Book traversal links for نموذج 3 (عقار مملوك لطرف ثالث يبيعه على الشركة ثم تبيعه على العميل ويرهن)
Form 3 (Property Owned by a Third Party, Sold to the Company, Then Sold to the Client and Mortgaged)
No: 391000070455 | Date(g): 6/3/2018 | Date(h): 19/6/1439 | Status: In-Force |
Translated Document
Effective from 2018-03-06 - Mar 05 2018
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Property Sale and Mortgage Registration Form (Murabaha)
To His Excellency, the Chief Notary of ............... May Allah protect him
We inform you that the individual/citizen/organization/company: ......................, under Register No. ....................... owns the property according to the deed issued by your office No. .................... dated / / 14 H. The mentioned party wishes to sell the described property to the financing company/bank .............. under Commercial Register No. ........................... dated / / 14 H, for a price of .................. SAR (amount in words). The financing company/bank has accepted this sale and then resold it on deferred terms for ...................... SAR (amount in words) to Mr./Ms. ..................... of Saudi nationality, under Civil Registration No. ....................., and accepted this sale on the condition that the mentioned property be mortgaged to the financing company/bank.............................. as collateral for the outstanding dues amounting to ................... SAR (amount in words) under Murabaha Contract No. ................. dated / / 14 H, approved by the Sharia Board under No. .............. dated / / 14 H. Please note that the Sharia Board's approval is still valid and has not been amended or revoked. The execution of this contract, which establishes the debtor's liability, has been or will be carried out according to the Sharia Board's decisions. The debt will be repaid in ............... monthly installments, each amounting to ................. SAR (amount in words), payable on the ........ of each Hijri/Gregorian month, starting from / / 14 H. In case of non-payment, the property will be sold in accordance with enforcement regulations.
Therefore, we kindly request that you document the sale and mortgage. May Allah protect and care for you،،،
Representative of the Financing Company / Bank