Book traversal links for Principle 7: Analyze Information
Principle 7: Analyze Information
No: 43065348 | Date(g): 27/2/2022 | Date(h): 26/7/1443 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from Feb 27 2022 - Feb 26 2022
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Member Organizations should apply a variety of quantitative and qualitative analytical techniques to analyze the importance and implications of the processed information, and, in turn, produce actionable intelligence. Moreover, Member Organizations will combine and analyze various pieces of information, collected from diverse sources, to identify patterns, trends, and new developments relevant to the Member Organization.
Member Organizations should adopt adequate analytical approaches (e.g. Hypothesis-driven, Analyst-driven, and/or Contrarian) to be sure that the intelligence produced meets the intelligence requirements as defined in "Principle 2: Define Threat Intelligence Requirements". Examples of different types of analytical approaches are provided in "Annex G. Analytical Approach".