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4. Products and Services

No: 41039051 Date(g): 28/1/2020 | Date(h): 3/6/1441

Translated Document

Effective from 2020-01-28 - Jan 27 2020
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The Financial Institution shall establish a policy and procedures to ensure that People with Disabilities are treated on an equal basis with others and enjoy equal and fair access to financial products and services to manage their financial affairs. 
The Financial Institution shall:
a.Provide the agreements and contracts in a format accessible to People with Disabilities according to the type of Disability, for example, printing documents in Braille format for people with visual impairment.
b.Assign an employee to be responsible for reading the main terms and conditions of agreements and contracts concluded with People with Disabilities, such as blind and visually impaired people.
c.Assign an employee to be responsible for assisting People with Disabilities in filling out the forms, requests, and contracts, if asked.