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No: 391000077627 Date(g): 25/3/2018 | Date(h): 9/7/1439 Status: Modified

Effective from 2018-03-25 - Mar 24 2018
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Security Council resolutions adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter concerning the prevention of WMD and their financing require states to immediately and without delay freeze all funds and assets of any person, group, or entity identified by the UN Security Council or its relevant committees as being associated with WMD proliferation financing activities, and to take all measures to prevent any funds or assets from being made available to or for the benefit of such persons, groups, or entities from any person, group, or entity within or under the jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia. Under this obligation, Royal Order No. 10130 was enacted on 01/03/1439 AH, endorsing “the implementation mechanism of Security Council resolutions under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter concerning the prevention of WMD proliferation and their financing”.

Circular No. (391000054107) dated 12/05/1439 AH, directing the financial institutions under its supervision to undertake several measures to implement the aforementioned mechanism. In order to ensure the optimal execution of these procedures and mechanisms by the financial institutions under its supervision, the Saudi Central Bank has meticulously prepared this guide for enforcing the mechanisms outlined in the Security Council resolutions aimed at preventing the proliferation of WMD and their financing. Accordingly, the mechanism for implementing the Security Council resolutions related to preventing the proliferation of WMD and their financing has been updated and accordingly, paragraph 3.4 of the guide was updated and directed to all financial institutions in Circular No. 130885/486 dated 04/09/1440 AH.