Book traversal links for Article 49
Article 49
No: M/21 | Date(g): 1/11/2017 | Date(h): 12/2/1439 |
Effective from 2017-11-07 - Nov 06 2017
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Any legal person whose any of his owners, representatives, directors, or agents have committed any of the offences set out in this law or contributed thereto shall be sentenced to a fine of no more than ten million Saudi riyals and no less than three million Saudi riyals, if the crime has occurred in his name or for his own account without prejudice to the responsibility of the natural person who has committed the crime. Courts may have the right to suspend the activity of the legal person on a temporary or permanent basis, or close his offices associated with the crime on a temporary or permanent basis, liquidate his business or appoint a judicial guard to manage funds and transactions. In all cases, the judgement issued against him shall provide for publishing a summary thereof at the cost of the sentenced legal person in a local newspaper issued at his residency area. If no newspaper exits in residency area, it will be published at the region closest to him, or the summary may be published in any appropriate means.