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No: 44064343 Date(g): 5/3/2023 | Date(h): 13/8/1444

Effective from 2023-03-05 - Mar 04 2023
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SAMA Saudi Central Bank*.
Financial InstitutionsEntities supervised and regulated by SAMA according to the applicable laws.
CustomerA natural or juristic person benefiting from any of the products and services.
ConsumerA natural or juristic person for whom products and services are presented.
Products and ServicesAny product or service offered by the financial institution.
AdvertisingA commercial message promoted by any means, directly or indirectly.
MeansA visual, audible or readable tool used for advertisement.

* The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency was replaced by the name of Saudi Central Bank in accordance with The Saudi Central Bank Law No. (M/36), dated 11/04/1442H, corresponding 26/11/2020AD.