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Changing the Date of Disbursement of Pensions and Insurance Benefits to Clients of the General Organization for Social Insurance those Who are Addressed by the Provisions of the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws

No: 45062845 Date(g): 6/4/2024 | Date(h): 28/9/1445

Translated Document

Referring to the letter received by SAMA from His Excellency the Governor of the General Organization for Social Insurance regarding the intention of SAMA to change the disbursement date for pensions and insurance entitlements for beneficiaries subject to the provisions of the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws to the first day of each Gregorian month, starting from May 2024 and to facilitate this transition and activate the new dates, the disbursement of pensions and entitlements for beneficiaries under the Civil and Military Retirement Laws for the months of April and May 2024 will be as follows:

Payment Month (Gregorian)

Payment/Deposit Date

April 2024

25/04/2024 (as previously practiced)

May 2024

01/05/2024 (new unified payment date at the beginning of each Gregorian month)

Therefore, and pursuant to the relevant regulations assigned to SAMA and the instructions issued regarding Debt Collection Regulations and Procedures for Individual Customers, and Circular No. (41043218) dated 22/06/1441 regarding the procedures for depositing salary payments and the supplementary instructions thereto, and to ensure the stability and safety of the financial sector, it is essential to take the necessary preparations to implement and be ready for the following:

Banks must ensure the disbursement and deposit of pensions and insurance entitlements for the months of April and May 2024 for beneficiaries under the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws according to the dates indicated in the table above.
Banks must unify the disbursement and deposit of pensions and insurance entitlements for the beneficiaries under the Civil Retirement and Military Retirement Laws to the first day of each Gregorian month starting from 01/05/2024.
Banks and finance companies must consider aligning the payment or collection of scheduled debts and credit obligations with the new dates for salary/pension payments.

we would like to note that the opening time for the operational cycle of the Saudi Rapid Money Transfer System will be modified to the beginning of each Gregorian month—rather than the 25th of each month—to be at 12:05 AM (midnight) after completing the payment of entitlements for beneficiaries under the Civil and Military Retirement Laws for April on 25/04/2024. If the payment date coincides with the weekend holiday, the opening time for the operational cycle of the Saudi Rapid Money Transfer System will be advanced to the last working day before the holiday.