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  • Corporate Governance for Financial Institutions

    • Key Principles of Governance in Financial Institutions

      No: 42081293 Date(g): 30/6/2021 | Date(h): 21/11/1442Status: In-Force

      Based on the supervisory and regulatory role of SAMA, and its keenness to enhance effective management in financial institutions, and based on the powers vested to it under its law, issued by Royal Decree No. (M/36) dated 11/04/1442 H, and other relevant regulations.

      Facilities of the main principles of governance in financial institutions subject to the supervision and oversight of SAMA, to replace the principles of governance for banks operating in Saudi Arabia, issued under Circular No. (35100006351) dated 17/05/1435 H.

      For information, and to act accordingly for the financial institutions to which it is mandatory starting from 01/01/2022.

      • Chapter I Definitions and General Provisions

        • 1. Definitions

          The following terms – whenever they occur in these Principles – shall have the meanings assigned thereto unless the context requires otherwise:
          SAMASaudi Central Bank*.
          Financial InstitutionAn entity subject to the control and supervision of the Central Bank.
          BoardThe Board of Directors of the financial institution.
          Executive Management (Senior Management)Persons entrusted with managing the daily activities of the financial institution, and proposing and implementing strategic decisions.
          MemberA member of the Board or any of its committees.
          Executive MemberA full-time member of the executive management of the financial institution, who participates in managing its daily activities.
          Non-Executive MemberA member who is not a full-time member of the executive management of the financial institution and who does not participate in performing its daily activities.
          Independent Member

          A member who has complete independence in his position and decisions, and who shall not be subject to the following factors affecting independence, to name but a few:

           a.if he holds 5% or more of the shares of the financial institution or any other company within its group, or is a relative of a person who owns such percentage;
           b.if he is a relative of any member or senior executive of the financial institution, or any other company within its group;
           c.if he is a member of any company within the group of the financial institution for which he is nominated to be a member;
           d.if he works or used to work, within the preceding two years, for the financial institution, for any company within its group, for it's Substantial Shareholders, or for main suppliers and external auditors, or he held controlling interests in the financial institution, any company within its group, Substantial Shareholders, or any party dealing therewith like external auditors or main suppliers  within the preceding two years.
           e.if he has a direct or indirect interest in the businesses and contracts executed for the benefit of the financial institution;
           f.if he receives financial consideration from the financial institution in addition to the remuneration for his membership of the Board or of any of its committees that exceeds an amount of SAR 200,000 or 50% of his remuneration of the last year for his membership of the Board or any of its committees, whichever is less;
           g.if he engages in a business where he competes with the main business activity of the financial institution, or if he conducts business in any of the activities practiced by the financial institution;
           h.if he served for more than nine years, consecutive or inconsecutive, as a member of the financial institution.
           i.If he has a credit relationship, in his name or in the name of any of his relatives, with the financial institution that exceeds SAR 1,000,000.
          RelativesFathers and mothers; grandfathers and grandmothers; children and grandchildren; and husbands and wives.
          Substantial ShareholdersAny person who owns 5% or more of the shares of the financial institution or voting rights therein.
          Related Parties
           a.Substantial shareholders in the financial institution;
           b.Board members of the financial institution or any of its affiliates and their relatives;
           c.Senior executives of the financial institution or any of its affiliates, and their relatives;
           d.Board members and senior executives of substantial shareholders of the financial institution;
           e.Establishments – other than companies – owned by a member or a senior executive, or their relatives;
           f.Companies in which a member or senior executive or any of their relatives is a partner;
           g.Companies in which a member or senior executive or any of their relatives is a member of their Board or a senior executive thereof;
           h.Joint stock companies in which a member or senior executive or any of their relatives owns 5% or more, subject to the provisions of Paragraph (d) of this definition.
           i.Holding companies or affiliates of the financial institution.
          StakeholderAny person who has an interest in the financial institution, including shareholders, investors, customers, and suppliers.

          * The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency was replaced by the name of "Saudi Central Bank" in accordance with The Saudi Central Bank Law No. (M/36), dated 11/04/1442H, corresponding to 26/11/2020G.


        • 2. General Provisions

          a.These principles aim to set the minimum requirements that would enhance the effective management of financial institutions, direct their financial and non-financial resources towards achieving their strategic objectives, maintain their stability, and preserve the rights of stakeholders.
          b.An effective governance system requires independence of and separation between the position of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and that of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This would require good organizational and administrative structures and explicit powers and responsibilities among the main parties of the financial institution, including members and executives, in addition to establishing a general framework for control through a risk management department, an internal audit department, and a compliance department, as well as internal control systems and an external auditor.
          c.These principles shall not prejudice the requirements imposed on financial institutions under other relevant laws, regulations, and instructions.
          d.SAMA has issued several regulations related to governance; these principles shall be read alongside these regulations, as the case may be, including the following:
           Principles of conduct and business ethics in financial institutions;
           Principles of compliance for commercial banks operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
           Requirements for appointment to leadership positions in financial institutions that are under the supervision of the Central Bank;
           Shariah-compliant governance framework for local banks operating in the Kingdom; and
           Sharia-compliant governance instructions for finance companies.
          e.Corporate governance has received international attention, as a number of international agencies and organizations have issued guiding instructions for governance. These agencies and organizations include the following, among others:
           Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS);
           Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD);
           Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB);
           The World Bank (WB); and
           Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructure (CPMI).
        • 3. Scope of Application

          a.These principles shall apply on a mandatory basis for local banks, finance companies, and real estate refinancing companies.
          b.Subject to the mandatory provisions stipulated in relevant laws and regulations, these principles shall apply as guiding rules to credit information companies, payments and financial technology companies, money exchange companies and institutions1, consumer microfinance companies, finance support companies, financial lease contract registration companies, and debt-based crowdfunding companies. The Central Bank may, at any time, enforce all or some of the provisions of these principles on a mandatory basis.

          1 The provisions contained in "the Governance Controls of the Money Exchange Sectors" shall apply to money exchange companies and institutions on a mandatory basis.

      • Chapter II Key Principles of Governance

        • 1st Principle: Qualifications of Board Members

          Board members shall be qualified to carry out the work entrusted to them, have a clear understanding of their required roles, and have the ability to make decisions impartially and objectively without any external influence whether from inside or outside the financial institution. They shall particularly fulfill the following: 
          4.Their CVs shall be publicly available in order to enable stakeholders to assess their efficiency and ability to carry out their tasks effectively.
          5.A member shall have professional competence and shall possess various practical and administrative skills and experiences, as well as appropriate personal qualities, especially honesty and integrity, in addition to the following:
           a.Leadership: He shall possess leadership skills that enable him to delegate powers in order to promote performance, to apply best practices in effective management, and to disseminate professional values and ethics.
           b.Competence: This attribute shall appear through the level of education, experience, skills, and willingness to continue learning.
           c.Guidance: He shall possess technical and administrative capabilities, speed in making decisions, understanding of the technical requirements related to workflow, ability to provide strategic orientation, long-term planning, and a clear future vision.
           d.Financial Literacy: He shall have the skills to read and understand financial statements and reports and the ratios used to assess performance.
           e.Physical Fitness: He shall not have a health condition that hinders him from exercising his duties and competencies.
          6.A member shall have the following qualities:
           a.Truthfulness: He shall have an honest professional relationship with the financial institution, and shall disclose thereto any relevant information before conducting any transaction or entering into a contract with the financial institution or with any of its affiliates.
           b.Loyalty: He shall avoid transactions that may entail a conflict of interest, and shall ensure the fairness of dealings and their conduct for the benefit of the financial institution and stakeholders.
           c.Care: He shall perform his duties and responsibilities effectively, and shall be keen to provide all the information that would ensure that the decisions made are in the interest of the financial institution. In order to achieve the foregoing, he shall undertake the following responsibilities:
            Attend Board meetings regularly, and not be absent without a justifiable excuse, and prepare for such meetings and effectively participate therein, including raising relevant questions and holding discussions with senior executives;
            Make decisions on the basis of complete information and in good faith. A member shall not be relieved of responsibility if he abstains from voting without clarifying his opinion on the decision in question;
            Develop his knowledge of the financial institution's activities and other related areas;
            Ensure that significant and major topics are included in the Board meeting agenda;
            An executive member shall provide full information to the Board when requested. 
        • 2nd Principle: Formation, Appointment and Board Affairs

          7.The bylaws of the financial institution shall specify the number of members in proportion to its size and the nature of its business, taking into account the following:
           a.The number of members shall not be less than five and not more than eleven.2
           b.The number of independent members shall not be less than two members, or one third of the Board members, whichever is greater.
           c.The number of executive members shall not exceed two.
          8.The General Assembly shall elect Board members for the period stipulated in the bylaws of the financial institution, provided that their term membership does not exceed three years; these members may be reelected unless the bylaws of the financial institution stipulate otherwise.
          9.The procedures for nominating and selecting Board members shall be clear-cut and explicit, and shall observe the diversity of experiences, qualifications, and qualities referred to in the first principle.
          10.Members shall choose a non-executive member to serve as the Chairman of the Board3 and another as his deputy, provided that the Chairman and his deputy do not exercise any of the functions of the executive management.
          11.The Board shall conduct an annual evaluation of the extent of independence of the independent member, and shall ensure that there are no relationships or circumstances that affect or may affect his independence; the member shall also inform the Board in the event that circumstances affecting his independence may arise.
          12.A written no-objection letter shall be obtained from the Central Bank prior to nominating any member of the Board and its committees, or appointing any of the holders of leadership positions, in accordance with the relevant Central Bank instructions. The Central Bank shall be notified in writing upon accepting the resignation/departure from work/termination of service of any holder of a leadership position, the termination of membership of any member of the Board and its committees, or the independent member’s loss of independence, within five working days.
          13.A member may not become a member of the board of directors of a similar financial institution operating inside the Kingdom.
          14.A member may not become a member of the board of directors of more than five joint stock companies listed on the stock market simultaneously; in the event of a conflict of interest, said member shall be subject to the conflict-of-interest policy.
          15.A member may preferably retain his membership for a period not exceeding 12 consecutive or inconsecutive years.
          16.Any person who wishes to nominate himself for Board membership shall disclose to the Board and the General Assembly any of the following cases of conflict of interest:
           a.If he has a direct or indirect interest in the businesses and contracts made for the benefit of the financial institution wherein he desires to be nominated as a board member; and/or
           b.If he engages in a business that may compete with the financial institution or with any of its activities.
          17.Each member shall immediately inform the Board of any direct or indirect interest he has in the businesses and contracts executed for the financial institution’s account, and shall not participate in voting on the decision to be taken in this regard.
          18.Each member shall maintain the confidentiality of the information of the financial institution, and shall not disclose any information that he has been privy to through his Board membership to third parties, or to any of the shareholders of the financial institution, unless such disclosure takes place during the General Assembly meetings.
          19.Each member shall be presented with an induction program that explains the mission, strategic objectives and activities of the financial institution, and with a memorandum explaining the duties and responsibilities of his membership.
          20.Members shall carry out the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them through explicit and appropriate procedures; the Board shall review the effectiveness of these procedures on an ongoing basis, and shall identify weaknesses and make the necessary changes whenever required.
          21.Members shall be aware of the rules, regulations, and instructions related to the financial institution's business, and shall keep pace with any new developments in this regard.
          22.The Board shall hold at least four meetings per year, with one meeting every three months, in order to exercise its duties and responsibilities effectively. Meetings shall also be held whenever required. Nonexecutive and independent members may preferably hold closed meetings without the attendance of the executive board members, by at least one meeting per year.
          23.Board meetings shall only be valid if attended by half the members, provided that the number of attending members be not less than three, unless the bylaws of the financial institution provide for a larger number. All decisions shall be made by the majority votes of the members; in case of a tie, the Chairman of the Board shall have the casting vote.
          24.Members shall attend Board meetings regularly, and may do so by technological means; they shall only be absent with an acceptable reason to be reported to the Chairman of the Board in advance. In the event that a member fails to attend three meetings per year without a valid reason, another member shall be appointed to replace his membership.
          25.The Board shall draft meeting minutes wherein to note the meeting place, date, beginning and ending time, names of attending and absent members, names of attendees from outside the Board, including an external party such as an external auditor or an internal party such as the financial manager, and a statement of the meeting discussions and deliberations, and the reservations expressed - if any - together with an explanation of the reasons. The meeting minutes shall be signed by all attendees, attested with the decisions and voting results, and kept in a special and organized register.
          26.The Board shall, at the beginning of each year, set a specific schedule for receiving reports from committees and internal and external auditors, and shall ensure that the mechanism for drafting, collecting, and submitting reports is appropriate and consistent with the approved internal policy, including submitting same to the Board at the due times.
          27.The Board shall appoint a secretary from among its members or others, and shall determine the conditions to be met by him. He shall hold a university degree in law, finance, accounting, or administration - or its equivalent - and shall have relevant practical experience of not less than three years. In the event that he does not hold a university degree in any of these disciplines, he shall have at least five years of relevant work experience.
          28.The Board secretary shall perform his responsibilities as per the directives of the Chairman of the Board. He may not be dismissed except by a decision of the Board. His responsibilities shall particularly include the following:
           a.Draft the meeting minutes of the Board, wherein to note the meeting place, date, beginning and ending time, names of attending and absent members, names of attendees from outside the Board, including an external party such as an external auditor or an internal party such as the financial manager, and a statement of the meeting discussions and deliberations, and the reservations expressed - if any -together with an explanation of the reasons. The minutes shall be signed by all attendees, attested with the decisions and voting results, and kept in a special and organized register;
           b.Retain the reports submitted to the Board and the reports drafted thereby;
           c.Inform the members of the dates of Board meetings well in advance of the specified date;
           d.Provide the members with the meeting agenda, working papers, documents and relevant information, as well as any additional documents or information requested by any member in relation to the topics included in the meeting agenda;
           e.Ensure that the members comply with the procedures approved by the Board;
           f.Submit draft minutes to the members to express their opinions thereon prior to signing same;
           g.Ensure that the members have full and prompt access to a copy of the minutes, as well as to the information and documents related to the financial institution;
           h.Regulate the disclosure register of the members and the executive management; and
           i.Follow up on Board recommendations pursuant to a mechanism to be approved by the Board.
          29.If a member resigns and he has comments on the performance of the financial institution, he shall submit a written statement to the Chairman of the Board. Said statement shall be presented to the rest of the members, and a copy thereof shall be furnished to the Central Bank. 

          2 As for banks, the number of Board members shall not be less than nine, and not more than eleven, as per the best applicable practices.
          3 As for banks, this member would rather be independent, as per the best applicable practices.

        • 3rd Principle: Responsibilities of the Board

          The financial institution shall have an effective Board to direct its activities, safeguard its interests, and develop its values. The Board shall bear responsibility for its businesses, even if it delegates committees, agencies, or individuals to exercise some of its powers. In all cases, the Board may not issue a general or indefinite delegation. It shall: 
          30.Form the executive management, regulate, monitor and supervise its operating procedures, and ensure its performance of the tasks assigned thereto.
          31.Set and monitor the implementation of the plans, policies, strategies and main objectives of the financial institution, and review same on a regular basis.
          32.Ensure the integrity and financial solvency of the financial institution, and maintain effective relationships with the supervisory authorities.
          33.Set and comply with clear limits for responsibility and accountability at all levels of the financial institution. Responsibilities shall be completely separated at the level of the executive management.
          34.The organizational structure of the financial institution shall determine the competencies and the distribution of tasks between the Board and the executive management as per the best governance practices, improve the efficiency of decision-making, and achieve balance between powers and authorities. In order to achieve this, the Board shall:
           a.Approve and develop the internal policies related to the financial institution’s business; this shall include defining the tasks, competencies and responsibilities assigned to the various organizational levels;
           b.Approve a written and detailed policy that defines the powers delegated to the executive management, provided that it includes an account of each power, its method of implementation, and delegation period; it may request the executive management to submit periodic reports on its exercise of the delegated powers;
           c.Determine the issues that it has the power to decide on.
          35.Ensure the adequacy of human and financial resources to achieve the main objectives and plans of the financial institution and carry out its obligations.
          36.Ensure the existence and development of effective units for compliance, internal auditing and risk management, make sure that such departments are independent from business departments, ensure the availability of the adequate powers and resources therein, and train their staff and develop their capabilities in the field.
          37.Develop and monitor the implementation of a comprehensive risk management strategy and policies in proportion to the nature and size of the financial institution’s activities, and review same on an annual basis, taking into account to link the level of risks that the financial institution desires to bear in a specific period of time with its strategy and capital plan.
          38.Ensure the existence of an effective system for an objective and systematic performance assessment of the financial institution's employees at all levels. The performance assessment of the executive management shall specifically be long-term, and shall not be limited to the performance of a single year only.
          39.Select senior executives, and ensure that an appropriate replacement policy is applied and that the substitute is highly qualified and possesses the required skills.
          40.Notify the Central Bank in writing of any penalties imposed by any supervisory, regulatory or judicial authority that may affect the functioning of the financial institution, within a period of ten working days as of the date of the penalty.
          41.Ensure the independence of the internal and external auditors, and the accuracy and integrity of the information and data to be disclosed in accordance with the disclosure and transparency requirements.
          42.Be aware of the main risks that may affect the financial institution and its affiliate companies, and exercise an appropriate supervisory role over these companies, taking into account the legal independence and governance requirements of these affiliates.
          43.Set a clear written policy to deal with actual or potential cases of conflict of interest that may affect the performance of members, executive management or other employees of the financial institution upon dealing therewith or with other stakeholders, provided that said policy at least includes the following rules:
           a.Emphasize that members, senior executives and other employees of the financial institution avoid situations that may lead to a conflict of their interests with those of the financial institution, and deal with such cases as per the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations;
           b.Provide illustrative examples of conflict-of-interest situations that are relevant to the nature of the financial institution's activities.
           c.Set clear procedures for disclosing conflict of interest in businesses over which a conflict of interest may arise, and obtain the necessary license or approval;
           d.Make sure to constantly disclose any situations that may lead to a conflict of interest or upon the occurrence of such conflicts;
           e.Abstain from voting or taking part in decision-making when there is a conflict of interest;
           f.Set clear procedures when the financial institution enters into a transaction with a related party. Said transactions shall be carried out on a commercial basis only, and shall include notifying the public and the Central Bank without delay about this transaction if it is equal to or exceeds 1% of the total revenues of the financial institution pursuant to the latest annual audited financial statements.
          44.The Board shall not be exempted from responsibility, and shall be held accountable in the event that the operations of the financial institution are outsourced to another party; it shall be aware of the risks arising from the assignment process and shall ensure that the assignment operations be governed by the relevant Central Bank instructions.
          45.Evaluate the following on an annual basis:
           a.A member’s performance; this evaluation may be assigned to an external party to ensure its objectivity;
           b.Effectiveness of the controls, working procedures, structure, and composition of the Board, together with identification of weaknesses and making the necessary changes when required;
           c.Effectiveness of the applicable governance policies and procedures and practices; it shall be determined whether they require any improvements or changes. The findings of these assessments shall be used by the Board as part of its ongoing improvement efforts, even if it is required to share such results with the Central Bank.
          46.Subject to the relevant Central Bank instructions, the Board shall ensure the operation and effectiveness of the following policies and procedures, including, for example:
           a.Policies and procedures for IT and cybersecurity governance;
           b.A policy for the professional conduct and business ethics to be applied in the financial institution;
           c.A policy defining the mechanism for reporting violations in the financial institution and protecting whistleblowers;
           d.Policies and procedures for resolving complaints and objections that may arise between the financial institution and stakeholders;
           e.Policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of information.
          47.Approve the remuneration policy for the financial institution employees, which shall include, at a minimum, the types of remuneration (e.g. fixed or performance-related remunerations, or remunerations granted in the form of shares).
          48.Verify the accuracy and integrity of the annual and quarterly financial statements and approve same before publication thereof.
          49.Form an appropriate number of committees - in accordance with the provisions of the 5th Principle herebelow - and approve their work regulations. As an exception, the nomination and remuneration committee and the audit committee shall be approved by the General Assembly. These regulations shall comprise specifying the tasks of each committee, its duration and scope of work, the powers granted thereto, the responsibilities assigned thereto, and the mechanism governing Board supervision of said committee. The Board shall constantly ensure that committee members exert serious efforts upon performing their work.
          50.Announce the Board committees, their scope of work, and the names of their members in the annual report of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall provide the Central Bank with a list of these committees, their tasks, working procedures, and the names of their members.
          51.Without prejudice to the competencies of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board shall undertake the following tasks:
           a.Chair the Board and supervise the effectiveness of its workflow, and perform his competencies effectively;
           b.Ensure that all Board members have timely access to complete, clear and correct information;
           c.Represent the financial institution before third parties in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations, and instructions, as well as the provisions of the financial institution's bylaws;
           d.Encourage effective participation between the Board and the executive management;
           e.Oversee the drafting of the Board meeting agenda, taking into account any point raised by a Board member or auditor, and consult with the members upon preparing the meeting agenda.
          52.Ensure that the financial institution adopts social responsibility programs, in line with the social responsibility policy approved by the General Assembly, and that the objectives of these programs are directed towards supporting various social projects, increase financial awareness, meet the credit needs of the local economy through granting loans and facilities for productive businesses, and innovate products that encourage economic development without compromising the solvency of the financial institution and stakeholders.
          53.Ensure that the services rendered by the financial institution meet the needs and requirements of society at fair costs, and that the financial institution takes the initiative to provide facilities to support and encourage small and medium enterprises.
        • 4th Principle: Responsibilities of Executive Management

          The executive management shall monitor and manage the daily activities of the financial institution, and shall ensure that these activities are in line with the business strategy, risk level, and policies approved by the Board. It shall undertake the following responsibilities: 
          54.Implement the plans, policies, strategies, and main objectives of the financial institution that are approved by the Board.
          55.Propose the most appropriate capital structure of the financial institution and its strategies and financial objectives.
          56.Propose and implement a comprehensive strategy for the financial institution, as well as the principal and interim business plans, and the policies and mechanisms for investment, financing, risk management, and emergency administrative circumstances management plans.
          57.Propose the main capital expenditures of the financial institution, and acquire and dispose of assets.
          58.Propose the organizational and functional structures of the financial institution that clarify the role, powers, and responsibility of the various positions within the executive management, including the CEO, and submit same to the Board for approval.
          59.Propose a policy of professional conduct and work ethics for the financial institution, and submit same to the Board for approval.
          60.Propose a policy for the remunerations granted to employees, including, at minimum, the types of remunerations, such as fixed or performance-related remunerations or remunerations granted in the form of shares, and submit same to the Board for approval.
          61.Apply the financial and accounting systems correctly, including the procedures relating to drafting financial reports.
          62.Apply appropriate control systems for risk management by generally forecasting the risks that the financial institution may encounter, create an environment that is aware of the culture of risk mitigation at the level of the financial institution, and present same to the Board and other stakeholders with transparency.
          63.Manage the resources of the financial institution pursuant to its strategic plans and objectives approved by the Board.
          64.Implement internal control and risk management systems, including the conflict-of-interest policy, verify the effectiveness and efficiency of these systems, and ensure their compliance with the level of risks approved by the Board.
          65.Submit to the Board an annual report on the internal control system and the implementation thereof to enable the Board to review the system and ensure its effectiveness.
          66.Keep the Board constantly and adequately informed of substantial issues, and provide it with such information as it may require, in order to carry out its responsibilities and to supervise the executive management and evaluate its quality.
          67.Understand and direct the financial and non-financial structures at the group level, and provide an appropriate mechanism to obtain updated information on the group structure.
          68.Set appropriate procedures for regular communication with the financial institution’s major clients to assess their risks, and take into consideration the governance frameworks used by clients prior to entering into credit relationships with them.
        • 5th Principle: Committees Formed by the Board

          The formation of Board committees ensures and supports the effectiveness of decision-making to achieve the objectives of the financial institution in accordance with the best practices and specialized technical standards. It also assists the Board to perform its duties and responsibilities, contributes to the effectiveness of performance and to reviewing and monitoring the financial institution’s businesses on a regular basis. Committee members may be appointed from within or outside the Board. The formation of these committees shall not relieve the Board of its responsibilities, and it shall observe the following: 
          69.A member may preferably not be a member of more than two committees.
          70.A member shall attend committee meetings regularly and may do so by using technological means. For a meeting to be valid, it shall be attended by half the members. All decisions shall be made by the majority vote of members; in case of a tie, the chairman of the committee shall have the casting vote. The opinion of a dissenting member shall be recorded in the meeting minutes. Members may not cast their votes by proxy.
          71.A member shall act in good faith, and with due diligence and care for the benefit of stakeholders. He shall perform his duties aloof from any external influence, whether from inside or outside the financial institution. He shall not give precedence to his personal interests or the interests of persons whom he represents over those of the financial institution, shareholders and other stakeholders.
          72.Each committee shall have a secretary from among its members or from outside. A committee secretary may preferably not serve as the secretary of another committee, and he shall have the necessary qualifications, skills and abilities to perform the following tasks, as a minimum:
           a.Record committee meetings and draft minutes therefor, taking into account to submit the drafts to the members to express their opinions thereon before signing same;
           b.Prepare and submit committee reports to the Board and retain same;
           c.Inform committee members of meeting dates well in advance of the specified date.
          73.The number of committees to be formed by the Board shall be determined pursuant to the nature of operations and the size of the financial institution, in addition to the relative experience and qualifications of the Board members. These committees shall comprise the following, among others:
          • The Executive Committee
          74.This committee shall consist of no less than three and no more than five members, and it may not be chaired by the CEO.
          75.The committee shall hold no less than six meetings per year; the risk manager or any person whom the committee deems necessary may be invited to attend committee meetings without having the right to vote on committee decisions.
          76.The committee chairman shall submit a report to the Board on any important issue, and shall, upon consultation with the Chairman of the Board, determine the items to be included in the Board meeting agenda, in addition to any subjects not falling within the competence of other committees.
          77.The Board shall determine committee powers and responsibilities, and shall monitor the implementation thereof.
          • The Audit Committee
          78.This committee shall be composed of no less than three and no more than five members, all of whom shall be non-executive members, including at least one independent member.4 It shall be chaired by an independent member, and the number of the members from outside the Board shall exceed that of the members from within the Board. This committee may not be chaired by the Chairman of the Board.
          79.The General Assembly shall, upon a recommendation of the Board, approve committee work regulations, provided that it comprises its work controls and responsibilities, procedures for appointing its members, their membership term, and their remuneration.
          80.Committee members shall have academic qualifications and professional experience in auditing and risk management, including knowledge of accounting and auditing standards, ability to understand financial reports, and understanding of the laws, regulations and instructions issued by the relevant agencies.
          81.The number of meetings to be held by the committee shall depend on the size of the financial institution and the scope of the tasks assigned thereto, provided that it holds no less than four meetings per year, in addition to any other meetings to be held when required. The committee may invite to its meetings any employee to discuss with him the topics raised therein; this invitation shall include the CEO and the internal and external auditors. The minutes of committee meetings shall be distributed to all members, who shall be entitled to request the committee for clarification of any issues.
          82.The committee shall have the competence to monitor the financial institution’s work, verify the integrity and impartiality of its reports and financial statements, and ensure the availability of internal control systems therein. Committee tasks shall include the following:
          a.Financial Reports
           -Examine the quarterly and annual financial statements of the financial institution before submitting same to the Board, and provide its opinion and recommendation thereon, in order to ensure their integrity, fairness and transparency;
           -Provide its technical opinion - at the request of the Board - on whether the Board report and the financial statements of the financial institution are fair, balanced and understandable, and contain information that allows shareholders and investors to assess the financial position of the financial institution, its performance, business model, and strategy;
           -Examine any important or unfamiliar issues contained in the financial reports;
           -Scrutinize any issues raised by the financial manager or the auditor of the financial institution;
           -Examine the accounting estimates pertaining to significant issues contained in the financial reports.
           -Examine the accounting policies applied by the financial institution, and provide its opinion and recommendation thereon to the Board.
          b.Internal Audit
           -Examine and review the financial institution’s internal and financial control systems and risk management system;
           -Examine the internal audit reports and follow up on the implementation of corrective measures with regard to the remarks contained therein;
           -Monitor and oversee the performance and activities of the internal auditor and the internal audit department of the financial institution, in order to ensure the availability of the necessary resources and their effectiveness in performing the activities and tasks assigned thereto;
           -Submit a recommendation to the Board to appoint/terminate the service of the manager of the internal audit unit or department or the internal auditor and propose his remuneration;
           -Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls, policies and procedures, the reporting mechanism and the extent of compliance therewith, and provide recommendations for improvement thereof.
          c.The Auditor
           -Submit a recommendation to the Board to nominate/dismiss auditors, determine their fees and evaluate their performance, after verifying their independence and reviewing the scope of their work and the terms of their contracts;
           -Verify the auditor's independence, objectivity and fairness, and the effectiveness of audit activities, taking into account the relevant rules and standards;
           -Review and provide its opinion on the auditor’s plan and activities for the financial institution, and ensure that he does not provide any technical or administrative works beyond the scope of audit work;
           -Respond to the queries of the financial institution's auditor;
           -Examine the auditor's report and comments on the financial statements and follow up on the procedures taken in connection therewith.
           -Review the findings of the reports made by supervisory authorities, and ensure that the financial institution has taken the necessary measures with regard thereto;
           -Report to the Board any issues that it deems necessary to take action on, and provide recommendations as to the procedures to be taken in connection therewith;
           -Ensure the financial institution's compliance with the relevant laws, regulations, policies and instructions, and take the necessary measures to improve the financial institution’s level of regulatory compliance.
          • The Nomination and Remuneration Committee
          83.This committee shall consist of no less than three and no more than five members, including at least two independent members. It shall be chaired by an independent member, and shall not be chaired by the Chairman of the Board.
          84.The General Assembly shall, upon a recommendation of the Board, approve the committee work regulations, provided that they include its working rules and procedures, tasks, procedures for appointing its members, and their membership term and remuneration.
          85.The committee shall be in charge of identifying and proposing candidates for selection as members of the Board and the executive management, and preparing a clear policy for the remuneration of said members, as per the relevant Central Bank instructions.
          86.The committee shall hold no less than two meetings per year, wherein to examine and evaluate members' performance, nominate new members, and discuss the policy for remunerations and incentives.
          87.Committee tasks shall include the following:
           a.Coordinate with the Human Resources Department to develop the replacement and succession policy, and ensure the executive management’s compliance therewith;
           b.Establish a record of the qualifications and skills of Board members in order to identify the additional skills required to activate the role of the Board and ensure its implementation of its tasks and responsibilities;
           c.Ensure that the remuneration amount is consistent with the prevailing local norms and control systems, and is appropriate to achieve the shareholders’ interests and the financial institution's long- term strategic goals, and ensure that the incentive system is reviewed periodically and that it does not encourage participation in high-risk operations to achieve short-term profits, in addition to its agreement with the risk policy of the financial institution approved by the Board.
          • The Risk Committee5
          88.This committee shall be composed of no less than three and no more than five members, three of whom shall be non-executive members, and it shall not be chaired by the CEO.
          89.Committee members shall have an appropriate level of knowledge of risk management, and shall include an expert in cyber and technical risks.
          90.The financial institution’s risk manager shall report to the Board through the risk committee, which shall have to submit its opinion on the risk management reports to the Board.
          91.The committee shall hold at least four meetings per year, and it may invite the risk manager to attend its meetings without being a member therein.
          92.Committee tasks shall comprise the following:
           a.Develop a comprehensive risk management strategy and policies, in line with the nature and size of the financial institution’s activities, and taking into account cyber and technical risks, ensure their implementation, and review and update same pursuant to the internal and external changes that occur to the financial institution;
           b.Determine and maintain an acceptable risk level to which the financial institution may be exposed, and ensure that the financial institution does not go beyond said level;
           c.Verify the feasibility of the financial institution's successful continuation of its activities, and identify the risks that threaten its existence over the following twelve months;
           d.Oversee the financial institution’s risk management system, and evaluate the effectiveness of the systems and mechanisms for identifying, assessing and monitoring the risks that may endanger the financial institution so as to determine areas of inadequacy therein;
           e.Reassess the financial institution's ability to bear and be exposed to risks on a regular basis, for example, by conducting stress tests;
           f.Prepare and submit to the Board detailed reports on exposure to risks and the proposed steps to manage these risks;
           g.Provide recommendations to the Board as per the appointment/termination of service of the manager of the risk unit or department;
           h.Provide recommendations to the Board on risk management-related issues;
           i.Ensure the availability of adequate resources and systems for risk management;
           j.Review the organizational structure of risk management and provide recommendations thereon prior to approval thereof by the Board;
           k.Verify the independence of the risk management staff from business departments;
           l.Ensure that the risk management staff are aware of the risks threatening the financial institution, and endeavor to raise awareness of a culture of risks;
           m.Review any issues raised by the audit committee that may affect the financial institution’s risk management.

          4 As for banks, all committee members shall be independent.

          5 In finance companies, this committee is referred to as the "Risk and Credit Management Committee".

        • 6th Principle: Rights of Shareholders

          93.The Board shall ensure that the financial institution’s corporate governance policies protect the rights of shareholders and enable them to exercise their rights with ease, and help to provide effective communication channels and various means of contact with all shareholders of the financial institution. It shall also ensure that all shareholders, including minority shareholders, are treated fairly, and shall constantly urge them to participate in the General Assembly meetings and to submit proposals related to the financial institution’s performance and the development of its operations.
          94.The financial institution shall have specific procedures to ensure that shareholders exercise their rights and obtain appropriate information without delay. These rights shall comprise the following: obtaining profits, attending shareholder assemblies and participating in their deliberations, and voting on their decisions in person or through the use of technology, as determined by the relevant laws and instructions.
          95.The financial institution shall provide the Central Bank with a copy of the General Assembly meeting minutes within a period not exceeding 15 days from the meeting date.
          96.The main rights of shareholders shall comprise the following:
           a.Obtain all relevant information that enables them to fully exercise their rights on a regular basis and without delay without prejudice to the interests of the financial institution;
           b.Participate and cast their votes in the General Assembly meetings, taking into account the topics that they wish to raise therein;
           c.Discuss the topics listed on the General Assembly agenda, direct queries to Board members and the certified accountant, and obtain a statement thereon;
           d.Select Board members by using cumulative voting.
          97.Shareholders shall be provided with information about the venue, date and agenda of the General Assembly 21 days prior to its meeting.
          98.Shareholders may nominate and elect members, inquire about their qualifications, experience and ability to perform their work, discuss the amount of remuneration and financial incentives received by members and senior executives. Moreover, they shall be entitled to submit any inquiry to the Board regarding any unprofessional practices and to obtain a statement thereon.
        • 7th Principle: Disclosure and Transparency

          99.The Board shall set forth in writing the disclosure policies in line with the disclosure requirements contained in the relevant laws, regulations, and instructions, subject to the following:
           a.Those policies shall include appropriate disclosure methods to enable stakeholders to access financial and non-financial information pertaining to the financial institution and its performance, including the financial institution’s future orientations and strategic plans, as well as the credit ratings granted thereto by international credit rating agencies.
           b.The disclosure shall be made in an explicit, correct and non-misleading fashion, and in a timely regular and accurate manner.
           c.Disclosure policies shall be reviewed periodically and their compliance with the best practices and with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, and instructions shall be verified.
          100.The Board shall draft an annual report indicating the operations of the ended fiscal year, provided that it includes, at a minimum, the following:
           a.Names of the members of the Board, the committees, and the executive management, and their current and previous jobs, qualifications and experience;
           b.Names of companies inside or outside the Kingdom in which a Board member of the financial institution is a member of their current or previous boards or manager;
           c.Composition of the Board and classification of its members as follows: an executive member, a non executive member, and an independent member;
           d.Number of Board meetings held during the ended fiscal year, their dates, and the attendance record of each meeting, listing the names of attendees;
           e.Any punishment or penalty imposed on the financial institution by the Central Bank or by any supervisory, regulatory or judicial authority, together with a statement of the reasons for the violation and the agency imposing such punishment/penalty;
           f.Details of the financial institution’s social contributions;
           g.A list of the dates of the General Assembly meetings held during the ended fiscal year, and the names of members who attended same;
           h.Name of each affiliate company or its group, its capital, the financial institution’s ownership percentage therein, its main business activity, its principal country of operation, and its country of incorporation;
           i.Information related to any businesses or contracts to which the financial institution is a party, or in which any related party has an interest. This shall include the names of persons engaged in these businesses or contracts, and the nature, terms, duration, and amount of same. If no such businesses or contracts exist, the financial institution shall submit a statement of same;
           j.Disclosure of the remunerations granted to members of the Board and its committees, as well as to five senior executives who received the highest remunerations, including the CEO and the financial manager;
           k.Results of the annual audit and the effectiveness of the financial institution’s internal control procedures, as well as the efficiency of its internal control system.
    • Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions

      No: 199400000067 Date(g): 9/9/2019 | Date(h): 10/1/1441
      The English version displayed herein is not the last updated version. Please refer to the Arabic version to read the last updated version.
      • Chapter 1 Definitions

        1. The following terms and phrases, where used in these Requirements, shall have the corresponding meanings, unless the context requires otherwise:
        SAMAThe Saudi Central Bank*.
        RequirementsRequirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA (Second Version- 2019).
        Financial InstitutionsThe entity that is supervised by SAMA, including banks, foreign bank branches, insurance companies, reinsurers companies, licensed insurance service providers, foreign insurance companies, finance companies, refinance companies, contract registration companies, credit bureau companies, money changers, and payment and fintech companies operating in Saudi Arabia.
        Senior PositionsThe functions, roles and responsibilities entrusted to those positions who take, propose and implement strategic decisions and manage the Financial Institution’s business processes, including the board of directors and senior management according to the positions specified in Article (7) hereof.


        * The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency was replaced by the name of "Saudi Central Bank" in accordance with The Saudi Central Bank Law No. (M/36), dated 11/04/1442H, corresponding to 26/11/2020G.


      • Chapter 2 General Provisions

        2. Purpose and Scope

        2.1The purpose of these Requirements is to:
         a.determine the Senior Positions in the Financial Institutions that require SAMA’s written non-objection on the appointment or interim appointment of candidates, and set out the minimum fit and proper criteria that the Financial Institution has to adopt to assess the fitness and propriety of candidates; and
         b.set out the minimum fit and proper criteria and process that Financial institutions have to adopt to assess the fitness and propriety of candidates for positions that do not require SAMA’s non-objection.
        2.2Without prejudice to any other relevant regulations or instructions, these Requirements shall be applicable to Financial Institutions.

        3. Priority for Appointment or Interim Appointment

        Priority for appointment to Senior Positions shall be given to Saudi candidates. If the Financial Institution nominates a non-Saudi candidate to be appointed or interim appointed to a Senior Position, the Financial Institution shall provide justifications for the nomination, demonstrate the non-availability of a qualified Saudi candidate for the position, develop and include an approved plan for replacement in the written non- objection request submitted to SAMA. The plan shall include the procedures, programs and courses the Financial Institution use and conduct to train and qualify Saudi candidates for such positions, as well as the time period required.

        4. Appointment or Interim Appointment to the Following Positions Shall be Limited to Saudi Candidates:

        a.Director of Human Resources;
        b.Director of Information Security/ Cyber Security;
        c.Director of Information Technology;
        d.Chief Compliance Officer;
        e.Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing;
        f.Director of Anti - Financial Crimes;
        g.Director of Anti -Fraud;
        h.Director of Legal Affairs;
        i.Director of Governance/ Secretary of Board of Directors;
        j.Director of the department concerned with providing information or executing the decisions issued against customers by SAMA (Financial Enforcement Department);
        k.Director of Customer Services in insurance companies;
        l.Director of Motor Claims in insurance companies; and
        m.Director of Individual Sales in insurance companies.

        5. Replacement and Succession Planning :

        5.1The Financial Institution shall develop a policy approved by the board of directors as follows:
         a.replacement: determine the senior management positions in the Financial Institution that are held by non-Saudis, and then train Saudi staff to be qualified to hold such positions within a specified period of time; and
         b.succession planning: determine the key positions affecting the work and stability of the Financial Institutions, and then train Saudi staff to be qualified to hold such positions once they become vacant, enabling the Financial Institution to continue its work.
        5.2The Policy provided for in paragraph (1) of this Article shall, as a minimum, include the following:
         a.such positions, including, as a minimum, the senior management positions indicated in the attached appendices (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6);
         b.specialized training programs and courses to be continuously implemented by the Financial Institutions to train and qualify the Saudi candidates for such positions; and
         c.regulatory framework developed for the Policy that includes implementation procedures.
        5.3The Policy shall ensure the provision of qualified Saudi talents to hold such positions gradually by using the best practices and programs in the field.
        5.4The Financial Institution’s board of directors and chief executive officer/ managing director/ general director shall follow up the commitment to implement the Policy referred to in this Article.

        6. Certificates Verification

        The Financial Institution shall verify the authentication of the academic and professional certificates of the Senior Positions’ holders and candidates as follows: 
        a.verify the authentication of the academic certificates issued from institutions outside Saudi Arabia by checking the official seal and the authentication of a government authority, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Education, if the holder is a national of the country issuing the certificate, or the authentication of the Cultural Bureau if the holder is not a national of the country issuing the certificate;
        b.verify the authentication of the professional certificates through the website of the issuer, if available, or through direct contact by e-mail or other reliable method; and
        c.verify the authentication of the academic and professional certificates issued by different educational and professional institutions through agencies that carry out certificate verification.
      • Chapter 3 Senior Positions that Require SAMA’s Non-objection

        7.The Financial Institution shall obtain SAMA’s written non-objection on the nomination of the members of the board of directors, as well as the appointment, interim appointment and renewal of interim appointment of any person to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of the senior management positions indicated in the appendices especially prepared for each Financial Institution as follows:
          Appendix (1): Senior Positions in banks operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection.
          Appendix (2): Senior Positions in credit bureau companies operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection.
          Appendix (3): Senior Positions in insurance and reinsurance companies and insurance service providers operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection. (SAMA may require insurance service providers to obtain written non-objection for some or all senior management positions specified for insurance and/or reinsurance companies).
          Appendix (4): Senior Positions in finance and refinance companies and contract registration companies operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection.
          Appendix (5): Senior Positions in money changers operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection.
          Appendix (6): Senior Positions in payment and fintech companies operating in Saudi Arabia that require SAMA’s written non-objection.
        8.Candidates for Senior Positions shall not assume their responsibilities, exercise their roles or announce their appointment or interim appointment prior to obtaining SAMA’s written non-objection.
        9.The Financial Institution must obtain SAMA’s written non-objection on interim appointment to senior management positions, provided that the term of the appointment does not exceed six months, renewable for one term with the approval of SAMA. SAMA’s written non-objection shall not be required for interim appointment that do not exceed (20) business days.
        10.The Financial Institution shall submit the requests for SAMA’s written non-objection on the nomination of the members of the board of directors, or the appointment, the interim appointment or the renewal of interim appointment term for senior management positions accompanied by the required documents according to Appendix (B) herein, within a period not exceeding (30) business days from the date of holding the General Assembly meeting during which the member of the board of directors will be elected, or within a period not exceeding (20) business days from the expected date of the appointment of the candidate to the senior management position, as the case may be.
        11.While making any job offers for appointment and interim appointment to Senior Positions, The Financial Institution shall inform candidates that such positions require obtaining SAMA’s written non-objection.
        12.The Financial Institution shall establish policies, standards and procedures for nomination to Senior Positions to ensure that all candidates and position holders meet and continue to meet the fitness and propriety criteria set forth in these Requirements and in the Financial Institution's policy throughout their tenure, taking into consideration the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations, policies and instructions. Such policies, standards and procedures shall, as a minimum, include the following:
         a.the minimum fit and proper criteria as stated in the Requirements;
         b.procedures for conducting fit and proper assessments;
         c.procedures to be taken when holders of Senior Positions do not meet all the criteria; and
         d.requirements of reviewing and updating the policy from time to time, and as needed.
        Additional provisions pursuant to SAMA Circular No. (42007671) dated 12/02/1442.

        This section is currently available only in Arabic, please click here to read the Arabic version


      • Chapter 4 Fit and Proper Criteria and Disclosure

        13.The Financial Institution’s board of directors shall be responsible for ensuring the fitness and propriety of candidates for Senior Positions, in accordance with the Financial Institution’s relevant policy, requirements and procedures.
        14.The Financial Institution shall adopt clear and precise standards and procedures to assess and verify the fitness and propriety of the Senior Position holders or candidates. The fit and proper criteria shall, as a minimum, include the following:
         a.Honesty, integrity and good reputation and fairness: The candidate must have personal qualities, such as honesty; integrity; good reputation and fairness, and must not have been convicted of any crime impinging on honor or integrity, unless rehabilitated.
         b.Competence and capability: The candidate must have the necessary academic qualification, or adequate experience, skills to perform his/her role effectively, as well as the ability to understand the technical requirements of the business, the risks and the management process. In addition, the candidate must meet all requirements set by SAMA.
         c.Financial capability efficiency: The candidate must have the efficiency and experience needed to manage his/her financial obligations and affairs prudently and properly, this does not mean the limited financial possibilities of the candidate.
         d.Independence: The candidate must have the necessary independence to perform the tasks and duties of the proposed Senior Position and shall not have employment interests or obligations, or any other situations which might give rise to conflict of interests or which could, in any way, impair the candidate’s ability to independently perform the duties of the proposed position.
        15.The assessment process carried out by the Financial Institution, on a regular basis or prior to requesting SAMA’s non-objection, shall be documented and supported by relevant documents and information. The Financial Institution shall check the validity of the information provided by the candidates for the Senior Positions from independent and reliable internal and external sources. The information and the results of the assessment process obtained by the Financial Institution shall be kept confidential. The approval of the candidate, if necessary, shall be obtained to access the information.
        16.The Financial Institution shall explain the Fit and Proper Form to candidates and ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. The Financial Institution shall also disclose in writing to SAMA any information it may find relevant to the fitness and propriety of the candidate and any changes that may affect the validity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the Form, even if after obtaining SAMA’s non-objection, within a period not exceeding (5) business days from the date on which such information was obtained or the change has occurred.
        17.The Financial Institution and candidates for Senior Positions shall fully and clearly disclose to SAMA all information relevant to the fit and proper requirements. The information provided shall, as a minimum, include the following:
         a.all the information and documents required in the Fit and Proper Form;
         b.any material information that may affect SAMA's decision to issue non-objection on the nomination, appointment, interim appointment or the renewal of interim appointment term; and
         c.any other relevant information becomes known to the financial institution or candidate.
        18.SAMA may request any information or documents it deems necessary for evaluating requests for non-objection on the nomination, appointment, interim appointment or the renewal of interim appointment term and may request to interview the candidate as well. The Financial Institution shall provide SAMA with the required information and documents within a period determined by SAMA or within (10) business days, as a maximum, from the date of requesting such information and/or documents. If the Financial Institution fails to provide so within the specified period, SAMA shall have the right to close the request.
        19.SAMA may conduct background checks using various means it deems appropriate to ensure the validity, accuracy and completeness of the information and documents provided by the Financial Institution, and to ensure the fitness and propriety of candidates. Accordingly, SAMA will take actions it deems appropriate whether to grant non-objection on requests received or to reject such requests without any responsibility whatsoever on SAMA. Subsequently, the Financial Institution shall inform the candidate in that. 
        20.SAMA may cancel the non-objection granted to the Financial Institution on the appointment, interim appointment or the renewal of interim appointment term for a current Senior Position holder if SAMA finds that he/she does not cooperate, neglects or omits his/her duties, or if SAMA detects any concealment, misrepresentation or misreporting of information or any violation or circumvention of these Requirements or any other instructions issued by SAMA without prejudice to the statutory procedures towards the financial institution and the person concerned.
        21.The Financial Institution shall periodically, and at least annually, assess the fitness and propriety of the Senior Position holders. In the event of such assessments leading to any information or findings that may materially compromise the fitness and propriety of the candidates, the Financial Institution shall immediately report such information and findings to SAMA.
        22.The Financial Institution shall notify SAMA in writing, in accordance with email addresses indicated in Appendix (C), when the person appointed commence his/her work, when resignation is accepted, when position holder leaves work and when employment is terminated for whatever reason, within (5) business days from the date of such events.
        23.The Financial Institution shall provide SAMA with biannual reports (at the end of both June and December) including data of Senior Position holders and data on vacant Senior Positions, in accordance with Appendix (A) hereof.
      • Chapter 5 Senior Positions that Do Not Require SAMA’s Non-Objection

        24.The Financial Institution shall establish clear and precise policy, standards and procedures to ensure that candidates for and holders of positions that do not require SAMA’s non-objection meet and continue to meet the fitness and propriety criteria throughout their tenure. Such policy, standards and procedures shall, as a minimum, cover the provisions hereof.
        25.The Financial Institution’s board of directors shall be responsible for ensuring the fitness and propriety of candidates for positions that do not require SAMA’s non-objection, including candidates for Senior Positions in the Financial Institution’s subsidiaries or its overseas branches, in accordance with these Requirements and the Financial Institution’s relevant policies and procedures.
        26.All assessments of candidates conducted by the Financial Institution shall be supported by relevant information and data and shall be properly documented.
        27.SAMA shall have access to the data collected or procedures conducted by the Financial Institution in the context of the nomination, appointment or interim appointment to Senior Positions that do not require SAMA’s non-objection.
      • Chapter 6 Effectiveness

        28.These Requirements shall supersede the Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA, promulgated by Circular No. 341000115396 dated 25/09/1434H.
        29.These Requirements shall come into effect as of the date of the issuance.
      • Appendix (1): Senior Positions in Banks Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        • Board of Directors

        1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman); and
        2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors.

        • Senior Management

        The following positions, and the like:

        1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
        2. Chief Financial Officer;
        3. Chief Risk Officer;
        4. Director of Internal Audit;
        5. Chief Compliance Officer;
        6. Director of Customer Care;
        7. Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing;
        8. Director of Anti-Financial Crimes;
        9. Director of Anti-Fraud;
        10. Director of Credit;
        11. Chief Operating Officer;
        12. Director of Legal Affairs;
        13. Director of Governance/ Secretary of Board of Directors;
        14. Director of Information Security/ Cyber Security;
        15. Director of Information Technology;
        16. Chief Treasurer;
        17. Director of Human Resources;
        18. Director of Retail Banking;
        19. Director of Corporate Banking;
        20. Senior Officer responsible for SAIBOR submission to SAIBOR calculating agent and administrator ;( local banks).
        21. Director of the department concerned with providing information or executing the decisions issued against customers by SAMA (Financial Enforcement Department); and
        22. Any other executive positions directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/General Manager, held by non-Saudis.
      • Appendix (2): Senior Positions in Credit Bureau Companies Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        •  Board of Directors
          1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman); and
          2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors.


        •  Senior Management

        The following positions, and the like: 

        1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
        2. Director of Information Technology;
        3. Director of Information Security/ Cyber Security;
        4. Chief Operating Officer;
        5. Director of Internal Audit;
        6. Director of Legal Affairs;
        7. Director of Governance/ Secretary of Board of Directors;
        8. Chief Compliance Officer; and
        9. Chief Risk Officer
      • Appendix (3): Senior Positions in Insurance Sector Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        I. Senior Positions in Insurance and/or Reinsurance Companies Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        • Board of Directors
          1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman);
          2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors; and
          3. Secretary of committees emerging from the board of directors.
        • Senior Management

        The following positions, and the like: 

        1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
        2. Chief Financial Officer;
        3. Chief Operating Officer;
        4. Chief Risk Officer;
        5. Chief Investment Officer;
        6. Director of Internal Audit;
        7. Chief Compliance Officer;
        8. Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing;
        9. Director of Anti-Financial Crimes;
        10. Director of Anti-Fraud;
        11. Director of Information Technology;
        12. Director of Information Security/Cyber Security;
        13. Director of Governance/ Secretary of Board of Directors
        14. Director of Legal Affairs;
        15. The Appointed Actuary;
        16. Director of Actuarial Services;
        17. Director of Human Resources;
        18. Managers of Regional Branches;
        19. Director of Claims;
        20. Director of Customer Service;
        21. Director of Reinsurance;
        22. Director of Marketing;
        23. Director of Sales;
        24. Director of Underwriting; and
        25. Any other positions directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/General Manager.

        II. Senior Positions in Insurance Service Providers Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-objection

        The following positions, and the like:

        1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman);
        2. Chief Executive Officer/General Manager (his/her deputy);
        3. Director of Reinsurance;
        4. Officers responsible for actuarial services;
        5. Compliance Officer or Liaison Officer;
        6. Any positions in senior management specified for insurance and/or insurance companies, held by non-Saudis; and
        7. Any other positions directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager, held by non-Saudis.


      • Appendix (4): Senior Positions in Finance/Refinance Companies and Contract Registration Companies Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        • Board of Directors
          1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman); and
          2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors.
        • Senior Management:
          1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
          2. Chief Financial Officer;
          3. Chief Risk Officer;
          4. Compliance Officer;
          5. Director of Internal Audit;
          6. Director of Credit;
          7. Chief Operating Officer; and
          8. Director of Anti-Money Laundering (if separated from compliance director position).
      • Appendix (5): Senior Positions in Money Changers Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        • Board of Directors
          1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman); and
          2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors.
        • Senior Management

        The following positions, and the like: 

        1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
        2. Branch Manager;
        3. Chief Financial Officer;
        4. Chief Risk Officer;
        5. Director of Internal Audit;
        6. Chief Compliance Officer;
        7. Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing;
        8. Director of Legal Affairs;
        9. Director of Governance/ Secretary of Board of Directors;
        10. Director of Information Security/ Cyber Security;
        11. Director of Information Technology;
        12. Chief Operating Officer; and
        13. Any other executive positions directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/General Manager, held by non-Saudis.
      • Appendix (6): Senior Positions in Payment and Fintech Companies Operating in Saudi Arabia that Require SAMA’s Written Non-Objection

        • Board of Directors:
          1. Members of the board of directors (including the board’s chairman and vice-chairman); and
          2. Chairs and members of committees emerging from the board of directors.
        • Senior Management:

        The following positions, and the like: 

        1. Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/ General Director (his/her deputy);
        2. Chief Financial Officer;
        3. Chief Risk Officer;
        4. Director of Internal Audit;
        5. Chief Compliance Officer;
        6. Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing;
        7. Director of Human Resources;
        8. Director of Credit;
        9. Director of Legal Affairs;
        10. Director of Governance/Secretary of Board of Directors;
        11. Director of Information Security/ Cyber Security;
        12. Director of Information Technology; and
        13. Any other executive positions directly reporting to the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/General Manager.
      • Appendix (A): List of Members of Board of Directors, Committee, and Senior Management Position Holders

        List of Members of Board of Directors of (name of the financial institution) for the Current Term Ending on...
        No.NameNationalityID/Iqama No.Membership Status
        (Executive, Non-Executive, Independent)
        No. of TermsCommittee MembershipE-mailPhone No.Extension No.Mobile No.Notes
        List of Members of ... Committee at (name of the financial institution) for the Current Term Ending on...
        No.NameNationalityID/Iqama No.Membership Status
        (Executive, Non-Executive, Independent)
        No. of TermsMembership Start DateE-mailPhone No.Extension No.Mobile No.Notes
        List of Senior Management Position Holders at (name of the financial institution)
        ID/Iqama No.PositionAppointment/Interim AppointmentTerm of Appointment/Interim AppointmentStart Date of JobDate of Joining the Financial InstitutionE-mailPhone No.Extension No.Mobile No.Notes
      • Appendix (B): Documents Required to Obtain SAMA’s Written Non-Objection for Senior Positions

        Where the position requires SAMA’s prior written non-objection, the Financial Institution shall submit a request to SAMA requiring so in accordance with the method specified in Appendix (C) herein, along with the following documents:
        1A scanned PDF Copy of the Financial Institution’s letter signed by the CEO or the Board’s Chairman.  
        2.A scanned PDF copy of the Fit and Proper Form completed and signed by the candidate for the Senior Position and certified by the Financial Institution. The requirements stipulated in such Form shall also be fulfilled.  
        3A digital WORD copy of the Fit and Proper Form completed.  
        4A copy of the results of the Fit and Proper Assessment conducted by the Financial Institution, along with any assessment-related documents.  
        5A copy of the results of the Fit and Proper Assessment conducted by the concerned committees of the Financial Institution for each nomination request relating to the chief compliance officer, chief risk officer or director of internal audit.  
        6An updated copy of the candidate’s CV.  
        7Copies of the verified official academic certificates.  
        8For Saudis, a copy of the passport and a copy of the national ID.  
        9For non-Saudis, a copy of the passport and a copy of the resident identity (Iqama).  
        10Organizational Structure of the Financial Institution, and the position.  
        11Job description for the position.  
        12Replacement plan for non-Saudis, covering the provisions of Article (3) hereof.  
        13Any other documents SAMA deems necessary.  
      • Appendix (C): Requesting SAMA’s Written Non-Objection on Appointment to Senior Positions


        1.The Financial Institution shall send the requests for SAMA’s non-objection on the nomination, appointment, interim appointment or the renewal of interim appointment term for Senior Positions to the following emails:
        ABanks and Credit Bureau CompaniesFPBANKING@SAMA.GOV.SA
        BInsurance/Reinsurance Companies and Insurance Service ProvidersIC.Fit@SAMA.GOV.SA
        CFinance/Refinance Companies and Contract Registration CompaniesFPFINANCE@SAMA.GOV.SA
        DMoney ChangersMoneyExchLic@SAMA.GOV.SA
        EPayment and Fintech CompaniesFPPayments@SAMA.GOV.SA
        2.The request for non-objection shall be accompanied by digital copies of documents identified in Appendix (B).
      • Fit and Proper Form

        No: 199400000067 Date(g): 9/9/2019 | Date(h): 10/1/1441Status: In-Force
        To download the word version of the form, please click here.
        To download the PDF version of the form, please click here.
        • Instructions

          1.The following terms and phrases wherever mentioned herein, shall have the meanings assigned thereto unless the context otherwise requires:
           Kingdom: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

          SAMA: Saudi Central Bank*.
          Financial Institution: The institution whose name is indicated in this Form, and in which the Candidate will have the Proposed Position.

          The Candidate :The person whose name is indicated in this Form and who is a candidate for the Proposed Position in the Financial Institution.
          Proposed Position: The Leadership position in the Financial Institution as defined in the Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA (Second edition 2019).

          Form: The Fit and Proper Form.


          Relevant Laws, Regulations, policies, and Instructions

          the laws, regulations, rules ,policies, and instructions to which the Financial Institution and/or the Proposed Position are subject, including but not limited to the following :

          -Banking Control Law, and related rules and instructions, if the Financial Institution is a bank or a branch of a foreign bank;
          -Law on Supervision of Cooperative Insurance Companies, its Implementing Regulations, other related regulations, rules, and instructions, if the Financial Institution is an insurance and/or reinsurance company or an insurance-related service provider;
          -Law on Supervision of Finance Companies, its Implementing Regulations, and other related rules and instructions, if the Financial Institution is a finance company;
          -Rules Governing Money Changing Business, and other related instructions and circulars, if the Financial Institution is a money exchanger center;
          -Credit Information Law and its Implementing Regulations, if the Financial Institution is a Credit Bureau company.
           Related Party:
          -Fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers;
          -Children, grandchildren;
          -Siblings, maternal and paternal half-siblings;
          -Husbands and wives;
          -Any person in a relationship with the Candidate that may affect his/her independence.
          2.The information provided by the Candidate in this Form must be true, accurate, precise, and complete and does not contain any false, incorrect or misleading information, nor conceal any material information, and has to be signed by the Candidate. Without prejudice to the relevant regulations, SAMA may exclude any violated nomination without any responsibility.
          3.This Form must be read in conjunction with the Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA (Second Edition 2019).
          4.The Financial Institution must explain the Form to the Candidates and ensure that it is completely filled in with true information, and disclose to SAMA, in writing, any information related to the fit and proper status of the Candidates and any changes that may affect the validity, accuracy, precision, or completeness of the answers provided in this Form within a maximum period of (5) business days from the day of obtaining such information or the occurrence of the change.
          5.The Financial Institution must submit all the documents listed in Appendix (B) attached to the Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA (Second Edition 2019)
          6.If extra space is required to answer any question, the answer shall be written on another paper attached to the Form stating the question and its number and signed by the Candidate.
          7.The Form shall never be modified.


          1.  Candidate Information

          Full Name as appears on official ID  

          Any other different previous name(s) of

          the Candidate

          National ID number /Resident ID number  
          Passport number  
          Date of birth  
          Country and city of birth  
          Current residential address  

          Permanent address residential

          (if different from current address)

          Mobile phone number  
          Alternative phone number  
          Email address  
          National Address  
          Are you a permanent resident in the Kingdom?⬜ Yes⬜ No


          2. Proposed Position Information 

          Proposed Position

          (Decide the appropriate choice by adding a mark )

          ⬜ Chairman of Board of Directors.
          ⬜ Vice Chairman of the Board.
          ⬜ Board Member .
          ⬜ Member of Board Committee (specify name of committee and position):
          ⬜ Member of Senior Management (specify title of position):
          Name of Financial Institution 

          Type of Financial Institution

          (Decide the appropriate choice by adding a mark )

          ⬜ Bank . .
          ⬜ Insurance and/or reinsurance service company or insurance-related service provider.
          ⬜ Finance and/or refinance company, or finance support company or contract registration company.
          ⬜ Money Exchanger Center.
          ⬜  Credit Bureau Company.
          ⬜ Payment Systems and Fintech Company.
          ⬜ Other (specify)


          3. Provide details of all accredited academic qualifications you have obtained.



          Institution and Country

          Year of Completion



          4. Provide details of all accredited professional qualifications you have completed.



          Institution and Country

          Year of Completion



          5. List your current positions and previous positions in the past ten years ( Board member, manager or any other position according to the C.V).

          Name of Institution


          Start Date

          End Date

          Reason(s) for Leaving Position


          6. List all the companies in which you currently own shares directly or indirectly.

          Name of Company

          Company’s Address

          Nature of Business 

          Ownership Percentage



          7. Provide details of all shares you are holding in this Financial Institution that are registered under your name or the name of Related Party.

          Name under which Shares are Registered


          Number of Shares

          Ownership Percentage



          8. Provide details of all shares(NOT registered under your name or the name of Related Party) in this Financial Institution that concern you or concern a Related Party from a beneficial point of view.

          Name under which Shares are Registered

          Number of Shares

          Ownership Percentage


          9. Are you a trustee or attorney of any Related Party that hold any shares in this Financial Institution?

          ⬜ Yes

          ⬜ No

          If “Yes, ”please provide details:


          10. Are any of the shares mentioned in answers of Questions (7), (8), and (9) related to the account of another party or legally pledged?

          ⬜ Yes

          ⬜ No

          If “Yes, ”please provide details:

          11. Are you a shareholder, board member, or member of board committee or manager in any other company that is licensed or has applied for a license to engage in an activity that is governed by SAMA or Capital Market Authority?

          ⬜ Yes

          ⬜ No

          If “Yes, ”please provide details:
          12.Answer the questions by adding a mark (X) where appropriate.





          1Honesty, Integrity and Good Reputation
          1.1Have you ever been convicted of any offence, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          2.1Have you ever been, publicly or secretly, warned, censured, reprimanded, or publicly criticized by any supervisory authority, professional body, or similar bodies, or have signed an undertaking not to conduct certain work, or have been the subject of a court order at the instigation of such body, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          3.1Have you ever been denied the right or restricted in your right to carry on any trade, business, financial activity, or profession that requires a specific license, registration or other authorization, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          4.1Have you ever been a shareholder, board member, or manager of a business that has been denied the right or restricted in its right to carry on any trade, business, financial activity, or profession that requires a specific license, registration or other authorization, or of a business whose license, registration or other authorization has been suspended, stopped, terminated, withdrawn, or revoked by any supervisory authority, professional body, or similar bodies, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          5.1Have you ever provided false or misleading information to SAMA or any other supervisory authority or government body, or been uncooperative in any dealings with SAMA or any other supervisory authority or government body, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          6.1Have you ever been censured, prosecuted, or convicted of a criminal offence, or been the subject of any criminal investigation or disciplinary proceedings, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          7.1Have you ever been the subject of any interrogation, investigations, or disciplinary proceedings by any government or non-government entity, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          8.1Have you ever been convicted of a violation of Banking Control Law ,Capital Market Law, Law on Supervision of Cooperative Insurance Companies ,and Law on Supervision of Finance Companies, the regulations of such laws, Rules Governing of Money Exchange Activities or any other laws or regulations, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          9.1Have you ever demonstrated unwillingness to comply with any laws, regulations, or instructions, or in any way helped or abetted another person in breach of any laws, regulations, or instructions ,whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          10.1Have you ever been convicted of an offence involving moral dishonesty or breach of trust or contravention of laws, regulations and instructions, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          11.1Have you ever been convicted of practicing any unauthorized or unlicensed activities or been investigated for the possible carrying out of unauthorized or unlicensed activities ,whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          12.1Have you ever been subject to a judicial order or settlement order in relation to commercial, investment, or other financial business, misconduct or misappropriation of funds, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜  
          13.1Have you ever been associated with any illegal activity concerning banking business, deposit taking, or other financial or business dealing, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          14.1Have you ever resigned from any role or position whilst under investigation, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          15.1Are there any judgments or decision(s) issued against you by general courts, Board of Grievances, the Committee for Resolutions of Banking Control Law Violations, the Committee of Banking Disputes,. Committees for Resolutions of Insurance Disputes and Violations, or Committee for Resolutions of Finance Violations and Disputes, or Committee for Resolutions of Securities Disputes, or other judicial or semi-judicial committees, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          16.1Are you aware of any circumstances or pending proceedings that may lead to situations that could alter any of your answers to the previous questions, or of anybody's intention to begin such proceedings, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          2Competence and Capability
          1.2Has any supervisory authority, professional body, or similar bodies, ever objected or refused to provide non-objection on your appointment to any role or position, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          2.2Have you ever been declared incompetent as a director or in any managerial capacity, or disqualified from acting in such capacity, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere? ⬜  ⬜ 
          3.2Have you ever been dismissed, isolated or requested to resign from a role or position of attorney, trustee, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          4.2Do you lack any of the educational qualification, experience, relevant skills, and knowledge, required to perform your duties in the Proposed Position?⬜  ⬜ 
          5.2Are there any potential impediments to your commitment, in terms of time and effort, to perform your role in the Proposed Position effectively?⬜  ⬜ 
          3Financial Soundness
          1.3Have you ever been unable to fulfill your financial obligations, including loans or credit facilities, toward banks or financing companies, as and when they fell due, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          2.3Have you ever availed any financial relief or preferential terms from your creditors or entered into a compromise or scheme of arrangement with your creditors to settle your debt obligations, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          3.3Have you ever failed to settle a debt due and payable under a judgment issued by a court or a competent judicial committee in the Kingdom or elsewhere, or have you ever made any compromise arrangement or settlement with your creditors?⬜  ⬜ 
          4.3Have you ever been the subject of a bankruptcy petition, or adjudicated a bankrupt, or entered into a general settlement with any creditor, or been subject to any other similar process, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          5.3Have you ever been a shareholder, board member, or manager of a business that has gone into bankruptcy, liquidation, or placed under trusteeship or administration during the period when you were a shareholder, board member, or manager of the business or within one year thereafter, whether in the Kingdom or elsewhere?⬜  ⬜ 
          1.4Was your designation for the Proposed Position with the Financial Institution based on the direction, instruction, or recommendation of an individual or institution?⬜  ⬜ 
          2.4Will you be acting on the directions or instructions of any individual or institution in carrying out your duties in the Proposed Position?⬜  ⬜  
          3.4Are any of the shareholders, board members, or managers of the Financial Institution or its subsidiaries considered a Related Party to you?⬜  ⬜ 
          4.4Will you have any other relationship (e.g. shareholding, board membership, management membership, or commercial or financial relationship) with the Financial Institution beyond the Proposed Position?⬜  ⬜ 
          5.4Have you ever supervised or audited the Financial Institution, or provided consultations or other services to the Financial Institution, either in your personal capacity or through an entity in which you are a shareholder, a board member, or a manager?⬜  ⬜ 
          6.4Do any of the companies or establishments in which you are currently a shareholder, board member, or manager conduct any type of business or financial activities Or contractual relationship in any way with the Financial Institution?⬜  ⬜ 
          7.4Are you a shareholder, board member, or manager of an institution in the Kingdom that conducts same activity)ies) as Financial Institution or similar activity(ies)?⬜  ⬜ 
          8.4Do you have a credit relationship with the Financial Institution under your name or one of your Related Party that exceeds the amount stipulated in the Financial Institution Governance Regulations?⬜  ⬜ 
          9.4Are you aware of any business interests, financial interests, employment obligations, or any other situations which might give rise to conflict of interest or which could in any way impair your independence and ability to discharge your duties effectively in the Proposed Position?⬜  ⬜ 

          If any of the answers to the questions above is “Yes”, please provide detailed answers for all questions to which you responded “Yes” in the following space with reference to the question concerned.


          Detailed Answers


          Note : If extra space is required to answer any question, the answer shall be written on another paper attached to the Form stating the question and its number and signed by the Candidate.


          13. Are there any other material facts that were not provided in this Form that may affect SAMA’s decision regarding your appointment to Proposed Position in the Financial Institution?

          ⬜ Yes

          ⬜ No

          If “Yes, ”please provide details:

          * The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency was replaced by the name of Saudi Central Bank in accordance with The Saudi Central Bank Law No. (M/36), dated 11/04/1442H, corresponding 26/11/2020AD.


        • Acknowledgement

          I hereby acknowledge that I have read all of the Applicable Laws, Regulations ,policies ,and Instructions. I am aware that providing any false or misleading information or documents on the conduct of business or financial activities in the Kingdom to SAMA, any other entity ,or any natural or legal person ,whether on purpose, inadvertently or by negligence, is a punishable violation under the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

          I also acknowledge that the information given in the answers to this Form are complete, right and accurate and in accordance with the laws, regulations, policies, and instructions applicable in the Kingdom, and there is no other relevant material information not disclosed in this Form or its attachments. I undertake that I will provide SAMA with any information or documents SAMA deems necessary to assess the validity of the information provided in this Form within the specified period by SAMA or (10) business days from the date of requesting such information or documents.

          I also acknowledge and agree that SAMA has the right to request additional information or documents from any third party as it deems appropriate to assess the validity of the information provided in this Form and assess the fitness and propriety of Candidate for the Proposed Position.

          I undertake that, as long as I am in the Proposed Position, I will notify SAMA of any information or changes that may affect the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the answers written in this Form within a maximum period of (5) business days from the day of obtaining such information or the occurrence of the change. In case of failing to do so ,SAMA has the right to cancel the no objection if issued and I shall be subject to the prescribed penalties.

          Name of Candidate



          Proposed Position









        • Attestation by the Financial Institution

          By attesting this Form, the Financial Institution confirms that the Candidate who signed this Form is fit and proper in accordance with the Requirements for Appointments to Senior Positions in Financial Institutions Supervised by SAMA and the policies and procedures of the Financial Institution in regard to fitness and propriety of individuals. We also confirm the validity of the information provided by the Candidate in this Form.

          By signing this Form on behalf of the Financial Institution, I confirm that I have carefully read this Form after it has been completed and signed by the Candidate. All certificates, academic and professional qualifications and work experience have been verified and all information provided in this Form is confirmed to be true.

          Name of Financial Institution 
           Name of The Person in Charge












          Stamp by the Financial Institution