Book traversal links for 4.2 Threat Intelligence Gathering
4.2 Threat Intelligence Gathering
No: 56224/67 | Date(g): 13/5/2019 | Date(h): 9/9/1440 | Status: In-Force |
Effective from 2019-05-13 - May 12 2019
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Each of the teams provides their collated threat Intelligence independently. The Green Team will provide (when available) their sector-wide threat intelligence which is known and available via the Member Organizations or incidents. This may include threat intelligence from governmental agencies, which could be relevant to the Member Organization. The White Team should provide the Member Organization's input including specific threat intelligence considered relevant for their business and linked to the internal or external trends or incidents, they identified.
The Red Teaming Provider will combine the received threat intelligence with their external threat intelligence (including and using their own ‘open' sources), and the intelligence gathered during various red teaming engagements.