Book traversal links for Resident Companies Including Joint Stock Companies, Limited Liability Companies, General Partnership and Limited Partnership Companies
Resident Companies Including Joint Stock Companies, Limited Liability Companies, General Partnership and Limited Partnership Companies
Effective from 2020-11-09 - Nov 08 2020
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106. | DTFCs must comply with the following conditions before opening General Account in the name of a Resident Company: | |
i. | Obtain a copy of the commercial register. | |
ii. | Obtain a copy of the Articles of Association and its annexes. (if any) | |
iii. | Obtain a copy of the identity of the manager in charge. | |
iv. | Identify and verify the identities of the members of the Board of Directors. | |
v. | Obtain a power of attorney issued by an authorized notary or notary, or authorization prepared within the bank by the person (s) who, by virtue of the Memorandum of Association, the partners' decision or a decision of the members of the Board of Directors, has the power to authorize natural persons to sign and operate accounts. | |
vi. | Obtain a copy of the identity of persons authorized to sign and operate accounts. | |
vii. | Identify and verify the identities of the owners of the company named in the Memorandum of Association in accordance with the latest amendments, except for the listed joint stock companies. |