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No: 44069265 Date(g): 21/3/2023 | Date(h): 29/8/1444 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jul 15 2023 - Jul 14 2023
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Central BankThe Saudi Central Bank.
BankBanks and financial institutions licensed to conduct banking activities in the Kingdom in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law.
AdministrationCustomer Care Department.
CustomerAn individual or entity receiving services and products from the bank.
ComplaintAny expression of dissatisfaction related to the provided service, whether justified or unjustified, written or verbal.
InquiryA customer's request for information about the services or products offered by the bank.
RequestA request made by a customer to obtain a product or service provided by the bank.
Electronic SystemThe bank's electronic system for recording complaints and inquiries.