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7. Regulatory Reporting

No: 1651/67 Date(g): 8/9/2019 | Date(h): 9/1/1441 Status: In-Force
Banks are required to submit to SAMA the following information on their exposures before and after application of the credit risk mitigation techniques, on a quarterly basis: 
i.All Large Exposures (before application of the credit risk mitigation techniques) along- with the ratio of the aggregate of all such large exposures with the banks eligible capital, on the prescribed format attached as Appendix-I;
ii.All Large Exposures (after application of the credit risk mitigation techniques) along- with the ratio of the aggregate of all such large exposures with the banks eligible capital, on the prescribed format attached as Appendix-II;
iii.All the exempted exposures with values equal to or above 10% of the banks eligible capital, on the prescribed format attached as per Appendix-I & II;
iv.The largest 50 exposures to counterparties, irrespective of the values of these exposures relative to the banks eligible capital base, on the prescribed format attached as per Appendix-III;
v.All exposures that exceeded the exposure limits specified under these Rules during the reporting quarter even if regularized subsequently, on the prescribed format attached as per Appendix-IV;
The above information shall be submitted to SAMA each calendar quarter within 30 calendar days of the end of each quarter.