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Article 16

Effective from 2022-04-26 - Oct 22 2022
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1.In accordance with the policy and procedures of risk management, approved by the company board, the finance must be by collaterals. Only collaterals that can be evaluated and are clear in the execution procedures shall be accepted.
2.Due diligence shall be implemented before purchasing loans to ensure economic feasibility from such loans and the adequate review of risks.
3.The Company shall undertake due diligence to confirm that the real estate financier has made necessary arrangements in case the value of the collaterals is substantially affected by the financial position of others or by market fluctuations and conditions. Such collaterals must be evaluated periodically by the real estate financier.
4.The Company, when providing finance, may require the real estate financer to replace the collaterals provided or provide additional qualified collaterals to compensate for any reduction in the market value or the book value of the collaterals provided.