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Article 29

No: 2/MFC Date(g): 24/2/2013 | Date(h): 14/4/1434

Effective from Feb 24 2013 - Mar 07 2013
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The Finance Company shall develop an internal corporate governance rules and implement a specific regulation for corporate governance and provide SAMA with a copy of the regulation after its approval by the Board. The corporate governance code shall at least address the following:

 1.The description of the organizational structure, including all departments and functions and their tasks and responsibilities;
 2.Independence and separation of duties;
 3.Roles of the Board, its committees, and the composition and duties of each.
 4.Remuneration and compensation policies;
 5.Conflict of interest controls;
 6.Integrity and transparency controls;
 7.Compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
 8.Methods for securing confidentiality of information;
 9.Fair dealing; and
 10.Protection of Company’s assets.