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Operating Hours of Bank-Related Remittance Centers

No: 230400000041 Date(g): 23/5/2018 | Date(h): 9/9/1439 Status: Modified

Translated Document

Referring to SAMA Circular No. 381000063572 dated 14/6/1438 H, which includes the guide to rules governing bank's remittance centers (First Edition), and Circular No. 381000098190 dated 18/9/1438 H regarding the exemption of certain branches of remittance centers to operate on Fridays.

 I would like to inform you of the following:

1. The amendment to paragraph (4) concerning the operating hours of remittance centers is as follows:

 - Official working days are from Sunday to Thursday.

- Saturday is an optional additional working day, subject to SAMA's approval for each branch.

- Friday is considered an official weekly holiday for all remittance centers.

-The working hours for the centers' branches are from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

2. The exemption for certain branches of remittance centers to operate on Fridays is extended for one year, provided that it complies with the approved guidelines above for working hours. Requests to SAMA for non-objection must include the names of the branches, their locations, and the desired working hours, and must not exceed 10% of the total number of branches of the bank's remittance centers*.

For your information and action accordingly, effective from Sunday 17/10/1439 H, corresponding to 1/7/2018 G.

*The exemption has been extended for an additional year under SAMA Circular No. 49029/67 dated 5/8/1440 H.