Book traversal links for صيانة وتغذية الصرافات الآلية
Maintenance and Feeding of ATMs
No: 331000002453 | Date(g): 24/12/2011 | Date(h): 29/1/1433 |
Translated Document
Referring to SAMA Circular No. 4567/BCI/123 dated 27/02/1429 H, supplementary to Circular No. 6898/BCI/287 dated 1420 H regarding the procedures and controls to be observed in maintaining ATM machines, including the requirement for ATM maintenance workers to carry permits showing their names and photos, stamped with the official stamp of their organization, and for the companies and institutions performing maintenance to display a specific logo on their vehicles and uniforms. SAMA has observed, during its monitoring of certain ATMs belonging to banks and based on reports from security agencies to SAMA, that some maintenance and feeding workers are using private vehicles and wearing inappropriate clothing that does not comply with the regulations.
Therefore, we hope to confirm adherence to the instructions mentioned in the above circular and inform the contracted companies to comply accordingly. SAMA will monitor compliance with these instructions and apply regulations against any violating banks.