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Chapter 8: Concluding Provisions

No: 65338/99 Date(g): 13/1/2019 | Date(h): 7/5/1440

Effective from 2019-07-12 - Jul 11 2019
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19-The Finance Company shall:
 a.Develop or update an outsourcing policy, ensure that it is in compliance with these Rules, and provide a copy of the policy duly approved by the Board of Directors to Saudi Central Bank within 180 days from the date of promulgation of these Rules;
 b.Review All existing outsourcing contracts/agreements against these Rules and seek Saudi Central Bank’s non-objection for material outsourcing contracts within 365 days from the date of promulgation of these Rules or on renewal of the contract or agreement, whichever comes first; and
 c.Notify Saudi Central Bank in the event of any legal or regulatory violation in their outsourcing contracts or agreements.
20-Saudi Central Bank may restrict the granting of its non-objection to the finance company’s outsourcing of material or non-material functions for a specific period, function, geographical area, or external service provider whenever it deems necessary.
21-Saudi Central Bank has the right to ask the finance company to review, modify, or terminate the outsourcing contract or agreement in case of non-compliance with these Rules or any other relevant laws, regulations, rules, controls and instructions.
22-Saudi Central Bank may exempt some operations and activities from some of the provisions of these Rules whenever it deems necessary.
23-Non-compliance with the requirements set forth herein shall be deemed a violation of the Finance Companies Control Law and its Implementing Regulation.
24-These Rules shall enter into force after 180 days from the day of their promulgation, and shall be published on Saudi Central Bank’s website.