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1.1 Objective

Date(g): 1/1/2022 | Date(h): 28/5/1443

Effective from Jan 01 2022 - Dec 31 2021
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Given the resource constraints these types of entities often face, the objective of the Fundamental Requirements is to help Entities in: 
Managing and mitigating a widened range of cyber security and resilience risks relevant to the KSA financial sector;
Focusing resources on a fundamental set of controls aimed at an effective protection of information assets.
To achieve this objective, the fundamental requirements provides: 
a prioritized set of cyber security and resilience control requirements;
a structure and a content that are aligned with other Saudi Central Bank regulatory frameworks, such as the Cyber Security Framework (herein “CSF”) and the Business Continuity Management Framework (herein “BCMF”), which will be applicable to organizations in the future.