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5.3 Executing the Defined and Agreed Scenarios

No: 56224/67 Date(g): 13/5/2019 | Date(h): 9/9/1440

Effective from 2019-05-13 - May 12 2019
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If the Blue Team detects any events triggered by the Red Team while performing their actions, the Red Teaming Provider should decide in conjunction with the White Team Leader if the red teaming test can be continued in line with the initial plan or whether the initial attack plan can be adjusted. 
The White Team Leader should consider the following options when the actions of the Red Teaming Provider are detected: 
1.Stop or postpone the test in case there is a significant risk of a business disruption;
2.Carefully monitor and direct the Blue Team or response activities, in case extreme actions are about to be taken (i.e. reporting the incident to law enforcement, shutting down critical services to avoid to avoid further impact from the incident, ..Etc.);
3.Inform the Red Teaming Provider to continue with the initial attack scenarios;
4.Inform the Red Teaming Provider to revise the (detected) attack or to create a workaround for the specific critical information asset and continue with the revised attack scenario after approval from the White Team Leader;
5.Inform Green Team on the detection of events and decision on the exercise.
6.Request the Red Teaming Provider to re-engineer an alternate attack scenario for an adjusted critical information assets (e.g. change in scope).