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No: 43089486 Date(g): 24/5/2022 | Date(h): 23/10/1443 Status: In-Force
Name of the Bank:        -------------------------- 
Data on opening, closing and relocation of branches, service and remittance centers for the quarter ended-------------
Data of Branches
Sr. No.ZonesBranches Opened during QuarterBranches closed during QuarterBranches relocated during QuarterTotal active Branches at Quarter endTotal inactive Branch licenses
1Zone 1     
2Zone 2     
3Zone 3     
4Zone 4     
5Outside KSA     
Data of Service Centers
Sr. No.ZonesCenters Opened during QuarterCenters closed during QuarterCenters relocated during QuarterTotal active Service
Centers at Quarter end
Total inactive Service
Center licenses
1Zone 1     
2Zone 2     
3Zone 3     
4Zone 4     
5Outside KSA     
Data of Remittance Centers
Sr. No.ZonesCenters Opened during QuarterCenters closed during QuarterCenters relocated during QuarterTotal active Remittance Centers at Quarter endTotal inactive Remittance
Center licenses
1Zone 1     
2Zone 2     
3Zone 3     
4Zone 4     
5Outside KSA     