Extending the Exception for Bank-Related Remittance Centers to Operate on Fridays
No: 490290000067 | Date(g): 10/4/2019 | Date(h): 5/8/1440 |
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Effective from 2019-06-20 - Jun 19 2019
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Referring to SAMA's instructions communicated through Circular No. 41/2304 dated 09/09/1439 H regarding the Operating Hours of Bank-Related Remittance Centers, which includes an extension of the exemption for some branches of remittance centers to operate on Fridays.
I would like to inform you that it has been decided to extend the exemption for some branches of remittance centers to operate on Fridays for an additional year, provided that it is in accordance with the approved working hours regulations. Requests for non-objection may be submitted to SAMA, including the names of the branches, their locations, and the required working hours, and that the request does not exceed 10% of the total number of branches of the bank’s remittance centers.
For your information and action accordingly as of 17/10/1440 H corresponding 20/06/2019 G.