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6.3 Red and Blue Team Replay Exercise

No: 562240000067 Date(g): 13/5/2019 | Date(h): 9/9/1440 Status: In-Force

Effective from 2019-05-13 - May 12 2019
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After delivering the red and blue team reports, the White Team should organize a Replay Exercise. During this Replay Exercise, the Blue and Red Team jointly perform a chronological walkthrough of the red teaming exercise and the relevant alerts, events and attack steps that were initiated. 
The purpose of the Replay Exercise is to explain and discuss each step and action individually to assess whether the alert or detected event lead to the expected actions. It is important to determine whether the initiated actions led to the expected results and whether the actions were correctly initiated or should be subject for improvement. 
Replaying the red teaming exercise should ensure the more comprehensive (in-depth) understanding of the performed attack patterns, the current maturity of the detection and response capabilities and the implemented layered defenses or controls within the tested Member Organization. 
Additionally, the White Team may repeat the replay exercise for specific target audiences within the Member Organization. It is strongly suggested to re-perform the replay exercise for: 
a.The relevant staff members within the IT organization - the scope of this session can be a very in-depth and technical session in order to provide the relevant insights in the technical and procedural aspects.
 Note. When the level of detail is insufficient or the attack steps cannot be demonstrated, then there con be a tendency for members within the IT organization to downplay these attacks or argue that the exercise is just theoretical.


The Senior Management - a high-level replay session with the Senior Management should also seek to raise awareness and educate Senior Management. The replay session should provide an overview and objective of the red teaming exercise, an overview of the performed attacks and responses, an overview of the current detection capabilities and an overview of the suggested improvements required to further improve the cyber resilience.