Book traversal links for Principle 1: Define Roles and Responsibilities
Principle 1: Define Roles and Responsibilities
No: 43065348 | Date(g): 27/2/2022 | Date(h): 26/7/1443 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from Feb 27 2022 - Feb 26 2022
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Member Organizations should define roles and responsibilities within the organization to produce threat intelligence with the expectation of creating their own CTI capability. This should include a dedicated team in charge of the production and dissemination of threat intelligence. In addition, the cyber threat intelligence team should be supported by skilled resources with purpose-specific advanced tools and a defined budget. Member Organizations should define communication channels inside the organization between the cyber threat intelligence team and other teams, including with stakeholders (e.g. Cyber security teams, business leaders, risk team, etc.) and with external organizations.