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Part B: SAR Incoming Instructions

No: 43046288 Date(g): 27/12/2021 | Date(h): 23/5/1443 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2021-12-27 - Dec 26 2021
To view other versions open the versions tab on the right

Insert name of the Settlement AgentMonthly Indirect Participants SAR Incoming InstructionsMonth, YYYY
DateIndirect Participant’s Name 1Indirect Participant’s Name 2Total Indirect Participants InstructionsTotal Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions processed by Settlement AgentPercentage of Indirect Participant Instructions over Total Saudi Arabian Riyal Interbank Express Instructions
VolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolumeValueVolume (%)Value (%)
abcdef = b + dg = c + eijk = f/i x 100l = g/j x 100
In case of a bulk instruction - take volume of individual instructions within the bulk instruction