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I. Introduction

No: 18318/486 Date(g): 17/11/2019 | Date(h): 20/3/1441 Status: In-Force

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to detecting and preventing laundering of proceeds of ML/FT crimes as well as to punish perpetrators in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Law, the Law on Terrorism Crimes and Financing, and their Implementing Regulations. Saudi Arabia had previously ratified and signed agreements at the international level. It signed the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in Vienna in 1988 and the United Nations Convention against Corruption in January 2004. It also ratified the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism in New York in 1999 and the United Nations Convention against Organized Crime in Palermo in 2000. Saudi Arabia joined the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in June 2019 to be the 1st Arab country and the 37th country in the world to obtain the membership. At the regional level, Saudi Arabia ratified the Arab Anti-Terrorism Agreement under the auspices of the Arab League at a conference held in April 1998. It also signed and ratified the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Agreement for the suppression of international terrorism in July 1999 as well as the GCC Anti-Terrorism Agreement in May 2004. Saudi Arabia is a founding member of the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF), which created in November 2004. Furthermore, many developments in the international financial sector have been witnessed in the recent years, including the efforts made for combating ML/TF. SAMA has adopted various initiatives that include measures and other criteria in response to international developments in this field. This includes the issuance of a guide for the implementation of Security Council Resolutions relevant to combating terrorism and its financing to ensure optimal application of updated procedures and mechanisms relating to such resolutions.  SAMA also issued a guide for the implementation of Security Council Resolutions relevant to preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing to ensure that financial institutions optimally apply the relevant procedures and mechanisms. Due to the importance of financial institutions in detecting and preventing ML/TF transactions, SAMA has prepared this Guide to help financial institutions abide by the minimum regulatory requirements and to protect these institutions from being used as a conduit for illegal transactions arising from ML/TF activities and other crimes. This can contribute to enhancing and maintaining confidence in the integrity and reputation of the financial system in Saudi Arabia.