatar.

          Second: Take the necessary commercial measures with their customers holding Gulf Network cards and merchants accepting Gulf Network cards to ensure that transactions are processed in accordance with the approved pricing.

          Third: Notify and educate customers holding Gulf Network cards that purchase transactions in the State of Qatar will be processed through the payment network of the National NAPS Network, which is connected to the Gulf Network.

          Fourth: Process and accept all Gulf network transactions using cards bearing the Gulf Network logo, and also accept Gulf network cards on their point-of-sale devices.

          For your information and to act accordingly starting from the activation date mentioned above.

        • Readiness to Receive Requests for Installing Electronic Payment Methods for all Retail Sector Activities

          Based on SAMA's strategy for payment systems and the Financial Sector Development Program aimed at promoting electronic payments and reducing cash transactions to achieve a target of 70% electronic payments by 2030, and as a continuation of SAMA's efforts to support the activation of electronic channels through the implementation of the Integrated Digital Payments Strategy to enhance the level of electronic services provided, and the efforts of the National Program for Combating Commercial Concealment by gradually mandating the retail sector to provide electronic payment methods.

          The program, in cooperation with SAMA, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce, has mandated that all retail sector activities in the Kingdom - which were not previously obligated - provide electronic payment methods starting from 06/01/1442 H, corresponding to 25/08/2020 G. In order to ensure the success of the efforts to implement this decision and to ensure full readiness to meet the expected volume of demand, all banks and payment service providers must comply with the following:

          • Readiness to respond to all requests for opening accounts and e-wallets for merchants operating in all retail sector activities.
          • Readiness to respond to all requests for the installation of electronic payment methods authorized by SAMA, including (Mada point-of-sale devices and electronic wallets) through various communication channels such as the official website, the unified number, and others, and adherence to all regulatory and operational rules for these services.
          • The commitment – when providing the means of payment – to use the specific Merchant Category Codes (MCC) accurately according to the nature of the business activity.
          •  Internal notification to branches, customer service, and relevant departments to inform them of the decision and its implications, and to ensure their understanding when receiving inquiries from the public.
        • Remote Work Initiative

          Referring to the efforts of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to provide new job opportunities for citizens and to organize the labor market, it has launched several initiatives, including the "Remote" Work initiative. Under this initiative, the contractual relationship for "Remote" workers is subject to the provisions of the labor law, ministerial decisions, and the approved internal regulations of the establishment, and mandatory registration in social insurance.

          SAMA would like to stress to all financial institutions the importance of officially registering "Remote" workers working in customer service professions in official records, and the mandatory registration in social insurance or the documentation of remote employees' contracts through the electronic portal specified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development at the provided web link including cases where the worker is contracted directly or through hiring the worker via an intermediary, contractor, or subcontractor to provide customer services 'remotely.'"

          According to Circular No. (43008132) dated 25/1/1443 H, SAMA emphasizes that all financial institutions must comply with the instructions mentioned above, in addition to Decree No. (112203) issued by His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development on 18/6/1442 H, which include decision to restrict "remote" work in customer service professions to Saudis.


        • Remuneration for Members of Boards of Directors of Financial Institutions

          Referring to the authority of SAMA to issue instructions related to financial institutions and their operations in accordance with the provisions of its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H and referring to the provisions related to the remuneration of board members included in The Companies Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/132) dated 01/12/1443 H, and its implementing regulations issued by the Ministry of Commerce and the Capital Market Authority.

          Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes that financial institutions under its supervision must adhere to the aforementioned provisions when determining and disbursing rewards the remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors and its committees, in addition to the following regulations:

          1. Remunerations should align with the institution's long-term financial goals, comply with prevailing local customs, and be in line with the institution's financial risk policy.

          2. The policy of "Board of Directors and its Committees' Remunerations" should set an upper limit for the remuneration.

          3. Members of the Board of Directors are not allowed to vote on the "Board of Directors' remuneration" item in the General Assembly meeting.

          4. To provide SAMA with a report on the "total remunerations of board members and its committees" at the end of March each year according to the form attached to this circular.

          For your information and action accordingly, please update the policy on "Board of Directors and Committee Member Remunerations" in accordance with the provisions contained in these regulations within (90) days from its date. Please note that these instructions replace SAMA's instructions previously issued regarding the remuneration for chairs and members of boards of directors of local banks, insurance companies and reinsurance companies under Circular No. (381000063670) dated 14/06/1438 H. Additionally, an electronic copy of the Total Remunerations Report Template for the Board of Directors and its committees will be shared with you via email, along with the designated addresses for its regular receipt.


        • Report Funds Raising Cases Without Obtaining Official Approvals

          Further to SAMA Circular No. MAT/25760 dated 26/12/1433 H, referring to Ministry of Interior Telegram No. 73142 dated 2/11/1432 H, which stipulates that all licensed banks in the Kingdom must abide by the previously issued instructions on monitoring abnormal or suspicious operations, including fund raising operations through bank accounts without obtaining prior approvals from the relevant official authorities, and the obligation to report such operations after studying them to the Financial Investigation Unit at the Ministry of Interior in accordance with Article 9 of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/31 dated 24/11/1433 H*, and not to seize these accounts until a directive is received from SAMA, and with reference to Ministry of Interior Telegram No. 25849 dated 18/4/1435H regarding the indicators reached by the working group formed by the Ministry and SAMA.

           Accordingly, SAMA would like to emphasize what was stated in its above-mentioned circular. Examples of some of the suspicion indicators that can be used as a basis for monitoring operations related to collecting funds through bank accounts without obtaining prior approvals from the relevant official authorities are shown below, as follows:

          1-Incoming deposits or transfers:
            a-It consists of individuals (male-female) with small amounts of money for the account, repeatedly, and from multiple locations.
            b-Foreign transfers of small and frequent amounts to countries experiencing political tension or natural disasters from a person's account to the accounts of individuals.
          2-Specify the purpose of the deposits or transfers (building a mosque, digging a well, building a school, philanthropy, charity, or donations).
          3-The existence of frequent transfers and deposits in a bank account corresponding to transactions between the account holder and a charitable organization or one of its employees.
          4-Some accounts are linked to a number of satellite channels (which are interested in fundraising).
          5-The bank has information that one of its customers is using social media to advertise that his account is accepting donations.

          Accordingly, it is required to operate in accordance with these indicators and include them among the indicators available at the bank or exchange institution. Additional indicators may be added to those mentioned above if deemed appropriate within your policies and regulatory programs.

          We also emphasize that in the event of suspicion regarding such transactions, it is necessary to report to the Financial Investigation Unit at the Ministry of Interior, ensuring the report clearly indicates the suspicion's connection to fundraising activities conducted without the approval of the competent authorities. This will enable the unit to take the necessary actions.

          We kindly request that you provide feedback on the measures taken in this regard within one month from the date of this notice.

          *The Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by royal decree No. M/20 dated 5/2/1439 H has replaced the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/31 dated 24/11/1433 H

        • Residency Holders with Citizenship Listed as Unknown

          This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
        • Supplementary Circular on Providing SAMA with Quarterly Risk Report Audited Annual Financial Statements and Quarterly Financial Statements of Finance Companies

                     Referring to Circular No. 371000052766 dated 07/05/1437 H regarding providing SAMA with quarterly risk reports and audited annual and quarterly financial statements of finance companies.

                     We would like to inform you about the amendment to Paragraph Five of the above-mentioned circular, to be read as follows "The Quarterly report on risk management and the audited annual financial statements, along with the prudential data forms, must be sent electronically to the email address with a digitally signed copy on behalf of the company."

                     SAMA emphasizes the need to adhere to the amendment mentioned above, and to adopt electronic correspondence directly via email, and to stop providing SAMA with paper copies of the aforementioned reports.

        • Updating the Questionnaire on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, and Providing Statistical Data to Banks and Exchange Companies

          Reference to SAMA Circular No. 361000108225 dated 08/08/1436 H requesting financial institutions to fully comply with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations, in accordance with the risk-based approach (RBA) and to take preventive countermeasures adequately and in proportion to the degree of risk facing the financial institution and SAMA Circular No. 371000071970 dated 27/06/1437 H addressed to banks operating in the Kingdom and exchange companies, which includes filling out the questionnaire on combating money laundering and terrorist financing and completing statistical data of the activity of financial institutions.

           I inform you that SAMA has updated the items of the questionnaire in the field of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and made some amendments to the statistical data of banks operating in the Kingdom and exchange offices, and that banks and exchange companies must submit these data for the period from the beginning of April until the end of September and submit the data to SAMA by October 25. 

          We hope to commit to submitting the data within the period specified above. SAMA shall be provided with a copy after approval by the specialists in the bank or exchange company, and submit an electronic copy of the questionnaire on a (WORD) file and an electronic copy of the statistical data on the (EXCEL) file, and communicate with SAMA to obtain an updated electronic copy of the required files.

        • Approval of off-Plan Sales licenses issued by the ECZA - Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority

          Starting from the supervisory and regulatory role of SAMA over banks and finance companies, and based on Royal Order No. (A/19) dated 10/03/1431H which stipulates the Statute of the Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority, and to Article (3) as amended by Royal Order No. (A/240), dated 01/04/1441 H, which included that the Authority for Economic Cities and Special Zones shall be responsible for issuing licenses for various commercial and industrial activities within the Economic Cities and Special Zones under the authority's jurisdiction.

          Therefore, SAMA emphasizes that all banks and finance companies must rely on off-plan sales licenses issued by the Economic Cities and Special Zones Authority, which are listed on the platforms of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing (Sakani Program), in order to provide credit facilities for the purchase of real estate products associated with economic city developers and within their special economic zones.

        • The Principles of Conduct and Work Ethics in Financial Institutions

          Further to SAMA's circular No. (72203/67), dated 4/12/1440H, regarding the principles of conduct and work ethics in financial institutions aimed at promoting workplace discipline, integrity, transparency, objectivity, competence, loyalty, and efficiency in the behavior of financial institution employees while performing their duties and job responsibilities.

          I inform you that it has been decided to include money exchange companies and institutions operating in the Kingdom within the scope of the definition of financial institutions as stated in the principles of conduct and work ethics in financial institutions.

          For your information and action accordingly with these principles.

        • Creation of a Position with Responsibilities to Combat Commercial Concealment, Analyze, and Report Suspected Cases Related to This Activity

          Based on the supervisory and regulatory role of SAMA, and its commitment to protect the financial sector and its reputation from being misused in money laundering operations, terrorist financing, or related predicate offenses, including commercial concealment crime, and pursuant to the powers vested in SAMA under the Article 24 of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by the Royal Decree No. (M/20) dated 05/02/1439 H and Article 82 of the Law on Combating the Financing of Terrorism issued by Royal Decree No. (M/21) on 12/2/1439 H. and the royal directive issued in August 2020 to establish a ministerial committee to oversee the National Program for Combating Commercial Concealment.

          I inform you that it has been decided to create a specialized position for combating commercial concealment crime, reporting to the Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing. This position will be responsible for analyzing and reporting suspected cases of commercial concealment, taking into consideration the following:

          1-Supporting the function of combating commercial concealment with all necessary resources (human, financial, technical, logistical) to effectively carry out its duties.
          2-The position of combating commercial concealment should be undertaken by individuals with experience and competence in the fields of commercial concealment, anti-money laundering, and counter-terrorism financing.
          3-Establishing the necessary policies and procedures to combat commercial concealment and the related reporting processes, to include the following:
            a.Development of technical systems to include the detection of suspected commercial concealment crimes.
            b.Creating and developing scenarios for account monitoring to include commercial concealment.
            c.Including training and awareness materials related to detecting commercial concealment and training bank employees on them.
            d.Evaluating the products, services, and channels that could be exploited for commercial concealment activities.
            e.Issuing and monitoring internal control reports related to commercial concealment crimes.
            f.Working on creating secure communication channels between the bank and the General Department of Financial Intelligence under the Presidency of State Security to assist in surveillance, monitoring, and reporting of suspicious transactions related to commercial concealment.

          For your information, and to act accordingly before the end of the second quarter of this year (2021), and to provide the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Department with the policies and procedures that have been adopted in this regard, via email.

          According to Circular No. (42080532) dated 18/11/1442H, SAMA emphasizes the importance of developing technology for banks and payment companies in order to support the detection of commercial concealment activities, in line with all indicators of of suspicious commercial concealment activities.

        • Professional Certificates of Financial Institution Employees

          Further to Circular No. 361000006226 dated 11/01/1436 H and Circular No. 351000070134 dated 01/06/1435H regarding the mandatory requirement to obtain the retail banking professional certificate . This is for employees who interact directly or indirectly with customers.

                    I would like to inform you that SAMA has updated the professional examinations for both the Certificate of Basics of Retail Banking and the Credit Advisor Certificate – Level One, along with their respective training materials, to comply with the related regulations and instructions issued by SAMA. In addition, a professional certification for foreign exchange and remittance and its respective training material have been newly established.

                      Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes the obligation for bank and financial transfer center employees, as well as employees of financing companies, companies registering finance lease contracts, and exchange institutions and companies, to obtain the professional certificate for the basics of retail banking, the professional certificate for credit advisors – level one, and the professional certificate for currency exchange and transfer. This requirement applies even to employees who have previously obtained any of these certificates in their earlier editions, according to the following details:

          • Employees required to obtain the professional certification in Fundamentals of Retail Banking and the professional certification for Credit Advisor – Level 1:

          - Frontline employees at banks , including but not limited to: branch employees and managers, sales employees, and call center staff. This also includes employees contracted through a third party.

          - Customer care management employees at banks.

          The employees required to obtain the professional certification for Credit Advisor - Level One:

          Frontline employees at finance companies and financial lease contract registration companies, including but not limited to: branch employees and managers, sales employees, and call center employees. This also includes employees contracted through a third party.

          - Customer care management staff at finance companies.

          • Employees required to obtain the professional certificate in banking and transfer:

          Frontline employees at bank-affiliated remittance centers, including but not limited to: branch employees and managers, sales staff, and call center employees. This also includes employees contracted through a third party.

          - All employees of exchange institutions and companies. This includes employees contracted through a third party.

          SAMA emphasizes the requirement to obtain the aforementioned professional certifications within a maximum period of two years from this date, with a minimum of 25% of employees every six months. To view the training materials related to the above professional certifications, you can visit the website of the following Financial Academy.

          According to SAMA Circular No. (44029338) dated 06/04/1444H regarding ensuring continuous fulfilment of the professional certification requirement, and referring to circular number (43007566) dated 24/01/1443H concerning the update of the target category for the credit advisor certification.

          SAMA emphasizes to banks, their affiliated remittance centers, finance companies, and exchange centers the importance of continuing to meet the requirement of obtaining professional certifications, according to the following details:

          • Employees required to obtain the professional certification for the fundamentals of personal banking.

          Front-line employees in banks who interact directly with customers (customer care management staff, call center employees, branch staff and their managers), including those contracted through a third party.

          • Employees required to obtain the professional certification for a credit advisor:

          Employees of banks, and finance companies - including individuals contracted through a third party - who are directly involved in granting credit to individuals, as well as branch managers. This excludes companies that register financial lease contracts, the Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company, and companies involved in supporting activities.

          • The employees required to obtain the professional certification for banking and money transfer:

          Frontline employees at bank and its affiliated remittance centers and exchange centers, including those contracted through a third party.

          For your reference and necessary action effective from this date, the certificate must be obtained within one year from the date of employment, with a commitment rate of no less than 90% for employees concerned with the certificate.

        • Residence and Work Addresses

          In reference to the approval of His Royal Highness on Council of Ministers Resolution No. 252 dated 24/07/1434 H regarding the arrangements for activating the articles related to residence or work addresses mentioned in the Civil Status Law, the Commercial Register Law, and the Residency Law, which included the following:

          1. The public place of residence shall be the address of a natural person, a legal person, an individual institution, a public entity, or others, unless he chooses an address for the private place of residence to receive notices, notifications, and the like. The address of the public or private place of residence - as the case may be - prepared by the Saudi Post Corporation shall be considered an approved address that entails all legal effects.

          2. All those included in Paragraph (1) of this Resolution shall register their address data with the Civil Status Department or the Saudi Postal Corporation, and they shall also update that data if any change occurs to it, within a maximum period of sixty days from the change.

          3. The penalties stipulated in the Civil Status Law, the Residency Law, or the Commercial Register Law, as the case may be, shall be applied to anyone who violates the provisions referred to in the two paragraphs above. This application shall take place five years after the date of its entry into force.

          4. All entities subject to SAMA supervision and control shall take appropriate measures to oblige the beneficiaries of its services to provide address data, update the same, and link those services thereto.

          Pursuant to Circular No. 371000068810 dated 19/06/1437H, SAMA confirms the necessity of linking the provision of various services to customers, including, but not limited to: Opening and updating bank accounts, issuing an insurance policy, and offering financing products, by submitting the approved address data prepared by the Saudi Post Corporation (national address), and verifying the readiness of automated systems to ensure the implementation of instructions before the end of 2016 G, and announcing this to customers through all possible channels, including, but not limited to: The website, text messages, and e-mail, and urging customers to register their addresses (national address) with the Saudi Postal Corporation through the website (, noting that the validity of any address provided can be verified by contacting the Saudi Postal Corporation.

          Credit information companies shall also obtain from all their members the approved address information prepared by the Saudi Post Corporation (national address) for all consumers, in accordance with Circular No. 342880/67 dated 0/07/1440H.

        • Emphasis on Compliance with Customer Personal Data Protection Instructions

          Based on the powers vested in SAMA under the relevant laws and regulations, and with reference to SAMA Circular No. (43045328) dated 19/5/1443 H regarding the Adherence to the Personal Data Protection Law and Data Governance Policies, Regulations and Rules, and given the observation of certain practices that require individual customers to disclose some of their personal data before providing the service or product, whether directly or through a third party, without necessity.

          Therefore, SAMA emphasizes to all financial institutions the strict compliance with the protection of customers' personal data in accordance with the regulations and instructions issued by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority and the National Data Management Office, and what is issued by SAMA in this regard. Financial institutions should review their current procedures related to the practices of disclosing customers' personal data and take necessary measures to protect it. They must establish the necessary procedures and controls to ensure its security and integrity and its use for the purposes for which it was collected. Financial institutions are required to provide SAMA with a report outlining the measures taken in this regard by no later than 31/12/2022 via email.

          For your information and to act accordingly as of this date.

        • Biometric Authentication for Remote Customer Relationship Initiation/Establishment

          Further to SAMA's instructions related to identification and verification of individual customers' identity using documents, data, or information from a reliable and independent source at the initiation/establishment of the relationship "remotely", and stemming from SAMA's commitment to enhancing the quality of practices and procedures followed by the financial institutions under its supervision and mitigating risks.

          Accordingly, and based on the development conducted by the relevant authorities to enhance the verification mechanism for users of the (Nafath) application through Biometric Authentication, I inform you that financial institutions are required to adopt this feature when initiating/establishing a relationship "remotely", with a high level of verification or above. Additionally, financial institutions are required to complete the integration procedures with the approved service provider before 31/01/2023. They should inform SAMA and contact it in the event of any challenges or inquiries regarding this matter before the specified date via the email address.

          For your information and to act accordingly, effective from this date.


          SAMA emphasizes the obligation to refrain from initiating any "remote" relationships through various channels without using biometric authentication with a high level of verification or higher. Please note that SAMA will take regulatory actions in case of non-compliance.


        • Provision of Finance Awareness Programs for SMEs

          Based on the main objectives of the Financial Sector Development Program- which is one of the programs of Saudi Vision 2030- regarding empowering financial institutions to support the growth of the private sector, enabling financial planning, and enhancing financial literacy, and in line with the objectives aimed at supporting the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector to become one of the key sectors supporting the prosperity of the Kingdom's economy, and due to the importance of providing financial awareness to SMEs to ensure their ability to properly handle financial products.

          Accordingly, SAMA urges all finance entities to develop periodic financial awareness programs tailored for small and medium enterprises, in a way that aligns with the specific client segment of the finance entity and addresses the current or potential awareness gaps as identified by the finance entity. Additionally, it encourages the use of various awareness channels to ensure these programs effectively reach the targeted enterprises. Finance entities are also requested to submit a quarterly report to SAMA detailing their contributions in this regard, via the designated email address.

        • Obtaining an ID for Legal Entities from Approved Operating Units

          Further to SAMA's instructions communicated by Circular No. 46076/41 dated 19/10/1439 H, which includes A legal Entity Identifier Should Be Obtained from the Approved Local Operating Units.

          Given the importance of the LEI to contribute to maintaining financial stability, assessing risks and monitoring dealers in the financial sector, SAMA emphasizes on the following:

          1. All financial institutions supervised by SAMA and their affiliates must obtain an LEI from an operating unit accredited by the Legal Entity Identifier International Foundation (GLEIF).
          2. Branches of foreign financial institutions operating in the Kingdom and subject to SAMA supervision must obtain an identifier independent from the head office.

          For your information and action accordingly,  and to provide SAMA with proof of completion of this matter no later than one month from the date hereof for financial institutions that have not previously notified SAMA thereof."

        • Emphasize the Retention of Customer ID Copies

          With reference to Article (7) of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/20) dated 5/2/1439H, which stipulates that: "FIs and DNFBPs shall: 1-Apply due diligence measures to their customers and the Implementing Regulation shall set forth the instances in which such measures shall be taken and the types of measures to be taken.," and further to paragraph (2) of Article (12) of the same law, which stipulates that: "FIs and DNFBPs shall keep all records obtained through due diligence measures, account files and business correspondences and copies of personal identification documents, including the results of any analysis undertaken, for at least ten years after the business relationship has ended or a transaction was carried out for a customer is not in an established business relationship."

          SAMA emphasizes the necessity of obtaining a copy of the personal identity documents only once, either at the time of establishing a membership relationship with the customer or when updating the customer's information.

        • Obtaining the National Address (Residence and Work Address) of Consumers

          Referring to Circular No. 371000068810 dated 19/6/1437H supplementary to its Circular No. 351000101674 dated 6/8/1435H, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers No. (252) dated 24/7/1434H regarding the arrangements for activating the provisions related to residence and work addresses (the national address) prepared by the Saudi Postal Corporation, and as outlined in the supplementary SAMA circular mentioned above and what was included in Article 16 of the Implementing Regulations of the Credit Information Law stipulates that the consumer credit record , whether an individual or an entity, shall include their address.

          I inform you that credit information companies must obtain from all their members the address data approved by the Saudi Postal Corporation (National Address) for all consumers.

          To act accordingly, and provide SAMA with the detailed plan for these instructions no later than the end of March 2019.


        • Obtaining SHARI’A Committee Approval of Credit-Related Policies for Shariah Compliant Products

          Based on the authority vested in SAMA under its Saudi Central Bank Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 11/04/1442 H, and The Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386 H and SAMA Circular No. 41042498 dated 18/06/1441 H the amount under it is the Shariah governance framework for local banks operating in the kingdom and Circular No. 43038156 dated 27/04/1443 H the notified amount constitutes the risk management framework for shariah compliant banking which represents the first phase of establishing a supervisory framework for banks and practicing Islamic banking.

          Therefore, SAMA emphasizes that banks offering Shariah-compliant credit products, must obtain approval from the Shariah committee within the bank for all credit-related policies and procedures which includes all steps from granting credit to the termination of the credit relationship, as well as procedures for early repayment and restructuring/rescheduling, before obtaining approval from the bank's board of directors or their authorized representatives, as applicable.

          SAMA also emphasizes the necessity of complying with all regulatory requirements for banks that engage in Islamic banking activities, in addition to other regulatory requirements issued by SAMA.

          For your information and action as of June 1, 2022.

          • Emphasis on Implementing the Provisions of the Civil Defense Law and the Requirements of the Saudi Building Code, Especially Concerning Fire Protection Procedures and Preventive Measures

            In Reference to the Civil Defense Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/10) dated 10/05/1406H, as amended by Royal Decree No. (M/63) dated 13/09/1436H, and regulations issued in implementation thereof, concerning the necessary procedures and measures to provide the requirements and conditions for fire prevention and protection in all buildings and establishments. Additionally, reference to the law on implementation of the Saudi Building Code, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 26/04/1438H, as amended by Royal Decree No. (M/15) dated 19/01/1441H, and the regulations issued in implementation thereof, as well as the Security and Safety Guide in the Financial Sector issued by SAMA.

            In order to achieve the highest safety standards in buildings and establishments, SAMA emphasizes to all financial institutions under its supervision the importance of reviewing the Civil Defense Law and its implementing regulations, the law on implementation of the Saudi Building Code and its implementing regulations, and ensuring the application of the provisions outlined therein. This is especially concerning fire protection procedures and preventive measures. Additionally, the following actions should be taken:

            1.  Restricting financial institutions to contracting with accredited engineering consulting offices in the field of fire prevention and protection, as published on the General Directorate of Civil Defense website (, to conduct inspections of buildings to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Saudi Building Code, implement safety systems in the buildings, and address any observations, if found.
            2. Verifying the activation of the safety specialist's role within the establishment, as well as the activation of the safety register, in which all monthly inspections, periodic tests, and maintenance of safety devices and fire-fighting equipment are recorded.
            3. Activating the emergency plans and training for the self-defense teams, and identifying potential risks, under the supervision of the Security and Safety Department in the financial institution.
            4. Verifying the issuance of the electronic Civil Defense license.

            For your information and action accordingly, and to provide SAMA with a compliance certificate and completion of work according to the requirements of the Saudi Building Code (801-SBC) and the Civil Defense license, in addition to the action plan to comply with the above, to be sent to the email (BankingSafetySecurity@SAMA.GOV.SA).

          • A legal Entity Identifier Should Be Obtained from the Approved Local Operating Units

            Referring to the approval of the Group of Twenty (G20) countries - of which KSA is a member - of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) system in July 2012 G, in order to enable regulatory and supervisory authorities to assess potential risks, maintain financial stability, and monitor dealers in the financial markets, and provide accurate and periodically updated financial information. This system aims to provide new mechanisms through which financial sector institutions can systematically and effectively identify risks, and provide operational regulatory requirements to ensure the stability and efficiency of the financial sector. Global legislative bodies have concluded the importance of providing special identifiers for every business entity around the world and exchanging them transparently. In the first half of this year, SAMA hosted committees and work teams of the Global LEI system, and held a workshop to explain the project in the presence of representatives of banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, and financing companies.

            The LEI system is an approved international system that includes a global standard numbering (ISO 17442) for legal entities (companies and institutions), so that each legal entity is identified with a special code consisting of 20 characters. Through this identifier, basic information about the entity appears, such as the official name, address of the headquarters, the legal form of the entity, and the relationships of subsidiaries with the parent company.

            To operate the project, the Central Registration Unit (GLEIF) adopted international standards for the LEI system and qualified and certified the local operating units (LOU) for the project according to approved and unified technical and legal requirements. Most supervisory and regulatory authorities around the world have realized the urgent need to approve the LEI system. There are also thirty-two accredited local operating units linked to the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), including an accredited Saudi unit affiliated with the Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH) under the name of the (Identifier) unit.

            Accordingly, banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, and financing companies operating in KSA (and their subsidiaries) are required to obtain an LEI from one of the local operating units approved by GLEIF as of 01/08/2018 G, provide SAMA with this LEI, and circulate to their financial group the importance of registration for international purposes.

                  Pursuant to Circular No. (19636/67) dated 23/03/1441 H, and given the importance of the LEI contributing to maintaining financial stability, assessing risks, and monitoring customers in the financial sector, SAMA emphasizes the following:

            1. All financial institutions subject to SAMA supervision, along with the affiliates of these institutions, shall obtain a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) from an operating unit approved by GLEIF.
            2. Branches of foreign financial institutions operating in Saudi Arabia and subject to the supervision of SAMA shall obtain an identifier independent of the main office.

            Pursuant to Circular No. (43029603) dated 04/04/1443 H, and in an effort by SAMA to support the establishment of a unified system that serves the Kingdom in applying best practices for risk management and financial stability and enhancing transparency in financial markets in line with the objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, and in a way that contributes to implementing the Kingdom’s international obligations arising from its membership in the G20, and strengthening the Kingdom’s international standing, and to facilitate the implementation of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) issuance and renewal services, to enable financial sector institutions to identify and evaluate potential risks in a systematic and effective manner that contributes to the stability and efficiency of the financial sector. Accordingly, the following was resolved:

            1. The Legal Entity Identifier shall be valid and up-to-date for financial institutions subject to the supervision of SAMA, establishments affiliated with financial institutions, and branches of foreign financial institutions operating in KSA, referred to in SAMA Circular No. (19636/67) dated 23/03/1441 H.
            2. Financial institutions shall be allowed to sign an agreement of issuing, updating and renewing LEI through a financial institution” (Marafiq) with the Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH) as the authorized local operator of LEI (local operating unit) to enable financial institutions themselves to issue, update and renew LEI on behalf of business sector clients (current and/or potential) pursuant to the provisions of the agreement approved by SAMA.

            SAMA urges financial institutions - as the case may be - that policies and procedures should include a legal entity identifier for all business sector customers before granting credit, that the identifier be valid and updated throughout the existence of the relationship, and that obtaining it should be a supportive tool for identifying the customer and the risks associated with his transactions.

          • Residency Permits Issued by the "Ministry Portal" or Similar Phrases Indicating Issuance

            In reference to SAMA receiving inquiries from some banks operating in the Kingdom regarding a number of their non-Saudi customers requesting to open accounts or continue dealing with them under residency cards, some of which - for example - have the phrase (Ministry Portal, Security Procedures Department, or Civil Status Office in Jurushi Mall) and other phrases indicating the electronic place of issuance written in the place of issuance field, and the name of the city from which the residency was issued does not appear in the place of issuance field as is customary. Banks request guidance regarding the acceptance of these residencies in banking transactions or not. 

            I would like to inform you that SAMA has received a letter from His Excellency the Director General of Passports No. 89518 dated 11/27/1434 H, which includes the commencement of the Passports Departments to provide their electronic services, including issuing and renewing residencies that have the phrase (Ministry Portal) appearing in the place of issuance field, and that Passports has noticed during the past period that some banks do not allow their services to holders of such residencies. His Excellency requests that banks be informed not to return customers holding such residencies and to allow the provision of the necessary services to them under them until further notice. 

            Based on the above, we hope to accept residencies that state in the field of place of issuance the phrase (Ministry Portal or Security Procedures Department) and other similar phrases that indicate that the place of issuance is primarily the Ministry of Interior and not to ask their holders to visit passport offices to correct them when opening or continuing to deal with non-Saudi accounts until further notice is sent to the banks through SAMA.

             For information and to inform all departments and branches to act accordingly.

          • Residency Permits with Foreigner Nationality Field and a Saudi passport

            This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
          • Replacement of Lost Title Deeds of Real Estates

            Referring to SAMA's letter No. 9333/BCP/2322 dated 26/7/1416H and the supplementary circular No. 1512/BCL/19 dated 19/1/1423H regarding inquiries about mortgaged instruments with banks. 

            We would like to inform you that, in order for SAMA to speed up the completion of citizens' transactions and raise the level of service, it has been decided to reduce the period required by banks to respond to inquiries regarding mortgaged instruments from ten working days to five working days, starting from the beginning of the month of Rajab of this year.

          • Promoting Use of Legal Entity Identifier and Facilitating Obtaining it through Financial Institutions


            In reference to the powers vested to the Central Bank for supervising and monitoring financial institutions based on the provisions of its Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442 H, and based on the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and in reference to Circular issued by the Central Bank No. (67/19636) dated 23/3/1441 H, which stipulates that all financial institutions and their affiliated establishments, as well as branches of foreign financial institutions operating in the Kingdom under the supervision of the central bank, must obtain a Legal Entity Identifier.

            In an effort by the central bank to support the establishment of a unified system that serves the Kingdom in implementing best practices for risk management and financial stability and enhancing transparency in financial markets, in line with the objectives Vision 2030 of the Kingdom, And in a manner that contributes to the fulfillment of the Kingdom’s international commitments arising from its membership in the G20, and enhancing the Kingdom’s international standing, and from the standpoint of facilitating the implementation of services for issuing and renewing the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) to enable financial sector institutions to systematically and effectively identify and assess potential risks, contributing to the stability and efficiency of the financial sector, it has been decided as follows:

            1. The Legal Entity Identifier must be valid and up to date for financial institutions under the supervision of the Central Bank, establishments affiliated with financial institutions, and branches of foreign financial institutions operating in the Kingdom, as referred to in Circular of the Central Bank No. (67/19636) dated 23/03/1441 H.
            2. Allowing financial institutions to sign an agreement "Issuing, updating, and renewing a Legal Entity Identifier through a financial institution" with the Saudi Credit Bureau "SIMAH" as the certified local operator for the Legal Entity Identifier (Local Operating Unit); enabling financial institutions themselves to issue, update, and renew Legal Entity Identifiers on behalf of their business sector customers (current and/or potential) in accordance with the terms of the agreement approved by the central bank.

            The central bank urges financial institutions – as appropriate – to ensure that their policies and procedures include the requirement for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for all business sector customers before granting credit. Additionally, it should be valid and updated throughout the duration of the relationship and obtaining it should serve as a supportive tool for identifying the customer and the risks associated with their transactions.

            For your information and action starting from this date. In case of any inquiries in this regard, you can contact the Central Bank: (SLEI@SAMA.GOV.SA)  

          • Emphasis on Providing Communication Channels for Customers with Financial Institutions

            In reference to the communication received by SAMA from the Communications and Information Technology Commission regarding the request to replace the unified number (9200) for all financial institutions' customer service with the toll-free unified number (800), and further to SAMA Circular No. 67/48007, dated 2/8/1440H regarding providing customers with channels for communication with financial institutions.

            SAMA would like to emphasize that all financial institutions must comply with the instructions outlined in this regard and ensure the availability of the toll-free unified number (800) for all customer segments.

          • Approving the Requirement for Lawyers to Obtain the Unified Identity Number for Non-Governmental Establishments Beginning with Number (7), through the Establishment's Legal Registry

            Referring to the telegram of His Excellency the Minister of Justice, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Bar Association, No. (421413698) dated 26/07/1442 H, referring to the Ministry’s circular No. (13/T/8407), dated 29/06/1442 H, which is based on the Council of Ministers' decision No. (225) dated 06/05/1439 H. This includes that the Ministry’s circular stipulated that lawyers should update their information according to the unified national establishment number starting with the number (7). His Excellency desires to direct the financial institutions supervised by SAMA to require lawyers to obtain the national establishment number through the legal establishment register. And referring to Instructions of SAMA No. (42017708) dated 18/03/1442 H regarding Instructions to Replace the Unified Number Starting with (7) Issued by the National Information Center with the Commercial Register Number for Non-Governmental Establishments.

            Hope your awareness and compliance with the requirement for lawyers to obtain the unified national establishment number starting with the number (7) through the legal establishment register.

          • Cancelling the Use of the Indicator of an Expatriate Worker Withdrawing or Depositing a Check or Receiving a Transfer from an entity other than their Employer

            Further to the instructions issued by SAMA, as communicated in Circular No. (42080532) dated 18/11/1442 H, Regarding the addition of "the expatriate worker withdrawing or depositing a cheque drawn on an entity other than their employer, or receiving a money transfer from an entity other than their employer" as an index of suspicious commercial concealment that must be reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit.

            We inform you that it has been decided to terminate the use of the aforementioned index as one of the indicators of suspicious commercial concealment activities.

            For your information and compliance effective from this date.

          • Consideration of Loans Granted by the National Development Fund’s Development Funds and Banks

            Referring to Responsible Lending Principles for Individual Customers under Circular No. (99/46538) issued by SAMA dated 02/09/1439 H which is stipulated in paragraph number (13), mandates that financing entities must include loans provided by government entities within the monthly obligations of customers and take them into consideration in the debt-to-income ratios.

            Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes to all banks and finance companies taking into accounts the loans granted by the development funds and banks affiliated with the National Development Fund for individual customers. This should be done by referring to reports issued by accredited credit information companies, the deductions by the development funds and banks affiliated with the National Development Fund should be included within the monthly liability ratios for customers wishing to obtain any financing products.

          • Prohibiting the Use of the SAMA Logo on Publications of Financial Institutions

            Based on the powers vested to SAMA under its supervisory and regulatory authority derived from relevant regulations and rules, and in light of recent observations regarding the use of SAMA's logo by some entities on their printed materials and publications without obtaining prior approval, which could damage the reputation of SAMA or use the logo for commercial purposes, or to mislead customers.

            Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes to all entities under its supervision and regulation (banks, insurance companies, financing companies, credit information companies, insurance-related professional firms, and exchange companies/institutions) that they may not use SAMA's logo on their printed materials and publications except in cases where it's permitted. All entities must ensure that all their branches comply with the contents of this circular. SAMA will take appropriate measures against any violating entity in accordance with the relevant regulations.

          • Obligations of Real Estate Appraisal Customers Supervised by SAMA

            Based on the powers granted to SAMA under the provisions of the Banking Control Law issued by the Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/2/1386H, and Cooperative insurance companies control law under Royal Decree No. M/32 dated 6/2/1424H, and The finance companies control law under the Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 13/8/1433H,  and in reference to the Accredited Valuers Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/43 dated 9/7/1433H and its Implementing regulations—Real Estate Branch—issued by the Minister of Commerce and Industry Decision No. 531 dated 3/6/1435H*, and considering that banks, real estate finance companies, and insurance companies operating in the Kingdom and licensed by SAMA to engage in real estate financing or insurance are considered customers of real estate appraisal.

            Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes that banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must adhere to the following:

            1.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must engage with certified real estate appraisers who hold a valid license to practice appraisal.**
            2.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must govern the appraisal process by establishing mechanisms and guarantees to separate the financing or insurance procedures and the staff involved in granting or issuing from the appraisal process, starting from the selection of appraisers to the receipt of reports, including the following:
              -Establish a written internal policy for selecting accredited real estate appraisers whose services will be utilized.
              -Ensure that employees responsible for granting financing or insurance are not allowed to make any substantial contact with the appraiser, appraisal company, or the company managing the appraisal, which could affect or influence the appraisal or the information provided about the asset being appraised. This is to ensure complete independence of the appraisal work and to guarantee the absence of any conflict of interest or increased risk
            3.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies involved in the appraisal process, as well as their representatives, agents, financiers, insurance applicants, or any other third parties, or partners acting on behalf of the financier or insurance company, must refrain from influencing or attempting to influence the drafting, revision, or review of reports and results through coercion, collusion, inducement, intimidation, or any other way, including but not limited to the following examples:
              A.Refraining from or threatening to refrain from paying appraisal report preparation fees on time, or from providing future business to the appraiser, or threatening to exercise authority to demote or dismiss the appraiser or threatening to add the appraiser to a list of appraisers excluded by the bank, finance company, or insurance company.
              B.Explicitly or implicitly promising continued contracting or using authority to assist the appraiser in obtaining promotions, financial or non-financial compensation, with the aim of influencing the appraiser or the appraisal company to achieve the desired initial valuation result.
              C.Requesting the appraiser or appraisal company to provide a predetermined report or demanding a specific value during the preparation of the appraisal report or asking for estimated values or comparable sales at any time before the appraiser completes the appraisal report.
              D.Providing the appraiser with the expected, estimated, encouraged, or required value of the property being appraised, or the proposed amount, or the amount intended to be financed for the beneficiary.
              E.Any action or practice that conflicts with the appraiser's independence and impartiality, or any violation of the Accredited Valuers Law or its Implementing regulations (Real Estate Appraisal Branch)*
              F.Failing to provide a sufficient timeframe by the bank, finance company, or insurance company for completing the property appraisal, such that it aligns with the scope of work required according to international appraisal standards and requirements, without compromising the quality and accuracy of the results.
            4.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must provide sufficient information and documentation about the asset being appraised.
            5.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must refrain from requiring the appraiser to use specific appraisal methods.
            6.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must refrain from requesting a bank guarantee letter for amounts exceeding the scope of work assigned to the appraiser.
            7.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must establish procedures and conditions for accepting properties eligible for financing or insurance. These should include a mechanism for verifying ownership and ensuring the structural integrity of the building, with the bank, finance company, and insurance company bearing full responsibility and costs.
            8.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must not tie appraisal fees to the scope or quantity of work when contracting with the appraiser. This ensures the independence and impartiality of the appraiser, the appraisal company, or the company managing the appraisal.
            9.Insurance companies must refrain from issuing a professional liability insurance policy to the same real estate appraiser they are dealing with for the appraisal of any real estate asset during the term of the policy, to avoid any conflict of interest. 
            10.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies that become aware that an appraiser or appraisal company is violating applicable regulations and procedures, engaging in illegal behavior, breaching international appraisal standards, or not adhering to the Code of Ethics, Conduct, and Professional Practice issued by the authority, or delivering substandard performance, or engaging in inappropriate or unprofessional conduct, or any other substantial reason, must notify the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers in writing within a maximum of 30 days, providing evidence of the violation, with a copy sent to both SAMA and the appraiser.
            11.Banks, finance companies, and insurance companies must provide the customer with a copy of the property appraisal report.***

            * The Implementing regulations—Real Estate Branch—issued by the decision of the Minister of Commerce and Industry No. 531 dated 3/6/1435H, have been replaced by the Implementing regulations of the Accredited Valuers Law, issued by Ministerial Decision No. (107), Dated 28/01/1445H.

            ** This section was amended based on Circular No. 65768/99 and dated 25/10/1439H

            ***This section was added based on Circular No. 65768/99 and dated 25/10/1439H.


          • Ensuring Prompt Responses to Judicial Authorities and their Requests

             Referring to SAMA Circular No. 351000036574 dated 20/03/1435 H regarding the obligation of entities under SAMA's supervision to prompt implementation of judgments and judicial decisions without delay or procrastination.

            Given the observation that some entities are not complying with requests from judicial authorities and responding to their inquiries within the legally specified deadlines in lawsuits in which they are involved, this leads to prolonged litigation and hinders the consideration and resolution of cases, thus overburdening the judicial authorities. This can have negative effects on the reputation of the financial sector and harm interests and rights, while also avoiding legal penalties on (establishments and employees) that may arise from failure to respond to judicial authorities.

            SAMA emphasizes to all entities under its supervision the necessity of promptly responding to judicial authorities in lawsuits brought before them, adhering to the legal deadlines for responses, and ensuring the receipt and implementation of judicial judgements and decisions as soon as possible. SAMA will take the necessary legal measures in case of delays or procrastination in this regard.

          • Opening Daycare for Children of Female Workers at Financial Institutions

            Referring to the receipt of the telegram from His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development No. (10205) dated 18/01/1442 H, which includes a request to urge financial institutions under the supervision and regulation of SAMA to establish daycare for their female employees; this is in accordance with Article (159) of the The Labor Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/51) dated 23/08/1426 H, in line with the regulatory controls for private children daycare issued by Ministerial Decision No. (199071) dated 06/11/1440 H.

          • Using SAMA’s Name When Dealing with Customers

            Based on the powers vested to SAMA under its supervisory and regulatory authority, and in light of recent occurrences where the name of SAMA has been repeatedly included by employees of financial entities under its supervision (including general/regional departments, branches, and phone communications) in order to convince customers of the validity of actions taken by these financial entities based on directives allegedly issued by SAMA. SAMA has received several complaints indicating that its instructions were cited as reasons for not fulfilling customer requests from these entities. Upon investigation, it was found that there were no circulars or instructions from SAMA that prevent the financial entity from providing the service to the customer.

            Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes to all financial entities (banks, insurance companies, finance companies) not to include the name of SAMA when dealing with customers, whether in refusing to meet customers' requests or in taking any actions contrary to the customers' wishes. If referencing any circulars or instructions issued by SAMA, this must be done through qualified specialists who are fully informed and knowledgeable about the circulars and instructions issued by SAMA, ensuring that the references are accurate. Financial entities must ensure that all employees adhere to the contents of this circular. In the event of any violations by employees of the financial entity regarding this matter, SAMA will take appropriate actions against the financial entity in accordance with the powers vested to it under relevant regulations.

            • Follow-up Circular for Obtaining SAMA NOC Prior to Nomination, Assignment, Reassignment, Appointment, or Reappointment of Senior Positions in Financial Institutions

              This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Insolvency Law

              Referring to the Insolvency Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/50) dated 28/05/1439H.

              SAMA would like to inform you that the law can be accessed through the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Investment through the link.

            • Obtaining SAMA no Objection before Accepting Nomination or Assignment / or Re-Assignment or Appointment / or Reappointment of any of the Senior Positions in Financial Institutions with any Public or Private Front or Assuming any other Responsibilities

              Referring to the requirements for appointment to senior positions in financial institutions under the supervision of SAMA, as communicated in accordance with Circular No. (1994/67) dated 10/1/1441H which specifies the minimum eligibility standards that financial institutions must adhere to when evaluating the suitability of individuals occupying or being considered for senior positions. It stipulates that a person in a senior role must have the necessary independence to perform the tasks and duties associated with the position and must not have interests, job commitments, or any other circumstances that could lead to a conflict of interest or affect their ability to perform the duties of the position in any way. In reference to the principles of conduct and work ethics in financial institutions, as communicated by Circular No. (72203/67) dated 4/12/1440 H Including a number of professional commitments for employees of financial institutions.

              Given that SAMA issued the aforementioned instructions based on a number of Laws that it supervises, due to the nature of the financial sector and the importance of the efficiency of individuals holding senior positions, and their ability to perform their tasks in the best way, and considering that assigning or appointing any individual holding senior positions in financial institutions to general or specific tasks or other responsibilities such as memberships in boards of directors, committees, or similar entities; may affect the ability of those in senior positions within financial institutions to fulfill their job obligations and duties as stipulated in the laws and SAMA instructions or the internal policies of financial institutions in the best possible manner. Additionally, there is a potential for conflicts of interest between their functions in financial institutions and the positions for which they are nominated or occupy, which may influence SAMA's decision to grant non-objection to holding the senior position in the financial institution.

              Based on the above, the financial institution must take the necessary steps to modify its internal policies to ensure that the incumbents of its senior positions obtain the financial institution's approval and meet SAMA’s non-objection requirements before accepting nomination or appointment/reappointment with any public or private entity, or assuming other responsibilities such as membership in boards of directors, committees, or similar roles. It should be noted that non-compliance with this is covered under the provisions of Article (20) of the aforementioned requirements.

              Please refer to SAMA circular No. (1994/67), dated 10/01/1441H, and its amendments, to read the updated and the amended Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions.

            • Real Estate Valuation Fees in Mortgage Contracts for Individuals


                       Based on the powers vested to SAMA according to the related regulations, and based on SAMA's supervisory and regulatory role over the financial institutions under its supervision, and in order to apply the principles of fairness and transparency in financial transactions.

              Accordingly, SAMA wishes to emphasize to financing entities that real estate valuation fees should not be deducted from the customer until the customer has obtained preliminary approval to grant financing. Additionally, before initiating contract procedures, financing entities must inform the customer that they are not entitled to request a refund of the real estate valuation fees if the financing process is not completed for a reason due to the customer, and obtain an acknowledgment from him on that.

            • Emphasizing that Communication with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha) Should Be through SAMA

              Further to SAMA Circular No. (351000036570) dated 20/3/1435 H regarding Emphasizing on the Unification of the Contact Point with the Anti-Corruption Authority through the General Department of Legal Affairs at SAMA.

              SAMA emphasizes the need to adhere to the above-mentioned circular that communication with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha) should be through SAMA.

              For your information and action accordingly.

            • Licensing for Tawtheeq Company

              Based on the powers vested to SAMA pursuant to the relevant laws, regulations and instructions, and based on paragraph (first) of Article 18 of the Finance Lease Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/48) dated 13/8/1433 H which stated that: "Without prejudice to the provisions of Companies Law, a joint-stock company or more shall be incorporated pursuant to a license from SAMA to register contracts." And in addition to SAMA's circular No. 63911/99 dated 24/10/1440 H, regarding the registration of financial leases contracts.

              SAMA would like to announce that "Tawtheeq Company for Leasing Contract Registration" has been licensed to practice in the activity of registering financial leases contracts. Financing entities can register financial leasing contracts with any of the licensed financial leasing contract registration companies.

            • Value-Added Tax Service for Individuals' Real Estate Provided by the General Authority of Zakat and Income

               Referring to the receipt of SAMA of the letter from the General Authority of Zakat and Income, number 7963/1/1441, dated 2/11/1441 H, which refers to The Executive Regulations of the Value Added Tax Law updated under Commissions and Councils Decisions Number 2-3-20 dated 17/10/1441 H including the addition and amendment of certain articles related to the imposition of value-added tax (VAT) on real estate supplies by natural persons. It mentions the launch of the VAT service for individual real estate transactions on its website in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice. This will help individuals determine the extent to which real estate supplies are subject to tax and register them with the authority. Additionally, the text refers to other benefits provided by this service to individuals, and the commencement of the mandatory registration of real estate vacating transactions with the authority before completing the formal vacating procedures with the Ministry of Justice, starting from July 1, 2020.

              Accordingly, I hope of adherence to the value-added tax regulations in financial transactions for assets and properties owned by natural persons, and for reviewing the amendments and additions in The Executive Regulations of the Value Added Tax Law and to act accordingly with it from the date of its enforcement.

            • Tamweel Electronic Portal Approved by the Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monshaat)

              Referring to the role of SAMA in maintaining monetary and financial stability, supporting balanced and sustainable economic growth, including enabling the financial sector to support private sector growth, and its strategy to activate the use of electronic channels to enhance the level of services provided, contributing to the achievement of Vision 2030 of the Kingdom. And towards continuous and fruitful cooperation with all relevant government agencies in a manner that serves the public interest. Referring to the "Tamweel" electronic portal approved by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises "Monshaat", which is a portal that brings together entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium enterprises seeking financing with licensed financing entities.

              Accordingly, SAMA urges financing entities to provide their services to entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises through the "Tamweel" electronic portal accredited by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monshaat),and to benefit from the services offered through this portal and to process requests received through it within the specified times, due to the numerous benefits of this portal, including fostering competition among financing entities to provide suitable financing offers for these enterprises across various geographic regions, saving time and effort. Ultimately, this will increase lending and investment rates and stimulate economic growth.

            • Designate a Special Email to Receive SAMA Executive or Penal Decisions and Update the Postal Address of Financial Institutions

              Referring to the supervisory and regulatory role of SAMA over financial institutions under its jurisdiction, based on the powers vested to it pursuant to Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/5) dated 22/1386 H, and The Cooperative Insurance Companies Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/32) dated 2/6/1424 H,  and The Finance Companies Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/51) dated 13/8/1433 H, and The rules governing money changing business issued by the decision of the Minister of Finance No. (1357) dated 1/5/1432 H, and SAMA's determination to establish communication channels with the financial institutions under its supervision to ensure the dissemination of its executive and penal decisions.

              Accordingly, within fifteen working days from this date, all financial institutions under the supervision of SAMA are required to designate a specific email address for receiving SAMA's executive/penal decisions. This email address should be directly linked to the Chairman of the Board or the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer or General Manager, and the Compliance Manager -according to the company's organizational structure-, as the financial institutions must provide SAMA with the updated email address and contact details of the Chief Executive Officer or General Manager, and the Compliance Manager through email.

              SAMA wishes to emphasize that the responsibility for monitoring decisions received via postal mail and email, as well as the consequences arising from them, lies with financial institutions and their senior management. Financial institutions must notify SAMA in writing through the official mail and email about any updates to those addresses, these addresses will not take effect with respect to SAMA until one month from the notification date. SAMA also affirms that it will take all regulatory measures against financial institutions that do not comply with the content of this circular.

            • Increasing the Percentage of Qualified People with Disabilities in Employment

              Based on the powers vested in SAMA by relevant laws, regulations, and instructions, and referring to Article (28) of The Labor Law, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/51) dated 23/8/1426 H which requires employers with twenty-five (25) or more workers to employ at least (4%) of the total number of workers from professionally qualified individuals with disabilities, in accordance with the nature of the work, and in addition to the instructions issued by SAMA Circular No. (41039051) dated 03/06/1441 H regarding the instructions for services provided to persons with disabilities in financial institutions, and referring to the targets of the National Transformation Program to empower persons with disabilities in the labor market, and continuing the efforts of SAMA aimed at raising the level of commitment of financial institutions to regulations and their participation in national plans and strategies.

              Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes the importance of increasing the percentage of professionally qualified employees with disabilities to at least the legally specified percentage, in alignment with the nature of the work, and ensuring that the necessary means for their job performance are provided.

            • Cancellation of the Requirement for the Official Stamp of Institutions and Companies on Documents and Papers Submitted in Dealings with Customers

              SAMA received the letter from His Excellency the Minister of Commerce and Investment, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Competitiveness Center "Tayseer," No. 10201 dated 23/3/1441 H, referring to the Royal Order No. 13563 dated 28/2/1441 H, which stipulates in the first clause to emphasize to all concerned government entities not to obligate private sector establishments to use an official stamp and only ratify the Chamber of Commerce and Industry unless there is a regulatory requirement mandating it. Further to SAMA's instructions pursuant to Circular No. 381000053456 dated 17/5/1438 H, and Circular No. 381000056756 dated 25/5/1438 H, and Circular No. 391000031596 dated 18/3/1439 H regarding the requirements for establishment of institutions and companies and the cancellation of the requirement for the official stamp.

              Accordingly, SAMA affirms that it does not require an official stamp from institutions and companies on documents and papers submitted when requesting transactions, and it's sufficient to ratify the Chamber of Commerce and Industry without compromising the requirements of the "Know Your Customer" principle and due diligence procedures for customers, and to announce this through the available means.

            • Royal Order No. (33322) Dated 21/7/1438 on Women Rights and the Solutions Suggested in This Regard

              Referring to the Royal Decree No. 33322 dated 21/07/1438 H, which approved the Cabinet's recommendations regarding issues related to women's rights and the suggested solutions, and included the confirmation to relevant government agencies not to require women to obtain the consent of a male guardian when providing services or completing their procedures unless there is a legal basis for such a request.

              Accordingly, SAMA confirms its commitment to the provisions of the aforementioned Royal Decree and urges the banks to communicate with SAMA in case of any obstacles in its implementation.

            • Participation in Summer Training Program for Students

              In reference to the Royal Decree No. (7/B/2942) dated 01/03/1418H regarding the implementation of the summer training program for students, and the Ministry of Labor Decision No. (1/1047) dated 08/03/1429H, which stipulates the participation of establishments employing twenty-five workers or more in the summer training program.

              In light of the importance of the participation of entities supervised by SAMA in summer training programs for students, with the aim of utilizing their time in a beneficial manner, promoting the values of work, and equipping them with skills and experience, SAMA emphasizes the obligation of the entities under its supervision to comply with the Royal Decree and the aforementioned decision.

              Entities are required to provide training opportunities for students, register, and announce these opportunities on the program’s platform ( with the Human Resources Development Fund no later than the end of Thursday, 25/09/1440H.

              For your information and act accordingly.


            • Obligations for Banks and Finance Companies to Coordinate with Traffic Departments on Seized Vehicles

              SAMA has received the letter from His Excellency the Director General of Traffic, No. 95817, dated 3/5/1440 H, which indicates that there are vehicles impounded by the traffic authorities that are owned by some banks and finance companies. The reasons for impounding these vehicles include having a notice registered on the vehicle in the computer system as (required for ownership transfer), and involvement in a traffic accident, or a traffic violation necessitating impoundment, however, when representatives from these banks and finance companies are requested to review and collect these vehicles, some do not respond by attending the relevant traffic department.

              Accordingly, SAMA urges all banks and finance companies to promptly respond and expedite the review with the relevant traffic departments to finalize the procedures for the seized vehicles upon receiving a review request. It should be noted that the General Traffic Department intends to take several measures against non-compliant banks and finance companies, including the suspension of electronic traffic services for the bank or finance company, and the auctioning of the seized vehicle after ninety days from the date of its seizure.

            • Extension of the Compliance Period with the Cyber Security Framework in the Financial Sector

              Based on SAMA's commitment to improve cybersecurity practices within the financial institutions under its supervision, and referring to SAMA Circular No. 381000091275 dated 28/08/1438 H regarding the obligation of financial institutions to comply with the Cyber Security Framework and Maturity Level 3, SAMA emphasizes its dedication to enhance and support cybersecurity measures in the financial sector and the proper implementation of the regulatory framework by financial institutions.

              Accordingly, we inform you that SAMA has extended the deadline for compliance with the requirements outlined in the Cyber Security Framework to no later than the end of the fourth quarter of 2019. SAMA also emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the requirements stated in the aforementioned circular, in addition to the following instructions:

              First: Financial institution leaders must provide the necessary support to the Information Security Management and provide them with qualified national staff, technical tools, and appropriate training to effectively fulfill their roles.

              Second: Quarterly reports must be submitted starting from the end of the second quarter of 2019 until the financial institution complies with SAMA's requirements.

              Based on the above, SAMA reaffirms the importance of complying with the Cyber Security Framework according to the issued instructions and regulations, noting that SAMA will conduct field visits to verify compliance with these instructions.

            • Emphasis on Reporting Accounts Whose Movement Does Not Match Their Owners' Income and Wages

              Further to SAMA's instructions issued under Circular No. 351000139826 dated 14/11/1435H, regarding the Council of Ministers Decision No. (295) dated 13/07/1435H, which includes several measures to address the phenomenon of non-compliant foreign control over certain commercial activities. This includes the study concerning the employment of foreign labor in the Kingdom across agricultural, commercial, and all other sectors, and their concealment. Specifically, paragraph 11 of the decision states: "SAMA shall require banks to monitor the movement of bank accounts of foreign labor and report accounts whose activity does not align with their income and wages, in accordance with the regulations and procedures established by SAMA."

              SAMA reiterates to all banks, and money exchange companies the importance of continuing to notify the General Department of Financial Investigation at the Presidency of State Security in the event of any financial suspicions, in accordance with The Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Guide issued by SAMA. In addition, customer transactions must be continuously monitored.

              For your information and take the necessary actions in this regard.


            • Money Collection without Approval

              Further to SAMA Circular No. 351000058896 dated 08/05/1435H, which refers to the Ministry of Interior’s letter No. 25849 dated 18/04/1435H, containing some indicators of suspicion that can be used as a basis for monitoring transactions related to the collection of funds through bank accounts without obtaining prior approvals from the relevant official authorities. Additionally, referring to the Ministry of Interior’s letter No. 72541 dated 28/11/1435H, which highlights the increasing phenomenon of collecting donations by individuals or entities using SMS technology, the internet, or advertising through various visual and print media without obtaining official approval. This phenomenon often increases during Ramadan and the Hajj season. The letter also recommends implementing issued instructions prohibiting the collection of donations for any entity by any advertising means or through the establishment of kiosks or offices for collecting donations without obtaining official approval.

              Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes the need to take the necessary actions to monitor transactions and report any suspected links to such activities.

            • Verifying the Identity of Customers via a Reliable Source

              Based on SAMA's keenness to improve the level of practices and procedures in the financial institutions under its supervision, and its efforts to support and develop the financial sector while considering risks, and regularly reviewing updates to ensure necessary measures are taken to raise the maturity level of these financial institutions. This involves periodic monitoring and issuing related instructions. Based on the regular monitoring of fraud cases in the financial institutions, which showed the need to enhance the principle of Know Your Customer (KYC) by including an additional verification mechanism in the procedures for opening accounts/memberships in person and remotely, as well as for the existing accounts/memberships of current customers by linking the account owner's registered mobile number with the financial institution according to the number verified by "the Tahaqaq service", in order to support the verification process of the information and help reduce identity theft by enhancing procedures and relying on trusted and accredited national sources. Therefore, financial institutions are required to do the following:


              1-Ensuring that the mobile number linked to the account or membership in the financial institution currently belongs to the same person by matching the account holder's ID number with the mobile owner's ID number through the "Tahaqaq Service," so that the matching process includes all customer accounts/memberships.
              2-Evaluation of the current situation and identification of the number of customers and accounts/memberships with non-matching numbers currently registered with the financial institution, based on the information provided in (First) for the accounts/memberships of existing customers.
              3-Providing SAMA with the evaluation results, as well as the financial institution's corrective plan to ensure the alignment of the account holder's identity with the identity of the mobile number holder associated with the account for all accounts/memberships.
              4-Verifying the customer's registered mobile number with the "Tahaqaq Service" is part of the procedures for opening bank accounts or new memberships.
              5-The commitment to apply the above within a period not exceeding 45 days from its date.
              6-Ensuring compliance with the instructions stated in Account Opening Rules and other related instructions and their effectiveness in the financial institution.

              For your information and action accordingly, please note that SAMA will take the necessary legal measures in the event of non-compliance with the procedures determined within the specified timeframe mentioned above.

            • Acceptance of Old (5th issuance) Kuwaiti Dinar

              In light of the introduction of the new sixth issue of the Kuwaiti Dinar into financial markets, with the continued validity of the currently circulating fifth issue, which retains its legal tender status,

              SAMA emphasizes the necessity of accepting the buying and selling of the Kuwaiti Dinar in both its old and new issues ('fifth and sixth issues'), which remain valid and accepted in global markets until a decision is issued by the Central Bank of Kuwait to withdraw them from circulation.

              For your information, please notify all your branches to act accordingly.

            • Amending the Dates for Paying Entitlements to the Beneficiaries of the GOSI

              Referring to SAMA Circular No. 391000059139 dated 22/5/1439 H regarding Amending the Dates of Paying Pensions According to the Gregorian Calendar.

              I would like to inform you that SAMA received a letter from the Director General of Financial Affairs at the General Organization for Social Insurance, No. 45984 dated 14/8/1439 H, which includes the approval of the Board of Directors of the General Organization for Social Insurance to change the payment date of beneficiaries' entitlements from the Hijri calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Payments will be transferred on the first day of each Gregorian month. If this date falls on a Friday or Saturday, the transfer will occur on the preceding Thursday, starting from June 1, 2018. Please note that the last month’s Hijri entitlement will be transferred on Wednesday, 1/9/1439 H, corresponding to 16/05/ 2018 G.

              Accordingly, SAMA hopes that your specialists will consider the new approved dates for disbursing the entitlements of beneficiaries of the General Organization for Social Insurance when collecting monthly installments for credit obligations.


            • Accepting the National ID Card - Third Generation

              SAMA received a circular from His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior, No. (66899), dated 16/6/1439H, referring to the launch of  the issuance of the new National Identity Card (third generation), which includes the approval to use it. It is emphasized that the cards from the previous issuance remain valid until their expiration date.

            • Legal Department Employees

              Referring to the decision of His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. (6622) dated 9/9/1438 H, based on the royal decree No. (32749) dated 16/7/1438 H, regarding the Ministry of Justice taking necessary actions to include the provisions of the legal representative-concerning the Law of Advocacy-applying to legal department employees at private legal entities. This includes the addition of paragraph (18/13) to the Implementing Regulations of the Advocacy Law with the following text: "Employees of the legal departments at private legal entities shall be considered as legal representatives—after being licensed by the General Administration of Advocacy—based on a power of attorney from the authorized person. etc."

              As a result of the continuous cooperation and coordination between SAMA and the Ministry of Justice in all areas of mutual interest, SAMA would like to inform financing companies that their legal department employees are included in the legal representative status of the financing company. Consequently, legal department employees in financing companies are entitled to represent the company in judicial authorities for more than three cases simultaneously, subject to the following conditions:

                    A. The applicant (legal department employee) must personally submit the request to the General Administration of Advocacy at the Ministry.

                    B. The application must include the following documents: (1- National ID card. 2- A certified copy of the qualification or presentation of the original for verification. 3- A valid employment contract in the legal department of the financing company with at least one year remaining. 4- A statement from the financing company confirming that the employee is still employed. 5- A certificate of contribution durations and wages from the General Organization for Social Insurance (printout). 6- A valid power of attorney from the authorized person. 7- A copy of the financing company’s registration certificate + a copy of the company’s foundational contract. 8- Four recent personal photos (4*6) with a white background). The General Administration of Advocacy can be contacted through the following details:

              King Abdullah Project Building for the Development of the Judiciary

              Riyadh – Al-Dabab district – King Abdulaziz Road (Ministries) next to Radisson Blu Hotel (SAS).



            • The Spread of Advertisements for Lending and Debt Repayment from Unlicensed Parties

              This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Amending the Dates of Paying Pensions According to the Gregorian Calendar

              SAMA received the letter from His Excellency the Governor of the General Organization for Pension No. 15386/S dated 08/05/1439 H regarding the intention of the General Organization for Pension and the General Organization for Social Insurance to shift to disbursing pensions according to the Gregorian calendar. Pensions will be paid starting from February 2018 on the 25th of each Gregorian month.

              Accordingly, SAMA hopes that your specialists will take into account the new approved dates for disbursing pensions when collecting monthly installments for credit obligations.

            • The Saudization Ratio Calculation Mechanism in Prudential Data

              Based on the powers vested to SAMA under the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386 H, and the Finance Companies Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 13/08/1433 H, and in response to inquiries received by SAMA regarding the Saudization calculation mechanism and its relation to directives issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in this regard.

              We inform you that all Saudi citizens must be counted, along with the categories treated as Saudis—according to what is issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development—and this must be disclosed through the precautionary data form submitted to SAMA. Financial institutions should ensure verification and compliance with what is issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in this regard, and reflect that periodically on the aforementioned form, notifying SAMA of any updates made in this regard.

              Please take note and act accordingly, starting from the first quarter of 2018.

            • Periodic Follow-up on Local and International Issues Related to AML / CFT

              Referring to the issuance of numerous local and international regulations and instructions related to combating money laundering and financing terrorism, including the most recent ones issued by The Law of Terrorist Crimes and its Financing issued by Royal Decree No. M/16 dated 24/2/1435 H and the updates that occur from time to time regarding the amendment of some laws, regulations, and rules, among others. In addition, the periodic warning statements issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concerning countries that suffer from weaknesses in their regulatory measures to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.

              We would like to emphasize the importance of all relevant parties continuously monitoring related websites, including SAMA's website and to follow up on the regulations and instructions being issued, as well as those published by international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF), in order to ensure the banking and financial system in the Kingdom complies with the standards and requirements for combating money laundering and terrorism financing.

                  Therefore, we hope that everyone adheres to what is mentioned above.

            • Work Controls for Employees of Financial Institutions

              With reference to the Royal High Order No. 8/759 dated 5/10/1421 H, which stipulates that allowing women to work in government departments or other public or private institutions, companies or professions that lead to mixing with men and the like is not possible, whether the woman is Saudi or non-Saudi, as it is prohibited by Islamic Shariaa and contradicts the customs and traditions of this country, and that if there is a department that employs women in jobs that are not suited to their nature or in jobs that lead to mixing with men, this is a mistake that must be avoided. As well as the Royal Decree No. 187 dated 17/7/1426 H, which includes in its third paragraph a reference to the controls of employing women as wages for employers, including Not mixing with men in workplaces, and referring to the letter of His Royal Highness the Prince of Riyadh Region No. 16944 dated 7/8/1433 H, based on the letter of His Eminence the Grand Mufti, Chairman of the Council of Senior Scholars and Scientific Research Department No. 33011031 dated 7/7/1433 H, which includes the directive to emphasize adherence to the regulations and instructions governing the employment of women, in addition to the provisions related to the employment of women contained in the Labor Law issued by the Holy Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 23/8/1426 H and its Implementing Regulations, as well as the Women's Work Guide in the Private Sector issued by the Ministry of Labor and published on the Ministry's website (first version Muharram 1435 H) and any updates to it.

              In line with SAMA's commitment to providing a suitable work environment for male and female employees in the financial institutions it supervises, the Central Bank emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the following:

              First: The financial institution and all its employees must adhere to the provisions of the above-mentioned royal orders, regulations and directives, especially those related to the regulation of women's work in the private sector.

              Second: All female workers in financial institutions must adhere to modesty in dress and appearance in accordance with the requirements of Sharia regulations and the customs and traditions of society.

              Third: The management of the financial institution must adopt internal procedures and policies that regulate the work of women in accordance with the provisions of the Supreme Orders, regulations and directives referred to above, and take the necessary measures to implement this in order to provide a suitable work environment for its female employees that allows them to practice their work freely and separately from men.

              Fourth: The financial institution must establish a fair and clear mechanism for job evaluation and annual promotions for all its employees to ensure justice and regulate the relationship between superiors and subordinates (Code of Conduct).

              Fifth: The financial institution must fully comply with all the above-mentioned procedures and put them into actual implementation within a maximum period of 31/12/2014G, provided that SAMA is provided in writing with the date of actual implementation of these procedures.


              Pursuant to Circular No. 371000052146 dated 13/2/2016G, and with reference to SAMA Circulars No. 351000096501 dated 26/07/1435 H, No. MT/23423 dated 09/09/1433 H, No. 24593/MT/280 dated 20/05/1429 H, and No. 17479/MT/164 dated 02/11/1421 H, SAMA emphasizes the need to comply with the aforementioned circulars, and the instructions regulating the work of women and the controls of women's work in all circumstances, whether inside or outside the establishment's premises, such as meetings and training courses held outside the establishment's premises, and that failure to comply with any of these instructions and controls will lead to taking legal action against the establishment.

            • Accounting of Zakat and Income Tax

              No: 381000074519 Date(g): 10/4/2017 | Date(h): 14/7/1438Status: In-Force
              This has reference to SAMA circular no. 381000029499 dated 15/03/1438, which explains amendments to SAMA Accounting Standards for Commercial Banks issued in December 1994, regarding treatment of Zakat and Income Tax. 
              In order to clarify the accounting treatment and financial statement presentation of Zakat and Income Tax, SAMA has decided to take the following actions: 
               SAMA Accounting Standards for Commercial Banks will no longer be applicable from 1 January 2017.
               All Banks, Insurance Companies and Finance Companies should prepare their financial statements using IFRS except for IAS 12 and IFRIC 21 so far as they relate to the accounting of Zakat (IFRS as adopted by SAMA). Accounting for Zakat is a matter, which is not addressed, by IFRS, and therefore SAMA recognizes a need to provide guidance for a uniform application of accounting and financial statements presentation of Zakat and related matters.
               For the purpose of accounting of zakat and income tax, a standalone guidance document is being issued as per Annexure I which should be applicable from 1 January 2017. This treatment should be applied consistently across all the three sectors i.e. Banking, Insurance Companies and Finance Companies.
              • Annexure 1-Treatment of Zakat and Income Tax for Banks, Insurance and Finance companies

                1.Zakat and Income Tax charge for the current period (including foreign subsidiaries and branches):
                Zakat and Tax for the current period should be charged directly to the retained earnings of all Banks, Insurance and Finance Companies (hereinafter together referred to as the Entity) operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia irrespective of their ownership structure. 
                If the retained earnings are not sufficient to cover the Zakat and Tax for the current year, such charge will result in accumulated losses of the Entity, which should be adjustable against future profits. 
                2.Zakat and Tax charge in case of accumulated losses: 

                In case the Entity has accumulated losses at the end of current period, Zakat and Tax charge for the current period will result in accumulated losses / increase in accumulated losses and should be adjustable against future profits.  


                3.Zakat and Income Tax Charge for Prior Period:
                Any Zakat or Income Tax pertaining to prior year(s) shall also be charged to the retained earnings of the entity, as already explained under 1 and 2 above.  
                In prior years, if an Entity has debited the retained earnings with the zakat and income tax amount included within the proposed gross dividends and has not recognized a liability in the financial statements, then in accordance with this circular the proposed dividend for that year shall be adjusted to recognize a liability for the zakat and income tax amount. 
                4.Presentation in the Financial Statements:
                The total amount of Zakat and Income Tax shall be disclosed in the financial statements under the 'Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity' to be split as follows: 
                 Zakat for the current year;
                 Zakat for the prior year(s);
                 Income Tax for the current year;
                 Income Tax for the prior year(s).
                5.Accounting Policy on Zakat and Income Tax:
                The Entity shall disclose its Accounting Policy for calculating and charging Zakat and Income Tax and the related accounting treatment in the notes to the financial statements. 
                6.Other Disclosures:
                The Entity shall disclose its shareholding in the financial statements as at the end of the year/period, split as follows: 
                 Shareholding %age, subject to Zakat; and
                 Shareholding %age, subject to Income Tax
                 Any other disclosures (including the disclosures already made in the financial statements in prior years) relevant to the zakat / tax assessment status and any related contingencies
                7.Accrual frequency:
                All accruals for Zakat and Tax are to be made on a quarterly basis from the effective date of this circular. 
                8.Effective Date:
                This guidance document shall be applicable effective 1 January 2017. Comparative figures have to be presented. 
                Any changes to the accounting for zakat and tax as a result of these requirements would be accounted for in accordance with the requirements of IAS B. 
            • (SARIE) working hours during the month of Ramadan, and Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha holidays for the year 1443H

              This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Ensuring that Allowances, Bonuses, and Financial Benefits Returned to State Employees Under Royal Orders Remain Unaffected

              Referring to the Royal Order No. A/270 dated 26/09/1438 H, issued to return all allowances, bonuses, and financial benefits for state employees, both civilian and military, retroactively, as mentioned in Cabinet Resolution No. (551) dated 25/12/1437 H.

              SAMA wishes to emphasize that the amounts returned under the aforementioned Royal Order must not be affected, whether through seizure, deductions, or similar actions, and instructs your specialists to comply and act accordingly.

            • Cash Deposit for Class A Exchange Companies at SAMA Branches Directly

              Referring to SAMA's approval of cash deposit procedures for Category (A) exchange companies directly at the branches of SAMA.
              It is required that banks operating in the Kingdom sign an agreement with Category (A) exchange companies that includes the procedures for cash deposits made by these companies directly at the branches of SAMA, taking into account the content of the agreement and the conditions and procedures that must be adhered to by the banks and Category (A) exchange companies, which include the following:

              1. The agreement must include a clause authorizing the exchange company to conduct the deposit on behalf of the bank.
              2. Authorization of the bank to representatives of the exchange companies to make deposit on its behalf, specifying their names and details, and that the exchange companies comply with the legal procedures for implementing deposit requirements according to the cash deposit policy applied by SAMA, as well as compliance with the Law of Transporting Money, Precious Metals, and Valuable Documents and the approved implementing regulation for this purpose.
              3. Commitment of exchange companies to precautionary measures for importing Riyals concerning the safety of those funds and the reliability of the foreign exchange companies they deal with, ensuring the validity of their licenses.
              4. Commitment of exchange companies to the counting and sorting instructions issued by SAMA and the resulting responsibility for discrepancies or counterfeit currency. The bank shall be liable to SAMA for such cases and will deduct from the exchange company accordingly.
              5. Adoption of procedures for placing identification cards for the exchange companies on the supplied links to the branches, stamped with the bank's name as a document to prove discrepancies or counterfeit currency.
            • Instruments Issued by Licensed Notaries within their Scope of Authority

              Referring to the Ministry of Justice Circular No. 13/T/6458 dated 28/11/1437 H directed to all government entities, which mentions Cabinet Decision No. 66954 dated 07/10/1435 H regarding the Regulation of Notaries and Their Work, which stipulates in Article One that the licensed notary must document several tasks, including power of attorney and its revocation, company contracts, amendments, and decisions of authorized parties. The work of notaries began gradually in issuing and revoking powers of attorney and documenting company bylaws starting from 25/11/1437 H. The circular also requests awareness and adherence to the documents issued by notaries in their jurisdiction and considers them as executable instruments according to the provisions of the Enforcement Law and its regulation.

              We would like to inform you that SAMA has received a letter from His Excellency the Minister of Justice No. 38/2450340 dated 01/07/1438 H, stating that inquiries can be made regarding the validity of notaries’ licenses through the Notaries Portal at the link. Accordingly, the issuance of documents by licensed notaries from the Ministry of Justice within their jurisdiction, as outlined above, is accepted.

              For your information, and to notify all relevant departments and branches.

            • Updated Mechanisms for the Implementation of Security Council Resolutions Relating to the Fight Against Terrorism and its Financing


              In reference to SAMA's instructions regarding the application of Security Council resolutions related to combating terrorism and its financing as stipulated in the Rules Governing Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Terrorist Financing for all Banks and Money Exchangers and Foreign Banks' Branches Operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued in February 2012G, as well as the Rules for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Liberal Professions.

              SAMA wishes to inform you of the issuance of an update to the mechanisms for implementing Security Council resolutions related to combating terrorism and its financing, as per the cable from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, and Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Combating Terrorism No. 109130 dated 25/04/1438H. This update is based on Article (32) of the Law on Combating the Financing of Terrorism, which stipulates that the Permanent Committee for Combating Terrorism at the Ministry of Interior shall establish the necessary mechanisms to implement Security Council Resolutions No. (1267) and No. (1373) and related resolutions, issued by a decision of the Minister of Interior. The cable from His Royal Highness included approval and implementation of the updated mechanisms for applying Security Council resolutions related to combating terrorism and its financing, which are as follows:

              1. The mechanism of Security Council resolutions concerning those on the Security Council Committee's No.(1267) consolidated list of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and associated individuals, institutions, and entities.
              2. The mechanism for implementing Security Council Resolution No. (1373) and subsequent resolutions related to combating terrorism and its financing.
              3. The mechanism for implementing Security Council Resolution No. (1988) and subsequent related resolutions.

              In implementation of the updated mechanisms for applying the Security Council resolutions mentioned above, the following actions must be taken, and feedback on the measures taken in this regard should be provided within one week from the date of this notice:



              Follow up on updating the data of those on the UN list on a daily basis by referring to the website of the (2253/1989/1267) and (1988) committees at the following addresses

              • (
              • (
              2-Immediately freeze without delay (within hours) and without prior notice any accounts, relationships or financial dealings of those names included in the lists of the Security Council Committees (2253/1989/1267) and (1988). According to the data available in the two lists, and notify SAMA about them without taking action.
              3-Immediately freeze any names that are designated in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution (1373).  

              In the event a name is removed by the Security Council Committees (2253/1989/1267) and (1988), the freeze must be lifted immediately (within hours) and without prior notice, and SAMA must be notified immediately, unless prior notice is received indicating that the freeze should not be lifted due to classification under Security Council Resolution No. (1373).

              For names whose relationships were previously frozen based on directives from SAMA, they shall remain frozen until further instructions to lift the freeze are received from SAMA

              5-Establish effective procedures to verify all customer names (individuals, entities, ultimate beneficiaries, etc.) against names designated as 'listed persons' by local authorities and the United Nations, during transactions (for existing customers) or prior to account opening or establishing a relationship. This is especially important for money transfer operations, where the names of both the sender and the beneficiary must be verified.  
              6-Maintain an updated database of entities and individuals listed on these lists for monitoring purposes and report this to SAMA  
              7-Monitor sanction lists issued and available from other countries and verify all transactions and transfers against these lists to avoid any potential legal issues.  

              The Guide to Enforcing Security Council Resolutions Related to Combating Terrorism and its Financing, has been updated in accordance with Circular No. (391000014326) dated 06/02/1439H (corresponding to 26/10/2017G).

            • Definition of Small and Medium Enterprises

              Referring to the powers vested to SAMA under relevant regulations, rules, and instructions. And referring to the decision of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises No. (2-1-1438) dated 14/03/1438 H regarding the approval of the definition of small and medium enterprises operating in the Kingdom. The following has been decided:

              First: The definition of small and medium enterprises is as follows:

              Type of EnterpriseRevenue (Million Saudi Riyals)Number of Employees (Full-time)*
              MicroFrom 0 to 3From 1 to 5
              SmallGreater than 3 to 40From 6 to 49
              MediumGreater than 40 to 200From 50 to 249

              Exceeds any of the above criteria


              * The revenue criterion is adopted in the classification of the type of enterprises, and in the absence of revenue data (new enterprise), the criterion of the number of full-time employees is the criterion in the classification of the type of enterprise.

              Second: It will be effective as of its date.

            • Mechanism for Submitting Reports of Problems and Malfunctions in SAMANET System

              We would like to inform you about the signing of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Banking Execution Department, the Special Execution Division, and the General Directorate of Information Technology at the Central Bank, which will come into effect starting from March 1, 2017G. The agreement outlines the classification and prioritization of SAMA Net system issues based on their importance, the mechanism for resolving them, and the timeframes for addressing these issues according to their classification. It also specifies the timelines for handling other requests related to the SAMA Net system. The aim of this agreement is to minimize SAMA Net system issues and prevent their recurrence, as well as to ensure swift, effective, sustainable, and comprehensive solutions. The agreement also emphasizes performance monitoring and evaluation to enhance service efficiency.

              Attached is a table detailing the types of issues or malfunctions, their levels of importance, and the instructions for reporting and submitting complaints to the General Directorate of Information Technology at the Central Bank regarding these issues and malfunctions.

              Please take note of this and comply with the attached instructions starting from March 1, 2017G.

              • A table showing the classification of issues and failures:


              Type and address of the issue or malfunction



              1. Complete failure of the Sama Net system at banks or exchange companies. (To be determined by the Central Bank) 

              2. A slowdown in the Sama Net system at the Central Bank, multiple banks, or multiple exchange houses. (to be determined by the Central Bank)


              (Highly Important)

              1. A malfunction in the Sama Net system at a particular bank or exchange company.
              2. Failure of specific steps in the Sama Net system at multiple banks or exchange houses.



              1. Overlapping requests in the Sama Net system.
              2. Problem with a specific request in Sama Net.
              3. Required user permissions (add, delete, change and activate) on the Sama Net system for banks or exchange companies.

              (sent by the bank's coordinator)



              •  Instructions for registering communications and requests:
              1.Communications and requests are registered by sending an email to SAMASD@SAMA.GOV.SA.
              2.The email should include a clear and specific subject line for the type of issue, malfunction, or request:
                1 (Highly Important) - Sama Net malfunction at (bank name)
                3 (Important) - Problem with a specific request in Sama Net with (request number)
              3.In the case of adding, deleting, changing or activating powers on the Sama Net system for banks or exchange companies. The request shall be submitted by sending an email with the form attached to the above address, taking into account the mechanisms for granting powers that belong to the Special Enforcement Department, as they must be delivered manually to the department directly.
              4.In the case of reporting slowdowns in the Sama Net system, the following questions must be answered in the email sent:
                The time taken to open the request in seconds.
                The time taken to open the Common Transaction Box in seconds in Judicial Banking.
                The time taken to open the inbox in seconds.
                The time it takes for transactions to move from the Common Transactions box to the Inbox in seconds in Judicial Banking Procedures.
                The time taken to return transactions from the Inbox to the Shared Transaction Box in seconds in Judicial Banking Actions.
                The time it takes for transactions to move between steps in seconds.
                The time from when the request is sent to when the “Sent Successfully” message appears, in seconds.
                The time taken to return to the inbox after the “Sent Successfully” message appears, in seconds.
                Is your in-bank web browsing working as usual or is it slow.
              5.If you are reporting an issue with a specific application in Sama Net, you must indicate the following:
                Order number.
                A screenshot showing the error and the time it occurred (when the request was opened or sent).
                A detailed explanation of the issue at the time it occurred.
              6.Only one report can be opened for the same issue or request and wait for a response. The automated helpdesk system sends an email to the originator with a confirmation of receipt of the report and its number.
              7.In the event that the bank's public IPs are affected or changed, the bank or company is required to notify the Helpdesk, bearing in mind the need to ensure that the bank's slowdown is not related to the public IPs.
              8.Before submitting a report, make sure there are no technical issues with the bank or company by contacting the technical support of the bank or company.


              Communications that do not meet the stated requirements will not be accepted after you have received this circular.

            • Challenges and Communication with the Courts of Implementation

                       In reference to the ongoing and fruitful cooperation between SAMA and the Ministry of Justice in all fields that serve the public interest, and to the meeting held on Sunday, 19/3/1438H, between His Excellency the Governor of SAMA and His Excellency the Minister of Justice at the Ministry of Justice headquarters regarding discussing ways to improve support for the investment environment in the financial sector and discussing topics of mutual interest, especially some challenges facing financial institutions under the supervision of SAMA with some entities affiliated with the Ministry of Justice. To address these challenges, SAMA hopes to be provided with the following:

              1. Data, information, and modern official communication methods and means for every financial institution that enable the execution judiciary to notify in the specified manner and time.
              2. Confirmed cases of some notaries refusing to complete the mortgage in favor of financing entities.
              3.  Data on overdue execution cases.
              4. The non-responsiveness encountered by insurance companies from some judges in cases involving blood money and compensation.
              5. Proven cases of different procedures between notaries in the Kingdom.
              6. The confirmed cases of different procedures in the execution court from one court to another.

              SAMA hopes to be provided with the aforementioned information no later than the end of January 2017. For coordination on this matter, please contact SAMA.

            • Ownership of non-Saudis in Listed Companies Investing in Real Estate Within the Cities of Mecca and Medina

              SAMA received a letter from the Undersecretary of the Capital Market Authority No. S 1/6/6966/16 dated 7/11/1437 H, informing that the Board of the Capital Market Authority issued its decision dated 15/9/1437 H, which includes the following:

              (a) Non-Saudis are not permitted to purchase shares – including investment through swap agreements – or debt instruments convertible into shares issued by the following listed companies:

               1) Mecca Construction and Development Company, Taiba Holding Company, Jabal Omar Development Company, and Knowledge Economic City.

              2) Companies in which non-Saudis are prohibited from owning shares according to instructions issued by supervisory and regulatory authorities that these companies are subject to.

              (b) Current non-Saudi owners of shares in the companies mentioned in paragraph (a) of this decision are prohibited from purchasing additional shares in these companies and are only permitted to sell. In the event that these companies increase their capital by issuing priority rights shares, these owners are allowed to subscribe to these rights or sell them without purchasing new rights.

               (c) In the event that shares of the companies referred to in paragraph (a) of this decision are transferred through inheritance to non-Saudis, the provisions stated in paragraph (b) of this decision shall apply to them, in accordance with the procedures approved in this regard, especially the provisions included in the Securities Depository Center Rules.

              Based on the above, SAMA affirms to all banks and finance companies operating that it is not permissible to lend to non-Saudis through stock Murabaha for the companies referred to in paragraph (a) of the aforementioned Capital Market Authority Board decision.

            • Preventing Fund Transfers without the Transferor's Knowledge of the Beneficiary

              Based on Articles V and VII of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/31) dated 11/05/1433H and its Implementing Regulations, Rule No. (5.1.2) regulating telegraphic transfers, Rule No. (4.3) on the principle of know your customer, Rule (4.4) on customer due diligence (CDD) of the Rules Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing, and what was stated in the sixteenth recommendation of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on wire transfers, which included that financial institutions are required to ensure that all wire transfers are accompanied with the required and accurate information about the originator of the transfer, the beneficiary and the purpose of the transfer.

               In view of the recent fact that it has been noted that there has recently been an increase in reports received from banks operating in the Kingdom to the Financial Intelligence Unit about transfers of funds from foreign individuals with simple professions to several countries and beneficiaries, they may be misused to transfer funds to suspicious persons in exchange for sums of money, and because of the consequences of confining them and the Financial Intelligence Unit from them of useless cost at the expense of other subjects and after some investigations, it became clear that some of the transferred clients did not know the beneficiaries to whom the funds were transferred or that the purpose of the transfer was unclear. 

              Therefore, SAMA emphasizes the necessity for banks to verify that clients are making their transfers to beneficiaries with whom they have a connection or knowledge and that they are not making the transfer on behalf of others. Banks must add a field that includes a declaration from the client and his signature stating "knowledge that the Kingdom's regulations prohibit the transfer of money without the transferring client knowing the beneficiary (transferee) or without a legal relationship linking him to the beneficiary or without a legitimate purpose", and more effort should be made to enhance due diligence towards clients, in compliance with local regulations and rules and international recommendations. And inform us of receipt and commitment within two weeks from its date.

            • the Acceptance of Five-Year Iqama Permits Carried by some Tribesmen and Issued by Passport Departments in HAFR AL BATEN and ARAR as an Identification Document

              SAMA has received several inquiries from banks and citizens, regarding the acceptance of five-year Iqama permits carried by some tribesmen and issued by Passport Departments in Hafr Al-Baten and Arar as an identification document.

              By writing to the Ministry of Interior in this respect, SAMA received the answer of the Ministry No. 40344 dated 22-5-1409 H in which it said that the original of such permits may be accepted as an ID during its validity.

              Please be informed and notify all your branches to act accordingly.

            • Change in the Maximum Ratio of the Financing Amount to the Value of the Property as Stated in Article Twelve of the Implementing Regulation

              In reference to Article Eleven of the Implementing Regulation of the Real Estate Finance Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/50 dated 13/8/1433 H, which states that. "The real estate finance entity shall not extend credit on any form of finance exceeding 70 percent of the value of the dwelling subject of the real estate finance contract. SAMA may change such percentage according to prevailing market conditions." And based on what is required by the public interest.

              I would like to inform you that SAMA has decided to increase the maximum ratio of the financing amount to the value of the residential property stated in Article 12 of the Implementing Regulation of the Real Estate Finance Law from (70%) to (85%) for real estate finance companies, excluding banks.

              I would like to emphasize the necessity for commercial banks and finance companies to verify the beneficiary's repayment capacity before granting financing—of all types—taking into account the financial and credit obligations of the beneficiary, and to fully comply with the instructions issued by SAMA in this regard.

            • De-Risking

              SAMA emphasizes the importance of the financial sectors operating in the Kingdom within the scope of their supervision to comply with the AML/CFT instructions communicated by SAMA and the standards issued by the relevant international organizations - the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Basel Committee (BIS) - regarding the correct application of the risk-based approach (RBA), which is based in one aspect on financial institutions conducting a study and assessment of the risks resulting from dealing with individuals, natural and legal persons, states and various entities in a way that ensures the provision of all financial services to all segments of society.

              When implementing precautionary measures in its dealings with certain countries, entities, and individuals classified as high-risk—such as those associated with countries subject to economic sanctions, those failing to comply with international standards, or those that do not fully or adequately implement such standards—it is necessary to conduct prior studies and assess the risks on a case-by-case basis. Decisions should be made individually in cases where the information provided by the client is insufficient. A blanket prohibition on financial dealings or the collective termination of financial relationships should be avoided, as this may deprive segments of society of access to financial services through licensed channels.

              SAMA cautions against the misconceptions surrounding the concept of "De-risking," particularly the notion that it inherently fulfills anti-money laundering (AML) or counter-terrorism financing (CTF) requirements. De-risking should not be understood as financial institutions terminating, restricting, or avoiding business relationships with entire categories of clients solely due to the limited financial returns derived from dealing with them compared to the increased costs of enhanced monitoring and oversight. Nor should it be viewed as a means to avoid reputational risks associated with engaging with such categories.

              Based on the above, appropriate measures for combating money laundering and terrorist financing must be implemented to achieve the goal of financial inclusion, ensuring that all members of society have access to affordable and accessible financial services. These measures should facilitate access for vulnerable and underserved groups, including those with limited income and residents of remote areas, rather than forcing them to turn to unregulated channels where tracking financial transactions becomes more challenging, thereby undermining the effectiveness of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing efforts.

              An analytical study and periodic reassessment of procedures must be conducted continuously to evaluate the financial transaction risks associated with countries, entities, and individuals. This ensures a balance between continuing to provide financial services to those who need them and maintaining full compliance with relevant local and international standards and requirements for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

            • Mechanism of Dealing with Accounts Reported to Financial Investigation Unit

              Referring to inquiries about the existence of accounts reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit that have been enhanced and are still active and the reporting banks have not received any feedback from the Unit.

               We would like to inform you that SAMA has received the letter of His Excellency the General Supervisor of the Financial Intelligence Unit No. 1/20/1/3/2858 dated 19/05/1436 H, which states that banks are required to continue enhancing reports on accounts that have not received any feedback from the Unit in the event of transactions that differ from what was stated in the original report or a significant increase in the volume of transactions. Due diligence should be exercised in the area of ​​knowing customers before reporting to raise the level of reporting efficiency.

            • The National Project for Drug Prevention (NEBRAS)

              SAMA received a letter from His Excellency the Minister of Finance No. 6112, dated 11/7/1436H, attached with a copy of the telegram from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior, and Chairman of the National Committee for Combating Drugs, number 778, dated 3/7/1436H regarding the launch of the National Anti-Drug Committee's for National drug prevention (NEBRAS) in partnership and coordination with relevant authorities. His Highness expressed the desire to mandate the competent authority, when preparing any similar preventive programs, to adopt the (NEBRAS) slogan to unify and integrate efforts, and to coordinate with the General Secretariat of the National Anti-Drug Committees in this regard.

              Accordingly, SAMA hopes to coordinate with the General Secretariat of the National Committee for Drug Control when preparing any similar preventive programs, in order to unify and integrate efforts.

            • Ensure that the Recovery of Movable Assets from the Lessee, in Cases where the Contract Between the Two Parties Grants the lesser the Right to Recover them, is Conducted Exclusively through the Competent Authorities

              Based on Paragraph (2) of Article (25) of the Finance Lease Law which stated that "Pursuant to the provisions of this Law, the lessor may repossess movable assets from the lessee in the events where such right of repossession is stipulated in the contract between the two parties. Repossession shall be overseen by specialized firms licensed by the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the Enforcement Law." Referring to the instructions of the Ministry of Interior prohibiting the recovery of vehicles in cases where the contract between the parties includes the lessor's right to recover them except through the competent authorities.

              Therefore, licensed financing entities engaged in the activity of financial leasing must comply with the Ministry of Interior's regulations on this matter until the Ministry of Justice licenses specialized companies to perform this task, pursuant to the provisions of the aforementioned article. Additionally, we clarify that anyone who attempts to recover movable assets from the employees of the financing entities without referring to the competent authorities will be subject to legal prosecution.

            • Clarification of the Provisions of Article (83) of the Implementing Regulations of the Finance Companies Control Law and Article (9) of the Regulations for Consumer Financing

              Referring to Article 83 of the Implementing Regulations of the Finance Companies Control Law. which stipulates that "All fees, commissions and administrative services charges to be recovered from the Borrower by the Finance Company shall not exceed the equivalent of (1%) of the Amount of Finance or (5,000) Five thousand Saudi riyals whichever is less, "and to Article Nine of the Regulations for Consumer Financing. which stipulates that "All fees, costs and administrative services charges to be recovered from the Borrower by the Creditor must not exceed the equivalent of (1%) of the Amount of Financing or (5,000) five thousand Saudi riyals, whichever is lower."

              SAMA would like to clarify that the fees and administrative service costs referred to in the above articles include all amounts that the beneficiary is required to pay, aside from the financing amount and the cost of the term, including all unavoidable fees, costs, and commissions necessary to obtain financing, such as, but not limited to, fees for studying the financing request, property appraisal fees, property inspection fees, registration fees.....etc. SAMA also emphasizes that communicating with concerned authorities to finalize the financing procedures (such as property appraisers and registration authorities) and paying the due costs to them is the sole responsibility of the bank and it is not permissible to authorize the beneficiary (customer) to pay any amounts related to third parties, taking into account that all fees and expenses the beneficiary must pay to obtain the financing must be included in the annual percentage rate.


            • Thermal Insulation in Buildings

              Translation for review.

              We would like to inform that the Central Bank received the letter of His Excellency the Acting Minister of Finance No. 6491, dated 01/08/1434H, annexing to its letter No. 10764, dated 10/10/1431H, attached herewith a copy of the Royal Order No. 6927 / MB, dated 22/9/1431H, approving the mandatory application of thermal insulation to all new buildings, whether residential, commercial or any other facilities, similar to government facilities in the main cities in the regions of the Kingdom.

            • The Regular Amount of the Monthly Installments From the Salary One-Third From of Employees Salaries and a Quarter From of Retirees Salaries

              Referring to the review of complaints submitted to SAMA, it was observed that some banks have not complied with the instructions regarding the percentage of salary deductions. In some cases, deductions exceeded the regulatory limit, surpassing 50% of the monthly salary of customers who were in default. Additionally, we refer to the instructions emphasizing the bank's responsibility to adhere to the salary deduction limits for employees and retirees who have obtained credit products (e.g., personal loans, credit cards).

              We emphasize on the following:

              1. The monthly deduction must not exceed 33% of the employee's salary and 25% of the retiree's salary, as stipulated in SAMA Circular No. 341000076474 dated 19/6/1434 H.
              2. No seizing may be made on an employee's salary without an order from the competent authority, and the amount deducted each month must not exceed one-third of the net monthly salary, except in cases of alimony debts. Banks must establish a mechanism to link the monthly installment deduction directly with salary deposits to avoid the accumulation of unpaid installments, as per SAMA Circular No. MAT/552 dated 10/6/1430 H.
              3. The monthly installment must be deducted on the agreed date and aligned with the customer's salary deposit date in their account with the bank, as outlined in the Banking Consumer Protection Principles.

              For your information, we request strict compliance with these instructions based on the bank's responsibility to assess customer risk levels before approving credit. Please inform us of the actions taken within two weeks from the date of this notice.

            • The Universal Copyright Convention and the Requirement of Avoiding the use of Pirated Software, and Ensuring the Use of Original Programs by Obtaining Genuine Certificates from the Software Producer.

              SAMA has received the cable of HE the Minister of Finance and National Economy No. 3/1333 dated 15-2-1415 H, together with an attached copy of the cable of HE the Minister of Information No. 197/Bs dated 4-2-1415 H, referring to Royal Decree No. M/12 dated 16-7-1414 H, regarding the approval of joining the International Agreement for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, amended in Paris in July 24, 1971 A.D. and the presentation of the membership document to UNESCO by the Ministry of Information on 13-4-1994 A.D.

              Whereas this Agreement went into effect on 13-7-1994 A.D. (5 Safar 1415 H); and

              Whereas the Ministry of Information is in charge of implementing this Agreement, HE the Minister has requested us to notify all companies, banks and establishments that use the computer to refrain from using copies of software and to use only original software after obtaining an original certificate from the software producer authorizing the user to use such software. This was confirmed by the Ministry of Finance and National Economy which instructed us to notify local banks and licensed money exchangers accordingly.

              We, therefore, hope you comply with the instructions of HE the Minister of Information and instruct your branches of act accordingly.

            • Risk of Dealing With Countries Which Have Weak AML /CTF Rules and Regulations


              Further to the Central Bank's circulars regarding the statements issued by the plenary meetings of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regarding the risks of dealing with certain parties. And The Central Banks' requeste to identify all transactions with the countries mentioned in the statement, assess the banking relationships with them, take the necessary measures, provide the Central Bank with a detailed report on them, follow up on what is issued by other relevant authorities regarding countries and regions that have weaknesses in their AML/CFT procedures or those that do not apply or do not adequately apply the FATF recommendations or represent a high degree of risk, and take caution about existing transactions with them.

              Emphasizing the provisions of paragraph (5.2) of the AML&CFT Rules  (Second Update) issued by the Central Bank Circular No. 00042/MAT/829 dated 29/12/1429H, that banks and exchange houses must strengthen due diligence procedures with special attention to business relationships and operations with individuals, including companies and banks that operate or practice their activities within countries or geographical areas that do not apply or insufficiently apply the FATF recommendations.

              In order to keep pace with local and international developments and requirements in the field of AML/CFT, banks and licensed exchange houses operating in the Kingdom must take appropriate countermeasures that reduce the risk of dealing with entities located in countries and regions that have weak AML/CFT procedures or those that do not apply or insufficiently apply the FATF recommendations, as follows:

              1. Pay particular attention to business relationships and operations with individuals (including legal persons and other financial institutions) from or in countries that have weak AML/CFT procedures or that do not apply or do not adequately apply the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
              2.  Classify the risk level of all countries mentioned by all international organizations, including but not limited to the FATF, Security Council, Chapter VII Committee of the United Nations Charter ... and others issued warning bulletins as high, medium, low risk in accordance with the classification of those organizations as a minimum, and determine the necessary action to be taken regarding monitoring transactions with them or limiting the formation of business relationships and financial operations with the concerned countries or individuals in those countries.
              3.   Adhere to the statements of these organizations, whether the warning issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) or the resolutions of the Security Council and the Chapter VII Committee of the United Nations Charter, and identify any transactions related to them and prepare detailed reports on them, follow up on what is issued by the relevant authorities and take the necessary measures regarding them.
              4.   Strengthening customer due diligence requirements to identify the ultimate beneficiary before establishing business relationships with individuals or companies from these countries.
              5.    Immediate cessation of dealings with entities, individuals, or financial institutions from countries subject to financial sanctions by the United Nations Security Council, including measures under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. This cessation must cover all banking and financial transactions.
              6.   Enhanced due diligence must be exercised when entering into new business agreements or opening correspondent banking accounts with countries subject to advisory notices issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the United Nations Security Council, or the Chapter VII Committee of the UN Charter. It is essential to ensure that the correspondent bank is not listed on local or United Nations sanctions or prohibition lists.
              7.    Immediately update the requirements to complete or fulfill AML/CFT procedures and take enhanced due diligence procedures for all banking transactions with related parties in those countries.
              8.    Classify all banking activities and relationships conducted by the bank with entities affiliated with countries subject to advisory notices (including government relations, correspondent banking relationships, commercial relationships with companies or individuals, resident customer relationships, and others) at a risk level commensurate with the nature of these activities and relationships, as well as the risk level of the respective countries.
              9.   Ensure that all banking activities and relationships conducted by the bank with entities affiliated with countries subject to advisory notices are for clear economic or legal purposes. Identify the ultimate beneficiaries of these activities and relationships, and based on this, determine the risk level and the necessary monitoring requirements.
              10.   If these operations do not have a clear economic or legal purpose, the background and purpose of these operations should be studied as much as possible, and the results of this study should be kept in writing and made available when needed to assist the competent authorities.
              11.  Conduct a comprehensive review of all commercial relationships conducted by customers, including credits and guarantees, to determine their purpose and identify their beneficiaries.
              12.  Informing the Bank's senior management and compliance department of the Bank's current banking relationships with entities affiliated with these countries, and obtaining the necessary approvals from the Bank or the supervisory authorities regarding dealing with these countries, depending on the severity of the case. 
              13.     Strictly adhere to the instructions for reporting suspicious transactions in general, and reinforce reports related to suspicious financial transactions with those countries for which warning notices have been issued to the Financial Investigation Unit (FIU). 
              14.  Taking into account the content of all relevant international resolutions and warning bulletins issued by various regional and international organizations, referring to the websites of these organizations periodically and continuously, researching other reliable sources of information and taking the necessary measures regarding them.
              15.  Circulate to the business sectors within the bank or exchange shop to include internal and external branches and subsidiaries to take note of the supervisory instructions issued in this regard, and verify their implementation.
            • Acceptance of the National ID Card or Identity Ending Date for a Maximum Period of One Month from the Date of Completion of the Payment of Checks or Receipt of Remittances from the Same Customers of the Bank

              SAMA received the telegram of His Royal Highness the Assistant Minister of Interior for Security Affairs No. 1Sh/72617 dated 1/12/1430 H, including the report on the recent developments on the mechanism for issuing national identity cards, and that the delivery of renewed cards will take place fourteen days after submission, while the citizen keep his old card and it will be withdrawn from him upon receiving the new card, and that this issue has been studied comprehensively from all aspects by the competent authorities and the public interest has been taken into account when charging the citizen with the consequences of these changes in the system of issuing the national identity, as the renewal of the card may take up to a month in the event that the renewal period coincides with one of the official holidays (Eids). Therefore, banks will freeze all accounts and financial transactions of citizens unless they submit their renewed cards. It also includes His Highness's directive to accept the expired card for a maximum period of one month from the official expiry date so that accounts and financial transactions are not frozen before one month has passed from the expiry date, and the need for banks to display guidance messages to their customers to remind them of the imminent expiry of their cards in their statements of accounts and when they visit banks or when using ATMs or websites and alert them that the expiration of the card will lead to freezing their accounts.

              We inform you to allow the acceptance of status cards and national identity cards whose validity date has expired for a maximum period of one month from the expiry date, for citizens who do not have bank accounts or contractual relationship agreements and wish to implement a banking service such as cashing checks or receiving internal transfers transferred to them from customers of the same bank and similar services, and SAMA stresses the need to take into account the contents of Rule No. (3-1-1) of the third update of the rules for opening bank accounts and the general rules for their operation issued under Circular No. 55777/ BCI/777 dated 16/12/1429 H concerning the freezing of the accounts of Saudi individuals, which stipulated giving a grace period of (90) days from the expiry date of the validity of the civil status card or national identity card for existing customers. It also confirms the contents of Circular No. 57409/MAT/1075 dated 6/12/1430 H regarding the need to comply with the requirements of Rule No. (3-2) that banks notify their customers of the date of account freezing at least one month before the date of freezing, and that they develop programs, procedures, means and methods to achieve this for each customer or authorized person on the customer's accounts independently for each customer and document this policy and its application processes. Failure to renew will lead to the freezing of their accounts and banking transactions, through the various means of transactions and communication available to customers.

            • Magnetic Residency Cards with blurred or Incomplete Images

              This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Taking Caution for Distribution of Counterfeit Currencies

              This circular is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • AML Guidelines Related to Funds Transfer Services

              Further to SAMA Circular No. 107 dated 14/2/1428 H, regarding activating the role of banks in providing financial transfer services to their customers easily and simply, implementing marketing programs to attract customers to benefit from these services, fully complying with the regulations and instructions issued in this regard, taking the necessary precautionary measures to detect abnormal transactions in their early stages, informing the concerned authorities immediately thereof, and providing SAMA with reports on what has been taken regarding these directives. 

              We would like to report that through the presentation and analysis of the banks' responses received by SAMA, it became clear that banks are seeking to diversify their financial transfer services through the multiple transfer channels represented by the bank's branches and transfer centers spread throughout the Kingdom and using the electronic banking means available at the bank such as ATMs, Internet, phone banking and mobile transfer service.

              In view of the effective role of these services provided by banks in reducing the phenomenon of illegal transfer, which is considered a port for money laundering and other crimes and violations. SAMA urges all banks to take the following steps:

              1.  Introducing new, more competitive and secure money transfer channels, especially for banks that may suffer from a lack of diversity of their transfer channels in line with international best practices. 
              2. The importance of studying the needs of customers, especially expatriates to the Kingdom, and identifying the categories of nationalities from countries that the bank can serve significantly, in order to force the expansion of the development of new channels that meet their needs and increase the number of correspondents in those countries.
              3. The need to educate citizens and residents about the danger of using irregular channels, and urge them to use regular channels, and to redouble marketing efforts to introduce financial services, especially remittances provided by the bank.
              4. Ensure the application of all necessary precautionary measures when providing these services and ensure their effectiveness to detect suspicious operations early.

               We hope to report within three months from its date on what has been taken in this regard.

            • Statistics and Data About AML and CTF

              This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Non-Execution of any Transfers Outside the Kingdom for the Benefit of any Unlicensed Exhange Institutions or any of their Owners

              This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version.
            • Customer Credit Records

                        Referring to the complaints recently submitted to SAMA and what has been observed regarding the delay of some members of the Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH) in updating the records of customers who have defaulted on their debts, or the inclusion of disputed information pending before judicial authorities and committees, which has caused disruptions to customers' interests. And referring to Credit information Law and its implementing regulations, and also the Banking Consumer Protection Principles issued by Circular No. 341000095960 dated 03/08/1434 H. SAMA would like to emphasize the members' responsibility to do the following:

              1. Update customers' credit information periodically at least once a week.
              2.  Refrain from providing credit information companies with negative data about the customer, that involves a dispute or complaint without notifying them that the negative information is currently under dispute or complaint.

              We hope to review and act accordingly, and inform SAMA of the measures taken within two weeks from its date, noting that SAMA will investigate any violations of the instructions is detected in accordance with Article (10) of the implementing regulations. The "Committee for Reviewing Violations and Resolving Credit Information Disputes" will take appropriate measures regarding the customers’ objections that have been previously rejected, as well as the violations submitted to it by SAMA in accordance with the provisions in Article (12) and (13) of the Credit Information Law.

              • The Approval of the Kingdom's Membership in the Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, as Amended in Paris

                Reference Council of Ministers Decision No. 79 dated 14/7/1414 H regarding the approval of the Kingdom's membership in the Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, as amended in Paris on 24 July, 1971 A.D, (copy attached), Royal Decree No. M/12 dated 16-7-1414 H (a copy attached) has approved the Kingdom's membership.

                Please be informed and comply with the provision of the Council of Ministers Decision referred to above.

              • The value of the checks required to be issued in favor of the Unified Agents Office for Hajj

                SAMA has received the letter of HE the Minister of Finance & National Economy No. 3/901 dated 3/2/1410 H with a copy of a letter from the Minister of Hajj & Awkaf No. 526/1410/1 dated 21/1/1410 H stating that the United Office of Agents noticed, during the Hajj operations this year, that some checks for service fees received by the Office from pilgrims have been issued by Saudi banks & money exchangers and sent to the pilgrims by their relative in the Kingdom. But the amount of these checks is often more or less than the actual amount mentioned in pilgrims instructions. This causes confusion in the Office resulting in the piling of pilgrims at airports and negatively effect the pilgrim when the value of the check is in excess of or less then the actual value of the services rendered to him, where they have either to pay the shortage or collect the excess.

                To facilitate the reception of pilgrims and making their journey comfortable, the Minister of Hajj & Awkaf has requested that banks and money exchangers be instructed to quote the amount of checks to be issued to the order of the Hajj Office for this purpose exactly as per pilgrim instructions for the two following categories:

                a - SR 789, as service fee for guide and transport in non air-conditioned buses.

                b - SR 879, as service fee for guide and transport in air-conditioned buses.

                Please be informed and advise your branches to act accordingly so that future checks issued by you shall be exactly equal to the above figures. Please acknowledge receipt.

              • Emphasis on Unified Contact with the Anti-Corruption Authority through the General Administration of Legal Affairs at SAMA

                In reference to SAMA's desire to unify the means and channels of communication with the National Anti-Corruption Authority in order to address the Authority's requests using a unified approach according to the regulations and striving to facilitate work procedures and unify efforts to achieve the Authority's desired objectives.

                Therefore, communication with the National Anti-Corruption Authority will be conducted through SAMA (General Administration of Legal Affairs).


              • Prompt Implementation of Judgments and Judicial Decisions

                Respecting the rulings and decisions issued by various judicial authorities is a fundamental pillar in maintaining the stability of legal status for any sector, it facilitates the swift attainment of rights for their rightful owners and prevents the disruption of their interests. Furthermore, an entity's initiative to promptly execute judicial rulings and decisions against reveals effective management and prudence within that entity.

                Therefore, those entities and sectors must devote significant care and attention to ensuring compliance with the receipt and delivery of judicial rulings and decisions, and work to implement them as quickly as possible, without delay or procrastination, if the entity against which the ruling or judicial decision has been issued has a differing viewpoint, it should present this to the relevant authorities in accordance with the regulations, ensuring compliance with the designated timeframes without delay.

                For your information and to notify the relevant departments to act accordingly.

              • Rules for Dealing with Old or Damaged Machines in Local Banks

                SAMA wishes to inform all licensed banks and exchange shops of the necessity to exercise caution when dealing with damaged machines and other possessions affiliated with the bank that are slated for disposal, such as ATMs, point-of-sale machines, computers, imaging machines, and related documents and records, as well as tapes and discs used for imaging or recording and similar items.

                In this regard, SAMA would like to emphasize the importance of banks developing appropriate policies and procedures for the mechanism for the disposal of those machines and their accessories in a manner that ensures the confidentiality of the information recorded on them. Banks should avoid discarding these machines as waste after they are no longer needed, as this may provide an opportunity for tampering with the machines or using them in irregular ways, and also reaffirm the need for local banks and exchange shops to abide by their regulatory responsibility in dealing with damaged machines and the information they contain.

              • Contribute to the Activation of the Kingdom's Social Responsibility Day

                Referring to the request received from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, based on the Minister Council Decision No. (320) dated 28/04/1444 H, which stipulates that the 23rd of March each year will be Social Responsibility Day in the Kingdom, and to emphasize the importance of enhancing social responsibility in the private sector.

                SAMA hopes to contribute to the activation of Social Responsibility Day by launching development initiatives or awareness campaigns that highlight these initiatives. Please provide SAMA with a report detailing your contributions to this effort, please be advised that you will receive an electronic copy of the guideline for using the campaign logo via email.

              • Amendments on E-Wallets Recharge on MADA Cards

                Based on the powers vested to SAMA under its law issued by Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 11/04/1442 H and the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386 H, and the Minister Council Decision No. 226 dated 02/05/1440 H, and referring to Circular No. 391000075005 dated 02/07/1439 H regarding the use of MADA bank cards for buying products through Internet, which included a pricing model for MADA e-commerce transactions.

                We would like to inform you that the fees for charging e-wallets with Mada cards via the e-commerce channel have been amended as follows:

                 -     The Merchant Service Charge is set as a fixed fee of up to (1.5 SAR), instead of the previous fee which was set at 1.75% of the transaction value.
                 -     The Interchange Fee is set as a fixed fee of (50 Halalas), instead of the previous fee which was set at 0.70% of the transaction value.


                        SAMA emphasizes that banks and payment service providers must comply with the following instructions:

                 -     The use of the above-mentioned fees is limited to charging e-wallets with Mada cards via the e-commerce channel.
                 -     It is required to use the MCC classification code: (6540) when providing the e-wallet charging service with Mada cards via the e-commerce channel.
                 -  Clarify the details of all fees in the new Merchant Service Agreements and update the current agreements accordingly, ensuring that the merchant accepts them before signing.


                For your information and action accordingly as of 01/10/2021G.

              • Changing the Date of Disbursement of Pensions and Insurance Benefits to Clients of the General Organization for Social Insurance those Who are Addressed by the Provisions of the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws

                Referring to the letter received by SAMA from His Excellency the Governor of the General Organization for Social Insurance regarding the intention of SAMA to change the disbursement date for pensions and insurance entitlements for beneficiaries subject to the provisions of the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws to the first day of each Gregorian month, starting from May 2024 and to facilitate this transition and activate the new dates, the disbursement of pensions and entitlements for beneficiaries under the Civil and Military Retirement Laws for the months of April and May 2024 will be as follows:

                Payment Month (Gregorian)

                Payment/Deposit Date

                April 2024

                25/04/2024 (as previously practiced)

                May 2024

                01/05/2024 (new unified payment date at the beginning of each Gregorian month)

                Therefore, and pursuant to the relevant regulations assigned to SAMA and the instructions issued regarding Debt Collection Regulations and Procedures for Individual Customers, and Circular No. (41043218) dated 22/06/1441 regarding the procedures for depositing salary payments and the supplementary instructions thereto, and to ensure the stability and safety of the financial sector, it is essential to take the necessary preparations to implement and be ready for the following:

                Banks must ensure the disbursement and deposit of pensions and insurance entitlements for the months of April and May 2024 for beneficiaries under the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws according to the dates indicated in the table above.
                Banks must unify the disbursement and deposit of pensions and insurance entitlements for the beneficiaries under the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws to the first day of each Gregorian month starting from 01/05/2024.
                Banks and finance companies must consider aligning the payment or collection of scheduled debts and credit obligations with the new dates for salary/pension payments.

                we would like to note that the opening time for the operational cycle of the Saudi Rapid Money Transfer System will be modified to the beginning of each Gregorian month—rather than the 25th of each month—to be at 12:05 AM (midnight) after completing the payment of entitlements for beneficiaries under the Civil and Military Retirement Laws for April on 25/04/2024. If the payment date coincides with the weekend holiday, the opening time for the operational cycle of the Saudi Rapid Money Transfer System will be advanced to the last working day before the holiday.


              • Outsourcing Forms - March 2021

                Further to the SAMA's instructions on Rules on Outsourcing, issued under Circular No. 41027017 dated 18/04/1441H, and in an effort to unify and streamline the requirements that must be attached when submitting non-objection requests for outsourcing tasks to a third party, and in light of observations regarding non-compliance in some requests with SAMA's instructions, including those related to outsourcing tasks to a third party, as well as instructions from other relevant regulatory authorities, and the lack of required documents in some requests:

                We would like to emphasize the following:

                • Banks must exercise due diligence to ensure that the request complies with all SAMA’s instructions, particularly the instructions on outsourcing tasks to a third party, as well as the instructions of other relevant regulatory authorities.
                • Attach the Third-Party Task Delegation Form (after completing it) provided above and submit it in PDF/Word format as part of the outsourcing request.
                • Fulfill all requirements and attach all documents as specified in the provided form.

                Additionally, we stress the importance of completing all the information, documents, and requirements outlined in the attached form to facilitate the processing of the request.

                For your information and action accordingly as of this date.




              • Updating Professional Certifications in Banking, Finance and Retail Banking

                In reference to SAMA Circular No. (41025433) dated 12/04/1441H (attached), which stipulates the mandatory requirement for bank employees, including those in financial transfer centers, financing companies, and money exchange institutions, to obtain professional certifications as outlined in the circular.

                We would like to inform you that the Financial Academy has updated the educational materials for the Professional Certificate in Fundamentals of Retail Banking and the Professional Certificate in Exchange and Transfer Operations. The updated materials can be accessed as follows:

                • Fundamentals of Retail Banking: retail_banking.pdf (
                • Exchange and Transfer Operations: Exchange.pdf (

                SAMA reiterates the importance of complying with the aforementioned circular and ensuring that employees of banks, financial institutions, and transfer centers obtain the required professional certifications.

                For your information and necessary action.

              • Working Hours of Feeding and Maintaining ATMs and Transferring Funds during the Holy Month of Ramadan for the year 1445 H

                Referring to the powers of SAMA in issuing instructions related to financial institutions and their business, in accordance with the provisions of its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/4/1442 H. SAMA confirms to all banks and exchange centers to adhere to the working hours shown below throughout the days of the Holy month of Ramadan, as follows: 

                First: The working hours of transferring money to branches, cash centers, transfer centers, exchange centers, and the retail sector shall be from nine in the morning until ten in the evening. 

                Second: The working hours of feeding and maintaining ATMs are throughout the week, including official holidays and weekends, and 24 hours a day for the main cities (Makkah, Madinah, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam Al-Khair), commercial centers, airports, and train stations. As for the rest of the cities of the Kingdom, it is from (seven) in the morning until (ten) in the evening, except for what is determined by the security authorities.

                 We also stress the need for banks and exchange centers to abide by the security precautions stipulated in the Law on Transporting  Money, Precious Metals, and Negotiable Instruments promulgated by Royal Decree No. (M/81) dated 18/10/1428H. and its implementing regulation issued by Ministerial Resolution No. (4814) dated 9/10/1433 H. and circulars issued by SAMA in this regard.

              • Confirmation that the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center is the Only Entity Authorized to Receive Relief, Humanitarian and Charitable Donations and Deliver them to those in Need Abroad

                In reference to the Royal Decree No. (55871) dated 9/11/1436 H stipulating that the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center is the only entity that receives any relief, charitable, or humanitarian donations, whether their source is governmental or private, to deliver them to those in need abroad, and further to SAMA Circular No. (67/13048) dated 29/02/1440 H and the instructions issued in this regard.

                 I would like to emphasize that the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center is the only entity authorized to receive relief, humanitarian and charitable donations and deliver them to those in need abroad; and therefore it is necessary to ensure that this type   of donations and external transfers are made through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center and to review donation operations through external platforms using bank and credit cards, and the importance of continuing efforts in following up on awareness and taking the necessary measures when providing and monitoring services.

                • Electronic Integration with (Elm) Company to Benefit from the Digital Document Service

                  Further to SAMA's Circular No. (43010538) dated 02/02/1443H, regarding the acceptance of the electronic identity for existing customers in transactions that do not require a physical copy, and establishing an suitable mechanism for obtaining an electronic copy of the identity for transactions that require one.

                  We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Interior has launched the "Digital Document" service, which allows for obtaining an electronic copy of the digital identity, in addition to verifying its authenticity, validity period, and the reference number generated for inquiry operations. This service can be accessed via QR code readers or by entering the national ID/residence number.

                  Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes the technical integration with (Elm) Company to utilize the Digital Document service, in direct coordination with the company. SAMA must be notified if any challenges or difficulties are encountered in the implementation. Furthermore, SAMA reiterates the obligation to comply with the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations, and instructions, and affirms the client's right to freely choose between presenting the physical or digital identity when dealing with the financial institution.

                • Prohibition on Using Social Media Applications for Exchanging Official Data or Documents

                  In line with SAMA’s commitment to safeguarding the data of financial institutions and their clients, which is crucial for maintaining trust and stability in transactions, and with reference to the instructions issued by SAMA in this regard,

                  We would like to inform you that all financial institutions are required not to use social media applications for exchanging any official data or documents, whether directly or indirectly. Such exchanges must occur through official, secure, and approved channels, given the potential negative impacts and risks associated with using social media and instant messaging applications for data or document exchanges.

                • Rules for Dealing with E-Commerce Payment Service and Support Providers

                  Based on the powers granted to SAMA under its law issued by Royal Decree No. M/36 dated 11/04/1442H, the Banking Control Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/5 dated 22/02/1386H, and the Law of Payments and Payment Services issued by Royal Decree No. M/26 dated 22/03/1443H, and its Implementing Regulations issued on 24/11/1444H, and communicated through Circular No. (44093096) dated 16/12/1444H, and in reference to Paragraph 9 of Article 7 of the Implementing Regulations of Payments and Payment Services Law regarding services that are not considered related payment services, which states: "Services provided by technical service providers, including, for example, technical services," and referring to SAMA’s Circular No. (42080528) dated 18/11/1442H, regarding the Rules for Dealing with E-Commerce Payment Service and Support Providers.

                  Accordingly, SAMA emphasizes that the linkage and technical support services for e-commerce payment services are considered supporting services for payment services, which do not require a license from SAMA at this time. Companies engaged in these services must obtain all necessary technical permits from Saudi Payments, and their services must be limited to linkage and technical support only, without including the following aspects:

                  • Directly contracting with merchants, registering them, and carrying out matching procedures and verifying the validity of the merchant's data and information in order to fulfill KYC requirements and requirements related to AML/CFT and Counter-Fraud.
                  • Finalizing the financial settlement procedures and depositing funds into the merchant's bank account.

                  Accordingly, SAMA would like to emphasize the following:

                  1. Banks must comply with dealing only with licensed companies providing payment services, and to notify SAMA immediately if they discover that an unlicensed company is providing any related payment services.
                  2. Banks, and payment service providers may contract with companies practicing linkage and technical support services for e-commerce payments, after verifying that they have obtained all necessary technical licenses, and taking into account the Rules on Outsourcing and related instructions and controls, including the operational and technical requirements of the (MADA) system and the (MADA) Fee Guide.

                  For your information and action accordingly, noting that this circular supersedes Circular No. (42080528) dated 18/11/1442H, regarding the Rules for Dealing with E-Commerce Payment Service and Support Providers as mentioned above.

                • Termination of the Use of Denominations of Omani Currency and Withdrawal from Circulation (Before the Sixth Edition 2020)

                  Referring to Central Bank of Oman Circular No. (1201) issued on 24 Jumada II 1445H corresponding to 7 January 2024G, which includes the announcement of the termination of the use of all Omani banknotes (before the sixth edition 2020G) and withdrawing them from circulation within a maximum period of (360) days from the date of publication of the announcement, as these currencies will become unfit for use or circulation as legal cash after 31 December 2024 G and that whoever owns the banknotes mentioned in the announcement must replace them with any banknote from the sixth edition denominations that are valid for circulation before the expiry of the above-mentioned period.

                   Accordingly, SAMA would like to inform you about the decision of the Central Bank of Oman referred to above regarding the termination of the use of denominations of Omani currency before the sixth edition (2020) and withdrawing them from circulation, according to the period referred to.

                  • Financing Amount to the Value of the First Home of Customers whose Properties are Covered within the Scope of Expropriation

                    In reference to Article (Eleven) of the Implementing Regulation of the Real Estate Finance Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/50) dated 13/08/1433 H, which stipulates that "The real estate finance entity shall not extend credit on any form of finance exceeding 70 percent of the value of the dwelling subject of the real estate finance contract. SAMA may change such percentage according to prevailing market conditions", and the subsequent circulars issued by SAMA in this regard, and referring to the state's decisions to expropriate some real estate for the public benefit. 

                    We would like to inform that real estate finance entities may grant real estate financing to beneficiaries whose properties have been subjected to expropriation decisions in accordance with to the percentages specified by SAMA for the first home. Before granting the financing amount, real estate finance entities must verify that the beneficiaries are entitled to their properties to be within the scope of expropriation and are considered the first home. While emphasizing compliance with all relevant laws, instructions and regulations issued by SAMA and other regulatory authorities.

                  • Presenting and Promoting Products with a Trademark Different from the Original Identity and Trade Name of the Financial Institution

                    Based on the Saudi Central Bank Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/4/1442 H, and the powers vested in SAMA under the relevant regulations, and based on SAMA's continuous efforts to protect customers of financial institutions, and to enhance the principle of disclosure and transparency in the financial sector, and a desire to determine the minimum standards and procedures that financial institutions must adhere to when introducing new products and promoting them with a brand different from the identity of the original financial institution and trade name. 

                    We would like to note that when a financial institution offer and promote products under a brand different from the original financial institution's identity and trade name, the financial institution must comply as a minimum with the following:

                    First: Compliance with the laws, regulations and instructions issued by SAMA, and what may be issued by SAMA in this regard, and avoiding any act that would cause confusion and mislead customers. 

                    Second: Include the risk management strategy and policy of the financial institution on the procedures to be taken in the event of impersonating the identity of the financial institution or its trademark, especially for risks related to cybersecurity and financial fraud. 

                    Third: Contracting with trademark protection service providers to monitor cases of brand theft of all types and methods, and take the necessary action in this regard, whether theft is through traditional means or through social media platforms and websites. 

                    Fourth: Review and update the relevant policies, such as the usage and data privacy policy, when referring to the financial institution's trademark or its updated digital domains, and inform the concerned parties of this. 

                    Fifth: Registration of the trademark (new/updated) with the relevant authorities before using it and notify SAMA thereof.

                    Sixth: Conducting a promotional campaign to advertise the new brand with clarification of the trade name of the financial institution stipulated in the commercial register.

                    Seventh: Using the trade name and trademark together when communicating with customers by phone, and it is sufficient to refer to the trade name and brand together when communicating with customers via text messages for the first time.

                    Eighth: Stipulating the trade name, trademark and license number on the websites of the financial institution.

                    Ninth: Stipulating the trade name and trademark together when indicating that the financial institution is subject to the supervision of SAMA.

                  • Confirmation of the Application of the Provisions of the the law on the use of surveillance cameras, its Implementing Regulations, the Document of Security Conditions and Requirements for the Installation of the Surveillance System

                    Based on the powers vested in SAMA under the relevant laws and regulations, and with reference to Royal Decree No. (M/34) dated 7/3/1444 H, approving the law on the use of surveillance cameras and to the implementation regulations issued by the Ministry of Interior pursuant to Resolution No. (22688) dated 3/11/1444 H. Clause (Fourth) of which includes that the categories covered by the provisions of the Law must install the devices of security surveillance camera laws according to the classification of the sensitivity of the sites, and the classification of financial institutions among the highly sensitive entities and the Security and Safety Guide for the Financial Sector in the Kingdom, issued pursuant to SAMA Circular No. (67/2108) dated 10/01/1441 H, in order to achieve the highest standards of security and safety. 

                    Accordingly, SAMA stresses the need to implement the provisions of the law on the use of surveillance cameras, its implementing regulations, the document of security conditions and requirements for the installation of the surveillance law, and the general technical specifications of the devices of security surveillance camera laws, in addition to adhering to the requirements of the security and safety manual for the financial sector referred to above, and the updates issued by it.

                  • Using Instant Chat Applications to Communicate with Customers

                    Based on the powers vested in the Central Bank under its law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442 H, and other relevant regulations, and based on SAMA's keenness to enhance the quality of practices and procedures followed by the financial institutions subject to its supervision and reduce risks.

                    Therefore, in view of the risks associated with the use of instant chat applications such as WhatsApp and similar applications in communicating with customers, I inform you that financial institutions must comply with the following:

                    1. Not to use instant chat applications such as WhatsApp and similar applications in communicating with customers, and to consider them unreliable channels, and to include evidence of preventing this practice in the relevant internal policies.
                    2. Study the availability of alternative and secure channels, such as benefiting from the activation of instant chat services (Live Chat) or (Chat Bot) within the application or website of the financial institution, and taking into account compliance with personal data protection requirements.

                    To take note and act accordingly as of its date, and to educate the employees of the financial institution about the contents of the above instructions, while conducting the necessary evaluations to verify compliance with them, including all employees of branches, customer service and marketing, and taking the necessary action.

                  • Financing Product for Private Dental Healthcare Facilities

                    Further to SAMA Circular No. (67/59878) dated 07/10/1440H, based on the Royal Decree No. (58005) dated 01/12/1437H. which urges banks to introduce a financing product to support Saudi dentists in establishing their own facilities, addressing their needs and aligning with their academic specialties.

                    SAMA urges all banks to offer specialized financing products for establishing a dental establishment for newly graduated Saudis, taking into account that the requirements for obtaining this product are consistent with the nature of these establishments. Note that the "Kafalah" program is ready to provide the necessary support regarding the required guarantees when granting financing to this category. For further information, please contact the program specialists via email: (

                  • Completion of Technical Approvals for Launching the Service Enabling Individual Customers to Access Their Bank Account Details

                    In reference to SAMA Circular No. (42047169) dated 06/07/1442 H, regarding the launch of the “SARIE” instant payments system, and with reference to Saudi Payments' development of the rules for the system to include a service that enables individual customers in all member banks to know their bank accounts, which aims to combat fraud and related risks and protect customers, and the arrangements made in this regard with Saudi Payments.
                    Therefore, we inform you that all banks must adhere to the following:

                    1. Completing the technical permits and necessary procedures for the above-mentioned service before 12/10/2023G, in coordination with Saudi Payments via email: (
                    2. Launching the service for the bank's individual customers on 10/21/2023G, as stipulated in the rules of the “SARIE” instant payments system.
                    3. Announcing the service through the Bank's various channels to enable individual customers to benefit from it, in coordination with Saudi Payments.

                    For your information and action accordingly, taking into account compliance with all relevant regulations and instructions.

                  • Emphasis on the Obligation to Replace Damaged Saudi Banknotes

                    Further to the instructions of SAMA communicated by Circular No. (42015322) dated 11/03/1442 H, regarding the assignment of banks to receive and replace damaged banknotes from beneficiaries after ensuring their safety from counterfeiting, and the need for banks to provide sound and valid banknotes, and based on SAMA's keenness to withdraw banknotes that are not valid for circulation, SAMA emphasizes that all cash categories must be replaced according to the mechanism specified to accept and replace damaged cash provided by beneficiaries, as follows:

                    1. It must be one of the circulating Saudi monetary issues, and the replaced banknote must be clearly marked, and its area must not be less than 60% of the size of the original note.
                    2. The two signatures (Minister of Finance and Central Bank Governor) or the two serial numbers should not be missing.
                    3. It should not be damaged by deliberate causes, or glued to parts of different banknotes.
                    4. Damaged banknotes must be presented to a SAMA Branche by the holder in the following two cases:
                                 A - The banknote's features are not clear as a result of exposure to fire or other factors such as corrosion, washing, exposure to chemicals, or security inks.
                               B - If the amount of compensation exceeds ten thousand riyals.

                    Therefore, I hope to emphasize to all banks  branches, and cash centers to circulate sound cash, withdraw damaged and invalid cash from circulation, and coordinate with SAMA branches to deposit them, noting that SAMA will follow up the commitment of banks to implement the above-mentioned procedures for replacing damaged cash, and take regular measures in case of non-compliance. Emphasizing that the instructions contained in this circular replace the previous instructions contained in the above-mentioned circular issued regarding the replacement of damaged Saudi banknotes with the number (42015322) dated 11/03/1442 H.

                    For your information and action accordingly.

                  • Raising Customer Awareness of the "Tamweel" Portal Approved by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monsha'at)

                    Referring to SAMA circular No. (41051780) dated 1441/08/08H and No. (43104408) dated 26/12/1443H regarding the "Tamweel" electronic portal approved by the General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises (Monsha'at). These circulars emphasize encouraging financing entities to provide their services to entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises through the "Tamweel" electronic portal.

                    Accordingly, SAMA reiterates the instructions outlined in the aforementioned circulars, emphasizing the necessity of guiding customers who are entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium enterprises—if their financing requests are denied for any reason—to refer to the "Tamweel" electronic portal. They should submit a new application to benefit from the services offered through the portal, finding alternative financing solutions and opportunities. This approach contributes to enhancing competition among financing entities, presenting financing offers to these enterprises across various geographical regions, and thereby increasing their contribution to the national economy.

                    For your information and compliance.

                  • Encouraging the Presence and Provision of Banking Services in the Central Areas of the Two Holy Mosques

                    Based on SAMA’s authority to issue instructions related to financial institutions and their operations in accordance with the provisions of its law issued under Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H, and in reference to the SAMA's circular No. (45052183) dated 11/08/1445H regarding the extension of working hours for branches operating in Makkah and Madinah. This initiative aims to enhance the efforts to elevate the experience of the Guests of Allah and facilitate their access to financial services, specifically currency exchange services for pilgrims and Umrah performers.

                    Accordingly, SAMA requests local banks and their affiliated money transfer centers to maintain a presence in the central areas of the Two Holy Mosques and provide banking and money transfer services to serve pilgrims, Umrah performers, and visitors. This should be in accordance with the approved working hours and in full compliance with relevant instructions.

                  • Shariʼah Governance Related Disclosure Requirements for the Banks Conducting Shariʼah Compliant Banking

                    No: 45075579 Date(g): 23/6/2024 | Date(h): 17/12/1445Status: In-Force

                    Pursuant to the powers granted to SAMA under its charter issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442H, and the relevant laws, and in reference to the ongoing efforts to establish a supervisory framework for banks conducting Islamic banking activities, SAMA, in its commitment to enhancing disclosure and promoting transparency in the financial sector, hereby shares the Shari’ah Governance Related Disclosure Requirements for Banks Conducting Islamic Banking Activities.

                    These requirements aim to establish the minimum standards for such disclosures.

                    Kindly take note and comply accordingly, effective December 31, 2024.

                    • 2. Objective

                      Shariʼah Governance Related Disclosure Requirements for the Banks Conducting Shariʼah Compliant Banking set out minimum disclosure requirements for banks related to Shariʼah Governance. The disclosure requirements will enhance the existing corporate governance and Shariʼah governance frameworks applicable to the banks.

                    • 3. Scope of Application

                      Shariʼah Governance Related Disclosure Requirements for the Banks Conducting Shariʼah Compliant Banking shall be applicable to all domestic banks licensed by SAMA under the Banking Control Law that conduct Shariʼah compliant banking activities. Banks must ensure that compliance practices by their majority owned banking subsidiary(ies) or branches conducting Shariʼah compliant banking activities outside Saudi Arabia are consistent with these minimum requirements. In case, the provision of this circular is in contradiction to that of host country's regulation, the host countryʼs regulation will apply.

                    • 4. Definitions

                      The following terms and phrases used in this document shall have the corresponding meanings unless otherwise stated:

                      SAMA: The Saudi Central Bank.
                      Bank:Any domestic bank that is licensed to carry out banking business in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law and that conducts Shariʼah compliant banking either as a full-fledged Islamic bank or through an Islamic Window operations.
                      Shariʼah Committee:A Shariʼah Committee responsible for supervising compliance with Shariʼah principles and rules and their application at the bank.
                      Shariʼah Committee Members: A group of specialists whose knowledge and experience are not limited only to the Shariʼah and related matters but also include the jurisprudence of contemporary financial transactions used to form Shariʼah decisions given to the bank. These Shariʼah decisions are usually not directed to the public or entities in other activities.
                      Annual Report: Information and data published by the banks along with audited financial statements which covers activities and financial performance throughout the preceding year.


                    • 5. Disclosure Requirements

                      1.Banks are required to disclose the following in their Annual Reports: 
                       a. A statement on the independence of their Shariʼah Committee members as per the requirements mentioned in Article 7 of the Shariʼah Governance Framework for Local Banks Operating in Saudi Arabia; 
                       b. The Curriculum Vitae of their Shariʼah Committee members outlining their qualifications and experience; and 
                       c. Any change of members of their Shariʼah Committee during the financial year. 
                      2.Banks are required to disclose, on an annual basis, the Shariʼah pronouncements/ resolutions issued by their Shariʼah Committee during the previous 12-months period ending 31 December of each calendar year. At a minimum, this should include: 
                       a. The name of product/service offered by the bank based on the resolutions issued by the Shariʼah Committee; and 
                       b. The decisions of the Shariʼah Committee (including rationale). 


                      In doing so, banks may assess confidentiality and competitiveness considerations when making this disclosure and limit publication to information that is or will be made public.
                      The above disclosures (1&2) should be made at a minimum, electronically via the bank’s website.

                    • 6. Effective Date

                      These requirements will be effective on 31 December 2024 G.

                  • POS Payment Service of GCC Net

                    Further to the instructions issued by SAMA under circular number (41/46206) dated 20/10/1439 H, and Circular No. (371000100598) dated 14/09/1437 H, regarding the GCC POS Pricing Policy (GCC-NET) and its specific tariff, and in continuation of the ongoing efforts between banks and central banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries aimed at integrating payment systems among the council countries, and referring to what was agreed upon in the periodic meetings of the governors of banks and central banks in the council countries to link the point-of-sale networks of the council countries with the GCC payment network. As this is an important aspect in the integration of payment systems among the council countries, it enhances and supports the joint cooperation between the GCC countries.

                    I inform you that it has been decided to activate the Point of Sale (POS) service for the Gulf Payments Network in the Sultanate of Oman to accept POS transactions starting from April 4, 2021. Accordingly, banks are required to adhere to the following:

                    1. Take the necessary technical and operational measures to accept and process transactions on their systems and on their point-of-sale (POS) devices in order to complete purchase transactions via POS between the Kingdom and the Sultanate of Oman.

                    2. Take the necessary commercial measures with their customers holding Gulf Network cards and merchants accepting Gulf Network cards to ensure that transactions are processed in accordance with the approved pricing.

                    3. Notify and educate customers holding Gulf Network cards that purchase transactions in the Sultanate of Oman will be processed through the payment network of the Omani National Network, which is connected to the Gulf Network.

                    4. Process and accept all Gulf network transactions using cards bearing the Gulf Network logo, and also accept Gulf network cards on their point-of-sale devices.

                    For your information and to act accordingly starting from the activation date mentioned above.

                  • Assigning Debt Collection Tasks of Banks and Financing Companies to Licensed Debt Collection Entities Authorized by SAMA

                    Further to SAMA Circular No. (46014147) dated 01/03/1446H, referring to Circular No. (44055679) dated 08/07/1444H, concerning the restriction of assigning debt collection tasks of banks and financing companies to licensed debt collection entities authorized by SAMA, which includes the decision to extend the deadline for banks and financing companies to contract with debt collection entities that have obtained SAMA's preliminary approval to engage in debt collection activities until the end of December 2024G, or until further instructions are issued by SAMA, whichever comes first. 

                    SAMA wishes to inform that, in line with its supervisory and regulatory role over banks, financing companies, and debt collection entities, and considering its ongoing review of the regulations governing debt collection activities, including licensing and direct supervision of the activity, it has been decided to extend the deadline for banks and financing companies to contract with debt collection entities that have obtained SAMA's preliminary approval to engage in debt collection activities until the end of March 2025G, or until further instructions are issued by SAMA, whichever comes first. Information about entities that have obtained SAMA's preliminary approval to engage in this activity can be found on SAMA's official website.

                    For your information and action accordingly.

                  • The Saudi Founding Day holiday for the year 1446 H

                    Referring to the royal decree No. (A/371) dated 24/6/1443H, which included the approval of the 22nd of February every year as a day to commemorate the founding of the Saudi State, named (Founding Day), and to be an official holiday. Based on the powers of SAMA in determining the holidays for entities under its supervision and regulation, and the working hours of these entities, we inform you the following:

                    First: Sunday, 24/8/1446H, corresponding to 23/2/2025G, will be an official holiday.

                    Second: Banks, exchange centers, and payment service providers must open a number of branches in locations where services are required, such as airports and various border crossings, to operate for a specific period during the holiday mentioned above, and to inform SAMA with the names of these branches, their operating hours, and announce this information through appropriate channels.