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4.1.3 Risk Appetite

No: 000044021528 Date(g): 11/10/2022 | Date(h): 16/3/1444 Status: In-Force
Member Organisations should define, approve, and apply their Fraud Risk Appetite when designing and implementing Counter-Fraud systems and controls. 
Control Requirements 
a.The Fraud Risk Appetite of the Member Organisation should be defined to state the level of fraud risk the Member Organisation is willing to tolerate.
b.The Member Organisation Fraud Risk Appetite should be based on the outcome of the Fraud Risk Assessment and aligned to the overall risk appetite of the organisation.
c.When defining Fraud Risk Appetite, Member Organisations should put in place measures with associated thresholds and limits that address the impact on both:
 1.The Member Organisation (e.g., fraud losses, reputational damage); and
 2.Its customers (e.g., customer losses, number of fraud victims, inconvenience).
d.In the event that a Fraud Risk Appetite limit is breached with an impact on customers, a Member Organisation should escalate to Senior Management and initiate a crisis management process that should:
 1.Involve the CEO and other Senior Managers in the Member Organisation.
 2.Require meetings on at least a weekly basis until the issue is resolved and the measure returns to a level within appetite.
e.Fraud Risk Appetite should be reviewed on at least an annual basis and be formally endorsed by the Board.
f.Fraud Risk Appetite should be monitored and updated for material changes to the Member Organisation’s business model.