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B. Interaction with Stakeholders
No: 722030000067 | Date(g): 5/8/2019 | Date(h): 4/12/1440 |
Effective from 2019-08-05 - Aug 04 2019
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Stakeholders are of great importance to the Financial Institution and must be treated in a manner that achieves transparency, integrity and cooperation using the highest professional standards. The stakeholder policy developed by the Financial Institution sets out the general principles and guidelines for its relationships with Stakeholders through:
- Ultimate Objective: The Financial Institution should be the Stakeholder's most trusted partner, and provide the best experience by making the business easy and fast.
- Engagement: The Financial Institution should be a constructive partner for Stakeholders by providing clear and honest advice and giving the necessary information about products and services to make sound decisions.
- Response: The Financial Institution should deal with the complaints and feedback received from Stakeholders immediately, effectively and fairly in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations to achieve the highest professional standards.
- Enhanced Trust: The Financial Institution shall provide Stakeholders with clear, understandable, accurate and updated information within the framework of mutual trust in all the services and dealings, and ensure timely and full performance of services as time is an important factor in the financial system.