Providing SAMA with the Number of Local Investment Portfolios, According to Geographic Distribution on a Quarterly Basis
No: 191000000341 Date(g): 2/10/1998 | Date(h): 11/6/1419 Pursuant to article 17 of the Banking Control Law, we call on you to provide us on a quarterly basis (March, June, Sept, Dec) with the number of local investment portfolios, according to geographic distribution, as per the two attached forms (1) and (2), on Excel software diskettes.
We hope this will start in December 1998 to be received by us within 12 weeks and to do this regularly until further notice.
CPIS 1 Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
Form 1: Outward Portfolio Investment in Equities
Banking Supervision
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Name of bank
Person who can be contacted if there are any questions on this report :
Name : _______________________________________________
Telephone : _______________________________________________
Facsimile : _______________________________________________
Reporting instructions :
How to report
Please use only the report form and diskette that was provided by SAMA.
Where to send the completed form:
Mr. Fahad Al-Mufarrij
Banking Supervision Department
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
(Telephone : 466-2305)
(Fax : 466-2119)
If you have any question please contact :
Abdulwahab Al Ageel
Banking Supervision Department
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
(Telephone : 466-2332)
(Fax : 466-2119)
Particulars on reporting :
Currency of reporting in Saudi Riyal :
Unit of reporting in thousands of SAR
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
Form 1: Outward Portfolio Investment in Equities
Banking Supervision
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
Form 1: Outward Portfolio Investment in Equities
Banking Supervision
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) CM Cameroon AF Afghanistan, Islamic State of CA Canada AL Albania cv Cape Verde DZ Algeria KY Cayman Islands AD Andorra CF Central African Republic AO Angola TD Chad AI Anguilla CL Chile AG Antigua and Barbuda CN China. P.R.: Mainland AR Argentina HK China. P.R.: Hong Kong AM Armenia CX Christmas Island AW Aruba CO Colombia AU Australia KM Comoros AT Austria ZR Congo, Democratic Republic of AZ Azerbaijan CG Congo, Republic of BS Bahamas, The CK Cook Islands BH Bahrain CR Costa Rica BD Bangladesh CI Côte d'Ivoire BB Barbados HR Croatia BY Belarus CU Cuba BE Belgium CY Cyprus BZ Belize CZ Czech Republic BJ Benin DK Denmark BM Bermuda DJ Djibouti BT Bhutan DM Dominica BO Bolivia DO Dominican Republic BA Bosnia and Herzegovina EC Ecuador BW Botswana EG Egypt BR Brazil SV El Salvador IO British Indian Ocean Territory GQ Equatorial Guinea VG British Virgin Islands ER Eritrea BN Brunei Darussalam EE Estonia BG Bulgaria ET Ethiopia BF Burkina Faso FO Faeroe Islands BI Burundi FK Falkland Islands KH Cambodia Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) JE Jersey FJ Fiji JO Jordan FI Finland KZ Kazakhstan FR France KE Kenya GF French Guiana KI Kiribati PF French Polynesia KP Korea, Democratic People's
Republic of (North)
GA Gabon KR Korea, Republic of (South) GM Gambia, The KW Kuwait GE Georgia KG Kyrgyz Republic DE Germany LA Lao People's Democratic Rep. GH Ghana LV Latvia GI Gibraltar LB Lebanon GR Greece LS Lesotho GL Greenland LR Liberia GD Grenada LY Libya, S.P.A.J. GP Guadeloupe LI Liechtenstein GT Guatemala LT Lithuania GG Guernsey LU Luxembourg GN Guinea MO Macao GW Guinea-Bissau MK Macedonia, FYR of GY Guyana MG Madagascar HT Haiti MW Malawi HM Heard and McDonald Islands MY Malaysia HN Honduras MV Maldives HU Hungary ML Mali IS Iceland MT Malta IN India MH Marshall Islands ID Indonesia MQ Martinique IR Iran, Islamic Republic of MR Mauritania IQ Iraq MU Mauritius IE Ireland MX Mexico IM Isle of Man FM Micronesia, Fed. States of IT Italy MD Moldova JM Jamaica JP Japan Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) RW Rwanda MC Monaco SH Saint Helena MN Mongolia KN Saint Kitts and Nevis MS Montserrat LC Saint Lucia MA Morocco PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon MZ Mozambique VC Saint Vincent and (he Grenadines MM Myanmar WS Samoa NA Namibia SM San Marino NR Nauru ST S o Tomé and Pr ncipe NP Nepal SA Saudi Arabia NL Netherlands SN Senegal AN Netherlands Antilles SC Seychelles NC New Caledonia SL Sierra Leone NZ New Zealand SG Singapore NI Nicaragua SK Slovak Republic NE Niger SI Slovenia NG Nigeria SB Solomon Islands NU Niue Island SO Somalia NF Norfolk Island ZA South Africa NO Norway ES Spain OM Oman LK Sri Lanka PK Pakistan SD Sudan PW Palau SR Suriname PA Panama SZ Swaziland PG Papua New Guinea SE Sweden PY Paraguay CH Switzerland PE Peru SY Syrian Arab Republic PH Philippines TW Taiwan Province of China PN Pitcairn TJ Tajikistan PL Poland TZ Tanzania PT Portugal TH Thailand QA Qatar TG Togo RE Réunion TK Tokelau Islands RO Romania TO Tonga RU Russian Federation Country of non-resident issuer Market value of equity securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) TT Trinidad and Tobago TN Tunisia TR Turkey TM Turkmenistan TC Turks and Caicos Islands TV Tuvalu UG Uganda UA Ukraine AE United Arab Emirates GB United Kingdom US United States UM United States Pacific Islands UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VU Vanuatu VA Vatican City State VE Venezuela VN Vietnam WF Wallis and Futuna Islands PS West Bank/Gaza Strip EH Western Sahara YE Yemen, Republic of YU Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. of (serbia/Montenegro) ZM Zambia ZW Zimbabwe 22 Other Countries XX International Organizations Total value of investment in equities. 0 CPIS 2
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
Form 2: Outward Portfolio Investment in long-Term Debt Securities
Banking Supervision
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
Form 2: Outward Portfolio Investment in Long-Term Debt Securities
Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Banking Supervision
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Name of bank
Person who can be contacted if there are any questions on this report:
AF Afghanistan, Islamic State of AL Albania DZ Algeria AD Andorra AO Angola AI Anguilla AG Antigua and Barbuda AR Argentina Reporting instructions:
1.How to report
Please use only the report form and diskette that was provided by SAMA.
AM Armenia AW Aruba AU Australia AT Austria AZ Azerbaijan 2.Where to send the completed form :
Mr. Fahad Al-Mufarrij
Banking Supervision Department
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
(Telephone: 466-2305)
(Fax: 466-2119)
BS Bahamas, The BH Bahrain BD Bangladesh BB Barbados BY Belarus BE Belgium BZ Belize BJ Benin BM Bermuda 3.If you have any question please contact:
Abdulwahab Al Ageel
Banking Supervision Department
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
(Telephone: 466-2332)
(Fax: 466-2119)
BT Bhutan BO Bolivia BA Bosnia and Herzegovina BW Botswana BR Brazil IO British Indian Ocean Territory VG British Virgin Islands 4.Particulars on reporting:
Currency of reporting in Saudi Riyal :
Unit of reporting in thousands of SAR
BN Brunei Darussalam BG Bulgaria BF Burkina Faso BI Burundi KH Cambodia KH Cambodia Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) FJ Fiji CM Cameroon FI Finland CA Canada FR France CV Cape Verde GF French Guiana KY Cayman Islands PF French Polynesia CF Central African Republic GA Gabon TD Chad GM Gambia, The CL Chile GE Georgia CN China, P.R.: Mainland DE Germany HK China, P.R.: Hong Kong GH Ghana CX Christmas Island GI Gibraltar CO Colombia GR Greece KM Comoros GL Greenland ZR Congo, Democratic Republic of GD Grenada CG Congo, Republic of GP Guadeloupe CK Cook Islands GT Guatemala CR Costa Rica GG Guernsey CI Côte d'Ivoire GN Guinea HR Croatia GW Guinea-Bissau CU Cuba GY Guyana CY Cyprus HT Haiti CZ Czech Republic HM Heard and McDonald Islands DK Denmark HN Honduras DJ Djibouti HU Hungary DM Dominica IS Iceland DO Dominican Republic IN India EC Ecuador ID Indonesia EG Egypt IR Iran, Islamic Republic of SV El Salvador IQ Iraq GQ Equatorial Guinea IE Ireland ER Eritrea IM Isle of Man EE Estonia IT Italy ET Ethiopia JM Jamaica FO Faeroe Islands IP Japan FK Falkland Islands Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) MC Monaco JE Jersey MN Mongolia JO Jordan MS Montserrat KZ Kazakhstan MA Morocco KE Kenya MZ Mozambique KI Kiribati MM Myanmar KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North) NA Namibia KR Korea, Republic of (South) NR Nauru KW Kuwait NP Nepal KG Kyrgyz Republic NL Netherlands LA Lao People's Democratic Rep. AN Netherlands Antilles LV Latvia NC New Caledonia LB Lebanon NZ New Zealand LS Lesotho NI Nicaragua LR Liberia NE Niger LY Libya, S.P.A.J. NG Nigeria LI Liechtenstein NU Niue Island LT Lithuania NF Norfolk Island LU Luxembourg NO Norway MO Macao OM Oman MK Macedonia, FYR of PK Pakistan MG Madagascar PW Palau MW Malawi PA Panama MY Malaysia PG Papua New Guinea MV Maldives PY Paraguay ML Mali PE Peru MT Malta PH Philippines MH Marshall Islands PN Pitcairn MQ Martinique PL Poland MR Mauritania PT Portugal MU Mauritius QA Qatar MX Mexico RE Réunion FM Micronesia, Fed. States of RO Romania MD Moldova RU Russian Federation Country of non-resident issuer Market value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Country of non-resident issuer Markel value of long-term debt securities as at Sep. 30, 1998 Code Country (Thousands of SAR) Code Country (Thousands of SAR) TT Trinidad and Tobago RW Rwanda TN Tunisia SH Saint Helena TR Turkey KN Saint Kitts and Nevis TM Turkmenistan LC Saint Lucia TC Turks and Caicos Islands PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon TV Tuvalu VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines UG Uganda WS Samoa UA Ukraine SM San Marino AE United Arab Emirates ST S o Tomé and Pr ncipe GB United Kingdom SA Saudi Arabia US United States SN Senegal UM United States Pacific Islands SC Seychelles UY Uruguay SL Sierra Leone UZ Uzbekistan SG Singapore VU Vanuatu SK Slovak Republic VA Vatican City State SI Slovenia VE Venezuela SB Solomon Islands VN Vietnam SO Somalia WF Wallis and Futuna Islands ZA South Africa PS West Bank/Gaza Strip ES Spain EH Western Sahara LK Sri Lanka YE Yemen, Republic of SD Sudan YU Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. of(serbia/Montenegro) SR Suriname ZM Zambia SZ Swaziland ZW Zimbabwe SE Sweden 22 Other Countries CH Switzerland XX International Organizations SY Syrian Arab Republic Total value of investment in long-term debt securities 0 TW Taiwan Province of China TJ Tajikistan TZ Tanzania TH Thailand TG Togo TK Tokelau Islands TO Tonga
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