5. Detect
It is vital for the security and protection of customers to quickly identify actual or attempted fraud where preventative controls are insufficient or have failed. Fraud detection systems and controls are risk-based measures to identify fraud by looking for indicators in customer behaviours, transactional and non-transactional information. Effective detection of fraud enables proportionate and timely action to minimise organisational losses and customer impact. Detective controls can be manual, but typically given the volume of activity in financial institutions and digital nature of products and services, rely on technology to perform automated monitoring.
Figure 6 - Detect Domain
5.1. Fraud Detection Standards
Member Organisations should have defined, approved, implemented and maintained fraud detection standards which should be aligned to the fraud risks impacting the organisation and its customers.
Control Requirements
a. Member Organisations should define, approve, implement and maintain fraud detection standards addressing both internal fraud and external fraud risks impacting the organisation.
b. Member Organisations should review and update fraud detection standards on a periodic basis and in response to material changes to the fraud landscape or the Member Organisation Fraud Risk Assessment.
c. The compliance with fraud detection standards should be monitored.
d. The effectiveness of fraud detection standards and related controls should be measured and periodically evaluated.
e. The output of the Fraud Risk Assessment should be used to determine where detection activity is focused, and controls should be proportionate to the risk appetite of the organisation.
f. Where the inherent risk of fraud is assessed as higher, the fraud detection standards should require additional detection controls (e.g., real time monitoring, additional data sources or Machine Learning models) or more stringent detection threshold criteria (e.g., lower monetary limits before an alert is raised).
g. Fraud detection standards should include at a minimum:
1. Data sources used to inform detection of suspicious activity and fraud (e.g., core customer records, transactional/payment systems, identity and access management, external databases).
2. The controls implemented to detect suspected fraudulent activity (e.g., escalation of high-risk events and transactions, secondary checking, reconciliations, exception reporting, internal training).
3. The controls implemented to detect suspected fraudulent activity relating to Wholesale Payment Endpoint Security (e.g., monitoring of payments behaviour and out-of-band reports, the creation of a counterparty white-list, anomalous payment tracking, blocking of payments in real-time).
4. Systems and technology implemented to detect potential fraud (e.g., fraud detection software, alerts on high-value events or transactions, access monitoring, link analysis).
5. Roles and responsibilities for fraud detection (e.g., system calibration, reviewing manual fraud referrals, alert triaging and management, escalation point for potentially significant incidents, supervision and oversight).
6. Rationale outlining why the detection systems and controls are appropriate to the risks faced by the organisation.
h. Member Organisations should consider the following areas of activity when documenting the people, process, and technology requirements for fraud detection:
1. Employee activity data (e.g., system access, invoices and payments, approvals).
2. Customer account activity (e.g., transactions, payments, settlement).
3. Customer account access and management (e.g., log-in geolocation, device usage, changes to static data).
4. Third party activity data (e.g., access to and use of Member Organisation systems or data, instructions on behalf of customers, referrals from agents).
i. Where a Member Organisation determines a manual control is required (e.g., due to the scale of the Member Organisation, lack of systems or analytics, or coverage of products and channels), the nature of the fraud risk should be reviewed to assess the number of employees and skills required to provide adequate manual coverage.
j. Member Organisations should have adequate resources in place to manage the outputs from manual and automated fraud detection (e.g., sufficient employees to work alerts, appropriate skills and training for employees to complete investigations, workflow system to allocate alerts).
5.2. Fraud Detection Systems
Member Organisations should implement and maintain fraud detection systems to identify anomalies in transactional and non-transactional data, and customer or employee behaviour that may be indicators of fraud.
Control Requirements
a. Member Organisations should implement and maintain fraud detection systems to monitor customer products and services, and internal systems for transactions or behaviours that may be indicative of fraud.
b. Fraud detection systems should operate 24/7 with appropriate resources in place to manage outputs on a timely basis.
c. Member Organisations should develop holistic and current sources of data to be used to inform detection of suspicious activity and fraud, including at a minimum:
1. Customer products and services held across all lines of business.
2. All contact channels (e.g., online, mobile, phone).
3. External information (e.g., credit reference data, blacklists, vendor provided data sets).
4. The insights gathered from Intelligence Monitoring (see sub-section 4.1.1).
5. Transactional or settlement data (e.g., payment values into or out of accounts, payment recipients added, authority for payment instruction, transfer from custodian of funds).
6. Non-transactional data (e.g., employee behaviour, online access, device usage, geo-location, changes to static data).
d. Member Organisations should implement controls (e.g., data governance, de-duplication, data quality alerts, regular audit, integration testing, regression testing for change management) to ensure that the underlying data is:
1. Timely - Supplied to the detection system at an appropriate frequency based on the rate of change and urgency of information (e.g., payment data should be real-time to allow intervention before funds are transferred, while new products sold may be updated daily, and external information refreshed when lists change).
2. Complete - Includes all required data from all relevant systems identified in the Counter-Fraud detection standards (e.g., data mapping from source system to the detection system should be validated).
3. Accurate - Of sufficient quality to enable effective monitoring (e.g., up to date, tested to ensure data quality).
e. Member Organisations should ensure fraud detection system capability includes at a minimum:
1. Analysis of structured data (data in a standardised, well-structured format).
2. Monitoring of customer and internal accounts.
3. Baselining of user behaviour patterns into profiles which allow deviations from normal activity to be identified (e.g., expected frequency or value of transactions).
4. Definition of a library of rules based on known fraud typologies to identify activity which could be indicative of fraud (e.g., employee access patterns, unknown or remote customer location, increased frequency of transactions, new transaction type, high value amount, recurring transactions whether to one beneficiary or multiple beneficiaries, single source of transfer to many accounts).
5. Segmentation of customer groups to enable tailoring of rules (e.g., modifying rules and thresholds based on different expected behaviours of a high-net-worth Private Banking customer vs. a standard Retail customer or a new account opened online vs. an established relationship managed customer).
6. Applying a weighting to rules based on the assessed level of fraud risk and assigning risk scoring to identify activity that may be indicative of fraud.
7. The aggregation of risk scores to assess patterns of transactional and non-transactional activity across multiple channels that when combined may be indicators of fraud.
8. Linking outputs (e.g., alerts and cases for further investigation) to a Case Management System.
f. Member Organisations should use the output of Intelligence Monitoring and information from across the organisation in data analytics to deeply analyse current status, predict future fraud threats and take proactive action to prevent fraud. Analytics should use multiple data sources, including but not limited to historical and current trends, customer data, transactions and non-transactional activity.
g. Where a higher risk of fraud is identified in the Fraud Risk Assessment or higher incidences of fraud occur, Member Organisations should additionally implement system capability of:
1. Big data mining to facilitate advanced analytics over large quantities of structured and unstructured data, with associated orchestration to create a centralised data repository (e.g., using data refinement and comparison algorithms to perform queries on very large volumes of data, and storage in a data lake).
2. Analytical tools and capabilities to enhance rules-based monitoring (e.g., trend analysis, keyword analysis, predictive analytics, and anomaly detection).
3. Overlaying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms (e.g., decision trees, random forests, neural networks) to:
a. Enhance system decision making capability.
b. Predict the likelihood of fraud.
c. Learn from historical patterns of fraudulent and legitimate behaviour.
4. Network Visualisation/Link analytics or Entity Resolution to reveal hidden or previously unknown connections and identify networks across different data sources (e.g., identify connections from devices or IP addresses known to have been used for fraudulent purposes and link with other data points to create a threat score associated with a network, by looking at location, payment cards used, beneficiaries etc.).
5. Analysis of additional unstructured external data (e.g., scanned customer documents) to widen data sources.
h. Where a deviation from the baselined user behaviour patterns is identified, Member Organisations should either:
1. Require further authentication of the user or their instructions.
2. Generate an alert for further investigation to determine whether fraud has occurred.
i. To ensure the effectiveness and optimisation of fraud detection systems, Member Organisations should:
1. Calibrate and test detection scenarios to validate they are working as designed and enabling monitoring in accordance with the organisations risk appetite (e.g., rule logic review, threshold testing, precision and recall testing).
2. Implement feedback loops to monitor and enhance the performance of systems and effectiveness of scenarios and parameters by reviewing false positives, false negatives and alerts which identified fraud.
3. Periodically review scenarios and parameters to ensure they remain appropriate in view of the insights gathered in Intelligence Monitoring and/or the outcome of the Fraud Risk Assessment.
4. Periodically test the effectiveness of systems, through ongoing tuning and calibration measures such as data mapping and input validation, model validation, scenario effectiveness testing and reporting.
5. Update user behaviour patterns and rules to account for the latest threats and fraud typologies.
6. Retain a documented record of changes made to configuration or rules and the rationale for the decision.
7. Monitor for unauthorised changes to the system (e.g., rule tampering or disabling of monitoring).
j. The fraud detection systems should have the capability to monitor and report metrics and Management Information in respect of:
1. Data integrity.
2. Rule and scenario effectiveness (e.g., false positive rate).
3. Operational performance.
5.3. Monitoring to Detect Fraud
Member Organisations should design and implement controls to monitor activities and behaviour in order to detect potential indicators of e xternal fraud and internal fraud.
Control Requirements
a. Member Organisations should design and implement controls to monitor customer products and services for behaviours that may be indicative of external fraud. At a minimum these should address the risk presented by:
1. First party fraud - Where a customer of the Member Organisation misrepresents their identity or gives false information to commit fraud using their own account, loan application or other product.
2. Second party fraud - Where a customer or individual knowingly provides their personal information or allows their identity to be used to commit fraud.
3. Third party fraud - Where a non-customer of the Member Organisation obtains a customer's details without their consent or knowledge, then uses the information to commit fraud.
b. Member Organisations should design and implement controls to monitor employees in roles which have been identified in the Fraud Risk Assessment as presenting a risk of internal fraud, including but not limited to:
1. Audit trail of employee access to the Member Organisation's core systems.
2. Systematic log of staff activity for all customer and financial accounting systems and databases (e.g., recording an audit trail of an employee making changes to a customer address, adding a payee, instructing a payment, authorising a withdrawal).
3. Monitoring for unusual behaviours or activity (e.g., transactions outside working hours, process exceptions or overrides completed without appropriate approvals).
4. Reconciliation and settlement of finance systems and organisation internal bank accounts.
5. Enhanced oversight of payments to Member Organisation employee's accounts.
6. Monitoring and appropriate approval of corporate card use and expense claims.
7. Monitoring of employee complaints and anonymous reporting lines.
5.4. Whistle Blowing
Member Organisations should define, approve, implement and maintain a process to enable concerned employees and third parties to report potential fraud violations without the fear of negative consequences or repercussions.
Control Requirements
a. Member Organisations should define, approve, implement and maintain a whistle blowing process across multiple channels for employees and third parties to report potential fraud violations.
b. The process should comply with SAMA's Whistle Blowing Policy for Financial Institutions (Whistle Blowing Policy).
c. Member Organisations should take no action against whistle blowers for any disclosures of potential fraud violations reported in good faith.