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Article 19

Effective from 2022-04-26 - Oct 22 2022
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The Company shall develop a policy to specify the minimum requirements for contracting with real estate financiers. Such policy must include at least the following: 
1.Requirements for acceptance of a real estate financier to grant financing to borrowers.
2.The minimum content of contracts concluded with real estate financiers, which should include the qualified collaterals, duties of the real estate financier, rights of the Company in revision and disclosure, rights of access, and consequences of breaching contracts.
3.Requirements of finance contract documents.
4.Criteria for granting financing to borrowers, including criteria to assess creditworthiness and procedures to deal with declining credit rating during the contract term.
5.Criteria of collaterals accepted from borrowers.
6.Criteria for monitoring, management and enforcement of collaterals and risk provisions.
7.Loan seasoning requirements.
8.Credit exposure limits to ensure liquidity and financial adequacy in case of availability.
9.Review of the criteria and minimum requirements for collaterals to be provided by the real estate financer.
10.Required reporting by real estate financers, including cash balance reporting, default and imminent default warnings and reporting, and reporting on breaches and risks.
11.Management of non-performing loans.