Book traversal links for Holders of Self-Employment Licenses
Holders of Self-Employment Licenses
Effective from 2020-11-09 - Nov 08 2020
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104. | DTFCs must comply with the following conditions before opening General Account in the name of Holder of self-employment license: | |
i. | Obtain a copy of the self-employment license issued by the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development. | |
ii. | Obtain a copy of the national identity of the holder of the self-employment license. | |
iii. | Obtain and record national address of the holder of the self-employment license. | |
iv. | Record the name of the account similar to the holder of the self-employment license. | |
v. | Do not open joint account or authorized by it. | |
vi. | Link the validity of the account to the date of validity of the self-employment license. |