Book traversal links for المادة السابعة والتسعون
Article 97
No: 000044093096 | Date(g): 13/6/2023 | Date(h): 24/11/1444 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Effective from Jun 13 2023 - Jun 12 2023
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- The payment creation service provider shall obtain the authorization from the payment service user before providing the service.
- The payment creation service provider may not, at any time, retain funds for the payment service user.
- The payment creation service provider may not modify the amount, payee or other features of the payment transaction created thereby.
- The payment creation service provider shall maintain the protection of all payment service users, including data relating to personal security features, in a manner that does not allow access thereto by any third parties.
- The payments creation service provider may not use, access or store any payment service user’s data unless the same is necessary to provide the service and in accordance with its license.
- The payment creation service provider may provide any additional information about the payment service user only to the payee, with the express authorization of the payment service user.
- The payment creation service provider may not request any data from the payment service user other than the data necessary to provide the payment creation service, as required by the nature of the service provided and the measures determined by SAMA.
- The payment creation service provider shall communicate securely with the payments account service provider and identify himself during each communication.