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1.4 Applicability

No: 381000091275 Date(g): 24/5/2017 | Date(h): 28/8/1438

Effective from May 24 2017 - May 23 2017
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The Framework is applicable to all Member Organizations regulated by Saudi Central Bank, which include the following: 
 All Banks operating in Saudi Arabia;
 All Insurance and/or Reinsurance Companies operating in Saudi Arabia;
 All Financing Companies operating in Saudi Arabia;
 All Credit Bureaus operating In Saudi Arabia;
 The Financial Market Infrastructure
All domains are applicable for the banking sector. However, for other financial institutions the following exceptions apply: 
 Sub-domain (3.1.2) the alignment with cyber security strategy of banking sector is mandatory when applicable.
 Exclude sub-domain (3.2.3). However, if the organization store, process or transmit cardholder data or deal with SWIFT services, then PCI standard and/or SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework should be implemented.
 Exclude sub-domain (3.3.12).
 Exclude sub-domain (3.3.13). However, if the organization provides online services for customers, a Multi Factor Authentication capability should be implemented.