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To prevent credit claims or receivables arising from credit-impaired borrowers from being transferred to the securitization, the original seller or sponsor should verify that the credit claims or receivables meet the following conditions for each transaction:
The obligor has not been the subject of an insolvency or debt restructuring process due to financial difficulties in the three years prior to the date of origination;98
The obligor is not recorded on a public credit registry of persons with an adverse credit history;
The obligor does not have a credit assessment by an external credit assessment institution or a credit score indicating a significant risk of default; and
The credit claim or receivable is not subject to a dispute between the obligor and the original lender.
The assessment of these conditions should be carried out by the original seller or sponsor no earlier than 45 days prior to acquisition of the transaction by the conduit or, in the case of replenishing transactions, no earlier than 45 days prior to new exposures being added to the transaction. In addition, at the time of the assessment, there should to the best knowledge of the original seller or sponsor be no evidence indicating likely deterioration in the performance status of the credit claim or receivable. Further, at the time of their inclusion in the pool, at least one payment should have been made on the underlying exposures, except in the case of replenishing asset trust structures such as those for credit card receivables, trade receivables, and other exposures payable in a single instalment, at maturity.
98 This condition would not apply to borrowers that previously had credit incidents but were subsequently removed from credit registries as a result of the borrowers cleaning their records. This is the case in jurisdictions in which borrowers have the “right to be forgotten”.
Book traversal links for Additional Requirement for Criterion A3