Book traversal links for Definitions
No: 44064343 | Date(g): 5/3/2023 | Date(h): 13/8/1444 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from 2023-03-05 - Mar 04 2023
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Term | Definition |
SAMA | Saudi Central Bank*. |
Financial Institutions | Entities supervised and regulated by SAMA according to the applicable laws. |
Customer | A natural or juristic person benefiting from any of the products and services. |
Consumer | A natural or juristic person for whom products and services are presented. |
Products and Services | Any product or service offered by the financial institution. |
Advertising | A commercial message promoted by any means, directly or indirectly. |
Means | A visual, audible or readable tool used for advertisement. |
* The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency was replaced by the name of Saudi Central Bank in accordance with The Saudi Central Bank Law No. (M/36), dated 11/04/1442H, corresponding 26/11/2020AD.