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No: 1651/67 Date(g): 8/9/2019 | Date(h): 9/1/1441 Status: In-Force

Name of the Bank: _______

Statement for the Month ended _______


Statement Showing Large Exposures to Single and Group of Connected Counterparties (before application of the credit risk mitigation techniques)

(All amounts are in SR thousands)

SR. No.Name and Location of BorrowTotal value of Gross ExposureRatio of Gross Exposure to Bank's Eligible CapitalWhether exempted from Exposure Limits (Yes or No)In Case of Exempted Exposures, State Reasons for ExemptionRemarks (if any)
On Bal. SheetOff Bal. SheetTotal





































A. Aggregate of all Large Exposures
B. Aggregate of Exempted Large Exposures
C. Net Large Exposures (A - B)
D. Ratio of Net Large Exposures to Bank's Eligible Capital