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Additional Requirement for Criterion A2

No: 44047144 Date(g): 27/12/2022 | Date(h): 4/6/1444

Effective from Jan 01 2023 - Dec 31 2022
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18.107The sponsor of the securitization, as well as the original lender who underwrites the assets, must have sufficient experience in the risk analysis/underwriting of exposures or transactions with underlying exposures similar to those securitized. The sponsor should have well documented procedures and policies regarding the underwriting of transactions and the ongoing monitoring of the performance of the securitized exposures. The sponsor should ensure that the seller(s) and all other parties involved in the origination of the receivables have experience in originating same or similar assets, and are supported by a management with industry experience. For the purpose of meeting the short-term STC capital criteria, investors must request confirmation from the sponsor that the performance history of the originator and the original lender for substantially similar claims or receivables to those being securitized has been established for an "appropriately long period of time”. This performance history must be no shorter than a period of five years for non-retail exposures. For retail exposures, the minimum performance history is three years.