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Article 97

No: 000044093096 Date(g): 13/6/2023 | Date(h): 24/11/1444 Status: In-Force

Effective from Jun 13 2023 - Jun 12 2023
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(1)A Payment Initiation Service Provider must obtain consent from the relevant Payment Service User before providing its service.
(2)A Payment Initiation Service Provider shall not hold, at any time, a Payment Service User’s Funds.
(3)A Payment Initiation Service Provider shall not modify the amount, the Payee or any other feature of a Payment Transaction that it initiates.
(4)A Payment Initiation Service Provider must keep all Payment Service Users’ security credentials, including data related to Personalized Security Credentials, secure and inaccessible to other parties.
(5)A Payment Initiation Service Provider shall not use, access or store any of the Payment Service Users’ data except as necessary to provide the service (and in accordance with its License).
(6)A Payment Initiation Service Provider shall not provide any other information about the Payment Service User except to the relevant Payee, and with explicit consent from the Payment Service User.
(7) A Payment Initiation Service Provider may not request from the Payment Service User any data other than that necessary to provide the Payment Initiation Service according to what is required by the nature of this service and what is determined by SAMA.
(8)A Payment Initiation Service Provider must securely communicate with the Payment Account Service Provider and identify itself for each communication session.