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3.1. Rescheduled Loans

Status: In-Force

Effective from Jan 01 2024 - Dec 31 2003
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A restructured troubled loan arises when a bank, for economic or legal reasons related to the obligor’s financial difficulties, grants him a concession that it would not otherwise consider. A bank should measure a restructured troubled loan by reducing the recorded outstanding to net realizable value as required by the relevant accounting standards, taking into account the cost of all concessions at the date of restructuring. The reduction in the outstanding amount should be recorded as a charge to the income statement in the period in which the loan is restructured. 
In cases where non-performing loans in particular are rescheduled, such loans should not be upwardly reclassified merely because of the existence of a rescheduling agreement. Upward reclassification should only be made if and when there is sufficient evidence of adherence to the terms of the rescheduling agreement. This evidence would include the establishment of a history for at least 12 months of timely repayments of both principal and commission/interest under the rescheduling agreement.