DTFCs can open General Accounts for ministries and government agencies listed in Annex A and their equivalent after obtain/meeting the following documents / requirements :
Ministries and Government agency should send the request of opening the General Account in a DTFC to the Ministry of Finance. After examining the application, the Ministry of Finance shall inform SAMA of opening the account with the DTFC.
DTFC must obtain an approval letter from SAMA authorizing DTFC to open an account in the name of Ministry or Government Agency.
The General Account shall be in the name of the government entity or administration and not in the name of a natural person, its position or its function.
DTFCs must obtain names and forms of the signatures of the authorized persons and their IDs from the Ministry / Government Agencies as an official letter.
In case the Ministry or Government Agency wishes to amend the name of the account, Ministry / Government Agency shall submit a request to the Ministry of Finance for approval. Ministry of Finance will inform SAMA of its decision and SAMA will inform the DTFC.
Book traversal links for Ministries and Government Agencies Listed in Annex A and Their Equivalent