2.1 | SAMA: The Saudi Central Bank established under the Law issued vide Royal Decree No. (M/36) on 11-04-1442H; |
2.2 | Regulation: The Regulation on Branch Network; |
2.3 | Bank: means any bank licensed to carry out banking business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the provisions of the Banking Control Law; |
2.4 | Branch Network: includes branches, service centers, and remittance centers; |
2.5 | Branches: means full-fledged branches providing full range of banking services as well as more efficient branch models (mini / light branches) offering basic banking services including, inter-alia, the opening of accounts, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, fund transfers, issuance and encashment of pay orders/demand drafts, etc. |
2.6 | Service Centers: means outlets established for providing customer facilitation, marketing and sales services, and similar other activities. |
2.7 | Remittance Centers: means financial service providers engaged in domestic/international remittance activities (sending and receiving money) in accordance with the SAMA Rules Governing Banks' Remittance Centers. |
2.8 | ATM: means automated teller machine. ATM includes Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Cash Deposit Machines(CDMs), Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs), Kiosk and Self-Service Machines offering cash deposits and withdrawals; |
2.9 | Zones: Branch Network will be categorized into following zones for the purpose of this Regulation (based on the latest publicly available population data of the General Authority for Statistics): |
| a) | Zone 1 (Large cities): to include all cities with population of 1.0 million and above; |
| b) | Zone 2 (Medium Cities): to include all cities with population of 0.5 to 1.0 million; |
| c) | Zone 3 (Small Cities): to include all cities with population of 0.1 to 0.5 million; |
| d) | Zone 4 (Rural Areas): to include villages and small towns with population of less than 0.1 million. |
2.10 | Priority Areas: includes Zone 3 (Small Cities) and Zone 4 (Rural Areas) |
2.11 | Digital Modes: means channels used to execute transactions through electronic mediums or using technology enabled/virtual/online modes. These modes includes, inter-alia, the use of debit/credit/prepaid cards, internet banking, mobile banking, mobile wallets, digital payment apps, etc.; |
2.12 | Customer: means any natural or legal person obtaining banking services or products or to whom such services or products are offered by a bank; |
2.13 | Inactive License: means a license previously issued by SAMA for the opening of a branch but the concerned branch is currently inoperative due to either delay in commencement of operations or suspension of its operations for whatever reasons. |