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Statutory Minimum

No: 42019124 Date(g): 9/11/2020 | Date(h): 24/3/1442

Effective from 2020-11-09 - Nov 08 2020
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29.Every DTFC shall maintain a minimum holding of liquid assets of twenty per cent (20%) of all its deposit liabilities, matured and short-term liabilities.
30.Every DTFC shall also maintain with SAMA at all times a statutory deposits of a sum not less than 4% of deposit liabilities. SAMA may, if it deems it to be in the public interest, vary the aforesaid percentage.
31.The deposit liabilities of a DTFC shall not exceed 15 times its total capital. If the deposits liabilities exceeds this limit, the DTFC must within one month of the date of submission of its liquidity information as per Appendix B, either increase its total capital to the prescribed limit or deposit 50% of the excess deposits with SAMA.