Accordingly, the BCBS developed assessment methodology to identify and designate D-SIB banks in the domestic economies of National Jurisdictions. In this context, the assessment methodology for D-SIB should reflect the potential impact of, or externality imposed by, a bank’s failure on the domestic economy and potentially any impact on cross-border externalities posed by the institution.
In this regard, SAMA has developed an assessment methodology based on an indicator-based measurement approach for assessing and designating D-SIBs in Saudi Arabia that is consistent with the BCBS D- SIB assessment methodology. The selected indicators are chosen and calibrated to reflect the different aspects and operational dynamics of the Saudi Arabian Banking System that generates negative externalities and makes a bank critical for the stability of the financial system. Further. SAMA's assessment considers bank-specific characteristics of systemic importance such as size, interconnectedness, substitutability, and complexity, which are correlated with the systemic impact of failure.