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5. Disclosure Tables for Retail Customers

Effective from 2020-07-22 - Aug 05 2020
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Banks and Finance Companies should use the examples below as illustration with the minimum type of information the disclosure forms should include. Additional information can be added to the minimum requirements stated in this section.

a) Different types of financing products

(On balance sheet products, such as loans, should be disclosed, and there is no need to disclose off balance sheet products)

Example: Term loan

Financing AmountMaturity in YearsAPR*Monthly Payment Amount
100,0005 years5.5%1,901

*The above table is just an example and APR may differ depending on the amount, the maturity period, and the credit scoring of each customer.

b) All Credit Cards types and classes

Example: Platinum balance-transfer card

APR*Credit Card Purchase RateMinimum Repayment Amount %ageMonths Until Balance Repaid**
19%17%5%60 months

* Banks and Finance Companies should clearly disclose all the elements of the APR and commissions in the contracts, and separate between the commissions and expenses that the consumers will bear in advance and the monthly payments on the outstanding amount.

*lf minimum repayment is made every month, it will take almost 60 months to repay the full amount keeping in view compounded interest/added profits each month.

c) Residential Mortgages

Example: First home buy*

Loan to
Value Ratio 
Fixed or Variable Interest/Profit Rate**Annual Percentage Rate (APR)Maturity in YearsPayment TypeMonthly Payment AmountEarly payment Charge
500,00090%Fixed interest/profit rate4.5%25 yearsPrincipal and interest/profit19,378Profit of future 3 installments

*Banks and Finance Companies should disclose the repayment period for off-plan and self-construction products in the mortgage calculator.

**lncluding initial interest/profit rate (interest/profit rate fixed for few years at the start of mortgage) and follow on rate (interest/profit rate to be used once initial rate term is over) e.g. Fixed interest/profit rate for few years and thereafter using variable interest/profit rate e.g. 3 month SAIBOR + 20 basis point.

d) Financial Leasing Products for each type of assets

Example: Auto loan

Asset TypeFinancing AmountMaturity in
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)Monthly Payment AmountResidual Value
Car200,0005 years5%4,05120,000

e) Savings for each Class and Type of Product

Example: 2 years fixed deposits

Minimum Deposit AmountMaturity in YearsAERNumber of Withdrawals Permitted in the 1st YearNumber of Withdrawals Permitted in the 2nd Year
20,0002 years1.5%02