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7. Penalties That are Applied in the Event of Non-Compliance With the Requirements and Procedures Stipulated in the Mechanisms for Implementing Security Council Resolutions Related to Combating Terrorism and its Financing

No: 391000014326 Date(g): 26/10/2017 | Date(h): 6/2/1439 Status: In-Force

Translated Document

Effective from 2017-10-26 - Oct 25 2017
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Anyone who fails to impose a freeze or enforce a freezing order against names subject to the mechanisms for the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions on combating terrorism and its financing, as well as anyone who makes funds or financial services or other related services available to the designated person or for their benefit in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions on combating terrorism and its financing, or fails to disclose information, provides false information intentionally or due to negligence, or delays in providing information, shall be held accountable in accordance with the relevant regulations.