The Termination of National Identity and Resident Identity
No: 42011654 | Date(g): 14/10/2020 | Date(h): 27/2/1442 | Status: In-Force |
Versions (5 versions) |
Effective from 2020-10-14 - Oct 13 2020
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Based on the" Article 7 of the Anti-Money Laundering Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/20) dated 05/02/1439 AH, andThe executive regulations issued pursuant to the State Security Presidency Decision No. (14525) dated 02/19/1439 AH. and Article (17) of the Executive Regulations of the Counter-Terrorism and Terrorism Financing Law, issued pursuant to Cabinet Decision No. (288) dated 02/05/1440 Hijri and referring to". The third item related to due diligence measures from the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Guide issued by the Central Bank Circular No. 486/18318 dated 1441/03/20 AH."We would like to inform you of the following:"
First) The Ministry of Interior announces the extension of the validity of expired national IDs for two months in the automated systems.
Secondly) The General Directorate of Passports announces the commencement of the automatic extension of the "Resident Identity" for expatriates inside or outside the Kingdom who are working in the private sector in commercial and industrial professions whose residencies have expired from March 18, 2020, until June 30, 2020, for an additional period of three months.
Given that the regulatory requirements related to due diligence measures mentioned in the systems... Combating money laundering and Countering terrorism and its financing Their executive regulations and"Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Guide Other related instructions can be applied, and national identities and resident identities can be considered valid according to the two announcements mentioned above. We hope that you will review and take the appropriate measures to implement what was stated in the aforementioned announcements.