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Section 4 Physical Security and Safety Systems

No: 291000000525 Date(g): 24/8/2008 | Date(h): 23/8/1429 Status: In-Force
This section describes the minimum requirements and standards for Physical Security and Safety Systems installed throughout the banks facilities.

The purpose of installing physical security and safety systems is to enhance the electronic and procedural measures employed to protect, deter and mitigate the effects of a serious incident and/or criminal activity.

No single system in isolation is completely effective, and it is only through their layered approach, physical barriers, manned guarding, effective management and clearly identified procedures and policies can their use be fully maximised to best effect.

Due to the variety and availability of internationally recognised standards It is left to the bank and its internal policies and practices to dictate the appropriate standards for such systems.

The every increasing availability of, equipment and changes / advancements in technology provides an extensive selection of products to choose from. The selection of the appropriate systems and equipment is dependant upon the security and business requirements of the bank.

The guidelines contained within this document are designed to provide a minimum requirement that must be met and included for all physical security and safety system installations.


The first line of deterrence and protection for any facility is the application of measures to secure the external perimeter.

The effective use of measures and systems will greatly reduce the risk of criminal elements considering the facility a potential target for their activities and in preventing easy access.

2.1 Windows and Glass Panels  

The increased use of glass in buildings and branches provide an alternative entry point to the much better protected main entrances.

Glass panels provide both a security and a safety risk to a facility, its personnel and customers.

The most vulnerable areas are on ground level and those obscured from public sight. To protect and secure these locations the following options are to be installed:

 1.Sheet/Tempered Glass - is to have security/blast film (min 200 microns) attached to the inner surface and be secured within the frame. A minimum thickness of 10mm is to be used for the glass panels.
 2.Laminate Glass - does not require additional measures added to the panels.

Laminate glass panels are to be capable of multiple attacks and be tested/certified by internationally recognised standards.

All ground floor windows/glass panels are to be of clear glass (or maximum 10% tint) and lighting is to be left on during 'out of working' hours to maximise external surveillance.

The use of grills and shutters to secure the facility during 'out of hours' can be used but will not reduce the above requirements for the glass panels.

Windows and glass panels in upper floors still require an element of protection for personnel who may be at risk from flying/broken glass. To ensure the safety of personnel in the upper floors the following options are to be installed:

 1.Sheet Glass - is to have security/blast film (min 150 microns) attached to the Inner surface and be secured within the frame.
 2.Tempered / Laminate Glass - does not require additional measures added to the panels.
2.2 Main Entrances  

All bank facilities are to have at least one main entrance that is to be used for its primary access control point.

These entrances are to be kept to a minimum to ensure their control of access and surveillance capability. All staff and service entrances are to be treated in the same way.

All glass doors are to conform to the above standards (2.1) in the type and protection required.

All non-glass doors are to be of solid wood or steel construction and fitted with an eye-hole if an observation window is not available.

All access doors to the main entrances are to have a manual locking capability regardless of its primary operating action.

Dependant upon the use of the main entrance, the results of a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) and the procedures identified within the Entry Point Screening procedures of the Corporate Security and Safety Plan (CSSP), the following screening equipment may be required:

 1. Baggage X-Ray Screener
 2.Archway Metal Detector
 3.Hand Held Metal Detectors
2.3 Emergency Exits  

Emergency exit doors are the primary means of exiting a facility in the event of an incident and should provide unrestricted use from the inside.

As these locations are easily accessible from the outside they are to be secured using the following measures:


 1.A mechanical push bar/lever is to be fitted to the internal surface.
 2.Electronic locking systems are to be on a 'fail open' setting.
 3.Magnetic Contact connected to the Intruder Alarm System
 4.CCTV Camera
 5.An eye-hole.
 6.Appropriate exit signage and lighting.
 1.Flat door plate with no handle.
 2.CCTV Camera and PIR.
As part of the fire safety requirements, all routes leading to the emergency exit are to be clear of obstructions and have appropriate signage and lighting to facilitate easy exit.
2.4 ATM Locations  

In addition to a facilities' cash holding areas the Automated Teller Machines (ATM) are to be considered high risk. The diversity in their locations (Branch, Drive Up, and Stand Alone) and the cash they hold make them an attractive target compared to highly secured locations such as vaults and safes contained within buildings and branches.

Only internationally recognised standards and providers are to be used in the purchase of ATM units.

Whilst the locations are dictated by the bank in conjunction with SAMA and Police approval, there are a number of minimum-security requirements and are as follows:

 1.All ATM units are to be securely fixed to a solid base using at least four (4) points.
 2.All cabling is to be buried/hidden where possible.
 3.All exposed cabling is to be contained within a steel conduit.
 4.All waste paper containers should only facilitate the use of receipt slips and be self extinguishing.
 5.All ATM units are to have external lighting on 24 hour operation.
 6.All intruder/fire panels are to have tamper sensors fitted.
 7.All ATM cabinets are to have the following security measures:
  a.Access via high security lock and cylinder or electronic access control.
  b.Door contact connected to intruder alarm panel.
  c.Seismic/Vibration Sensor (Section 3)
  d.PIR connected to the intruder alarm panel (Section 3).
  e.Hold Up Button (Section 3).
  f.Smoke and Heat Sensor.
  g.External alarm bell and strobe.

All ATM units are to have CCTV surveillance (Section 3) that is recorded on its own Digital Recording system, or remotely, through the system incorporated within branch it is attached to.

All ATM units are to be connected to a remote Central Monitoring Station (CMS) for the activation of alarms from any of the fitted sensors.


Should the external security and safety measures be defeated and/or bypassed the internal systems are designed to delay and deter criminal activity as part of a layered methodology.

The internal security measures primarily concentrate on the Restricted Areas identified within a facility so that security can be effectively and efficiently focused.

Restricted Areas: are considered as follows:

 1.Vaults, Safes and Safety Deposit Rooms
 2.Teller Areas
 3.ATM Service Rooms
 4.Cash Holding Areas
 5.Cash Handling Areas
 6.Building Access / Entry Points
 7.Security Control Room
 8.Data / Computer Rooms
 9.IT /Communication Rooms
 10.Disaster Recovery (DR) Sites
 11.Electrical Rooms
Additional locations can utilise either electronic and/or mechanical means to secure their access and include the following:
 1.ATM Cabinets
 2.Generator Rooms
 3.PTT/PABX Room
 4.SCECO Switch Room
 5.Electrical Rooms
All Restricted Area doors are to have effective heavy duty door closures fitted.
3.1 Mechanical Locks  

Mechanical locks using keys are a standard means of securing doors throughout a facility.

In addition to the considered use of an electronic access control system, appropriate mechanical locks can be used in conjunction, or as a replacement, for the security of Restricted Areas (Section 3).

To compliment the electronic security and safety measures the physical requirements are as follows:

 1.All doors are to be of solid wood or steel construction with same quality material for door frames.
 2.All locks/cylinders are to be of high security standard with deadlocking mechanism and resistant to the following:
  c.Overlift and Reading
  d.Rap and Rake
 3.All hinges are to be of steel heavy duty standard with non-rising or removable pins.
 4.All doors are to have heavy duty door closures fitted.
 5.All doors are to have appropriate security signage for Restricted Areas.

Restricted Areas are to be completely sealed outside the main entry points that are secured by the above / or electronic means. All false ceilings, floors, AC vents and other access points are to be considered and secured. All walls are to be of brick/block construction.

The other major consideration concerning mechanical locks is in the security and control of the keys.

As part of the requirements of the Corporate Security and Safety Plan (CSSP) the following is to be established for keys that access Restricted Areas:

 1.Log of all keys and the controlling department.
 2.Secure storage and issue procedures.
 3.Cylinder / Lock / Key replacements.
 4.Regular audits / inspections of the keys and issue log.
 5.Issue, storage and security of master keys and blanks.
3.2 Teller Areas  

The teller areas are considered a Restricted Area and incorporate a number of electronic security systems/sensors (Section 3) to protect them during working and silent hours.

The main threat against the tellers is a hostile attack from a customer, armed robbery and direct access to the vault, safe and/or cash holding area.

In consideration with the electronic systems, security guards and effective procedures that accommodate the main threats, the following options are available for protecting the teller area:

Option 1: Open Cash Drawer

 1.Tempered/Hardened glass (Min 10mm in thickness) is to be fitted to the top of the teller counter and extend for a minimum of 2m in height.
 2.Construction below the counter is to be of double brick/block with an external layer steel sheet.
Option 2: Automated Cash Dispenser
 1.An Automated Cash Dispenser is fitted to each teller position. The dispenser is to be securely fixed to the floor using at least 4 points and have the following security measures:
  a.Mechanical / Electronic access control mechanism.
  b.Seismic / Vibration sensor (Section 3).
 3.Suitable and appropriate signage is to be used to identify the use of Automated Cash Dispensers.

The main purpose of the above options is to provide additional delay for the police to respond as well as maximising the protection of the teller personnel, branch staff and customers.

As a result of a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) of the branch there may be a requirement to fit tempered/hardened glass to the top of the teller counter for Option 2. This will be dependant upon the risks identified in the area.


The primary storage, security and safekeeping for the majority of cash holdings, valuables and high value documents in a facility are kept in the designated vault and/or safe.


In addition to the electronic security systems identified in Section 3, the following physical measures are to be incorporated:

 1.Vaults are to have walls, floor and ceiling of steel reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 30cm.
 2.Reinforcing is to be in horizontal and vertical staggered rows of 10cm forming a grid pattern using No5 diameter deformed steel bars. A minimum of at least two (2) grid patterns shall be used.
 3.The grids are to be in parallel with the face of the walls and secured using beam bolsters, wall ties or upper continuous high chairs and fastened together at the corners.
 4.The use of modular panels can be used if materials are rated to provide protection against attack using a cutting torch (oxyacetylene), mechanical and/or electrical tools for a net working time of 60 minutes.
 5.The main door is to be constructed of high strength stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 10cm. The door is to provide protection against attack using a cutting torch (oxyacetylene), mechanical and/or electrical tools for a net working time of 60 minutes.
 6.A double rotary mechanical combination and key system is to be used for access control of the main door. The keys are to be under dual control of two (2) senior bank/branch officers. Spare keys are to be kept and combinations are to be kept In a neighbouring branch vault.
 7.The frame of the main door is to be welded to the walls reinforcing bars and filled with concrete.
 8.A steel day gate is to be fitted with two (2) high security cylinders on both sides.
 9.If an optional emergency door is installed it must conform to the specifications of the main door.
 10.An emergency vault ventilator must be provided in the wall or vault door.
 11.A telephone is to be fitted inside the vault.
 12.All cables connected to the vaults security and safety systems are to be secured and protected within steel conduit.
Storage Requirements  
The purpose of the below table is to provide a minimum security requirement for the identified amounts of cash and valuables. Where extremely high amounts (in excess of SR 20,000,000) are stored, protection levels and specifications are to be investigated and assessed separately.  


Storage Requirement for Cash and Valuables 

Amount / Value

(Cash and Valuables)

Storage Type   
Over SR 2,000,000Vault   
SR 500,000 to SR 2,000,000Safe 'Type A'   
Up to SR 500,000Safe 'Type B'   



A safe is defined as a free standing, prefabricated secure storage unit whose protection originates in the prefabrication and which does not have holes through the protection other than those for locks and cables for anchoring.

The safe is to be designed and manufactured to meet stringent international testing authority standards and be approved and/or listed by an international recognised testing laboratory or agency.

The safe is to have a dual control mechanism that consist of one (1) of the following:

 1.2 x Combination Locks
 2.2 x Key Locks
 3.Combination and Key Lock

The safe is to be fire tested and certified to international standards for a resistance of one (1) hour.

The safe must be positioned in a Restricted Area will the associated protection and systems identified within these guidelines.

Type A:

The minimum weight for this safe is 750kg (empty) and must be securely anchored to the concrete floor using two (2) internal bolts that is only accessible from inside the safe.

All six (6) sides (including the door) must be resistant to a cutting torch (oxyacetylene), mechanical and/or electrical tools for a net working time of 30 minutes.

Type B:

The minimum weight for this safe is 200kg and must be securely anchored to the concrete floor using two (2) internal bolts that is only accessible from inside the safe.

All six (6) sides (including the door) must be resistant to a cutting torch (oxyacetylene), mechanical and/or electrical tools for a net working time of 15 minutes.

3.4 Safety Deposit Box Room  

Customer safety deposit boxes are to be contained within a room that incorporates the same requirements and standards as listed above for a vault.

The electronic security systems (Section 3) are also those required for this location. Special attention in the fitting of the internal CCTV camera is to be considered to ensure it does not cover the area designated for the customer to inspect its content.

All safety deposit boxes are to have dual control high security cylinders.

3.5 Strong Rooms  
In addition to the use of the above listed vault and safes there may be a requirement to store other sensitive material and documents separately. These items may include the following:
 1.Documents classified Confidential and above.
 2.Stocks of Cheque Books.
 3.Bills, Securities and Guarantees.
 4.Official Seals
 5.Shares and Bond Documents
 6.Spare Master Keys
If existing facilities for storage are not available, the strong rooms are to have the same requirements designated for the vault. The only differences are as follows:
 1.Vaults are to have walls, floor and ceiling of steel reinforced concrete with a minimum thickness of 15cm.
 2.The main door is to be constructed of high strength stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 10cm. The door is to provide protection against attack using a cutting torch (oxyacetylene), mechanical and/or electrical tools for a net working time of 15 minutes.
3.6 Cabinets  

In addition to the above listed secure storage rooms there may be a requirement to secure and protect other materials.

The use of cabinets primarily provides protection against fire and environmental damage. Whilst they do provide a level of security this should be considered limited.

All cabinets are to have locks that, if tampered with, will provide visual evidence.

Fire Resistant Cabinets:

The safe is to be fire tested and certified to international standards for a resistance of one (1) hour.

The fire resistant cabinets are designed to protect environmentally sensitive items such as:

 1.Microfilms and Microfiche
 2.Insurance Files
 3.Documents classified below Confidential

Steel Cabinets:

The steel cabinets are designed to protect sensitive items such as:

 1.Account Documents
 2.Unclassified Mail
 3.Specimen Signatures
 4.Date, Authority and Signature Stamps
 6.Security and Safety Plans
3.7 Fire Safety Equipment  

The risk of a fire in a facility is potentially greater than any other form of hazard or incident type. The ability to effectively detect and quickly extinguish a fire is critical in minimising the potential damage to life and the assets of the bank.

In addition to the electronic safety systems (Section 3) it is the use of automated and hand held fire suppression systems that will ensure an effective response.

The positioning, quantity and use of these equipments are available through international standards (eg NFPA), Civil Defence standards and requirements. These should also be clearly identifies within the Corporate Security and Safety Plan along with the identification of responsible personnel, their training on how to use the equipment and in emergency evacuation procedures.

The main suppression equipment types are as follows:

Water Sprinkler Systems:

Dependant upon Civil Defence requirements on the locations, standards and specifications the bank is to install an automated water sprinkler system to all underground car parking areas.

Clean Gaseous Systems:

In sensitive electrical locations there is a requirement to minimise the damage to the equipment in the event of an automated system activating.

This is achieved by using a system such as FM200 (or equivalent) but will require the room to be sealed against air leaks. Due to the non toxic nature of this type of system it is also considered essential in similar areas that are occupied by bank staff and/or contractors.

Fire Extinguishers and Fire Hoses:

A wide range of fire extinguisher types are available (water, powder, chemical) and their positioning will be dependant upon the locations they are designed to protect.

The majority of extinguishers will be water based (Class A Fires). Electrical / Computer rooms will require the use of dry powder types (Class C Fires) and positioned accordingly. The minimum capacity for any extinguisher is to be not less than 6kg.

Should extinguishers over 10kg be required they should be trolley based.

The positioning of fire hoses is to ensure sufficient coverage is achieved between them so that no area cannot be reached or is inaccessible.

Emergency water supplies are to be available to support the hoses in the event of a failure of the mains water supply. This can be achieved by reserving a given amount of water in the existing water tanks or by having a separate tank specifically for the fire fighting system.

The use of generators (Section 3) will also be required to support the pumps in the event of power loss.

Signage is to be located at each position where extinguishers and fire hoses are fitted.

As a minimum requirement they are to be located in the following areas:

 1.Floor lobby areas
 2.Emergency Exits
 3.Restricted Areas (Fire Extinguishers dependant upon type required)