Book traversal links for هـ. التزامات المؤسسة المالية عند تلقي البلاغ
e. Obligations of Financial Institutions upon Receiving Reports
Effective from Jan 31 2025 - Jan 30 2025
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Upon receiving a violation report, a financial institution shall:
- treat such report with the necessary seriousness, regardless of the nature, language, adequacy of information, impact or importance of the report;
- take all necessary measures to protect the whistle blower;
- notify the whistle blower of receipt of the report and, if possible, the decision made;
- take corrective actions for the violation if proved;
- take into account the interest of its employees and stakeholders;
- refer reports to the department responsible for control and investigation, either inside or outside of the financial institution;
- keep violation reports and relevant documents, including recordings, for the durations specified by the laws and instructions; and
- prepare reports on whistle blowing instances and the procedures followed.