Book traversal links for Principle 2: Define Threat Intelligence Planning and Collection Requirements
Principle 2: Define Threat Intelligence Planning and Collection Requirements
No: 43065348 | Date(g): 27/2/2022 | Date(h): 26/7/1443 |
Effective from Feb 27 2022 - Feb 26 2022
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Member Organizations should develop a set of threat intelligence requirements to guide their intelligence production efforts efficiently and to establish what intelligence should be produced to meet their security and business objectives. To define such requirements, Member Organizations should define the scope of the analysis (e.g. organizational, sectorial, national, etc.) and consider different areas of analysis relevant to their business priorities (e.g. technology, threat actors, etc.). In addition, Member Organizations should ensure periodical review of the defined requirements. Further explanation of the areas of analysis is provided in "Annex B. Areas of Analysis“.